Research Publications

The following journal papers published by the members of the CPM, specifically relate to the development and/or use of predictive in vitro models.


Allen O, Knight MM and Verbruggen SW (2024). Air Pollution and Osteoporosis. Springer Science and Business Media Llc  Current Osteoporosis Reports   
Ogrodnik M, Carlos Acosta J, Adams PD, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Baker DJ, Bishop CL, Chandra T, Collado M, Gil J, Gorgoulis V, Gruber F, Hara E, Jansen-Dürr P, Jurk D, Khosla S, Kirkland JL, Krizhanovsky V, Minamino T, Niedernhofer LJ, Passos JF, Ring NAR, Redl H, Robbins PD, Rodier F, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Sedivy JM, Sikora E, Witwer K, von Zglinicki T and Yun MH (2024). Guidelines for minimal information on cellular senescence experimentation in vivo. Elsevier  Cell  vol. 187, (16) 4150-4175.  
Lujan C, Tyler EJ, Ecker S, Webster AP, Stead ER, Martinez-Miguel VE, Milligan D, Garbe JC, Stampfer MR, Beck S, Lowe R, Bishop CL and Bjedov I (2024). An expedited screening platform for the discovery of anti-ageing compounds in vitro and in vivo. Springer Nature  Genome Medicine  vol. 16, (1)  
Liu Y, Okesola BO, de la Peña DO, Li W, Lin M, Trabulo S, Tatari M, Lawlor RT, Scarpa A, Wang W, Knight M, Loessner D, Heeschen C, Mata A and Pearce OMT (2024). A Self‐Assembled 3D Model Demonstrates How Stiffness Educates Tumor Cell Phenotypes and Therapy Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer. Wiley  Advanced Healthcare Materials  vol. 13, (17)  
Swiatlowska P, Tipping W, Marhuenda E, Severi P, Fomin V, Yang Z, Xiao Q, Graham D, Shanahan C and Iskratsch T (2024). Hypertensive Pressure Mechanosensing Alone Triggers Lipid Droplet Accumulation and Transdifferentiation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells to Foam Cells (Adv. Sci. 9/2024). Wiley  Advanced Science  vol. 11, (9)  
Fromager B, Cambedouzou J, Marhuenda E, Iskratsch T, Pinault M, Bakalara N and Cornu D (2024). Tunable electrospun scaffolds of polyacrylonitrile loaded with carbon nanotubes: from synthesis to biological applications. Wiley  Chembiochem   
Di Cio S, Marhuenda E, Haddrick M and Gautrot JE (2024). Vascularised cardiac spheroids-on-a-chip for testing the toxicity of therapeutics. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 14, (1)  
Scemama A, Lunetto S, Tailor A, Di Cio S, Dibble M, Gautrot J and Biddle A (2024). Development of an in vitro microfluidic model to study the role of microenvironmental cells in oral cancer metastasis. F1000research  F1000research  vol. 12,  


Verbruggen SW, Nolan J, Duffy MP, Pearce OMT, Jacobs CR and Knight MM (2023). A Novel Primary Cilium‐Mediated Mechanism Through which Osteocytes Regulate Metastatic Behavior of Both Breast and Prostate Cancer Cells. Wiley  Advanced Science  vol. 11, (2) 2305842-2305842.  
Thompson CL, Hopkins T, Bevan C, Screen HRC, Wright KT and Knight MM (2023). Human vascularised synovium-on-a-chip: a mechanically stimulated, microfluidic model to investigate synovial inflammation and monocyte recruitment. Iop Publishing  Biomedical Materials  vol. 18, (6)  
Costa E, Thrasivoulou C, Becker DL, Deprest JA, David AL and Chowdhury TT (2023). Cx43 regulates mechanotransduction mechanisms in human preterm amniotic membrane defects. Wiley  Prenatal Diagnosis   
Rulten SL, Grose RP, Gatz SA, Jones JL and Cameron AJM (2023). The Future of Precision Oncology. Mdpi  International Journal of Molecular Sciences  vol. 24, (16)  
Pensalfini M, Golde T, Trepat X and Arroyo M (2023). Nonaffine Mechanics of Entangled Networks Inspired by Intermediate Filaments. American Physical Society (Aps)  Physical Review Letters  vol. 131, (5)  
Chen S, Cheng Y, Zhao Z, Zhang K, Hao T, Sui Y, Wang W, Zhao J and Li Y (2023). Core–Shell-Structured Electrorheological Fluid with a Polarizability-Tunable Nanocarbon Shell for Enhanced Stimuli-Responsive Activity. American Chemical Society (Acs)  Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces  vol. 15, (29) 35741-35749.  
Gibson SV, Madzharova E, Tan AC, Allen MD, Keller UAD, Jones JL, Carter EP and Grose RP (2023). ADAMTS3 restricts cancer invasion in models of early breast cancer progression through enhanced fibronectin degradation. Elsevier  Matrix Biology  vol. 121, 74-89.  
McArthur S (2023). The gut microbe‐derived methylamine TMAO protects against neuroinflammation through restraint of pro‐inflammatory glial behaviour. Wiley  Alzheimer\'s & Dementia  vol. 19, (S1)  
Neri-Cruz CE, Teixeira FME and Gautrot JE (2023). A guide to functionalisation and bioconjugation strategies to surface-initiated polymer brushes. Royal Society of Chemistry  Chemical Communications  vol. 59, (49) 7534-7558.  
Lu RX, Guo ZY, Yu P and Sui Y (2023). Transient deformation of a viscoelastic capsule in a cross-slot microchannel: effects of inertia and membrane viscosity. Cambridge University Press (Cup)  Journal of Fluid Mechanics  vol. 962,  
Smith CJ, Chan L and Metherell LA (2023). 769 Reduced expression of PPOX, the variegate porphyria gene, causes intrinsic pathological changes to keratinocytes. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 143, (5)  
Baksh RA, Pape SE, Chan LF, Aslam AA, Gulliford MC, Strydom A and Consortium G-D (2023). Multiple morbidity across the lifespan in people with Down syndrome or intellectual disabilities: a population-based cohort study using electronic health records. Elsevier  The Lancet Public Health  vol. 8, (6) e453-e462.  
Scemama A, Tailor A, Di Cio S, Dibble M, Gautrot J and Biddle A (2023). Development of an in vitro microfluidic model to study the role of microenvironmental cells in oral cancer metastasis. Taylor and Francis  F1000research  vol. 12, 439-439.  
Cervantes-Salguero K, Gutiérrez Fosado YA, Megone W, Gautrot JE and Palma M (2023). Programmed Self-Assembly of DNA Nanosheets with Discrete Single-Molecule Thickness and Interfacial Mechanics: Design, Simulation, and Characterization. Mdpi  Molecules  vol. 28, (9)  
Dibble M, Di Cio’ S, Luo P, Balkwill F and Gautrot JE (2023). The impact of pericytes on the stability of microvascular networks in response to nanoparticles. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 13, (1)  
Joy JD, Malacrida B, Laforêts F, Kotantaki P, Maniati E, Hopkins S, Garrobo-Calleja I, Gautrot J and Balkwill F (2023). Abstract 4576: 3D in vitro models uncover malignant cell intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of CAR-T cell resistance in high grade serous ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr)  Cancer Research  vol. 83, (7_Supplement) 4576-4576.  
Clayton NS, Carter EP, Fearon AE, Heward JA, Fernández LR, Boughetane L, Wilkes EH, Cutillas PR and Grose RP (2023). HDAC Inhibition Restores Response to HER2-Targeted Therapy in Breast Cancer via PHLDA1 Induction. Mdpi  International Journal of Molecular Sciences  vol. 24, (7)  
Guo Z, Lin T, Jing D, Wang W and Sui Y (2023). A method for real-time mechanical characterisation of microcapsules. Springer Nature  Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology  vol. 22, (4) 1209-1220.  
Bort ET, Joseph MD, Wang Q, Carter EP, Roth NJ, Gibson J, Samadi A, Kocher HM, Simoncelli S, McCormick PJ and Grose RP (2023). Purinergic GPCR-integrin interactions drive pancreatic cancer cell invasion. Elife  Elife  vol. 12,  
Peng L, Nadal C and Gautrot JE (2023). Growth of mesenchymal stem cells at the surface of silicone, mineral and plant-based oils. Iop Publishing  Biomedical Materials  vol. 18, (3)  
Pensalfini M and Tepole AB (2023). Mechano-biological and bio-mechanical pathways in cutaneous wound healing. Public Library of Science (Plos)  Plos Computational Biology  vol. 19, (3)  
Harley P, Paredes-Redondo A, Grenci G, Viasnoff V, Lin Y-Y and Lieberam I (2023). 3D Compartmentalised Human Pluripotent Stem Cell–derived Neuromuscular Co-cultures. Bio-Protocol  vol. 13, (5) e4624-e4624.  
Gibson SV, Tomas Bort E, Rodríguez-Fernández L, Allen MD, Gomm JJ, Goulding I, auf dem Keller U, Agnoletto A, Brisken C, Peck B, Cameron AJ, Marshall JF, Jones JL, Carter EP and Grose RP (2023). TGFβ-mediated MMP13 secretion drives myoepithelial cell dependent breast cancer progression. Springer Nature  Npj Breast Cancer  vol. 9, (1)  
Smith CJ, Williams JL, Hall C, Casas J, Caley MP, O'Toole EA, Prasad R and Metherell LA (2023). Ichthyosis linked to sphingosine 1-phosphate lyase insufficiency is due to aberrant sphingolipid and calcium regulation. Elsevier  Journal of Lipid Research  vol. 64, (4)  
Wang Z, Lu R, Wang W, Tian FB, Feng JJ and Sui Y (2023). A computational model for the transit of a cancer cell through a constricted microchannel. Springer Nature  Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology  vol. 22, (4) 1129-1143.  
Peng L, Matellan C, Bosch‐Fortea M, Gonzalez‐Molina J, Frigerio M, Salentinig S, del Rio Hernandez A and Gautrot JE (2023). Mesenchymal Stem Cells Sense the Toughness of Nanomaterials and Interfaces. Wiley  Advanced Healthcare Materials  vol. 12, (13)  
Gibson SV, Roozitalab RM, Allen MD, Jones JL, Carter EP and Grose RP (2023). Everybody needs good neighbours: the progressive DCIS microenvironment. Elsevier  Trends in Cancer  vol. 9, (4) 326-338.  
Hayat A, Carter EP, King HW, Ors A, Doe A, Teijeiro SA, Charrot S, Godinho S, Cutillas P, Mohammed H, Grose RP and Ficz G (2023). Low HER2 enables dedifferentiation and transformation of normal breast epithelial cells via chromatin opening. The Company of Biologists  Disease Models & Mechanisms  vol. 16, (2)  
Nguyen KDQ, Dejean S, Nottelet B and Gautrot JE (2023). Mechanical Evaluation of Hydrogel–Elastomer Interfaces Generated through Thiol–Ene Coupling. American Chemical Society (Acs)  Acs Applied Polymer Materials  vol. 5, (2) 1364-1373.  
Chrysanthou A, Bosch-Fortea M and Gautrot JE (2023). Co-Surfactant-Free Bioactive Protein Nanosheets for the Stabilization of Bioemulsions Enabling Adherent Cell Expansion. American Chemical Society (Acs)  Biomacromolecules  vol. 24, (10) 4465-4477.  
Nolan J, Pearce OMT, Screen HRC, Knight MM and Verbruggen SW (2023). Organ-on-a-Chip and Microfluidic Platforms for Oncology in the UK. Mdpi  Cancers  vol. 15, (3)  
Chrysanthou A, Kanso H, Zhong W, Shang L and Gautrot JE (2023). Supercharged Protein Nanosheets for Cell Expansion on Bioemulsions. American Chemical Society (Acs)  Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces  vol. 15, (2) 2760-2770.  
Stachulski AV, Knausenberger TB-A, Shah SN, Hoyles L and McArthur S (2023). A host-gut microbial amino acid co-metabolite, p-cresol glucuronide, promotes blood-brain barrier integrity in vivo. Tissue Barriers  vol. 11, (1)  
Ri J, Pang N, Bai S, Xu J, Xu L, Ri S, Yao Y and Greenwald SE (2023). Three-dimensional numerical analysis of wall stress induced by asymmetric oscillation of microbubble trains inside micro-vessels. Aip Publishing  Physics of Fluids  vol. 35, (1)  
Arain Z, Iliodromiti S, Slabaugh G, David AL and Chowdhury TT (2023). Machine learning and disease prediction in obstetrics. Elsevier  Current Research in Physiology  vol. 6,  
Azhar Z, Grose RP, Raza A and Raza Z (2023). In silico targeting of colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor: delineating immunotherapy in cancer. Open Exploration Publishing  Exploration of Targeted Anti-Tumor Therapy  vol. 4, (4) 727-742.  


Jacques R, Zhou B, Marhuenda E, Gorecki J, Das A, Iskratsch T and Krause S (2022). Photoelectrochemical imaging of single cardiomyocytes and monitoring of their action potentials through contact force manipulation of organoids. Elsevier  Biosensors and Bioelectronics   
Bishop C (2022). Current Understanding of the Role of Senescent Melanocytes in Skin Ageing. Mdpi  Biomedicines  vol. 10, (12) 3111-3111.  
Smith CJ, Williams JL, Hall C, Caley MP, O’Toole EA, Prasad R and Metherell LA (2022). 181 Sphingosine 1-phosphate lyase insufficiency induced ichthyosis is due to sphingolipid imbalance, increased differentiation, and aberrant intercellular junctions. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Iskratsch T, Hawkes W, Marhuenda E, Reynolds P, O'Neill C, PANDEY P, Wilson D, FREELEY M, HUANG D, Junquiang H, Gondarenko S, Hone J, Gadegaard N and Palma M (2022). Regulation of Cardiomyocyte Adhesion and Mechanosignalling Through Distinct Nanoscale Behaviour of Integrin Ligands Mimicking Healthy or Fibrotic ECM. The Royal Society  Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences   
Dembitz V, Lawson H, Philippe C, Burt RJ, James S, Magee ASM, Woodley K, Durko J, Campos J, Austin MJ, Rio-Machin A, Izquierdo PC, Bewicke-Copley F, Blanco GR, Patel B, Hazlehurst L, Peck B, Finch A, Cutillas P, Fitzgibbon J, Yuneva M, Rouault-Pierre K, Copland J, Kranc K and Gallipoli P (2022). Inhibition of Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Has Anti-Leukemic Properties in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. American Society of Hematology  Blood  vol. 140, (Supplement 1) 3058-3060.  
Coetzee AS, Carter EP, Rodríguez-Fernández L, Heward J, Wang Q, Karim SA, Boughetane L, Milton C, Uyulur F, Morton JP, Kocher HM and Grose RP (2022). Nuclear FGFR1 promotes pancreatic stellate cell-driven invasion through up-regulation of Neuregulin 1. Springer Nature  Oncogene  vol. 42, (7) 491-500.  
Morera C, Kim J, Paredes-Redondo A, Nobles M, Rybin D, Moccia R, Kowala A, Meng J, Garren S, Liu P, Morgan JE, Muntoni F, Christoforou N, Owens J, Tinker A and Lin Y-Y (2022). CRISPR-mediated correction of skeletal muscle Ca2+ handling in a novel DMD patient-derived pluripotent stem cell model. Neuromuscular Disorders   
Aslam A, Baksh A, Pape S, Consortium G-D, Strydom A, Gulliford M and Chan L (2022). Diabetes and obesity in down syndrome across the lifespan: a retrospective cohort study using UK electronic health records. Bioscientifica  Endocrine Abstracts   
Gautrot JE, Chang L, Alexis C, Gutfreund P and Zarbakhsh A (2022). The Architecture of Oligonucleotide-Polycationic Brush Complexes – A Neutron Reflectometry Study. Wiley  Advanced Materials Interfaces   
Ombrato L (2022). In vivo labelling system to study cell neighbourhoods. Springer Nature  Nature Reviews Cancer  vol. 22, (12) 661-661.  
Caetano AJ, Caetano A, Sharpe P, Volponi AA, Yianni V, Bush M, McKay LK, Wallet S, Shazib MA, Kimple A, Byrd KM, Easter Q, Weaver T, Sequeira I, Kumar R, Pereira D, Macken J, Fortune F, Efremova M, Teichmann S, Kretzschmar K, Todres E, Boffelli D, Hagood JS, Klein O, Boucher R, Lwin S, Pranzatelli T, Beachy P and Lu WJ (2022). A Roadmap for the Human Oral and Craniofacial Cell Atlas. Sage Publications  Journal of Dental Research  vol. 101, (11) 1274-1288.  
Hayward M-K, Allen MD, Gomm JJ, Goulding I, Thompson CL, Knight MM, Marshall JF and Jones JL (2022). Mechanostimulation of breast myoepithelial cells induces functional changes associated with DCIS progression to invasion. Springer Nature  Npj Breast Cancer  vol. 8, (1)  
Heywood HK, Gardner L, Knight MM and Lee DA (2022). Oscillations of the circadian clock protein, BMAL-1, align to daily cycles of mechanical stimuli: a novel means to integrate biological time within predictive in vitro model systems. Springer Nature  In Vitro Models  1-8.  
Cervantes-Salguero K, Freeley M, Gwyther REA, Jones DD, Chávez JL and Palma M (2022). Single molecule DNA origami nanoarrays with controlled protein orientation. Aip Publishing  Biophysics Reviews  vol. 3, (3)  
Sun C, Dong Y, Wei J, Cai M, Liang D, Fu Y, Zhou Y, Sui Y, Wu F, Mikhaylov R, Wang H, Fan F, Xie Z, Stringer M, Yang Z, Wu Z, Tian L and Yang X (2022). Acoustically accelerated neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Elsevier  Acta Biomaterialia  vol. 151, 333-345.  
Jones CFE, Di Cio S, Connelly JT and Gautrot JE (2022). Design of an Integrated Microvascularized Human Skin-on-a-Chip Tissue Equivalent Model. Frontiers Media  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology  vol. 10,  
Whiteford J, Arokiasamy S, Thompson C, Alazawi W and Dufton N (2022). FRI198 Investigating the function of Endothelial-To-Mesenchymal transition during liver fibrogenesis using a Liver-On-A-Chip platform. Elsevier  Journal of Hepatology  vol. 77,  
Sarmin AM, Moussaid NE, Suntornnond R, Tyler EJ, Kim Y-H, Di Cio S, Megone WV, Pearce O, Gautrot JE, Dawson J and Connelly JT (2022). Multi-Scale Analysis of the Composition, Structure, and Function of Decellularized Extracellular Matrix for Human Skin and Wound Healing Models. Mdpi  Biomolecules  vol. 12, (6)  
Lin T, Wang Z, Lu RX, Wang W and Sui Y (2022). Characterising Mechanical Properties of Flowing Microcapsules Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Global Science Press  Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  vol. 14, (1) 79-100.  
Rivellese F, Surace AEA, Goldmann K, Sciacca E, Çubuk C, Giorli G, John CR, Nerviani A, Fossati-Jimack L, Thorborn G, Ahmed M, Prediletto E, Church SE, Hudson BM, Warren SE, McKeigue PM, Humby F, Bombardieri M, Barnes MR, Lewis MJ and Pitzalis C (2022). Rituximab versus tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis: synovial biopsy-based biomarker analysis of the phase 4 R4RA randomized trial. Springer Nature  Nature Medicine  vol. 28, (6) 1256-1268.  
Wallis R, Milligan D, Hughes B, Mizen H, López-Domínguez JA, Eduputa U, Tyler EJ, Serrano M and Bishop CL (2022). Senescence-associated morphological profiles (SAMPs): an image-based phenotypic profiling method for evaluating the inter and intra model heterogeneity of senescence. Impact Journals  Aging  vol. 14, (10) 4220-4246.  
Yu Z, Zhang J, Zhang Q, Wei S, Shi R, Zhao R, An L, Grose R, Feng D and Wang H (2022). Single‐cell sequencing reveals the heterogeneity and intratumoral crosstalk in human endometrial cancer. Wiley  Cell Proliferation  vol. 55, (6)  
Ghorbani S, Shahrokhtash A, Gautrot JE and Sutherland DS (2022). Protein Ligand Nanopattern Size Selects for Cellular Adhesion via Hemidesmosomes over Focal Adhesions. Wiley  Small Methods  vol. 6, (6)  
Candarlioglu PL, Dal Negro G, Hughes D, Balkwill F, Harris K, Screen H, Morgan H, David R, Beken S, Guenat O, Rowan W and Amour A (2022). Organ-on-a-chip: current gaps and future directions. Portland Press  Biochemical Society Transactions  vol. 50, (2) 665-673.  
Swiatlowska P, Sit BHM, Zhen F, Marhuenda E, Xanthis I, Zingaro S, Ward M, Zhou X, Xiao Q, Shanahan C, Jones G, Yu C-H and Iskratsch T (2022). Pressure and stiffness sensing together regulate vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype switching. American Association For The Advancement of Science  Science Advances   
Kong D, Peng L, Bosch-Fortea M, Chrysanthou A, Alexis CVJM, Matellan C, Zarbakhsh A, Mastroianni G, del Rio Hernandez A and Gautrot JE (2022). Impact of the multiscale viscoelasticity of quasi-2D self-assembled protein networks on stem cell expansion at liquid interfaces. Elsevier  Biomaterials  vol. 284,  
Yao Y, Zhou S, Alastruey J, Hao L, Greenwald SE, Zhang Y and Xu L (2022). Estimation of central pulse wave velocity from radial pulse wave analysis. Elsevier  Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine  vol. 219,  
Xu L, Zhou S, Wang L, Yao Y, Hao L, Qi L, Han H, Mukkamala R and Greenwald SE (2022). Improving the accuracy and robustness of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity measurement using a simplified tube-load model. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 12, (1)  
Liu W, Du S, Zhou S, Mei T, Zhang Y, Sun G, Song S, Xu L, Yao Y and Greenwald SE (2022). Noninvasive estimation of aortic pressure waveform based on simplified Kalman filter and dual peripheral artery pressure waveforms. Elsevier  Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine  vol. 219,  
Zucchi H, Pageon H, Asselineau D, Ghibaudo M, Sequeira I and Girardeau-Hubert S (2022). Assessing the Role of Carbonyl Adducts, Particularly Malondialdehyde Adducts, in the Development of Dermis Yellowing Occurring during Skin Photoaging. Mdpi  Life  vol. 12, (3)  
Nguyen NT, Jennings J, Milani AH, Martino CDS, Nguyen LTB, Wu S, Mokhtar MZ, Saunders JM, Gautrot JE, Armes SP and Saunders BR (2022). Highly Stretchable Conductive Covalent Coacervate Gels for Electronic Skin. American Chemical Society (Acs)  Biomacromolecules  vol. 23, (3) 1423-1432.  
Pundel OJ, Blowes LM and Connelly JT (2022). Extracellular Adhesive Cues Physically Define Nucleolar Structure and Function. Wiley  Advanced Science  vol. 9, (10)  
Shen Y, Kang F, Cheng Y, Zhang K and Sui Y (2022). Numerical and theoretical analysis of fast evaporating sessile droplets with coupled fields. Elsevier  International Journal of Thermal Sciences  vol. 172,  
Cao Y, Liu W, Zhang S, Xu L, Zhu B, Cui H, Geng N, Han H and Greenwald SE (2022). Detection and Localization of Myocardial Infarction Based on Multi-Scale ResNet and Attention Mechanism. Frontiers  Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 13,  
Zardab M, Stasinos K, Grose RP and Kocher HM (2022). The Obscure Potential of AHNAK2. Mdpi  Cancers  vol. 14, (3)  
Mahmood HTNA, Tomas Bort E, Walker AJ, Grose RP and Chioni AM (2022). FGF signalling facilitates cervical cancer progression. Wiley  The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (Febs) Journal   
Murray ER, Menezes S, Henry JC, Williams JL, Alba-Castellón L, Baskaran P, Quétier I, Desai A, Marshall JJT, Rosewell I, Tatari M, Rajeeve V, Khan F, Wang J, Kotantaki P, Tyler EJ, Singh N, Reader CS, Carter EP, Hodivala-Dilke K, Grose RP, Kocher HM, Gavara N, Pearce O, Cutillas P, Marshall JF and Cameron AJM (2022). Disruption of pancreatic stellate cell myofibroblast phenotype promotes pancreatic tumor invasion. Elsevier  Cell Reports  vol. 38, (4)  
Whiteford J, Arokiasamy S, Thompson CL and Dufton NP (2022). Novel application of live imaging to determine the functional cell biology of endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) within a liver-on-a-chip platform. Springer Nature  In Vitro Models  vol. 1, (6) 413-421.  


Sheikh MH, Errede M, d'Amati A, Khan NQ, Fanti S, Loiola RA, McArthur S, Purvis GSD, O'Riordan CE, Ferorelli D, Dell'Erba A, Kieswich J, Reutelingsperger C, Maiorano E, Yaqoob M, Thiemermann C, Baragetti A, Catapano AL, Norata GD, Marelli‐Berg F, Virgintino D and Solito E (2021). Impact of metabolic disorders on the structural, functional, and immunological integrity of the blood‐brain barrier: Therapeutic avenues. Wiley  The Faseb Journal  vol. 36, (1)  
Hoyles L, Pontifex M, Rodriguez-Ramiro I, Anis-Alavi MA, Jelane KS, Snelling T, Solito E, Fonseca S, Carvalho AL, Carding SR, Muller M, Glen RC, Vauzour D and Mcarthur S (2021). Regulation of blood–brain barrier integrity by microbiome-associated methylamines and cognition by trimethylamine N-oxide. Biomed Central  Microbiome   
Peng L and Gautrot JE (2021). Long term expansion profile of mesenchymal stromal cells at protein nanosheet-stabilised bioemulsions for next generation cell culture microcarriers. Elsevier  Materials Today Bio  vol. 12, 100159-100159.  
Chioni A-M and Grose RP (2021). Biological Significance and Targeting of the FGFR Axis in Cancer. Mdpi  Cancers  vol. 13, (22)  
Raynold AAM, Li D, Chang L and Gautrot JE (2021). Competitive binding and molecular crowding regulate the cytoplasmic interactome of non-viral polymeric gene delivery vectors. Springer Nature  Nature Communications  vol. 12, (1)  
Woodley K, Dillingh LS, Giotopoulos G, Madrigal P, Tzelepis K, Philippe C, Rattigan K, Asby R, Dembitz V, Magee ASM, Helgason G, Rouault-Pierre K, Vassiliou GS, Huntly BJP and Gallipoli P (2021). Mannose Metabolism Is a Metabolic Vulnerability Unveiled By Standard and Novel Therapies in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. American Society of Hematology  Blood  vol. 138, (Supplement 1)  
Nguyen KDQ, Crespo-Ribadeneyra M, Picot O, Colak B and Gautrot JE (2021). Ultrafast Photo-Crosslinking of Thiol–Norbornene Opaque Silicone Elastomer Nanocomposites in Air. American Chemical Society  Acs Applied Polymer Materials   
Joseph MD, Bort ET, Grose RP, McCormick PJ and Simoncelli S (2021). Quantitative Super-Resolution Imaging for the Analysis of GPCR Oligomerization. Mdpi  Biomolecules  vol. 11, (10)  
Smith CJ, Williams JL, Caley MP, O’Toole EA, Prasad R and Metherell LA (2021). 099 Ichthyosis associated with sphingosine 1-phosphate lyase deficiency is due to aberrant calcium and sphingolipid regulation. Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 141, (10) s165-s165.  
Paredes-Redondo A, Harley P, Maniati E, Ryan D, Louzada S, Meng J, Kowala A, Fu B, Yang F, Liu P, Marino S, Pourquié O, Muntoni F, Wang J, Lieberam I and Lin YY (2021). Optogenetic modeling of human neuromuscular circuits in Duchenne muscular dystrophy with CRISPR and pharmacological corrections. Science Advances  vol. 7, (37)  
Costa E, Okesola BO, Thrasivoulou C, Becker DL, Deprest JA, David AL and Chowdhury TT (2021). Cx43 mediates changes in myofibroblast contraction and collagen release in human amniotic membrane defects after trauma. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 11, (1)  
Jomrich G, Kollmann D, Ramazanova D, Ristl R, Grose RP, Ilhan-Mutlu A, Preusser M, Fassnacht C, Tsai Y-C, Guenova E and Schoppmann SF (2021). Expression of programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and programmed cell death 1 ligand (PD-L1) in adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction change significantly after neoadjuvant treatment. Elsevier  European Journal of Surgical Oncology  vol. 48, (2) 383-390.  
Xu X, Bowen BJ, Gwyther REA, Freeley M, Grigorenko B, Nemukhin AV, Eklöf‐Österberg J, Moth‐Poulsen K, Jones DD and Palma M (2021). Tuning Electrostatic Gating of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes by Controlling Protein Orientation in Biosensing Devices. Wiley  Angewandte Chemie International Edition  vol. 60, (37) 20184-20189.  
Pereira D and Sequeira I (2021). A Scarless Healing Tale: Comparing Homeostasis and Wound Healing of Oral Mucosa With Skin and Oesophagus. Frontiers  Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology  vol. 9,  
Carter EP, Roozitalab R, Gibson SV and Grose RP (2021). Tumour microenvironment 3D-modelling: simplicity to complexity and back again. Elsevier  Trends in Cancer  vol. 7, (11) 1033-1046.  
Lu RX, Wang Z, Salsac A-V, Barthès-Biesel D, Wang W and Sui Y (2021). Path selection of a train of spherical capsules in a branched microchannel. Cambridge University Press (Cup)  Journal of Fluid Mechanics  vol. 923,  
Megone W, Tang P, Roohpour N and Gautrot JE (2021). Impact of the molecular structure of cationic binders on the rheological and adhesive properties of carboxymethyl cellulose-based coacervate hydrogels. Arkat Usa  Arkivoc  vol. 2021, (6) 101-119.  
Freeley M, Gwyther REA, Jones DD and Palma M (2021). DNA-Directed Assembly of Carbon Nanotube–Protein Hybrids. Mdpi Ag  Biomolecules   
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Carapuça EF, Gemenetzidis E, Feig C, Bapiro TE, Williams MD, Wilson AS, Delvecchio FR, Arumugam P, Grose RP, Lemoine NR, Richards FM and Kocher HM (2016). Anti-stromal treatment together with chemotherapy targets multiple signalling pathways in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Wiley  Journal of Pathology  vol. 239, (3) 286-296.  
Tanner Y and Grose RP (2016). Dysregulated FGF signalling in neoplastic disorders. Elsevier: 12 Months  Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology  vol. 53, 126-135.  
Kao AP, Connelly JT and Barber AH (2016). 3D nanomechanical evaluations of dermal structures in skin. Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials  vol. 57, 14-23.  
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Hossain MA, Chowdhury T and Bagul A (2015). Imaging modalities for the in vivo surveillance of mesenchymal stromal cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med  vol. 9, (11) 1217-1224.  
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Peake NJ, Bader DL, Vessillier S, Ramachandran M, Salter DM, Hobbs AJ and Chowdhury TT (2015). C-type natriuretic peptide signalling drives homeostatic effects in human chondrocytes. Elsevier  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  vol. 465, (4) 784-789.  
Screen HRC, Berk DE, Kadler KE, Ramirez F and Young MF (2015). Tendon Functional Extracellular Matrix. Wiley  Journal of Orthopaedic Research®  vol. 33, (6) 793-799.  
Peake N, Pavlov A, D'Souza A, Alfasahin I, Pingaan-Murphy B, Sukhurukov G, Hobbs A and Chowdhury T (2015). Polyelectrolyte microencapsules loaded with C-type natriuretic peptide protect cartilage from IL-1B induced damage. Elsevier  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. 23, a141-a142.  
Milagre CS, Gopinathan G, Everitt G, Thompson RG, Kulbe H, Zhong H, Hollingsworth RE, Grose R, Bowtell DDL, Hochhauser D and Balkwill FR (2015). Adaptive Upregulation of EGFR Limits Attenuation of Tumor Growth by Neutralizing IL6 Antibodies, with Implications for Combined Therapy in Ovarian Cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr)  Cancer Research  vol. 75, (7) 1255-1264.  
Brewin MP, Birch MJ, Mehta DJ, Reeves JW, Shaw S, Kruse C, Whiteman JR, Hu S, Kenz ZR, Banks HT and Greenwald SE (2015). Characterisation of Elastic and Acoustic Properties of an Agar-Based Tissue Mimicking Material. Springer Nature  Annals of Biomedical Engineering  vol. 43, (10) 2587-2596.  
Peake NJ, Pavlov AM, D'Souza A, Pingguan-Murphy B, Sukhorukov GB, Hobbs AJ and CHOWDHURY TT (2015). Controlled Release of C-Type Natriuretic Peptide by Microencapsulation Dampens Proinflammatory Effects Induced by IL-1β in Cartilage Explants. American Chemical Society  Biomacromolecules   
Fearon AE, Chioni A-M and Grose RP (2015). The FGFR Receptor Family. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Family and Subfamilies  Springer Nature   


Thorpe CT, Chaudhry S, Lei II, Varone A, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2014). Tendon overload results in alterations in cell shape and increased markers of inflammation and matrix degradation. Wiley  Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports  vol. 25, (4) e381-e391.  
Carter EP, Fearon AE and Grose RP (2014). Careless talk costs lives: fibroblast growth factor receptor signalling and the consequences of pathway malfunction. Elsevier  Trends in Cell Biology  vol. 25, (4) 221-233.  
Peake NJ, Hobbs AJ, Pingguan-Murphy B, Salter DM, Berenbaum F and Chowdhury TT (2014). Role of C-type natriuretic peptide signalling in maintaining cartilage and bone function. Osteoarthritis Cartilage  vol. 22, (11) 1800-1807.  
Chowdhury B, David AL, Thrasivoulou C, Becker DL, Bader DL and Chowdhury TT (2014). Tensile strain increased COX-2 expression and PGE2 release leading to weakening of the human amniotic membrane. Elsevier  Placenta  vol. 35, (12) 1057-1064.  
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Coleman SJ, Bruce C, Chioni A-M, Kocher HM and Grose RP (2014). The ins and outs of fibroblast growth factor receptor signalling. Clin Sci (Lond)  vol. 127, (4) 217-231.  
Peake NJ, Hobbs AJ, Pingguan-Murphy B, Salter DM, Berenbaum F and CHOWDHURY TT (2014). Role of C-type natriuretic peptide signaling in maintaining cartilage and bone function. Elsevier/Science Direct  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. online edition,  
Coleman SJ, Watt J, Arumugam P, Solaini L, Carapuca E, Ghallab M, Grose RP and Kocher HM (2014). Pancreatic cancer organotypics: High throughput, preclinical models for pharmacological agent evaluation. World J Gastroenterol  vol. 20, (26) 8471-8481.  
Hossain MA, CHOWDHURY TT and Bagul A (2014). Imaging modalities for the in vivo surveillance of mesenchymal stromal cells. Wiley  Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine   
Costa P, Gautrot JE and Connelly JT (2014). Directing cell migration using micropatterned and dynamically adhesive polymer brushes. Acta Biomater  vol. 10, (6) 2415-2422.  
Chowdhury B, David A, Bader D, Thrasivoulou C, Becker D and Chowdhury T (2014). PFM.37 Cyclic tensile strain increases PGE2 release leading to weakening of the human term amniotic membrane. Bmj  Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition  vol. 99, (Suppl 1)  
Yeste-Velasco M, Mao X, Grose R, Kudahetti SC, Lin D, Marzec J, Vasiljević N, Chaplin T, Xue L, Xu M, Foster JM, Karnam SS, James SY, Chioni A-M, Gould D, Lorincz AT, Oliver RTD, Chelala C, Thomas GM, Shipley JM, Mather SJ, Berney DM, Young BD and Lu Y-J (2014). Identification of ZDHHC14 as a novel human tumour suppressor gene. J Pathol  vol. 232, (5) 566-577.  
Coleman SJ, Chioni A-M, Ghallab M, Anderson RK, Lemoine NR, Kocher HM and Grose RP (2014). Nuclear translocation of FGFR1 and FGF2 in pancreatic stellate cells facilitates pancreatic cancer cell invasion. Embo Mol Med  vol. 6, (4) 467-481.  
Parker E, Vessillier S, Abas WW, Bader DL, Pinguaan-Murphy B and Chowdhury TT (2014). α5β1 integrin mediates compression-induced inhibition of catabolic effects induced by fibronectin fragments in an oxygen-dependent manner. Elsevier  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. 22,  
Shah FA, Brauer DS, Wilson RM, Hill RG and Hing KA (2014). Influence of cell culture medium composition on in vitro dissolution behavior of a fluoride-containing bioactive glass. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A  vol. 102, (3) 647-654.  
Fearon AE and Grose RP (2014). Grb-ing receptor activation by the tail. Nat Struct Mol Biol  vol. 21, (2) 113-114.  
Banks HT, Hu S, Kenz ZR, Kruse C, Shaw S, Whiteman J, Brewin MP, Greenwald SE and Birch MJ (2014). MODEL VALIDATION FOR A NONINVASIVE ARTERIAL STENOSIS DETECTION PROBLEM. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering  vol. 11, (3) 427-448.  


Fearon AE, Gould CR and Grose RP (2013). FGFR signalling in women's cancers. Int J Biochem Cell Biol  vol. 45, (12) 2832-2842.  
Shafat M, Rajakumar K, Syme H, Buchholz N and Knight MM (2013). Stent encrustation in feline and human artificial urine: does the low molecular weight composition account for the difference? Urolithiasis  vol. 41, (6) 481-486.  
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Parker E, Vessillier S, Pinguaan-Murphy B, Wan Abas WAB, Bader DL and Chowdhury TT (2013). Low oxygen tension increased FN-f induced catabolic activities - response prevented with biomechanical signals. Biomed Central  Arthritis Research and Therapy  vol. 15, (5) R163-R163.  
Akanji O, Salter DM and Chowdhury TT (2013). Optimisation of quantitative real-time PCR studies in cartilage mechanobiology. Pcr Technology. Current Innovations , Editors: Nolan T and Bustin SA. Crc Pressi Llc   
Guasti L, Candy Sze WC, McKay T, Grose R and King PJ (2013). FGF signalling through Fgfr2 isoform IIIb regulates adrenal cortex development. Mol Cell Endocrinol  vol. 371, (1-2) 182-188.  
Parker E, Pinguuan-Murphy B, Bader DL and Chowdhury TT (2013). FN-f induced catabolic activities are dependent on oxygen tension in chondrocyte/agarose constructs subjected to biomechanical signals. Elsevier  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. 21,  
Campion CR, Ball SL, Clarke DL and Hing KA (2013). Microstructure and chemistry affects apatite nucleation on calcium phosphate bone graft substitutes. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine  vol. 24, (3) 597-610.  
Hossain MA, Frampton AE, Chowdhury TT and Morsey M (2013). Biological vascular grafts for hemodialysis access. Informa Healthcare  Expert Rev Med Devices  vol. 2, (10) 171-175.  
Galavotti S, Bartesaghi S, Faccenda D, Shaked-Rabi M, Sanzone S, McEvoy A, Dinsdale D, Condorelli F, Brandner S, Campanella M, Grose R, Jones C and Salomoni P (2013). The autophagy-associated factors DRAM1 and p62 regulate cell migration and invasion in glioblastoma stem cells. Oncogene  vol. 32, (6) 699-712.  
Mafina M-K, Hing KA and Sullivan AC (2013). Development of novel fluorescent probes for the analysis of protein interactions under physiological conditions with medical devices. Langmuir  vol. 29, (5) 1420-1426.  
Legerlotz K, Jones GC, Screen HRC and Riley GP (2013). Cyclic loading of tendon fascicles using a novel fatigue loading system increases interleukin-6 expression by tenocytes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports  vol. 23, (1) 31-37.  
Peake N, Su N, Ramachandran M, Achan P, Salter DM, Bader DL, Moyes AJ, Hobbs AJ and Chowdhury TT (2013). Natriuretic peptide receptors regulate cytoprotective effects in an ex vivo human 3D / bioreactor model. Bio Med Central  Arthritis Research and Therapy  vol. 15, (4)  
Robbez-Masson LJ, Bödör C, Jones JL, Hurst HC, Fitzgibbon J, Hart IR and Grose RP (2013). Functional analysis of a breast cancer-associated FGFR2 single nucleotide polymorphism using zinc finger mediated genome editing. Plos One  vol. 8, (11)  
Greenwald SE, Banks HT, Birch MJ, Brewin MP, Hu S, Kenz ZR, Kruse C, Mehta D, Reeves J, Shaw S and Whiteman JR (2013). P2.20: Acoustic Localisation of Coronary Artery Stenosis: Wave Propagation in Soft Tissue Mimicking Gels. Springer Nature  Artery Research  vol. 7, (3-4) 124-124.  
Akanji O, Salter D and Chowdhury T (2013). Optimization of Quantitative Real-Time PCR for Studies in Cartilage Mechanobiology. Pcr Technology: Current Innovations, Third Edition  


Meyer M, Müller A-K, Yang J, Moik D, Ponzio G, Ornitz DM, Grose R and Werner S (2012). FGF receptors 1 and 2 are key regulators of keratinocyte migration in vitro and in wounded skin. J Cell Sci  vol. 125, (Pt 23) 5690-5701.  
Chioni A-M and Grose R (2012). FGFR1 cleavage and nuclear translocation regulates breast cancer cell behavior. J Cell Biol  vol. 197, (6) 801-817.  
Tsang SM, Brown L, Lin K, Liu L, Piper K, O'Toole EA, Grose R, Hart IR, Garrod DR, Fortune F and Wan H (2012). Non-junctional human desmoglein 3 acts as an upstream regulator of Src in E-cadherin adhesion, a pathway possibly involved in the pathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris. J Pathol  vol. 227, (1) 81-93.  
Driskell RR, Juneja VR, Connelly JT, Kretzschmar K, Tan DW-M and Watt FM (2012). Clonal growth of dermal papilla cells in hydrogels reveals intrinsic differences between Sox2-positive and -negative cells in vitro and in vivo. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 132, (4) 1084-1093.  
CHOWDHURY TT, Tilwani RK and Bader DL (2012). Biomechanical conditioning enhanced matrix synthesis in nucleus pulposus cells cultured in agarase constructs with TGFβ., Editors: Goldsmith EC and Lin SK. Journal Functional Biomaterials  vol. 3, 23-26.  
Trappmann B, Gautrot JE, Connelly JT, Strange DGT, Li Y, Oyen ML, Cohen Stuart MA, Boehm H, Li B, Vogel V, Spatz JP, Watt FM and Huck WTS (2012). Extracellular-matrix tethering regulates stem-cell fate. Nature Materials   
Jarosz M, Robbez-Masson L, Chioni A-M, Cross B, Rosewell I and Grose R (2012). Fibroblast growth factor 22 is not essential for skin development and repair but plays a role in tumorigenesis. Plos One  vol. 7, (6)  


Guth K, Campion C, Buckland T and Hing KA (2011). Effects of serum protein on ionic exchange between culture medium and microporous hydroxyapatite and silicate-substituted hydroxyapatite. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine  vol. 22, (10) 2155-2164.  
Ramachandran M, Achan P, Salter DM, Bader DL and Chowdhury TT (2011). Biomechanical signals and the C-type natriuretic peptide counteract catabolic activities induced by IL-1β in chondrocyte/agarose constructs. Arthritis Research and Therapy  vol. 13, (5)  
Palma M, Abramson JJ, Gorodetsky AA, Penzo E, Gonzalez RL, Sheetz MP, Nuckolls C, Hone J and Wind SJ (2011). Selective biomolecular nanoarrays for parallel single-molecule investigations. J Am Chem Soc  vol. 133, (20) 7656-7659.  
Schvartzman M, Palma M, Sable J, Abramson J, Hu X, Sheetz MP and Wind SJ (2011). Nanolithographic control of the spatial organization of cellular adhesion receptors at the single-molecule level. Nano Lett  vol. 11, (3) 1306-1312.  
Bader DL, Salter DM and Chowdhury TT (2011). Biomechanical influence of cartilage homeostasis in health and disease. Arthritis  vol. 2011,  
Palma M, Abramson JJ, Gorodetsky AA, Nuckolls C, Sheetz MP, Wind SJ and Hone J (2011). Controlled confinement of DNA at the nanoscale: nanofabrication and surface bio-functionalization. Methods Mol Biol  vol. 749, 169-185.  
Penzo E, Wang R, Palma M and Wind SJ (2011). Selective placement of DNA origami on substrates patterned by nanoimprint lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B  vol. 29, (6)  
Lee DA, Brand J, Salter D, Akanji O-O and Chowdhury TT (2011). Quantification of mRNA using real-time PCR and Western blot analysis of MAPK events in chondrocyte/agarose constructs. Methods Mol Biol  vol. 695, 77-97.  


Connelly JT, Gautrot JE, Trappmann B, Tan DWM, Donati G, Huck WTS and Watt FM (2010). Actin and serum response factor transduce physical cues from the microenvironment to regulate epidermal stem cell fate decisions. Nature Cell Biology  vol. 12, (7) 711-718.  
Connelly JT, Vanderploeg EJ, Mouw JK, Wilson CG and Levenston ME (2010). Tensile loading modulates bone marrow stromal cell differentiation and the development of engineered fibrocartilage constructs. Tissue Eng Part A  vol. 16, (6) 1913-1923.  
Chowdhury TT, Schulz RM, Rai SS, Thuemmler CB, Wuestneck N, Bader A and Homandberg GA (2010). Biomechanical modulation of collagen fragment-induced anabolic and catabolic activities in chondrocyte/agarose constructs. Arthritis Research and Therapy  vol. 12, (3)  
Guth K, Campion C, Buckland T and Hing KA (2010). Surface physiochemistry affects protein adsorption to stoichiometric and silicate-substituted microporous hydroxyapatites. Advanced Engineering Materials  vol. 12, (4)  
Yang J, Meyer M, Müller A-K, Böhm F, Grose R, Dauwalder T, Verrey F, Kopf M, Partanen J, Bloch W, Ornitz DM and Werner S (2010). Fibroblast growth factor receptors 1 and 2 in keratinocytes control the epidermal barrier and cutaneous homeostasis. J Cell Biol  vol. 188, (6) 935-952.  
Screen HRC, Byers S, Lynn AD, Nguyen V, Patel D and Bryant SJ (2010). Characterization of a novel fiber composite material for mechanotransduction research of fibrous connective tissues. Advanced Functional Materials  vol. 20, (5) 738-747.  
Turner N and Grose R (2010). Fibroblast growth factor signalling: from development to cancer. Nat Rev Cancer  vol. 10, (2) 116-129.  
Chioni A-M, Shao D, Grose R and Djamgoz MBA (2010). Protein kinase A and regulation of neonatal Nav1.5 expression in human breast cancer cells: activity-dependent positive feedback and cellular migration. Int J Biochem Cell Biol  vol. 42, (2) 346-358.  
Guth K, Campion C, Buckland T and Hing KA (2010). Effect of silicate-substitution on attachment and early development of human osteoblast-like cells seeded on microporous hydroxyapatite discs. Advanced Engineering Materials  vol. 12, (1-2)  
D'Amico G, Jones DT, Nye E, Sapienza K, Ramjuan AR, Reynolds LE, Robinson SD, Kostourou V, Martinez D, Aubyn D, Grose R, Thomas GJ, Spencer-Dene B, Zicha D, Davies D, Tybulewicz V and Hodivala-Dilke KM (2010). Regulation of lymphatic-blood vessel separation by endothelial Rac1 (vol 136, pg 4043, 2009). Development  vol. 137, (2) 359-359.  
McGlashan SR, Knight MM, Chowdhury TT, Joshi P, Jensen CG, Kennedy S and Poole CA (2010). Mechanical loading modulates chondrocyte primary cilia incidence and length. Cell Biology International  vol. 34, (5) 441-446.  
Akanji OO, Sakthithasan P, Salter DM and Chowdhury TT (2010). Dynamic compression alters NFκB activation and IκB-α expression in IL-1β-stimulated chondrocyte/agarose constructs. Inflammation Research  vol. 59, (1) 41-52.  
Tsang SM, Liu L, Teh M-T, Wheeler A, Grose R, Hart IR, Garrod DR, Fortune F and Wan H (2010). Desmoglein 3, via an interaction with E-cadherin, is associated with activation of Src. Plosone  Plos One  vol. 5, (12)  


Akanji OO, Salter DM and Chowdhury TT (2009). 458 DYNAMIC COMPRESSION ALTERS NF?B ACTIVATION AND I?B-α EXPRESSION IN IL-1β STIMULATED CHONDROCYTE/AGAROSE CONSTRUCTS. Elsevier  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. 17, s245-s246.  
Chioni A-M and Grose R (2009). Negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF-10) by polyoma enhancer activator 3 (PEA3). Eur J Cell Biol  vol. 88, (7) 371-384.  
Raveenthiran SP and Chowdhury TT (2009). Dynamic compression inhibits fibronectin fragment induced iNOS and COX-2 expression in chondrocyte/agarose constructs. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology  vol. 8, (4) 273-283.  


Chioni A-M and Grose R (2008). Organotypic modelling as a means of investigating epithelial-stromal interactions during tumourigenesis. Fibrogenesis Tissue Repair  vol. 1, (1)  
Connelly JT, García AJ and Levenston ME (2008). Interactions between integrin ligand density and cytoskeletal integrity regulate BMSC chondrogenesis. J Cell Physiol  vol. 217, (1) 145-154.  
Raveenthiran SP and Chowdhury TT (2008). 451 DYNAMIC COMPRESSION COUNTERACTS FIBRONECTIN-FRAGMENT INDUCED INOS AND COX-2 EXPRESSION IN CHONDROCYTE/AGAROSE CONSTRUCTS. Elsevier  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. 16, s195-s196.  
Chowdhury TT, Salter DM, Bader DL and Lee DA (2008). Signal transduction pathways involving p38 MAPK, JNK, NF kappa B and AP-1 influences the response of chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs to IL-1 beta and dynamic compression. Inflamm Res  vol. 57, (7) 306-313.  
Rashid N, Harding I, Buckland T and HING KA (2008). Nano-scale manipulation of silicate-substituted apatite chemistry impacts surface charge, hydrophilicity, protein adsorption and cell attachment., Editors: Meenan BJ and Boyd AR. International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials  vol. 1, (3) 299-319.  
CHOWDHURY TT, Akanjii OO, Salter DM and Lee DA (2008). Dynamic compression influences IL-1β induced NO and PGE2 release, via alterations in iNOS and COX-2 activity. 5th International Symposium On Mechanobiology of Cartilage and Chondrocyte , Editors: Stoltz JF. 
Chowdhury TT, Arghandawi S, Brand J, Akanji OO, Bader DL, Salter DM and Lee DA (2008). Dynamic compression counteracts IL-1beta induced inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclo-oxygenase-2 expression in chondrocyte/agarose constructs. Arthritis Res Ther  vol. 10, (2)  
Chowdhury TT, Akanji OO, Salter DM, Bader DL and Lee DA (2008). Dynamic compression influences interleukin-1 beta-induced nitric oxide and prostaglandin E-2 release by articular chondrocytes via alterations in iNOS and COX-2 expression. Biorheology  vol. 45, (3-4) 257-274.  


Chowdhury TT, Akanji OO, Arghandawi S, Salter DM, Bader DL and Lee DA (2007). 52 REAL-TIME PCR USING MOLECULAR BEACONS TO DETECT INOS AND COX-2 EXPRESSION IN CHONDROCYTE/AGAROSE CONSTRUCTS SUBJECTED TO IL-1β AND DYNAMIC COMPRESSION. Elsevier  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. 15, c42-c43.  
Campbell JJ, Blain EJ, Chowdhury TT and Knight MM (2007). Loading alters actin dynamics and up-regulates cofilin gene expression in chondrocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  vol. 361, (2) 329-334.  
Grose R, Fantl V, Werner S, Chioni A-M, Jarosz M, Rudling R, Cross B, Hart IR and Dickson C (2007). The role of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2b in skin homeostasis and cancer development. Embo J  vol. 26, (5) 1268-1278.  
Connelly JT, García AJ and Levenston ME (2007). Inhibition of in vitro chondrogenesis in RGD-modified three-dimensional alginate gels. Biomaterials  vol. 28, (6) 1071-1083.  


Chowdhury TT and Knight MM (2006). Purinergic pathway suppresses the release of NO and stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in chondrocyte/agarose constructs subjected to dynamic compression. Journal of Cellular Physiology  vol. 209, (3) 845-853.  
Chowdhury TT, Appleby RN, Salter DM, Bader DA and Lee DA (2006). Integrin-mediated mechanotransduction in IL-1 beta stimulated chondrocytes. Biomech Model Mechanobiol  vol. 5, (2-3) 192-201.  
Chowdhury TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2006). Anti-inflammatory effects of IL-4 and dynamic compression in IL-1beta stimulated chondrocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun  vol. 339, (1) 241-247.  
CHOWDHURY TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2006). Dynamic compression counteracts IL-1β induced iNOS and COX-2 activity by human chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs. Mechanobiology: Cartilage and Chondrocyte , Editors: Stoltz JF. Ios Press   
Chowdhury TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2006). Dynamic compression counteracts IL-1beta induced iNOS and COX-2 activity by human chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs. Biorheology  vol. 43, (3,4) 413-429.  
Chowdhury TT, Raveenthiran SP, Bader DL and Lee DA (2006). P140 DYNAMIC COMPRESSION COUNTERACTS FIBRONECTIN FRAGMENT INDUCED UPREGULATION OF NITRIC OXIDE. Elsevier  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  vol. 14,  


Chowdhury TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2005). Dynamic compression counteracts IL-1-induced iNOS and COX-2 activity by human chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs. Proceedings of The 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference  vol. 2005, 251-252.  
Chowdhury TT, Appleby RN, Salter DA, Bader DL and Lee DA (2005). Integrin mediated mechanotransduction in IL-1 stimulated bovine chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs. Proceedings of The 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference  vol. 2005, 545-546.  
Chowdhury TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2005). Dynamic compression counteracts IL-1β induced INOS and COX-2 activity by human chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs. European Cells and Materials  vol. 10, (SUPPL.2)  
Catuogno C, Chowdhury TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2005). Dynamic compression influences the biochemical response of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured in agarose constructs. European Cells and Materials  vol. 10, (SUPPL.2)  
(2005). British Society for Matrix Biology Autumn Meeting Joint with the UK Tissue & Cell Engineering Society, University of Bristol, UK. Wiley  International Journal of Experimental Pathology  vol. 86, (3) a1-a56.  
Grose R and Dickson C (2005). Fibroblast growth factor signaling in tumorigenesis. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev  vol. 16, (2) 179-186.  
Reynolds LE, Conti FJ, Lucas M, Grose R, Robinson S, Stone M, Saunders G, Dickson C, Hynes RO, Lacy-Hulbert A and Hodivala-Dilke K (2005). Accelerated re-epithelialization in beta3-integrin-deficient- mice is associated with enhanced TGF-beta1 signaling. Nat Med  vol. 11, (2) 167-174.  


Grose R and Werner S (2004). Wound-healing studies in transgenic and knockout mice. Mol Biotechnol  vol. 28, (2) 147-166.  
Chowdhury TT, Salter DM, Bader DL and Lee DA (2004). Integrin-mediated mechanotransduction processes in TGFbeta-stimulated monolayer-expanded chondrocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun  vol. 318, (4) 873-881.  
Bryant SJ, Chowdhury TT, Lee DA, Bader DL and Anseth KS (2004). Crosslinking density influences chondrocyte metabolism in dynamically loaded photocrosslinked poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels. Ann Biomed Eng  vol. 32, (3) 407-417.  
Zhang HB, Dessimoz J, Beyer TA, Krampert M, Williams LT, Werner S and Grose R (2004). Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1-lllb is dispensable for skin morphogenesis and wound healing. Eur J Cell Biol  vol. 83, (1) 3-11.  
Grose R (2004). Common ground in the transcriptional profiles of wounds and tumors. Genome Biol  vol. 5, (6)  


Young P, Boussadia O, Halfter H, Grose R, Berger P, Leone DP, Robenek H, Charnay P, Kemler R and Suter U (2003). E-cadherin controls adherens junctions in the epidermis and the renewal of hair follicles. Embo J  vol. 22, (21) 5723-5733.  
Petiot A, Conti FJA, Grose R, Revest J-M, Hodivala-Dilke KM and Dickson C (2003). A crucial role for Fgfr2-IIIb signalling in epidermal development and hair follicle patterning. Development  vol. 130, (22) 5493-5501.  
Grose R (2003). Epithelial migration: open your eyes to c-Jun. Curr Biol  vol. 13, (17) R678-R680.  
Chowdhury TT, Bader DL, Shelton JC and Lee DA (2003). Temporal regulation of chondrocyte metabolism in agarose constructs subjected to dynamic compression. Arch Biochem Biophys  vol. 417, (1) 105-111.  
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