Dr Ryan O'Shaughnessy

Ryan O'Shaughnessy

Reader in Cell Biology

FMD/Blizard/Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID LinkedIn


Epidermal biology, Epidermal barrier function, Ichthyosis, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Wound healing, Scarring

Cancer Models, Skin Models


I have a interest in using in vitro models to model disease states and also healthy skin to determine disease mechanisms and also mechanisms important to skin homeostasis. Current relevant expertise is in organotypic, skin equivalent culture, using shRNA knockdown to model human disease.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Tachie-Menson T, Hughes A, O’Toole E and O’Shaughnessy R (2024). P15 Understanding the role of cathepsin H in atopic dermatitis pathogenesis. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 190, (6) e85-e86.  
Hughes AJ, Barbosa E, Cernova J, Thomas BR, O’Shaughnessy RFL and O’Toole EA (2024). Loss-of-function FLG mutations are associated with reduced history of acne vulgaris in a cohort of patients with atopic eczema of Bangladeshi ancestry in East London. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Clinical and Experimental Dermatology  vol. 49, (12) 1547-1553.  


O’Shaughnessy R, Common J and Gutowska-Owsiak D (2023). Editorial: Novel aspects of the immunological and structural barrier of the epidermis. Frontiers  Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences  vol. 10,  
O’Shaughnessy RFL (2023). Why are squamous cancers so aggressive in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa? Can we find new therapeutic approaches? Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 190, (1) 7-8.  
Jones E, Marsh S, O'Shaughnessy R, Aumailley M, McGrath J, O’Toole E and Caley M (2023). O14 Junctional epidermolysis bullosa: repairing the epidermal lipid barrier. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 189, (1) e10-e10.  
Tachie-Menson T, Azizah A, Hughes A and O'Shaughnessy R (2023). P27 Uncovering the roles of lysosomal protease cathepsin H in atopic dermatitis. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 189, (1) e24-e25.  
Hughes A, Barbosa E, Cernova J, Thomas B, O’Toole E and O'Shaughnessy R (2023). P102 Severe atopic eczema is associated with reduced acne vulgaris in Bangladeshi children and young adults: a retrospective analysis from a cross-sectional study. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 188, (Supplement_4)  
Tachie-Menson T, Azizah A, Hughes A and O'Shaughnessy R (2023). 770 AKT1-dependent protease control of skin barrier function and inflammation in atopic dermatitis. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 143, (5)  
Tawfik SS, Thomas B, Jones E, Caley M, O'Shaughnessy R and O'Toole E (2023). 1157 Ozone as an aggravating factor in atopic eczema. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 143, (5)  
Baruah K, Koh L, Tham K, O'Shaughnessy R, O'Toole E and Common JE (2023). 786 IL-4 stimulates IL-1R2 upregulation in atopic dermatitis keratinocytes. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 143, (5)  
Tawfik S, O'Toole E, Thomas B, Caley M, Jones E and O'Shaughnessy R (2023). ISID1157 - Ozone as an aggravating factor in atopic eczema. Morressier   
Tagoe H, Hassan S, Bliss E, Youssef G, Heywood W, Mills K, Harper JI and O’Shaughnessy RFL (2023). Chronic activation of Toll-like receptor 2 induces an ichthyotic skin phenotype. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 189, (1) 91-102.  


Jones E, Marsh S, O’Shaughnessy R, Aumailley M, McGrath JA, O’Toole EA and Caley MP (2022). 191 Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa:Repairing The Epidermal Skin Barrier. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Hughes AJ, Thomas B, O’Toole EA and O’Shaughnessy R (2022). 183 Reduced FLG expression in atopic eczema reduces expression of key barrier genes and increases BMP signalling. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Wotherspoon DJ, Tachie-Menson T, Rogerson C and O’Shaughnessy R (2022). 174 Defining the composition and function of Lamin ribonuclear bodies during keratinocyte terminal differentiation and nuclear degradation. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Tawfik SS, Thomas B, Jones E, Caley MP, O’Shaughnessy R and O’Toole EA (2022). 144 Carbonylated proteins and Ozone in atopic eczema. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Tawfik S, Thomas B, Jones E, Caley M, O'Shaughnessy R, O'Toole E and Prasad Baruah K (2022). ESDR144 - Carbonylated proteins and Ozone in atopic eczema. Morressier   
Wotherspoon D, Tachie-Menson T, Rogerson C and O'Shaughnessy R (2022). ESDR174 - Defining the composition and function of Lamin ribonuclear bodies during keratinocyte terminal differentiation and nuclear degradation. Morressier   
Jones E, Marsh S, O'Shaughnessy R, Aumailley M, McGrath J, O'Toole E and Caley M (2022). ESDR191 - Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa:Repairing The Epidermal Skin Barrier. Morressier   


O’Shaughnessy RFL (2021). Understanding the paradoxical proinflammatory effects of an immunosuppressant. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 185, (6) 1091-1092.  
Wotherspoon DJ, Rogerson C and O’Shaughnessy R (2021). 111 Single cell RNA seq revealed altered cytoskeletal dynamics and the formation of cytoplasmic RNA-Lamin A bodies during keratinocyte terminal differentiation. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 141, (10)  
Hughes AJ, Thomas B, O’Toole EA and O’Shaughnessy R (2021). 132 Increased BMP Signalling Correlates with Increased Eczema Severity. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 141, (10)  
Button R, Harwood C and O’Shaughnessy R (2021). 282 Phosphoproteomic profiling of AKT-related changes in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma identified DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and N-Myc downstream regulator 2 (NDRG2) as therapeutic vulnerabilities. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 141, (10)  
O’Shaughnessy RFL (2021). Ceramide kinase‐like protein, ‘the kinase that isn’t’, finds a role in skin cancer stress relief. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 185, (1) 14-15.  
Wotherspoon D, Tommasi C, O'Shaughnessy R, Button R and Rogerson C (2021). Akt1-associated actomyosin remodelling is required for nuclear lamina dispersal and nuclear shrinkage in epidermal terminal differentiation. Springer Nature [academic journals on nature.com]  Cell Death and Differentiation   


Hughes AJ, Tawfik SS, Baruah KP, O'Toole EA and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2020). Tape Strips in Dermatology Research. Br J Dermatol   
O'Shaughnessy R, Rogerson C and Wotherspoon D (2020). Perspective: Controlling epidermal terminal differentiation with transcriptional bursting and RNA bodies. MDPI AG  Journal of Developmental Biology  vol. 8, (4)  
O'Shaughnessy R (2020). Ubiquitin, a novel therapeutic target in psoriasis? Wiley  British Journal of Dermatology   


O'Shaughnessy RFL (2019). Understanding actinic keratosis to reduce squamous cell carcinoma incidence. Wiley  British Journal of Dermatology   
Tommasi C, Rogerson C, Depledge DP, Jones M, Naeem AS, Venturini C, Frampton D, Tutill HJ, Way B, Breuer J and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2019). Kallikrein-mediated cytokeratin 10 degradation is required for VZV propagation in skin. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 140, (Nat Biotech 34 2016) 774-784.e11.  
O'Shaughnessy R and Papaioannou E (2019). Sonic Hedgehog-signalling limits chronic dermatitis via Gli2-driven immune regulatory function. American Society for Clinical Investigation  Journal of Clinical Investigation   
O'Shaughnessy RFL (2019). Targeting tryptophan transport and breakdown in basal cell carcinoma. Br J Dermatol  vol. 180, (1) 16-17.  


O'SHAUGHNESSY RFL (2018). Differential expression of secreted factors SOSTDC1 and ADAMTS8 cause profibrotic changes in linear morphoea fibroblasts. Wiley  British Journal of Dermatology   
Rogerson C and O'Shaughnessy RF (2018). Protein kinases involved in epidermal barrier formation: The AKT family and other animals. Exp Dermatol   
Gutowska-Owsiak D, de La Serna JB, Fritzsche M, Naeem A, Podobas EI, Leeming M, Colin-York H, O’Shaughnessy R, Eggeling C and Ogg GS (2018). Orchestrated control of filaggrin–actin scaffolds underpins cornification. Springer Nature  Cell Death & Disease  vol. 9, (4)  


Rogerson C, Bergamaschi D and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2017). Uncovering mechanisms of nuclear degradation in keratinocytes: A paradigm for nuclear degradation in other tissues. Nucleus  1-9.  
Janus JM, O'Shaughnessy RFL, Harwood CA and Maffucci T (2017). Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase-Dependent Signalling Pathways in Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinomas. MDPI  Cancers  vol. 9, (7)  
Naeem AS, Tommasi C, Cole C, Brown SJ, Zhu Y, Way B, Willis Owen SAG, Moffatt M, Cookson WO, Harper JI, Di WL, Reinheckel T and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2017). A mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1/2 (mTORC1)/V-Akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT1)/cathepsin H axis controls filaggrin expression and processing in skin, a novel mechanism for skin barrier disruption in patients with atopic dermatitis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology  vol. 139, (4) 1228-1241.  
Duurland CL, Brown CC, O'Shaughnessy RFL and Wedderburn LR (2017). CD161+ Tconv and CD161+ treg share a transcriptional and functional phenotype despite limited overlap in TCRβ repertoire. Frontiers in Immunology  vol. 8, (MAR)  
Zhu Y, Underwood J, Macmillan D, Shariff L, O'Shaughnessy R, Harper JI, Pickard C, Friedmann PS, Healy E and Di W-L (2017). Persistent kallikrein 5 activation induces atopic dermatitis-like skin architecture independent of PAR2 activity. Elsevier  Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology  vol. 140, (5) 1310-1322.e5.  


Akinduro O, Sully K, Patel A, Robinson DJ, Chikh A, McPhail G, Braun KM, Philpott MP, Harwood CA, Byrne C, O'Shaughnessy RFL and Bergamaschi D (2016). Constitutive Autophagy and Nucleophagy during Epidermal Differentiation. Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 136, (7) 1460-1470.  
Thomas AC, Zeng Z, Rivière J-B, O’Shaughnessy R, Al-Olabi L, St.-Onge J, Atherton DJ, Aubert H, Bagazgoitia L, Barbarot S, Bourrat E, Chiaverini C, Chong WK, Duffourd Y, Glover M, Groesser L, Hadj-Rabia S, Hamm H, Happle R, Mushtaq I, Lacour J-P, Waelchli R, Wobser M, Vabres P, Patton EE and Kinsler VA (2016). Mosaic Activating Mutations in GNA11 and GNAQ Are Associated with Phakomatosis Pigmentovascularis and Extensive Dermal Melanocytosis. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 136, (4) 770-778.  


Naeem AS, Zhu Y, Di WL, Marmiroli S and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2015). AKT1-mediated Lamin A/C degradation is required for nuclear degradation and normal epidermal terminal differentiation. Springer Nature  Cell Death & Differentiation  vol. 22, (12) 2123-2132.  
O'Shaughnessy RFL and Brown SJ (2015). Insight from the Air–Skin Interface. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 135, (2) 331-333.  


Kinsler VA, Drury S, Khan A, Waelchli R, Rukaite G, Barnicoat A, Lench N, Harper JI and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2014). A novel microdeletion in LOR causing autosomal dominant loricrin keratoderma. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 172, (1) 262-264.  
Duurland C, Brooks T, Hubank M, O'Shaughnessy R and Wedderburn L (2014). CD161+ regulatory t cells in immune regulation. Springer Nature  Pediatric Rheumatology  vol. 12, (Suppl 1)  


Duurland C, Chain G, O'Shaughnessy R, Pesenacker A and Wedderburn L (2013). PReS-FINAL-1021: Further characterization of CD161+ regulatory t cells in health and disease. Springer Nature  Pediatric Rheumatology  vol. 11, (Suppl 2)  
Gerner L, Youssef G and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2013). The protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit Ppp2r2a is required for Connexin‐43 dephosphorlyation during epidermal barrier acquisition. Wiley  Experimental Dermatology  vol. 22, (11) 754-756.  
Youssef G, Ono M, Brown SJ, Kinsler VA, Sebire NJ, Harper JI and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2013). Identifying a Hyperkeratosis Signature in Autosomal Recessive Congenital Ichthyosis: Mdm2 Inhibition Prevents Hyperkeratosis in a Rat ARCI Model. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 134, (3) 858-861.  
Youssef G, Gerner L, Naeem AS, Ralph O, Ono M, O’Neill CA and O’Shaughnessy RFL (2013). Rab3Gap1 mediates exocytosis of Claudin-1 and tight junction formation during epidermal barrier acquisition. Elsevier  Developmental Biology  vol. 380, (2) 274-285.  
Furmanski AL, O'Shaughnessy RFL, Saldana JI, Blundell MP, Thrasher AJ, Sebire NJ, Davies EG and Crompton T (2013). T-Cell Reconstitution after Thymus Xenotransplantation Induces Hair Depigmentation and Loss. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 133, (5) 1221-1230.  


O'Shaughnessy RFL, Chaudhury I and Harper JI (2012). Interleukin-1 alpha blockade prevents hyperkeratosis in an in vitro model of lamellar ichthyosis. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 22, (5) 1059-1059.  
Sully K, Akinduro O, Philpott MP, Naeem AS, Harwood CA, Reeve VE, O'Shaughnessy RF and Byrne C (2012). The mTOR inhibitor rapamycin opposes carcinogenic changes to epidermal Akt1/PKBα isoform signaling. Springer Nature  Oncogene  vol. 32, (27) 3254-3262.  
Ekeowa-Anderson AL, Purdie KJ, Gibbon K, Byrne CR, Arbeit JM, Harwood CA and O'Shaughnessy RFL (2012). AKT1 Loss Correlates with Episomal HPV16 in Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia. Public Library of Science (PLoS)  PLOS ONE  vol. 7, (6)  


Jackson B, Brown SJ, Avilion AA, O'Shaughnessy RFL, Sully K, Akinduro O, Murphy M, Cleary ML and Byrne C (2011). TALE homeodomain proteins regulate site-specific terminal differentiation, LCE genes and epidermal barrier. Development  vol. 138, (11) 1681-1690.  
Jackson B, Brown SJ, Avilion AA, O'Shaughnessy RFL, Sully K, Akinduro O, Murphy M, Cleary ML and Byrne C (2011). TALE homeodomain proteins regulate site-specific terminal differentiation, LCE genes and epidermal barrier. J Cell Sci  vol. 124, (Pt 10) 1681-1690.  


O'Shaughnessy RFL, Choudhary I and Harper JI (2010). Interleukin-1 alpha blockade prevents hyperkeratosis in an in vitro model of lamellar ichthyosis. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 19, (13) 2594-2605.  
Byrne C, Avilion AA, O'Shaughnessy RF, Welti JC and Hardman MJ (2010). Whole-mount assays for gene induction and barrier formation in the developing epidermis. Methods Mol Biol  vol. 585, 271-286.  


O'Shaughnessy RFL, Welti JC, Sully K and Byrne C (2009). Akt-dependent Pp2a activity is required for epidermal barrier formation during late embryonic development. Development  vol. 136, (20) 3423-3431.  


O'Shaughnessy RFL, Akgũl B, Storey A, Pfister H, Harwood CA and Byrne C (2007). Cutaneous human papillomaviruses down-regulate AKT1, whereas AKT2 up-regulation and activation associates with tumors. Cancer Res  vol. 67, (17) 8207-8215.  
O'Shaughnessy RFL, Welti JC, Cooke JC, Avilion AA, Monks B, Birnbaum MJ and Byrne C (2007). AKT-dependent HspB1 (Hsp27) activity in epidermal differentiation. J Biol Chem  vol. 282, (23) 17297-17305.  


O'Shaughnessy RFL, Yeo W, Gautier J, Jahoda CAB and Christiano AM (2004). The WNT signalling modulator, Wise, is expressed in an interaction-dependent manner during hair-follicle cycling. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 123, (4) 613-621.  
O'Shaughnessy RFL, Christiano AM and Jahoda CAB (2004). The role of BMP signalling in the control of ID3 expression in the hair follicle. Wiley  Experimental Dermatology  vol. 13, (10) 621-629.  
Jahoda CAB, Kljuic A, O'Shaughnessy R, Crossley N, Whitehouse CJ, Robinson M, Reynolds AJ, Demarchez M, Porter RM, Shapiro L and Christiano AM (2004). The lanceolate hair rat phenotype results from a missense mutation in a calcium coordinating site of the desmoglein 4 gene. Elsevier  Genomics  vol. 83, (5) 747-756.  
O'Shaughnessy RFL and Christiano AM (2004). Inherited disorders of the skin in human and mouse: from development to differentiation. UPV/EHU Press  The International Journal of Developmental Biology  vol. 48, (2-3) 171-179.  


Kljuic A, Bazzi H, Sundberg JP, Martinez-Mir A, O'Shaughnessy R, Mahoney MG, Levy M, Montagutelli X, Ahmad W, Aita VM, Gordon D, Uitto J, Whiting D, Ott J, Fischer S, Gilliam TC, Jahoda CAB, Morris RJ, Panteleyev AA, Nguyen VT and Christiano AM (2003). Desmoglein 4 in Hair Follicle Differentiation and Epidermal Adhesion Evidence from Inherited Hypotrichosis and Acquired Pemphigus Vulgaris. Elsevier  Cell  vol. 113, (2) 249-260.  


Aberger F, Costa-Pereira AP, Schlaak JF, Williams TM, O'Shaughnessy RFL, Hollaus G, Kerr IM and Frischauf A-MM (2001). Analysis of Gene Expression Using High-Density and IFN-γ-Specific Low-Density cDNA Arrays. Elsevier  Genomics  vol. 77, (1-2) 50-57.  
O’Shaughnessy RFL and Christiano AM (2001). Stem Cells in the Epidermis. Karger Publishers  Skin Pharmacology and Physiology  vol. 14, (6) 350-357.  


O'Shaughnessy RFL, Seery JP, Celis JE, Frischauf A-M and Watt FM (2000). PA‐FABP, a novel marker of human epidermal transit amplifying cells revealed by 2D protein gel electrophoresis and cDNA array hybridisation. Wiley  FEBS Letters  vol. 486, (2) 149-154.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconUnderstanding the epidermal functions of JAK/STAT signalling in atopic dermatitis
Ryan O'Shaughnessy and Edel O'Toole
£80,839 British Skin Foundation (BSF) (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2025)

bullet iconBSID Undergraduate Research Experience in Summer 2024
Ryan O'Shaughnessy
£2,000 British Skin Foundation (BSF) (08-07-2024 - 07-09-2024)
bullet iconPhosphoproteomic identification of key AKT kinases and AKT targets for prevention and treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma - consumables only
Ryan O'Shaughnessy and Catherine Harwood
£9,962 British Skin Foundation (BSF) (04-02-2021 - 03-02-2022)
bullet iconAKT1-dependent control of barrier function and inflammation in eczema
Ryan O'Shaughnessy and Edel O'Toole
£236,971 Barts and the London Charity (01-07-2020 - 31-12-2024)
bullet iconUnderstanding the Regulation of Epidermal Differentiation Genes by Filaggrin in Eczema
Ryan O'Shaughnessy and Edel O'Toole
£273,043 MRC Medical Research Council (17-02-2020 - 30-04-2023)
bullet iconUnderstanding mechanisms of AKT expression and activity during skin cancer progression
Ryan O'Shaughnessy
£211,574 Barts and the London Charity (01-02-2018 - 20-01-2025)