

102 matches found. Showing results 11 to 20:

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Adrian Biddle

Dr Adrian Biddle

DHT Lecturer in Animal Replacement Science
CPM organ-on-a-chip symposia organiser,
CPM Theme lead for Cancer Models

Centre for Cell Biology & Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London

cancer stem cells, tumour metastasis, 3D tumour invasion, metastasis on a chip, organ-on-a-chip, machine learning

Cleo Bishop

Prof Cleo Bishop

Professor of Senescence

Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London

Breast Cancer, Kidney, Skin, Senescence, Ageing, p16

Diana Blaydon

Dr Diana Blaydon

Non-clinical Lecturer

Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London

Skin, Epidermal barrier, Monogenic skin conditions, Cell-cell adhesion, 3D models

Elena Bochukova

Dr Elena Bochukova

Senior Lecturer in Genomics

obesity, metabolic disease, neurodevelopment, disease models, stem cell models, genetics

Claire Bourke

Dr Claire Bourke

Lecturer/Research Fellow

Immunology, Population Health, Malnutrition, Inflammation, Maternal and child health

Miguel Branco

Dr Miguel Branco

Reader in Genome Regulation

Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London

Epigenetics, Transposable elements, Pregnancy, Placenta, Endometrium

Ana Caetano

Dr Ana Caetano

Clinical Senior Lecturer

Institute of Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London

peripheral nervous system, neuroimmune interactions, neuro-stem cell interactions, oral mucosa, computational modelling

Livia Carvalho

Dr Livia Carvalho

Senior Lecturer in Neuropsychopharmacology

Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine
Queen Mary University of London
07725 000710

immunology, receptor function, mental health, psychotropic drugs, biomarker development, drug effect prediction

Emma Chambers

Dr Emma Chambers


Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London

Ageing, Senescence, Lung, Asthma, Immunology, Immunosenescence

Li Chan

Prof Li Chan

Professor of Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism/Paediatric Endocrinologist

Centre for Endocrinology
Queen Mary University of London

Obesity, HPA, Melanocortin receptors, Accessory proteins, Appetite, Stress

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