Dr Caroline Roney

Caroline Roney

Lecturer in Computational Medicine

School of Engineering & Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


Computational Medicine, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Biophysical Modelling, Machine learning, Signal Processing, Image Processing

Cardiovascular Models


Interested in the integration of AI and machine learning techniques with in vitro organ-chip models with a particular focus on cardiovascular applications.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Tonko J, Ruipérez-Campillo S, Cabero-Vidal G, Cabrera-Borrego E, Roney C, Jiminez J, Roig JM, Castells-Ramon F and Lambiase P (2024). Vector Field Heterogeneity as a Novel Omnipolar Mapping Metric for Functional Substrate Characterisation in Scar-related Ventricular Tachycardias. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm   
Jaffery OA, Zolotarev A, Barera CE, Rodero C, Niederer S, Slabaugh G, Good WW and Roney CH (2024). An in-silico comparison of anatomical and substrate based AF ablation using electro and optical flow mapping. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 45, (Supplement_1) ehae666.579-ehae666.579.  
Honarbakhsh S, Horrach CV, Lambiase PD, Roney C and Hunter RJ (2024). The effect of fixed and functional remodelling on conduction velocity, wavefront propagation, and rotational activity formation in atrial fibrillation. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 26, (10)  
Honarbakhsh S, Roney C, Horrach CV, Lambiase PD and Hunter RJ (2024). Autonomic modulation impacts conduction velocity dynamics and wavefront propagation in the left atrium. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 26, (9)  
Dharmaprani D, Tiver K, Shahrbabaki SS, Jenkins EV, Chapman D, Strong C, Quah JX, Tonchev I, O’Loughlin L, Mitchell L, Tung M, Ahmad W, Stoyanov N, Aguilar M, Niederer SA, Roney CH, Nash MP, Clayton RH, Nattel S and Ganesan AN (2024). Observable Atrial and Ventricular Fibrillation Episode Durations Are Conformant With a Power Law Based on System Size and Spatial Synchronization. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology  vol. 17, (7)  
Tonko JB, Ehnesh M, Vigmond E, Chow A, Roney C and Lambiase PD (2024). Omnipolar conduction velocity mapping for ventricular substrate characterization: Impact of CV estimation method and EGM type on in vivo conduction velocity measurements. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (12) 2499-2508.  
Al-Aidarous S, Horrach CV, Roney C, Butcher C, Hunter R and Honarbakhsh S (2024). Peak frequency can be effectively used to characterize atrial remodelling in atrial fibrillation. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 26, (Supplement_1)  
Horrach CV, Jaffery OA, Hunter RJ, Honarbakhsh S and Roney C (2024). Effects of different types of fibrotic remodelling in areas of low voltage on atrial fibrillation dynamics: an in-silico study. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 26, (Supplement_1)  
Vigneswaran V, Gharaviri AG, Klis MK, Bodagh NB, Sim IS, Roney CR, Kotadia IK, Niederer SN, Neill MOO and Williams SW (2024). Enhancing OpenEP: atrial conduction velocity and conduction velocity heterogeneity quantification through EP Workbench. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 26, (Supplement_1)  
Jaffery OA, Melki L, Slabaugh G, Good WW and Roney CH (2024). A Review of Personalised Cardiac Computational Modelling Using Electroanatomical Mapping Data. Radcliffe Cardiology  Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review  vol. 13,  
Al-Aidarous S, Horrach CV, Roney CH, Butcher C, Hunter RJ and Honarbakhsh S (2024). PO-05-119 PEAK FREQUENCY CAN BE EFFECTIVELY USED TO CHARACTERIZE ATRIAL REMODELING IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (5) s529-s530.  
Valli H, Ehnesh M, Chen Z, Hussain W, Jones DG, Wong T, Roney CH and Haldar S (2024). PO-06-114 REDEFINING ATRIAL SUBSTRATE ASSESSMENT IN THE OMNIPOLAR MAPPING ERA. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (5)  
Misghina SB, Solis-Lemus JA, Lopez-Barrera CE, Rauseo E, Vigmond EJ, Niederer SA, Aung N, Munroe PB, Petersen SE and Roney CH (2024). PO-05-033 PATIENT-SPECIFIC BIATRIAL MODELLING FRAMEWORK FOR PREDICTING ATRIAL FIBRILLATION OUTCOMES. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (5) s565-s566.  
Zolotarev A, Rodero C, Narayan SM, Vigmond EJ, Plank G, Niederer SA and Roney CH (2024). PO-05-025 ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FEATURES IMPROVE AF ABLATION OUTCOME PREDICTION: A COMBINED DEEP LEARNING AND IN-SILICO APPROACH. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (5) s561-s562.  
Ehnesh M, Valli H, Zolotarev A, Jaffery OA, Barrera CL, Vigmond EJ, Haldar S and Roney CH (2024). PO-05-031 THE DETERMINATION OF ABLATION TARGETS IN PATIENT-SPECIFIC ATRIAL MODELS IS INFLUENCED BY THE DATA USED FOR CALIBRATION. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (5) s564-s565.  
Sillett C, Razeghi O, Lee AWC, Lemus JAS, Roney C, Mannina C, de Vere F, Ananthan K, Ennis DB, Haberland U, Xu H, Young A, Rinaldi CA, Rajani R and Niederer SA (2024). A three-dimensional left atrial motion estimation from retrospective gated computed tomography: application in heart failure patients with atrial fibrillation. Frontiers  Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine  vol. 11,  
Roney C and Honarbakhsh S (2024). Does spatiotemporal dispersion indicate a patient-unique fingerprint or a generic characteristic of persistent atrial fibrillation? Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (5) 553-554.  
Honarbakhsh S, Roney C, Wharmby A, Vidal Horrach C and Hunter RJ (2024). Spatial and temporal relationship between focal and rotational activations and their relationship to structural remodeling in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 21, (6) 752-761.  
Kotadia ID, O'Dowling R, Aboagye A, Crawley RJ, Bodagh N, Gharaviri A, O'Hare D, Solis‐Lemus JA, Roney CH, Sim I, Ramsey D, Newby D, Chiribiri A, Plein S, Sztriha L, Scott P, Masci P, Harrison J, Williams MC, Birns J, Somerville P, Bhalla A, Niederer S, O'Neill M and Williams SE (2024). High Prevalence of New Clinically Significant Findings in Patients With Embolic Stroke of Unknown Source Evaluated by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Wolters Kluwer  Journal of the American Heart Association  vol. 13, (3)  
Khan A, Asad M, Zolotarev A, Roney C, Mathur A, Benning M and Slabaugh G (2024). Misclassification Loss for Segmentation of the Aortic Vessel Tree. Segmentation of the Aorta. Towards the Automatic Segmentation, Modeling, and Meshing of the Aortic Vessel Tree from Multicenter   Springer Nature   


Roney CH, Lemus JAS, Barrera CL, Zolotarev A, Ulgen O, Kerfoot E, Bevis L, Misghina S, Horrach CV, Jaffery OA, Ehnesh M, Rodero C, Dharmaprani D, Ríos-Muñoz GR, Ganesan A, Good WW, Neic A, Plank G, Hopman LHGA, Götte MJW, Honarbakhsh S, Narayan SM, Vigmond E and Niederer S (2023). Constructing bilayer and volumetric atrial models at scale. The Royal Society  Interface Focus  vol. 13, (6) 20230038-20230038.  
Strocchi M, Rodero C, Roney CH, Mendonca Costa C, Plank G, Lamata P and Niederer SA (2023). A Semi-automatic Pipeline for Generation of Large Cohorts of Four-Chamber Heart Meshes. Springer Nature  Methods in Molecular Biology  vol. 2735, 117-127.  
El-Taraboulsi J, Cabrera CP, Roney C and Aung N (2023). Deep neural network architectures for cardiac image segmentation. Elsevier  Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences  vol. 4,  
Sillett C, Razeghi O, Lee A, Lemus JAS, Roney C, Ganesan P, Feng R, Chubb H, NIEMAN K, Rogers AJ, Rajani R, Narayan SM and Niederer SA (2023). Abstract 13321: Novel Regional Analysis of Left Atrial Strain From Computed Tomography Separates Patients With Persistent versus Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 148, (Suppl_1) a13321-a13321.  
Kotadia ID, Dias M, Roney C, Parker RA, O’Dowling R, Bodagh N, Lemus-Solis J-A, O’Hare D, Sim I, Newby D, Niederer S, Birns J, Sommerville P, Bhalla A, O’Neill M and Williams SE (2023). AF and in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm O2  vol. 4, (11) 700-707.  
Gillette K, Gsell MAF, Strocchi M, Grandits T, Neic A, Manninger M, Scherr D, Roney CH, Prassl AJ, Augustin CM, Vigmond EJ and Plank G (2023). A personalized real-time virtual model of whole heart electrophysiology. Oxford University Press  EP Europace  vol. 25, (Suppl 1) euad122.541-euad122.541.  
Roney C, Alonso JSL, Sim I, Ulgen O, Rodero C, Strocchi M, Kotadia I, Honarbakhsh S, Narayan S, Plank G, Vigmond E, Williams SE and Niederer S (2023). In silico biatrial fibrosis ablation improves atrial fibrillation outcome. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 25, (Supplement_1)  
Kotadia I, Dias M, Roney C, Parker RA, O'dowling R, O'hare D, Solis-Lemus JA, Sim I, Birns J, Sommerville P, Bhalla A, Newby D, Niederer S, O'neill M and Williams SE (2023). Atrial fibrillation and in-hospital mortality in Covid-19 patients. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 25, (Supplement_1)  
Butcher C, Roney C, Wharmby A, Ahluwalia N, Chow A, Lambiase PD, Hunter RJ and Honarbakhsh S (2023). In Atrial Fibrillation, Omnipolar Voltage Maps More Accurately Delineate Scar Than Bipolar Voltage Maps. Elsevier  JACC Clinical Electrophysiology  vol. 9, (8) 1500-1512.  
Solís-Lemus JA, Baptiste T, Barrows R, Sillett C, Gharaviri A, Raffaele G, Razeghi O, Strocchi M, Sim I, Kotadia I, Bodagh N, O’Hare D, O’Neill M, Williams SE, Roney C and Niederer S (2023). Evaluation of an open-source pipeline to create patient-specific left atrial models: A reproducibility study. Elsevier  Computers in Biology and Medicine  vol. 162, 107009-107009.  
Sillett C, Razeghi O, Lee AW, Solis-Lemus JA, Roney CH, Ennis D, Rinaldi CA, Rajani R and Niederer SA (2023). PO-01-095 REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN ATRIAL FIBER STRAINS IN HEART FAILURE PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 20, (5)  
Roney CH, Solis-Lemus JA, Honarbakhsh S, Sim I, Rodero C, Strocchi M, Kotadia I, Narayan SM, Plank G, Vigmond EJ, Williams SE and Niederer SA (2023). PO-01-215 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION OUTCOME IS IMPROVED BY BIATRIAL SUBSTRATE ABLATION IN A LARGE VIRTUAL TRIAL. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 20, (5) s164-s165.  
Razeghi O, Kapoor R, Alhusseini MI, Fazal M, Tang S, Roney CH, Rogers AJ, Lee A, Wang PJ, Clopton P, Rubin DL, Narayan SM, Niederer S and Baykaner T (2023). Atrial fibrillation ablation outcome prediction with a machine learning fusion framework incorporating cardiac computed tomography. Wiley  Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology  vol. 34, (5) 1164-1174.  
Corrado C, Roney CH, Razeghi O, Lemus JAS, Coveney S, Sim I, Williams SE, O'Neill MD, Wilkinson RD, Clayton RH and Niederer SA (2023). Quantifying the impact of shape uncertainty on predicted arrhythmias. Elsevier  Computers in Biology and Medicine  vol. 153, 106528-106528.  
Ghebryal J, Rodero C, Barrows RK, Strocchi M, Roney CH, Augustin CM, Plank G and Niederer SA (2023). Effect of Varying Pericardial Boundary Conditions on Whole Heart Function: A Computational Study. Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart  Springer Nature   


He J, Pertsov AM, Cherry EM, Fenton FH, Roney CH, Niederer SA, Zang Z and Mangharam R (2022). Fiber Organization Has Little Effect on Electrical Activation Patterns During Focal Arrhythmias in the Left Atrium. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering  vol. 70, (5) 1611-1621.  
Coveney S, Roney CH, Corrado C, Wilkinson RD, Oakley JE, Niederer SA and Clayton RH (2022). Calibrating cardiac electrophysiology models using latent Gaussian processes on atrial manifolds. Nature Research  Scientific Reports  vol. 12, (1) 16572-16572.  
Gillette K, Gsell MAF, Strocchi M, Grandits T, Neic A, Manninger M, Scherr D, Roney CH, Prassl AJ, Augustin CM, Vigmond EJ and Plank G (2022). A personalized real-time virtual model of whole heart electrophysiology. Frontiers Media  Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 13, 907190-907190.  
Jenkins EV, Dharmaprani D, Schopp M, Quah JX, Tiver K, Mitchell L, Xiong F, Aguilar M, Pope K, Akar FG, Roney CH, Niederer SA, Nattel S, Nash MP, Clayton RH and Ganesan AN (2022). The inspection paradox: An important consideration in the evaluation of rotor lifetimes in cardiac fibrillation. Frontiers Media  Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 13, 920788-920788.  
Coveney S, Cantwell C and Roney C (2022). Atrial conduction velocity mapping: clinical tools, algorithms and approaches for understanding the arrhythmogenic substrate. Springer Nature  Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing  vol. 60, (9) 2463-2478.  
Smith P, Bishop M, Rajan J, Kerfoot E, Sim I, Kotadia I, O’hare D, Fitzpatrick N, Grubb NR, Corrado C, Connelly A, Roney C, Niederer S, O’neill M and Williams SE (2022). OpenEP-Py and OpenEP-GUI: An interactive platform for the visualisation and analysis of clinical and simulated cardiac electrophysiology data. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 24, (Supplement_1)  
Williams S, Roney C, Connolly A, Smith P, Bishop M, Niederer S, Whitaker J, Corrado C, Kotadia I, O’hare D, Fitzpatrick N, Sim I and O’neill M (2022). Interpolation of electrophysiology parameters using OpenEP: technology development and clinical application. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 24, (Supplement_1)  
Sim I, Razeghi O, Lemus JS, Mukherjee R, O’hare D, O’neill L, Kotadia I, Roney C, Wright M, Chiribiri A, Niederer S, O’neill M and Williams (2022). Atrial tissue characterisation using electroanatomic voltage mapping and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 24, (Supplement_1)  
Jenkins E, Dharmaprani D, Schopp M, Quah J, Tiver K, Xiong F, Aguilar M, Akar FG, Roney CH, Niederer SA, Nattel S, Nash MP, Clayton RH and Ganesan AN (2022). PO-616-05 THE INSPECTION PARADOX: AN IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION IN THE EVALUATION OF ROTOR LIFETIMES IN CARDIAC FIBRILLATION. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 19, (5) s112-s112.  
Sillett C, Razeghi O, Strocchi M, Roney CH, O'Brien H, Ennis D, Haberland U, Rajani R, Rinaldi CA and Niederer SA (2022). PO-664-05 LOCAL AREA STRAINS FROM RETROSPECTIVE GATED COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IMAGING TO DETECT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 19, (5) s297-s298.  
Feng Y, Roney CH, Bayer JD, Niederer SA, Hocini M and Vigmond EJ (2022). Detection of focal source and arrhythmogenic substrate from body surface potentials to guide atrial fibrillation ablation. Public Library of Science (PLoS)  PLOS Computational Biology  vol. 18, (3)  
Roney CH, Sim I, Yu J, Beach M, Mehta A, Solis-Lemus JA, Kotadia I, Whitaker J, Corrado C, Razeghi O, Vigmond E, Narayan SM, O’Neill M, Williams SE and Niederer SA (2022). Predicting Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence by Combining Population Data and Virtual Cohorts of Patient-Specific Left Atrial Models. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology  vol. 15, (2)  
Kotadia ID, O’Dowling R, Aboagye A, Sim I, O’Hare D, Lemus-Solis J-A, Roney CH, Dweck M, Chiribiri A, Plein S, Sztriha L, Scott P, Harrison J, Ramsay D, Birns J, Somerville P, Bhalla A, Niederer S, O’Neill M and Williams SE (2022). Atrial CARdiac Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with embolic stroke of unknown source without documented Atrial Fibrillation (CARM-AF): Study design and clinical protocol. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm O2  vol. 3, (2) 196-203.  
Jenkins E, Dharmaprani D, Schopp M, Quah JX, Tiver K, Mitchell L, Xiong F, Aguilar M, Pope K, Akar F, Roney C, Niederer S, Nattel S, Nash M, Clayton R and Ganesan A (2022). The Inspection Paradox: An Important Consideration in the Evaluation of Rotor Lifetimes in Cardiac Fibrillation. Elsevier  Heart Lung and Circulation  vol. 31, s133-s134.  


Roney CH, Sillett C, Whitaker J, Lemus JAS, Sim I, Kotadia I, O'Neill M, Williams SE and Niederer SA (2021). Applications of multimodality imaging for left atrial catheter ablation. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging  vol. 23, (1) 31-41.  
Whitaker J, Neji R, Kim S, Connolly A, Aubriot T, Calvo JJ, Karim R, Roney CH, Murfin B, Richardson C, Morgan S, Ismail TF, Harrison J, de Vos J, Aalders MCG, Williams SE, Mukherjee R, O'Neill L, Chubb H, Tschabrunn C, Anter E, Camporota L, Niederer S, Roujol S, Bishop MJ, Wright M, Silberbauer J, Razavi R and O'Neill M (2021). Late Gadolinium Enhancement Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Substrate for Ventricular Tachycardia With Hemodynamic Compromise. Frontiers  Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine  vol. 8,  
Roney CH, Child N, Porter B, Sim I, Whitaker J, Clayton RH, Laughner JI, Shuros A, Neuzil P, Williams SE, Razavi RS, O'Neill M, Rinaldi CA, Taggart P, Wright M, Gill JS and Niederer SA (2021). Time-Averaged Wavefront Analysis Demonstrates Preferential Pathways of Atrial Fibrillation, Predicting Pulmonary Vein Isolation Acute Response. Frontiers  Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 12,  
Solis-Lemus JA, Roney CH, Razeghi O, Sim I, Kotadia I, Mukherjee R, Williams SE, O'Neill M and Niederer SA (2021). B-PO02-137 OPEN-SOURCE PLATFORM FOR ANALYSIS OF FIBROSIS BEFORE AND AFTER A PULMONARY VEIN ISOLATION PROCEDURE. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 18, (8)  
Kotadia I, Williams ISM, Roney CH, Solis-Lemus J, Razeghi O, Daniel C, Clutton SGE, Grant RGL, Proudfoot JNC, Reisner Y, Harks E, Pilmeyer A, Welsh AKS, Whitaker J, Wright MJ, Niederer SA, O'Neill M and Williams SE (2021). B-PO03-096 DIELECTRIC IMAGING ACCURATELY MEASURES REGIONAL CARDIAC CHAMBER WALL THICKNESS - AN IN VIVO STUDY. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 18, (8) s227-s228.  
Ali SY, Millare B, Bradley R, Ali RL, Boyle PM, Salvador M, Fedele M, Aronis KN, Paliwal N, Prakosa A, Roney CH, Vigmond EJ, Niederer SA and Trayanova NA (2021). B-PO05-007 RAPID AND ROBUST MAPPING OF CLINICAL DATA ON PERSONALIZED VOLUMETRIC ATRIAL GEOMETRIES. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 18, (8) s374-s374.  
Roney CH, Sim I, Yu J, Beach M, Mehta A, Solis-Lemus J, Kotadia I, Whitaker J, Razeghi O, Vigmond EJ, Narayan SM, O'Neill MD, Williams SE and Niederer SA (2021). B-PO05-012 PREDICTING ATRIAL FIBRILLATION RECURRENCE BY COMBINING POPULATION DATA & PATIENT-SPECIFIC MODELING. Elsevier  Heart Rhythm  vol. 18, (8) s375-s376.  
Bifulco SF, Scott GD, Sarairah S, Birjandian Z, Roney CH, Niederer SA, Mahnkopf C, Kuhnlein P, Mitlacher M, Tirschwell D, Longstreth W, Akoum N and Boyle PM (2021). Computational modeling identifies embolic stroke of undetermined source patients with potential arrhythmic substrate. eLife  eLife  vol. 10,  
Williams SE, Roney CH, Connolly A, Sim I, Whitaker J, O’Hare D, Kotadia I, O’Neill L, Corrado C, Bishop M, Niederer SA, Wright M, O’Neill M and Linton NWF (2021). OpenEP: A Cross-Platform Electroanatomic Mapping Data Format and Analysis Platform for Electrophysiology Research. Frontiers  Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 12,  
Corrado C, Williams S, Roney C, Plank G, O’Neill M and Niederer S (2021). Using machine learning to identify local cellular properties that support re-entrant activation in patient-specific models of atrial fibrillation. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 23, (Supplement_1) i12-i20.  
Kotadia I, Whitaker J, Roney C, Niederer S, O’Neill M, Bishop M and Wright M (2021). Anisotropic cardiac conduction. Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Review  vol. 9,  


Razeghi O, Sim I, Roney CH, Karim R, Chubb H, Whitaker J, O’Neill L, Mukherjee R, Wright M, O’Neill M, Williams SE and Niederer S (2020). Fully Automatic Atrial Fibrosis Assessment Using a Multilabel Convolutional Neural Network. American Heart Association  Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging  vol. 13, (12) e011512-e011512.  
Costa CM, Roney C, Strocchi M, Razeghi O and Niederer S (2020). Clinical translation of patient-specific organ level cardiac models. Modeling and Simulating Cardiac Electrical Activity  IOP Publishing   
Bifulco S, Scott GD, Sarairah S, Birjandian Z, Roney C, Niederer SA, Mahnkopf C, Kuhnlein P, Mitlacher M, Tirschwell D, Akoum NW and Boyle PM (2020). Abstract 14899: Personalized Computational Modeling Identifies Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source Patients With Potential Arrhythmic Substrate. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 142, (Suppl_3)  
Ali RL, Qureshi NA, Liverani S, Roney CH, Kim S, Lim PB, Tweedy JH, Cantwell CD and Peters NS (2020). Left atrial enhancement correlates with myocardial conduction velocity in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. Frontiers Media  Frontiers in Physiology   
Razeghi O, Solís-Lemus JA, Lee AWC, Karim R, Corrado C, Roney CH, de Vecchi A and Niederer SA (2020). CemrgApp: An interactive medical imaging application with image processing, computer vision, and machine learning toolkits for cardiovascular research. Elsevier  SoftwareX  vol. 12,  
O"neill L, Sim I, O"hare D, Whitaker J, Mukherjee R, Roney C, Razeghi O, Niederer S, Harith A, Rosenthal E, Jones M, Wright M, Frigiola A, O"neill M and Williams S (2020). P920Understanding arrhythmia mechanisms in patients with atrial septal defects. Oxford University Press (OUP)  EP Europace  vol. 22, (Supplement_1)  
Roney CH, Bendikas R, Pashakhanloo F, Corrado C, Vigmond EJ, McVeigh ER, Trayanova NA and Niederer SA (2020). Constructing a Human Atrial Fibre Atlas. Springer Nature  Annals of Biomedical Engineering  vol. 49, (1) 233-250.  
Clayton RH, Aboelkassem Y, Cantwell CD, Corrado C, Delhaas T, Huberts W, Lei CL, Ni H, Panfilov AV, Roney C and dos Santos RW (2020). An audit of uncertainty in multi-scale cardiac electrophysiology models. The Royal Society  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences  vol. 378, (2173)  
Niederer SA, Aboelkassem Y, Cantwell CD, Corrado C, Coveney S, Cherry EM, Delhaas T, Fenton FH, Panfilov AV, Pathmanathan P, Plank G, Riabiz M, Roney CH, dos Santos RW and Wang L (2020). Creation and application of virtual patient cohorts of heart models. The Royal Society  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences  vol. 378, (2173)  
Coveney S, Corrado C, Roney CH, OHare D, Williams SE, ONeill MD, Niederer SA, Clayton RH, Oakley JE and Wilkinson RD (2020). Gaussian process manifold interpolation for probabilistic atrial activation maps and uncertain conduction velocity. The Royal Society  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences  vol. 378, (2173)  
Handa BS, Li X, Baxan N, Roney CH, Shchendrygina A, Mansfield CA, Jabbour RJ, Pitcher DS, Chowdhury RA, Peters NS and Ng FS (2020). Ventricular fibrillation mechanism and global fibrillatory organization are determined by gap junction coupling and fibrosis pattern. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 117, (4) 1078-1090.  
Roney CH, Wit AL and Peters NS (2020). Challenges Associated with Interpreting Mechanisms of AF. Radcliffe Cardiology  Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review  vol. 8, (4) 273-284.  
Corrado C, Avezzù A, Lee AWC, Mendoca Costa C, Roney CH, Strocchi M, Bishop M and Niederer SA (2020). Using cardiac ionic cell models to interpret clinical data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine   
Roney CH, Beach ML, Mehta AM, Sim I, Corrado C, Bendikas R, Solis-Lemus JA, Razeghi O, Whitaker J, O’Neill L, Plank G, Vigmond E, Williams SE, O’Neill MD and Niederer SA (2020). In silico Comparison of Left Atrial Ablation Techniques That Target the Anatomical, Structural, and Electrical Substrates of Atrial Fibrillation. Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 11,  
Coveney S, Clayton RH, Corrado C, Roney CH, Wilkinson RD, Oakley JE, Lindgren F, Williams SE, O’Neill MD and Niederer SA (2020). Probabilistic Interpolation of Uncertain Local Activation Times on Human Atrial Manifolds. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering  vol. 67,  
Corrado C, Razeghi O, Roney C, Coveney S, Williams S, Sim I, O’Neill M, Wilkinson R, Oakley J, Clayton RH and Niederer S (2020). Quantifying atrial anatomy uncertainty from clinical data and its impact on electro-physiology simulation predictions. Medical Image Analysis  vol. 61,  
Strocchi M, Gsell MAF, Augustin CM, Razeghi O, Roney CH, Prassl AJ, Vigmond EJ, Behar JM, Gould JS, Rinaldi CA, Bishop MJ, Plank G and Niederer SA (2020). Simulating ventricular systolic motion in a four-chamber heart model with spatially varying robin boundary conditions to model the effect of the pericardium. Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 101,  


Li X, Roney CH, Handa BS, Chowdhury RA, Niederer SA, Peters NS and Ng FS (2019). Standardised Framework for Quantitative Analysis of Fibrillation Dynamics. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 9, (1)  
Handa BS, Li X, Roney C, Pitcher D, Chowdhury RA, Peter NS and Ng FS (2019). 4969Enhanced gap junction coupling organised and terminated acute ventricular fibrillation in ex-vivo perfused hearts. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 40, (Supplement_1)  
Ng FS, Roney C, Cantwell CD and Peters NS (2019). Fundamentals of cardiac mapping. Cardiac Mapping  
Roney CH, Whitaker J, Sim I, O’Neill L, Mukherjee RK, Razeghi O, Vigmond EJ, Wright M, O’Neill MD, Williams SE and Niederer SA (2019). A technique for measuring anisotropy in atrial conduction to estimate conduction velocity and atrial fibre direction. Computers in Biology and Medicine  vol. 104,  
Roney CH and Bishop MJ (2019). Preventing recurrence through analysing recurrence. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology  vol. 30,  
Bayer JD, Boukens BJ, Krul SPJ, Roney CH, Driessen AHG, Berger WR, van den Berg NWE, Verkerk AO, Vigmond EJ, Coronel R and de Groot JR (2019). Acetylcholine Delays Atrial Activation to Facilitate Atrial Fibrillation. Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 10,  
Dallet C, Roney C, Martin R, Kitamura T, Puyo S, Duchateau J, Dumas-Pomier C, Ravon G, Bear L, Derval N, Sacher F, Vigmond E, Haissaguerre M, Hocini M and Dubois R (2019). Cardiac propagation pattern mapping with vector field for helping tachyarrhythmias diagnosis with clinical tridimensional electro-anatomical mapping tools. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering  vol. 66,  
Williams SE, O’Neill L, Roney CH, Julia J, Metzner A, Reißmann B, Mukherjee RK, Sim I, Whitaker J, Wright M, Niederer S, Sohns C and O’Neill M (2019). Left atrial effective conducting size predicts atrial fibrillation vulnerability in persistent but not paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology   
Sim I, Razeghi O, Karim R, Chubb H, Whitaker J, O’Neill L, Mukherjee RK, Roney CH, Razavi R, Wright M, O’Neill M, Niederer S and Williams SE (2019). Reproducibility of Atrial Fibrosis Assessment Using CMR Imaging and an Open Source Platform. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging  vol. 12,  
Roney CH, Pashaei A, Meo M, Dubois R, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA, Cochet H, Niederer SA and Vigmond EJ (2019). Universal atrial coordinates applied to visualisation, registration and construction of patient specific meshes. Medical Image Analysis  vol. 55,  


Sim I, Razeghi O, O'Neill L, Whitaker J, Mukherjee R, Roney C, Razavi R, O'Neill M, Niederer S and Williams S (2018). 116Inter and intra-observer reproducibility of atrial fibrosis assessment using late gadolinium enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. EP Europace  vol. 20, (suppl_4) iv50-iv51.  
Handa BS, Roney CH, Houston C, Qureshi NA, Li X, Pitcher DS, Chowdhury RA, Lim PB, Dupont E, Niederer SA, Cantwell CD, Peters NS and Ng FS (2018). Analytical approaches for myocardial fibrillation signals. Computers in Biology and Medicine  vol. 102,  
Houston C, Tzortzis KN, Roney C, Saglietto A, Pitcher DS, Cantwell CD, Chowdhury RA, Ng FS, Peters NS and Dupont E (2018). Characterisation of re-entrant circuit (or rotational activity) in vitro using the HL1-6 myocyte cell line. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 119,  
Roney CH, Ng FS, Debney MT, Eichhorn C, Nachiappan A, Chowdhury RA, Qureshi NA, Cantwell CD, Tweedy JH, Niederer SA, Peters NS and Vigmond EJ (2018). Determinants of new wavefront locations in cholinergic atrial fibrillation. Europace  vol. 20,  
Roney CH, Bayer JD, Cochet H, Meo M, Dubois R, Jaïs P and Vigmond EJ (2018). Variability in pulmonary vein electrophysiology and fibrosis determines arrhythmia susceptibility and dynamics. PLoS Computational Biology  vol. 14,  
Roney CH, Williams SE, Cochet H, Mukherjee RK, O’Neill L, Sim I, Whitaker J, Razeghi O, Klein GJ, Vigmond EJ, O’Neill M and Niederer SA (2018). Patient-specific simulations predict efficacy of ablation of interatrial connections for treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation. Europace  vol. 20,  
Leong KMW, Ng FS, Roney C, Cantwell C, Shun-Shin MJ, Linton NWF, Whinnett ZI, Lefroy DC, Davies DW, Harding SE, Lim PB, Francis D, Peters NS, Varnava AM and Kanagaratnam P (2018). Repolarization abnormalities unmasked with exercise in sudden cardiac death survivors with structurally normal hearts. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology  vol. 29,  
Child N, Clayton RH, Roney CH, Laughner JI, Shuros A, Neuzil P, Petru J, Jackson T, Porter B, Bostock J, Niederer SA, Razavi RS, Rinaldi CA, Taggart P, Wright MJ and Gill J (2018). Unraveling the Underlying Arrhythmia Mechanism in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Results from the STARLIGHT Study. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology  vol. 11,  
Saha M, Roney CH, Bayer JD, Meo M, Cochet H, Dubois R and Vigmond EJ (2018). Wavelength and fibrosis affect phase singularity locations during atrial fibrillation. Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 9,  


Bayer JD, Boukens BJ, Roney CH, Vigmond EJ, Krul SPJ, Driessen AHG, Berger WR, Van Den Berg NWE, De Groot JR and Coronel R (2017). P4350Slowing of conduction by acetylcholine shortens the wavelength for reentrant atrial arrhythmias. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 38, (suppl_1)  
Roney CH, Cantwell CD, Qureshi NA, Chowdhury RA, Dupont E, Lim PB, Vigmond EJ, Tweedy JH, Ng FS and Peters NS (2017). Rotor Tracking Using Phase of Electrograms Recorded During Atrial Fibrillation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering  vol. 45,  
Roney CH, Cantwell CD, Bayer JD, Qureshi NA, Lim PB, Tweedy JH, Kanagaratnam P, Peters NS, Vigmond EJ and Ng FS (2017). Spatial Resolution Requirements for Accurate Identification of Drivers of Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology  vol. 10,  
Leong KMW, Ng FS, Yao C, Roney C, Taraborrelli P, Linton NWF, Whinnett ZI, Lefroy DC, Davies DW, Boon Lim P, Harding SE, Peters NS, Kanagaratnam P and Varnava AM (2017). ST-elevation magnitude correlates with right ventricular outflow tract conduction delay in Type I Brugada ECG. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology  vol. 10,  


Roney CH, Bayer JD, Zahid S, Meo M, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA, Haïssaguerre M, Dubois R, Cochet H and Vigmond EJ (2016). Modelling methodology of atrial fibrosis affects rotor dynamics and electrograms. Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhyt  vol. 18,  
Bayer JD, Roney CH, Pashaei A, Jaïs P and Vigmond EJ (2016). Novel radiofrequency ablation strategies for terminating atrial fibrillation in the left atrium: A simulation study. Frontiers in Physiology  vol. 7,  


Leong KMW, Ng FS, Roney C, Lim PB, Peters NS, Varnava A and Kanagaratnam P (2015). 67 Dynamic Characterisation of the Electrophysiological Substrate in Brugada Syndrome During Physiological Autonomic Stimulation. BMJ  Heart  vol. 101, (Suppl 4)  
Cantwell CD, Roney CH, Ng FS, Siggers JH, Sherwin SJ and Peters NS (2015). Techniques for automated local activation time annotation and conduction velocity estimation in cardiac mapping. Computers in Biology and Medicine  vol. 65,  


Zaman JA, Al-Aidarous S, Patel PM, Debney MT, Roney C, Chang ET, Chowdhury RA and Peters N (2013). The contact electrogram and its architectural determinants in atrial fibrillation. Elsevier  The Lancet  vol. 381,  


Al-Aidarous SI, Roney CH, Peters FMD, Ng FS, Chowdhury RA and Peters NS (2012). 117 Conduction block induced by acidosis in HL-1 mouse atrial myocytes can be reversed by administering the gap junctional coupler rotigaptide. BMJ  Heart  vol. 98, (Suppl 1)  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconDevelopment and Validation of Smartphone-Based Tools for Characterisation of Gait - QMUL-HUMA KTP
Caroline Roney, Zion Tse, Dylan Morrissey, Stuart Miller, Trevor Prior and Greg Slabaugh
£227,485 Innovate UK (01-08-2024 - 31-07-2026)
solid heart icon(EPSRC CDT 2023) Next Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies
Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032)
bullet iconMapping populations to patients: designing optimal ablation therapy for atrial fibrillation through simulation and deep learning of digital twins (UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship)
Caroline Roney
£1,224,259 MRC Medical Research Council (01-11-2022 - 31-10-2026)
bullet iconVirtual Atria with Personalised Electrophysiology for Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Planning - SEMS Industry-supported PhD Studentship
Caroline Roney and Thomas Iskratsch
£25,000 Acutus Medical UK Ltd (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2025)

bullet iconSimplifying range of movement measurement in humans at home
Dylan Morrissey, Stuart Miller and Caroline Roney
£158,222 Huma Therapeutics Limited (01-03-2023 - 30-11-2023)
bullet iconFellowship: Predicting atrial fibrillation mechanisms through deep learning
Caroline Roney
£95,574 MRC Medical Research Council (18-10-2021 - 31-10-2022)