Dr Ana Caetano

Ana Caetano

Clinical Senior Lecturer

Institute of Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London


peripheral nervous system, neuroimmune interactions, neuro-stem cell interactions, oral mucosa, computational modelling

Cancer Models, Infectious Disease and Inflammation Models, Neuronal Models


Our lab studies the nervous system of the oral mucosa to understand how its development, organisation and function regulate health and disease mechanisms. We use a wide range of experimental techniques, including molecular and genetic manipulations, advanced microscopy, next-generation sequencing approaches, bioinformatics and computational modelling. We are now aiming to develop complex oral mucosa in vitro models to allow us to further investigate neuroimmune and neuro-epithelial interactions.


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconNeuroimmune interactions in oral barrier function
Ana Caetano
£127,935 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
01-10-2024 - 30-09-2028
bullet iconNeuroimmune interactions in oral barrier function
Ana Caetano
£78,600 Unilever UK Ltd
01-10-2024 - 30-09-2028
bullet iconThe influence of a complex in vitro tumour microenvironment on cancer stem cells metastasis
Adrian Biddle and Ana Caetano
£547,066 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027
bullet iconThe Role of Peripheral Neuroglia In Oral Spuamous Cell Cancer
Ana Caetano and Adrian Biddle
£317,529 MCSBHT Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital Trust
01-10-2024 - 31-12-2027