Dr Adrian Biddle

Adrian Biddle

DHT Lecturer in Animal Replacement Science
CPM organ-on-a-chip symposia organiser,
CPM Theme lead for Cancer Models

Centre for Cell Biology & Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar LinkedIn X


cancer stem cells, tumour metastasis, 3D tumour invasion, metastasis on a chip, organ-on-a-chip, machine learning

Cancer Models


Cancer stem cells drive tumour metastasis and therapeutic resistance. Understanding the underlying mechanisms will be crucial if we are to deliver better treatments for cancer, and we model this process using human cancer cell lines in advanced 3D invasion and microfluidic metastasis systems. We also use human tissue archives, which provide a wealth of information on tumour behaviour in the human body, including data on the clinical course of disease. We have developed new ways of obtaining greater information from these tumour specimens, including simultaneous measurement of multiple cancer stem cell markers and a machine learning approach for prognostic prediction.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Development of an in vitro microfluidic model to study the role of microenvironmental cells in oral cancer metastasis
Scemama A, Lunetto S, Tailor A, Di Cio S, Dibble M, Gautrot J and Biddle A
F1000research, F1000research vol. 12 


Disseminating cells in human oral tumours possess an EMT cancer stem cell marker profile that is predictive of metastasis in image-based machine learning
Youssef G, Gammon L, Ambler L, Lunetto S, Scemama A, Cottom H, Piper K, Mackenzie IC, Philpott MP and Biddle A
Elife, Elife vol. 12 
CD73 controls Myosin II–driven invasion, metastasis, and immunosuppression in amoeboid pancreatic cancer cells
Samain R, Maiques O, Monger J, Lam H, Candido J, George S, Ferrari N, KohIhammer L, Lunetto S, Varela A, Orgaz JL, Vilardell F, Olsina JJ, Matias-Guiu X, Sarker D, Biddle A, Balkwill FR, Eyles J, Wilkinson RW, Kocher HM, Calvo F, Wells CM and Sanz-Moreno V
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 9 (42) 
Development of an in vitro microfluidic model to study the role of microenvironmental cells in oral cancer metastasis
Scemama A, Tailor A, Di Cio S, Dibble M, Gautrot J and Biddle A
F1000research, Taylor and Francis vol. 12, 439-439.  
In vitro cancer models as an approach to identify targetable developmental phenotypes in cancer stem cells
Biddle A
In Vitro Models, Springer Nature vol. 2 (3-4), 83-88.  


Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies Network special issue editorial
Biddle A
In Vitro Models, Springer Nature vol. 1 (6), 397-398.  
Cancer stem cell plasticity and its implications in the development of new clinical approaches for oral squamous cell carcinoma
Marles H and Biddle A
Biochemical Pharmacology, Elsevier vol. 204 
Highlight: microfluidic devices for cancer metastasis studies
Scemama A, Lunetto S and Biddle A
In Vitro Models, Springer Nature vol. 1 (6), 399-403.  
Interconnected high-dimensional landscapes of epithelial–mesenchymal plasticity and stemness in cancer
Sahoo S, Ashraf B, Duddu AS, Biddle A and Jolly MK
Clinical & Experimental Metastasis, Springer Nature vol. 39 (2), 279-290.  


Portrait of a CAF: The story of cancer-associated fibroblasts in head and neck cancer
Custódio M, Biddle A and Tavassoli M
Oral Oncology, Elsevier vol. 110 


Hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotypes promote metastasis and therapy resistance across carcinomas
Jolly MK, Somarelli JA, Sheth M, Biddle A, Tripathi SC, Armstrong AJ, Hanash SM, Bapat SA, Rangarajan A and Levine H
Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Elsevier vol. 194, 161-184.  
Effects of Cetuximab and Erlotinib on the behaviour of cancer stem cells in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
MACKENZIE IC, Rodrigues MF, Gammon L, RAHMAN M, BIDDLE A and Nunes FD
Oncotarget, Impact Journals 


Reprogramming to developmental plasticity in cancer stem cells
O’Brien-Ball C and Biddle A
Developmental Biology, Elsevier vol. 430 (2), 266-274.  


Phenotypic Plasticity Determines Cancer Stem Cell Therapeutic Resistance in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
BIDDLE A, Gammon L, Liang X, Costea DE and Mackenzie IC
Ebiomedicine, Elsevier: Creative Commons 


Invasive oral cancer stem cells display resistance to ionising radiation
Gemenetzidis E, Gammon L, Biddle A, Emich H and Mackenzie IC
Oncotarget, Impact Journals vol. 6 (41), 43964-43977.  
Elevation in 5-FU-induced apoptosis in head and neck cancer stem cells by a combination of CDHP and GSK3β inhibitors.
Shigeishi H, Biddle A, Gammon L, Rodini CO, Yamasaki M, Seino S, Sugiyama M, Takechi M and Mackenzie IC
J Oral Pathol Med vol. 44 (3), 201-207.  
Phenotypic plasticity and epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition in the behaviour and therapeutic response of oral squamous cell carcinoma
Vig N, Mackenzie IC and Biddle A
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Wiley vol. 44 (9), 649-655.  


Implications of the Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) Paradigm for OMFS Patients and Surgeons
Vig N, Biddle A, Gammon L, Emich H and Mackenzie I
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Elsevier vol. 52 (8) 


Maintenance of stem cell self-renewal in head and neck cancers requires actions of GSK3β influenced by CD44 and RHAMM.
Shigeishi H, Biddle A, Gammon L, Emich H, Rodini CO, Gemenetzidis E, Fazil B, Sugiyama M, Kamata N and Mackenzie IC
Stem Cells vol. 31 (10), 2073-2083.  
CD44 staining of cancer stem-like cells is influenced by down-regulation of CD44 variant isoforms and up-regulation of the standard CD44 isoform in the population of cells that have undergone epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
Biddle A, Gammon L, Fazil B and Mackenzie IC
Plos One vol. 8 (2) 
Sub-sets of cancer stem cells differ intrinsically in their patterns of oxygen metabolism.
Gammon L, Biddle A, Heywood HK, Johannessen AC and Mackenzie IC
Plos One vol. 8 (4) 
Expression of Betapapillomavirus Oncogenes Increases the Number of Keratinocytes with Stem Cell-Like Properties
Hufbauer M, Biddle A, Borgogna C, Gariglio M, Doorbar J, Storey A, Pfister H, Mackenzie I and Akguel B
Journal of Virology vol. 87 (22), 12158-12165.  


Cancer stem cells and EMT in carcinoma.
Biddle A and Mackenzie IC
Cancer Metastasis Rev 
Pre-culturing human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells under hypoxia increases their adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation potential
VALORANI MG, Montelatici E, Germani A, Biddle A, D'Alessandro D, Strollo R, Patrizi MP, Lazzari L, Nye E and Otto WR
Cell Proliferation vol. 45 (3), 225-238.  


Cancer stem cells in squamous cell carcinoma switch between two distinct phenotypes that are preferentially migratory or proliferative.
Biddle A, Liang X, Gammon L, Fazil B, Harper LJ, Emich H, Costea DE and Mackenzie IC
Cancer Res vol. 71 (15), 5317-5326.  
Stem cell characteristics of cell sub-populations in cell lines derived from head and neck cancers of Fanconi anemia patients.
Gammon L, Biddle A, Fazil B, Harper L and Mackenzie IC
J Oral Pathol Med vol. 40 (2), 143-152.  


Hypoxia increases Sca-1/CD44 co-expression in murine mesenchymal stem cells and enhances their adipogenic differentiation potential.
Valorani MG, Germani A, Otto WR, Harper L, Biddle A, Khoo CP, Lin WR, Hawa MI, Tropel P, Patrizi MP, Pozzilli P and Alison MR
Cell Tissue Res vol. 341 (1), 111-120.  
Normal and malignant epithelial cells with stem-like properties have an extended G2 cell cycle phase that is associated with apoptotic resistance.
Harper LJ, Costea DE, Gammon L, Fazil B, Biddle A and Mackenzie IC
Bmc Cancer vol. 10 


Xenopus oocytes reactivate muscle gene transcription in transplanted somatic nuclei independently of myogenic factors
Biddle A, Simeoni I and Gurdon JB
Development vol. 136 (16), 2695-2703.  


Bexarotene and Erlotinib for Aerodigestive Tract Cancer
Dragnev KH, Petty WJ, Shah S, Biddle A, Desai NB, Memoli V, Rigas JR and Dmitrovsky E
Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (Asco) vol. 23 (34), 8757-8764.  
A Novel Retinoic Acid Receptor β Isoform and Retinoid Resistance in Lung Carcinogenesis
Petty WJ, Li N, Biddle A, Bounds R, Nitkin C, Ma Y, Dragnev KH, Freemantle SJ and Dmitrovsky E
Journal of The National Cancer Institute, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 97 (22), 1645-1651.  


Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition Represses Cyclin D1 in Aerodigestive Tract Cancers
Petty WJ, Dragnev KH, Memoli VA, Ma Y, Desai NB, Biddle A, Davis TH, Nugent WC, Memoli N, Hamilton M, Iwata KK, Rigas JR and Dmitrovsky E
Clinical Cancer Research, American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) vol. 10 (22), 7547-7554.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconThe role of Laminin 332 as predictor of occult lymph nodes metastasis in early stage oral cancer
Mayson Mustafa and Adrian Biddle
£5,500 ODRT Oral and Dental Research Trust, The
04-11-2024 - 03-11-2025
bullet iconThe influence of a complex in vitro tumour microenvironment on cancer stem cells metastasis
Adrian Biddle and Ana Caetano
£547,066 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027
bullet iconThe Role of Peripheral Neuroglia In Oral Spuamous Cell Cancer
Ana Caetano and Adrian Biddle
£317,529 MCSBHT Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital Trust
01-10-2024 - 31-12-2027
solid heart iconEPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technology (COaCT)
Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 
Grant Summary

01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032
solid heart iconPhD Study 2022 – Modelling the tumour-induced changes to the tumour microenvironment (TME) and extracellular matrix (ECM) within a defined minimal 3D in vitro environment.
Adrian Biddle
£50,000 Animal Free Research UK
06-06-2022 - 05-06-2025
solid heart iconIdentifying and manipulating molecular mechanisms controlling cancer stem cell metastatic potential in a human oral cancer model.
Adrian Biddle and Jun Wang
£552,481 MRC Medical Research Council
01-09-2021 - 30-06-2025
solid heart iconThe molecular mechanisms underlying the tumour-determined immune cell infiltrate in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Adrian Biddle and Muy-Teck Teh
£298,338 MCSBHT Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital Trust
01-09-2021 - 31-01-2026
bullet iconA Centre of Excellence for Squamous Cancer
Paul Coulthard, David Kelsell, Catherine Harwood, Adrian Biddle, Jun Wang and Tracy Connelly
£2,675,828 Barts and the London Charity
01-04-2021 - 31-01-2028

solid heart iconA 3Rs approach to tumour metastasis: investigating the role of cancer stem cells in metastasis using an in vitro microfluidic model
Adrian Biddle and Julien Gautrot
£90,000 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
01-10-2019 - 30-12-2022
solid heart iconDevelopment of a molecular biomarker test for metastatic cancer stem cells in oral squamous cell car
Adrian Biddle
£93,000 Oracle Cancer Trust
02-07-2018 - 01-01-2022
bullet iconIdentification of a novel cancer stem cell sub-population in melanoma pathological specimens
Adrian Biddle
£1,940 Animal Free Research UK
04-06-2018 - 03-08-2018