The following journal papers published by the members of the CPM, specifically relate to the development and/or use of predictive in vitro models.
- Site-Specific One-to-One Click Coupling of Single Proteins to Individual Carbon Nanotubes: A Single-Molecule Approach.
Freeley M, Worthy HL, Ahmed R, Bowen B, Watkins D, Macdonald JE, Zheng M, Jones DD and Palma M
J Am Chem Soc vol. 139 (49), 17834-17840.
13-12-2017 - Deconstruction of a metastatic tumor microenvironment reveals a common matrix response in human cancers.
Pearce OMT, Delaine-Smith R, Maniati E, Nichols S, Wang J, Böhm S, Rajeeve V, Ullah D, Chakravarty P, Jones RR, Montfort A, Dowe T, Gribben J, Jones JL, Kocher HM, Serody JS, Vincent BG, Connelly J, Brenton JD, Chelala C, Cutillas PR, Lockley M, Bessant C, Knight M and Balkwill FR
Cancer Discov
01-12-2017 - Tissuepatch is biocompatible and seals iatrogenic membrane defects in a rabbit model.
Engels AC, Joyeux L, Van der Merwe J, Jimenez J, Prapanus S, Barrett DW, Connon C, Chowdhury TT, David AL and Deprest J
Prenatal Diagnosis, Wiley vol. 38 (2), 99-105.
25-11-2017 - Use of a fluorescent probe to monitor the enhanced affinity of rh-BMP-2 to silicated-calcium phosphate synthetic bone graft substitutes under competitive conditions
Mafina MK, Sullivan AC and Hing KA
Materials Science and Engineering C vol. 80, 207-212.
01-11-2017 - Trauma induces overexpression of Cx43 in human fetal membrane defects
Barrett DW, Kethees A, Thrasivoulou C, Mata A, Virasami A, Sebire NJ, Engels AC, Deprest JA, Becker DL, David AL and Chowdhury TT
Prenatal Diagnosis vol. 37 (9), 899-906.
01-09-2017 - The Functional Response of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Electron‐Beam Patterned Elastomeric Surfaces Presenting Micrometer to Nanoscale Heterogeneous Rigidity
Biggs MJP, Fernandez M, Thomas D, Cooper R, Palma M, Liao J, Fazio T, Dahlberg C, Wheadon H, Pallipurath A, Pandit A, Kysar J and Wind SJ
Advanced Materials, Wiley vol. 29 (39)
01-09-2017 - Benchmark numerical solutions for two-dimensional fluid–structure interaction involving large displacements with the deforming-spatial-domain/stabilized space–time and immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann methods
Xu Y-Q, Jiang Y-Q, Wu J, Sui Y and Tian F-B
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage Publications vol. 232 (14), 2500-2514.
01-08-2017 - A2B-Miktoarm Glycopolymer Fibers and Their Interactions with Tenocytes
BECER CR, Screen HRC, Patel D and Liu R
Bioconjugate Chemistry, American Chemical Society
21-06-2017 - Fibroblast growth factor-mediated crosstalk in cancer etiology and treatment.
Clayton NS, Wilson AS, Laurent EP, Grose RP and Carter EP
Dev Dyn vol. 246 (7), 493-501.
18-05-2017 - Biological imaging using light-addressable potentiometric sensors and scanning photo-induced impedance microscopy
Wu F, Campos I, Zhang D and KRAUSE SK
Proceedings of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Royal Society, The
03-05-2017 - A 3D in vitro model of the human breast duct: a method to unravel myoepithelial-luminal interactions in the progression of breast cancer
Carter EP, Gopsill JA, Gomm JJ, Jones JL and Grose RP
Breast Cancer Research, Springer Nature vol. 19 (1)
21-04-2017 - Identification of Novel Chondroprotective Mediators in Resolving Inflammatory Exudates
Kaneva MK, Greco KV, Headland SE, Montero-Melendez T, Mori P, Greenslade K, Pitzalis C, Moore A and Perretti M
The Journal of Immunology, The American Association of Immunologists vol. 198 (7), 2876-2885.
01-04-2017 - Recapitulating the Micromechanical Behavior of Tension and Shear in a Biomimetic Hydrogel for Controlling Tenocyte Response
Patel D, Sharma S, Bryant SJ and Screen HRC
Advanced Healthcare Materials vol. 6 (4)
22-02-2017 - Polymer fiber-based models of connective tissue repair and healing
Lee NM, Erisken C, Iskratsch T, Sheetz M, Levine WN and Lu HH
Biomaterials vol. 112, 303-312.