Prof David Kelsell

David Kelsell

Professor of Human Molecular Genetics

Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar X


keratinocyte, keratinisation disorders, cell communication, cardiomyopathy

Cardiovascular Models, Skin Models


Developed 3D epidermal models of disease; human patient cell lines and mouse models of keratinisation.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Del Caño LR, Dunnigan A, Evora A, Ahmad U, Kelsell DP and Blaydon D (2024). 188 Is mouse paw skin a good model of human palmoplantar skin? Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 144, (12)  
Coulombe PA, Hansen D, Hickerson R, Hovnanian A, O'Toole EA, Kelsell DP, Evans H, Schwartz J and Sprecher E (2024). Celebrating 20 Years of the International Pachyonychia Congenita Consortium. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology   
Tan XL, Chan J, Thomas B, Van Duijvenboden S, Hogan S, Hughes A, Tawfik S, Dhoat S, Atkar R, Robinson E, Rahman S, Ahmed R, Begum R, Khanam H, Bourne E, Wozniak E, Mein C, Kelsell D and O’Toole E (2024). O11 Associations between hyperlinearity of the sole and filaggrin variants in atopic eczema in a South Asian population: a cross-sectional study. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 191, (Supplement_1) i6-i7.  
Chan J, Tan XL, Thomas B, Hughes A, Tawfik S, Dhoat S, Atkar R, Begum J, Rahman S, Ahmed R, Begum R, Khanam H, Kelsell D and O’Toole E (2024). P083 Ichthyosis vulgaris in a South Asian population with atopic eczema: prevalence, clinical phenotypes and filaggrin variants. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 191, (Supplement_1) i53-i54.  
Chan J, Tan XL, Thomas B, Hughes A, McCarthy R, Tawfik S, Dhoat S, Atkar R, Begum J, Rahman S, Ahmed R, Begum R, Khanam H, Kelsell D and O’Toole E (2024). SG10 Ichthyosis vulgaris in a South Asian population with atopic eczema: prevalence, clinical phenotypes and filaggrin variants. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 191, (Supplement_1) i185-i186.  
Leech T, Peiris M, Woodland PJ, Kelsell D and Blaydon DC (2024). Su1238 SUBSTANCE P AND NK1R – A NOVEL NEUROIMMUNE PATHWAY IN GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE. Elsevier  Gastroenterology  vol. 166, (5)  
Del Caño LR, South AP, O'Toole EA, Kelsell DP and Blaydon DC (2024). A Role for Aquaporin-5 Variants in Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in Non-Epidermolytic Palmoplantar Keratoderma. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 144, (9) 2092-2096.  
Dulloo I, Tellier M, Levet C, Chikh A, Zhang B, Blaydon DC, Webb CM, Kelsell DP and Freeman M (2024). Cleavage of the pseudoprotease iRhom2 by the signal peptidase complex reveals an ER-to-nucleus signaling pathway. Elsevier  Molecular Cell  vol. 84, (2) 277-292.e9.  


Murtough S, Babu D, Webb CM, Picard HLD, McGinty LA, Chao-Chu J, Pink R, Silver AR, Smart HL, Field JK, Woodland P, Risk JM, Blaydon DC, Pennington DJ and Kelsell DP (2023). Investigating iRHOM2-Associated Transcriptional Changes in Tylosis With Esophageal Cancer. Elsevier  Gastro Hep Advances  vol. 3, (3) 385-395.  
O'Toole EA, Kelsell DP, Caterina MJ, de Brito M, Hansen D, Hickerson RP, Hovnanian A, Kaspar R, Lane EB, Paller AS, Schwartz J, Shroot B, Teng J, Titeux M, Coulombe PA and Sprecher E (2023). Pachyonychia Congenita: A Research Agenda Leading to New Therapeutic Approaches. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 144, (4) 748-754.  
Ustaoglu A, Daudali FA, D’afflitto M, Murtough S, Lee C, Moreno E, Blaydon DC, Kelsell DP, Sifrim D, Woodland P and Peiris M (2023). Identification of novel immune cell signature in gastroesophageal reflux disease: altered mucosal mast cells and dendritic cell profile. Frontiers  Frontiers in Immunology  vol. 14,  
Thomas BR, Tan XL, Van Duijvenboden S, Hogan SC, Hughes AJ, Tawfik SS, Dhoat S, Atkar R, Robinson EJ, Rahman SR, Rahman S, Ahmed RA, Begum R, Khanam H, Bourne EL, Wozniak EL, Mein CA, Kelsell DP and O’Toole EA (2023). Deep palmar phenotyping in atopic eczema: patterns associated with filaggrin variants, disease severity and barrier function in a South Asian population. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 188, (6) 785-792.  


Tawfik SS, Thomas BR, Kelsell DP, Grigg J and O’Toole EA (2022). Dermatology Quality of Life Index scores in Bangladeshi patients with atopic eczema and their families in East London. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 188, (4) 524-532.  
Ramos L, Yousaf Y, Kelsell D and Blaydon D (2022). 188 CD44 functions as a novel interacting partner of Aquaporin 5 in keratinocytes. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Murtough S, Del Caño LR, Delaney PJ, Webb CM, Colom B, Jones PH, Blaydon D and Kelsell D (2022). 173 A Model to Unravel Pathways Underpinning Palmoplantar Homeostasis and Disease. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Thomas B, Kelsell D and O’Toole EA (2022). 099 Palmar hyperlinearity patterns and fractional exhaled nitric oxide identify atopic eczema more effectively than filaggrin variant status. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 142, (12)  
Unsicker K, Jockusch BM and Kelsell DP (2022). Obituary — Werner W. Franke. Springer Nature  Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 390, (3) 315-316.  
Ramos L, Yousaf Y, Kelsell D and Blaydon D (2022). ESDR188 - CD44 functions as a novel interacting partner of Aquaporin 5 in keratinocytes. Morressier   
Murtough S, Ramos Del Caño L, Delaney P, Webb C, Colom B, Jones P, Blaydon D, Kelsell D, Babu D and Pennington D (2022). ESDR173 - A Model to Unravel Pathways Underpinning Palmoplantar Homeostasis and Disease. Morressier   
Thomas B, Kelsell D and O'Toole E (2022). ESDR099 - Palmar hyperlinearity patterns and fractional exhaled nitric oxide identify atopic eczema more effectively than filaggrin variant status. Morressier   


Thomas BR, Tan XL, Javadzadeh S, Robinson EJ, McDonald BS, Krupiczojc MA, Rahman SR, Rahman S, Ahmed RA, Begum R, Khanam H, Kelsell DP, Grigg J, Knell RJ and O’Toole EA (2021). Modelling of temporal exposure to the ambient environment and eczema severity. JID Innovations  100062-100062.  
Thomas B, McDonald B, Dhoat S, Noimark L, Aston A, Robinson EJ, Rahman S, Ahmed RA, Begum R, Hogan S, Khanam H, Kelsell D and O’Toole EA (2021). 179 Phenotype association with Filaggrin loss of function from the Tower Hamlets Eczema Assessment (THEA). Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 141, (10)  
Ng KE, Delaney PJ, Thenet D, Murtough S, Webb CM, Zaman N, Tsisanova E, Mastroianni G, Walker SLM, Westaby JD, Pennington DJ, Pink R, Kelsell DP and Tinker A (2021). Early inflammation precedes cardiac fibrosis and heart failure in desmoglein 2 murine model of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. Springer Nature  Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 386, (1) 79-98.  


Chao-Chu J, Murtough S, Zaman N, Pennington DJ, Blaydon DC and Kelsell DP (2020). iRHOM2: A Regulator of Palmoplantar Biology, Inflammation, and Viral Susceptibility. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 141, (4) 722-726.  
Peltonen S, Eming SA, Griffiths CEM, Széll M, Kelsell D and De Rie MA (2020). Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of ESDR. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 140, (9) s145-s146.  
Griffiths CEM, Széll M and Kelsell DP (2020). The Future of ESDR. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 140, (9) s192-s193.  
Enjalbert F, Dewan P, Caley MP, Jones EM, Morse MA, Kelsell DP, Enright AJ and O'Toole EA (2020). 3D model of harlequin ichthyosis reveals inflammatory therapeutic targets. American Society for Clinical Investigation  Journal of Clinical Investigation   
de Oliveira RTG, Christofolini DM, Criado PR, Martins EL, Kelsell D and Filho CDSM (2020). Clinical variability of the GJB4:c.35G > A gene variant: a study of a large Brazilian erythrokeratodermia pedigree. Wiley  International Journal of Dermatology  vol. 59, (6) 722-725.  
Maruthappu T and Kelsell DP (2020). Inherited skin disease. Oxford Textbook of Medicine  Oxford University Press (OUP)   


Waller K, James C, de Jong A, Blackmore L, Ma Y, Stagg A, Kelsell D, O'Dwyer M, Hutchins R and Alazawi W (2019). ADAM17-Mediated Reduction in CD14++CD16+ Monocytes ex vivo and Reduction in Intermediate Monocytes With Immune Paresis in Acute Pancreatitis and Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis. Frontiers  Frontiers in Immunology  vol. 10,  
Temel ŞG, Karakaş B, Şeker Ü, Turkgenç B, Zorlu Ö, Sarıcaoğlu H, Oğur Ç, Kütük Ö, Kelsell DP and Yakıcıer MC (2019). A novel homozygous nonsense mutation in CAST associated with PLACK syndrome. Springer Nature  Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 378, (2) 267-277.  
Elliott PM, Anastasakis A, Asimaki A, Basso C, Bauce B, Brooke MA, Calkins H, Corrado D, Duru F, Green KJ, Judge DP, Kelsell D, Lambiase PD, McKenna WJ, Pilichou K, Protonotarios A, Saffitz JE, Syrris P, Tandri H, Riele AT, Thiene G, Tsatsopoulou A and van Tintelen JP (2019). Definition and treatment of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: an updated expert panel report. Wiley  European Journal of Heart Failure  vol. 21, (8) 955-964.  
Webb C, Murtough S, Chikh A, Picard HLD, Wang J, Pink R, Risk JM, Fitzgerald RC, Pennington DJ and Kelsell DP (2019). 454 iRhom2-mediated immune dysregulation: Impact on the skin and oesophagus. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 139, (5)  
van den Akker PC, Bolling MC, Pasmooij AMG, Kelsell DP and Uitto J (2019). Marcel F. Jonkman, MD, PhD (1957–2019). Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 139, (5) 982-983.  
Maruthappu T, Posafalvi A, Castelletti S, Delaney PJ, Syrris P, O'Toole EA, Green KJ, Elliott PM, Lambiase PD, Tinker A, McKenna WJ and Kelsell DP (2019). DSP 突变与致心律失常性心肌病. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 180, (5) e169-e169.  
Maruthappu T, Posafalvi A, Castelletti S, Delaney PJ, Syrris P, O'Toole EA, Green KJ, Elliott PM, Lambiase PD, Tinker A, McKenna WJ and Kelsell DP (2019). DSP mutations and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 180, (5) e157-e157.  
Maruthappu T, Posafalvi A, Castelletti S, Delaney PJ, Syrris P, O'Toole EA, Green KJ, Elliott PM, Lambiase PD, Tinker A, McKenna WJ and Kelsell DP (2019). Loss‐of‐function desmoplakin I and II mutations underlie dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy with a hair and skin phenotype. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 180, (5) 1114-1122.  


Castelletti S, Maruthappu T, Posafalvi A, Syrris P, O'Toole EA, Green KJ, Tinker A, McKenna WJ and Kelsell DP (2018). P5709Hair and cutaneous phenotypes linked to Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy caused by Desmoplakin haploinsufficiency: an additional disease marker. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 39, (suppl_1)  
KELSELL DP, O'TOOLE E, PIGORS M, SCOTT CA, Tabarra N and VAN HEEL DA (2018). Exome sequencing and rare variant analysis reveals multiple filaggrin mutations in Bangladeshi atopic eczema families and novel risk genes. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology   
Rahman MM, Hazan A, Selway JL, Herath DS, Harwood CA, Pirzado MS, Atkar R, Kelsell DP, Linton KJ, Philpott MP and Neill GW (2018). A novel mechanism for activation of GLI1 by nuclear SMO that escapes anti-SMO inhibitors. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)  Cancer Research  vol. 78, (10)  
Chikh A, Arcidiacono P, Webb C, Brooke M, Zhou H and Kelsell D (2018). 784 The p63 - iRHOM2 signalling axis in the keratinocyte stress response. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 138, (5)  
Arcidiacono P, Webb CM, Brooke MA, Zhou H, Delaney PJ, Ng K-E, Blaydon DC, Tinker A, Kelsell DP and Chikh A (2018). p63 is a key regulator of iRHOM2 signalling in the keratinocyte stress response. Springer Nature  Nature Communications  vol. 9, (1)  
McDonald BS, Pigors M, Kelsell DP, O'Toole EA, Burkitt‐Wright E, Kerr B and Batta K (2018). Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines and associated craniosynostosis. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Clinical and Experimental Dermatology  vol. 43, (3) 357-359.  


Puzzi L, Borin D, Martinelli V, Mestroni L, Kelsell DP and Sbaizero O (2017). Cellular biomechanics impairment in keratinocytes is associated with a C-terminal truncated desmoplakin: An atomic force microscopy investigation. Elsevier  Micron  vol. 106, 27-33.  
Russell MA, Pigors M, Houssen ME, Manson A, Kelsell D, Longhurst H and Morgan NG (2017). A novel de novo activating mutation in STAT3 identified in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). Elsevier  Clinical Immunology  vol. 187, 132-136.  
Maruthappu T, McGinty LA, Blaydon DC, Fell B, Määttä A, Duit R, Hawkins T, Braun KM, Simpson MA, O’Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2017). Recessive Mutation in FAM83G Associated with Palmoplantar Keratoderma and Exuberant Scalp Hair. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 138, (4) 984-987.  
Ip SCI, Cottle DL, Jones LK, Weir JM, Kelsell DP, O'Toole EA, Meikle PJ and Smyth IM (2017). A profile of lipid dysregulation in harlequin ichthyosis. Br J Dermatol  vol. 177, (5) e217-e219.  
Picard HLD, Blaydon D and Kelsell DP (2017). 086 Evidence for a palmoplantar-specific role for microtubules. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 137, (10)  
Takeichi T, Torrelo A, Lee JYW, Ohno Y, Lozano ML, Kihara A, Liu L, Yasuda Y, Ishikawa J, Murase T, Rodrigo AB, Fernández-Crehuet P, Toi Y, Mellerio J, Rivera J, Vicente V, Kelsell DP, Nishimura Y, Okuno Y, Kojima D, Ogawa Y, Sugiura K, Simpson MA, McLean WHI, Akiyama M and McGrath JA (2017). Biallelic Mutations in KDSR Disrupt Ceramide Synthesis and Result in a Spectrum of Keratinization Disorders Associated with Thrombocytopenia. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 137, (11) 2344-2353.  
Maruthappu T, Chikh A, Fell B, Delaney PJ, Brooke MA, Levet C, Moncada-Pazos A, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Blaydon D, Waseem A, Leigh IM, Freeman M and KELSELL DP (2017). Rhomboid family member 2 Regulates cytoskeletal stress associated Keratin 16. Nature Publishing Group  Nature Communications  vol. 8, 14174-14174.  
Wolf C, Qian Y, Brooke MA, Kelsell DP and Franzke C-W (2017). Erratum: Corrigendum: ADAM17/EGFR axis promotes transglutaminase-dependent skin barrier formation through phospholipase C γ1 and protein kinase C pathways. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 7, (1)  


WOLF C, QIAN Y, BROOKE MA, KELSELL DP and FRANZKE CW (2016). ADAM17/EGFR axis promotes transglutaminase-dependent skin barrier formation through phosholipase C γ1 and protein kinase C pathways. Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Journals - Option C  Scientific Reports  vol. 6,  
Posafalvi A, Maruthappu T, Castelletti S, Syrris P, O’Toole E, McKenna WJ and Kelsell DP (2016). 183 Clinical and genetic studies reveal cutaneous phenotypes linked to desmoplakin haploinsufficiency in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 136, (9)  
Pigors M, Sarig O, Heinz L, Plagnol V, Fischer F, Mohamad J, Malchin N, Rajpopat S, Kharfi M, Lestringant GG, Sprecher E, Kelsell DP and Blaydon DC (2016). Loss-of-function mutations in SERPINB8 linked to exfoliative ichthyosis with impaired mechanical stability of intercellular adhesions. Elsevier (Cell Press): 6 month embargo  American Journal of Human Genetics   
Tummala H, Walne AJ, Williams M, Bockett N, Collopy L, Cardoso S, Ellison A, Wynn R, Leblanc T, Fitzgibbon J, Kelsell DP, van Heel DA, Payne E, Plagnol V, Dokal I and Vulliamy T (2016). DNAJC21 Mutations Link a Cancer-Prone Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome to Corruption in 60S Ribosome Subunit Maturation. Elsevier  American Journal of Human Genetics  vol. 99, (1) 115-124.  
Salas-Alanís JC, Scott CA, Fajardo-Ramírez OR, Duran C, Moreno-Treviño MG and Kelsell DP (2016). New ANTXR1 Gene Mutation for GAPO Syndrome: A Case Report. Mol Syndromol  vol. 7, (3) 160-163.  
Harris AG, Choy C, Pigors M, Kelsell DP and Murrell DF (2016). Cover image: Unpeeling the layers of harlequin ichthyosis. Br J Dermatol  vol. 174, (5) 1160-1161.  
Boente MD, Nanda A, Baselaga PA, Kelsell DP, McGrath JA and South AP (2016). Cardiomyopathy diagnosed in the eldest child harboring p.S24X mutation in JUP. The British journal of dermatology   
Sawada G, Niida A, Uchi R, Hirata H, Shimamura T, Suzuki Y, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Imoto S, Takahashi Y, Iwaya T, Sudo T, Hayashi T, Takai H, Kawasaki Y, Matsukawa T, Eguchi H, Sugimachi K, Tanaka F, Suzuki H, Yamamoto K, Ishii H, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H, Yamazaki M, Tachimori Y, Kajiyama Y, Natsugoe S, Fujita H and Mafune K (2016). Genomic Landscape of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Japanese Population. Gastroenterology  vol. 150, (5) 1171-1182.  


Muttardi K, Nitoiu D, Kelsell DP, O'Toole EA and Batta K (2015). Acral peeling skin syndrome associated with a novel CSTA gene mutation. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Clinical and Experimental Dermatology  vol. 41, (4) 394-398.  
Maney SK, McIlwain DR, Polz R, Pandyra AA, Sundaram B, Wolff D, Ohishi K, Maretzky T, Brooke MA, Evers A, Vasudevan AAJ, Aghaeepour N, Scheller J, Münk C, Häussinger D, Mak TW, Nolan GP, Kelsell DP, Blobel CP, Lang KS and Lang PA (2015). Deletions in the cytoplasmic domain of iRhom1 and iRhom2 promote shedding of the TNF receptor by the protease ADAM17. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)  Science Signaling  vol. 8, (401)  
Ellis A, Risk JM, Maruthappu T and Kelsell DP (2015). Tylosis with oesophageal cancer: Diagnosis, management and molecular mechanisms. Springer Nature  Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases  vol. 10, (1)  
Getsios S, Kelsell DP and Forge A (2015). Junctions in human health and inherited disease. Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 360, (3) 435-438.  
Abrams DJ, Kirkby C, Page SP, Earley MJ, Nitiou D, Kelsell DP and Schilling RJ (2015). Evolution of Electrocardiographic and Structural Features Over 3 Decades in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 131, (25) 2233-2235.  
Bland PJ, Chronnell C, Plagnol V, Kayserili H and Kelsell DP (2015). A severe collodion phenotype in the newborn period associated with a homozygous missense mutation in ALOX12B. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 173, (1) 285-287.  
Getsios S, Kelsell DP and Forge A (2015). Junctions in human health and inherited disease. Springer Nature  Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 360, (3) 435-438.  
Gupta A, Nitoiu D, Brennan-Crispi D, Addya S, Riobo NA, Kelsell DP and Mahoney MG (2015). Cell Cycle- and Cancer-Associated Gene Networks Activated by Dsg2: Evidence of Cystatin A Deregulation and a Potential Role in Cell-Cell Adhesion. Public Library of Science (PLoS)  PLOS ONE  vol. 10, (3)  
AlFawaz S, Plagnol V, Wong FSL and Kelsell DP (2015). A novel frameshift MSX1 mutation in a Saudi family with autosomal dominant premolar and third molar agenesis. Elsevier  Archives of Oral Biology  vol. 60, (7) 982-988.  
Notari M, Hu Y, Sutendra G, Dedeić Z, Lu M, Dupays L, Yavari A, Carr CA, Zhong S, Opel A, Tinker A, Clarke K, Watkins H, Ferguson DJP, Kelsell DP, de Noronha S, Sheppard MN, Hollinshead M, Mohun TJ and Lu X (2015). iASPP, a previously unidentified regulator of desmosomes, prevents arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)-induced sudden death. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  vol. 112, (9) e973-e981.  
Lin Z, Zhao J, Nitoiu D, Scott CA, Plagnol V, Smith FJD, Wilson NJ, Cole C, Schwartz ME, McLean WHI, Wang H, Feng C, Duo L, Zhou EY, Ren Y, Dai L, Chen Y, Zhang J, Xu X, O’Toole EA, Kelsell DP and Yang Y (2015). Loss-of-Function Mutations in CAST Cause Peeling Skin, Leukonychia, Acral Punctate Keratoses, Cheilitis, and Knuckle Pads. Elsevier  American Journal of Human Genetics  vol. 96, (3) 440-447.  
Aggarwal S, Kar A, Bland P, Kelsell D and Dalal A (2015). Novel ABCA12 mutations in harlequin ichthyosis: A journey from photo diagnosis to prenatal diagnosis. Gene  vol. 556, (2) 254-256.  
Salas-Alanis JC, Wozniak E, Mein CA, Mckinster CCD, Ocampo-Candiani J, Kelsell DP, Hua R, Garza-Rodriguez ML, Choate KA and Saldaña HAB (2015). Mutations in EDA and EDAR Genes in a Large Mexican Hispanic Cohort with Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia. XMLink  Annals of Dermatology  vol. 27, (4) 474-477.  


Aggarwal S, Kar A, Bland P, Kelsell D and Dalal A (2014). Novel ABCA12 mutations in harlequin ichthyosis: A journey from photo diagnosis to prenatal diagnosis. Elsevier  Gene  vol. 556, (2) 254-256.  
Blaydon DC and Kelsell DP (2014). Defective channels lead to an impaired skin barrier. J Cell Sci  vol. 127, (Pt 20) 4343-4350.  
Brooke MA, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2014). Exoming into rare skin disease: EGFR deficiency. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 134, (10) 2486-2488.  
Maruthappu T, Scott CA and Kelsell DP (2014). Discovery in genetic skin disease: the impact of high throughput genetic technologies. Genes (Basel)  vol. 5, (3) 615-634.  
Brooke MA, Etheridge SL, Kaplan N, Simpson C, O'Toole EA, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Marches O, Getsios S and Kelsell DP (2014). iRHOM2-dependent regulation of ADAM17 in cutaneous disease and epidermal barrier function. Hum Mol Genet  vol. 23, (15) 4064-4076.  
Nitoiu D, Etheridge SL and Kelsell DP (2014). Insights into desmosome biology from inherited human skin disease and cardiocutaneous syndromes. Cell Commun Adhes  vol. 21, (3) 129-140.  
Brooke MA, Longhurst HJ, Plagnol V, Kirkby NS, Mitchell JA, Rüschendorf F, Warner TD, Kelsell DP and MacDonald TT (2014). Cryptogenic multifocal ulcerating stenosing enteritis associated with homozygous deletion mutations in cytosolic phospholipase A2-α. Gut  vol. 63, (1) 96-104.  


Blaydon DC, Lind LK, Plagnol V, Linton KJ, Smith FJD, Wilson NJ, McLean WHI, Munro CS, South AP, Leigh IM, O'Toole EA, Lundström A and Kelsell DP (2013). Mutations in AQP5, encoding a water-channel protein, cause autosomal-dominant diffuse nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma. Am J Hum Genet  vol. 93, (2) 330-335.  
Alfawaz S, Fong F, Plagnol V, Wong FSL, Fearne J and Kelsell DP (2013). Recessive oligodontia linked to a homozygous loss-of-function mutation in the SMOC2 gene. Arch Oral Biol  vol. 58, (5) 462-466.  
Alfawaz S, Fong F, Plagnol V, Wong FSL, Fearne J and Kelsell DP (2013). Recessive oligodontia linked to a homozygous loss-of-function mutation in the SMOC2 gene. Archives of Oral Biology  vol. 58, (5) 462-466.  
Scott CA, Plagnol V, Nitoiu D, Bland PJ, Blaydon DC, Chronnell CM, Poon DS, Bourn D, Gárdos L, Császár A, Tihanyi M, Rustin M, Burrows NP, Bennett C, Harper JI, Conrad B, Verma IC, Taibjee SM, Moss C, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2013). Targeted sequence capture and high-throughput sequencing in the molecular diagnosis of ichthyosis and other skin diseases. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 133, (2) 573-576.  
Curtis MA and Kelsell DP (2013). Current insights into protease dynamics in human epithelial disease and barrier function. Cell Tissue Res  vol. 351, (2) 213-215.  
Etheridge SL, Brooke MA, Kelsell DP and Blaydon DC (2013). Rhomboid proteins: A role in keratinocyte proliferation and cancer. Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 351, (2) 301-307.  
Curtis MA and Kelsell DP (2013). Current insights into protease dynamics in human epithelial disease and barrier function. Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 351, (2) 213-215.  
Simpson C, Kelsell DP and Marchès O (2013). Connexin 26 facilitates gastrointestinal bacterial infection in vitro. Cell Tissue Res  vol. 351, (1) 107-116.  
Simpson C, Kelsell DP and Marchès O (2013). Connexin 26 facilitates gastrointestinal bacterial infection in vitro. Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 351, (1) 107-116.  
Scott CA, Plagnol V, Nitoiu D, Bland PJ, Blaydon DC, Chronnell CM, Poon DS, Bourn D, Gárdos L, Császár A, Tihanyi M, Rustin M, Burrows NP, Bennett C, Harper JI, Conrad B, Verma IC, Taibjee SM, Moss C, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2013). Targeted sequence capture and high-throughput sequencing in the molecular diagnosis of ichthyosis and other skin diseases. Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 133, (2) 573-576.  
Haghighi A, Scott CA, Poon DS, Yaghoobi R, Saleh-Gohari N, Plagnol V and Kelsell DP (2013). A missense mutation in the MBTPS2 gene underlies the x-linked form of olmsted syndrome. Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 133, (2) 571-573.  


Lambert SR, Harwood CA, Purdie KJ, Gulati A, Matin RN, Romanowska M, Cerio R, Kelsell DP, Leigh IM and Proby CM (2012). Metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma shows frequent deletion in the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor Type D gene. Int J Cancer  vol. 131, (3) E216-E226.  
Lambert SR, Harwood CA, Purdie KJ, Gulati A, Matin RN, Romanowska M, Cerio R, Kelsell DP, Leigh IM and Proby CM (2012). Metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma shows frequent deletion in the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor Type D gene. International Journal of Cancer  vol. 131, (3)  
Scott CA, Tattersall D, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2012). Connexins in epidermal homeostasis and skin disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes  vol. 1818, (8) 1952-1961.  
Cabral RM, Tattersall D, Patel V, McPhail GD, Hatzimasoura E, Abrams DJ, South AP and Kelsell DP (2012). The DSPII splice variant is crucial for desmosome-mediated adhesion in HaCaT keratinocytes. J Cell Sci  vol. 125, (Pt 12) 2853-2861.  
Blaydon DC, Etheridge SL, Risk JM, Hennies H-C, Gay LJ, Carroll R, Plagnol V, McRonald FE, Stevens HP, Spurr NK, Bishop DT, Ellis A, Jankowski J, Field JK, Leigh IM, South AP and Kelsell DP (2012). RHBDF2 mutations are associated with tylosis, a familial esophageal cancer syndrome. Am J Hum Genet  vol. 90, (2) 340-346.  
MacDonald TT, Harper JI and Kelsell DP (2012). The authors reply. New England Journal of Medicine  vol. 366, (2)  
Brooke MA, Nitoiu D and Kelsell DP (2012). Cell-cell connectivity: desmosomes and disease. J Pathol  vol. 226, (2) 158-171.  
MacDonald TT, Harper JI and Kelsell DP (2012). Inflammatory Bowel Disease and ADAM17 Deletion REPLY. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE  vol. 366, (2) 190-190.  
Haghighi A, Scott CA, Poon DS, Yaghoobi R, Saleh-Gohari N, Plagnol V and Kelsell DP (2012). A Missense Mutation in the MBTPS2 Gene Underlies the X-Linked Form of Olmsted Syndrome. Journal of Investigative Dermatology   
Etheridge SL, Brooke MA, Kelsell DP and Blaydon DC (2012). Rhomboid proteins: a role in keratinocyte proliferation and cancer. Cell and Tissue Research  1-7.  
Lescai F, Bonfiglio S, Bacchelli C, Chanudet E, Waters A, Sisodiya SM, Kasperavičiūtė D, Williams J, Harold D, Hardy J, Kleta R, Cirak S, Williams R, Achermann JC, Anderson J, Kelsell D, Vulliamy T, Houlden H, Wood N, Sheerin U, Tonini GP, Mackay D, Hussain K, Sowden J, Kinsler V, Osinska J, Brooks T, Hubank M, Beales P and Stupka E (2012). Characterisation and validation of insertions and deletions in 173 patient exomes. PLoS One  vol. 7, (12)  


Blaydon DC, Biancheri P, Di W-L, Plagnol V, Cabral RM, Brooke MA, van Heel DA, Ruschendorf F, Toynbee M, Walne A, O'Toole EA, Martin JE, Lindley K, Vulliamy T, Abrams DJ, MacDonald TT, Harper JI and Kelsell DP (2011). Inflammatory skin and bowel disease linked to ADAM17 deletion. N Engl J Med  vol. 365, (16) 1502-1508.  
Blaydon DC, Nitoiu D, Eckl K-M, Cabral RM, Bland P, Hausser I, van Heel DA, Rajpopat S, Fischer J, Oji V, Zvulunov A, Traupe H, Hennies HC and Kelsell DP (2011). Mutations in CSTA, encoding Cystatin A, underlie exfoliative ichthyosis and reveal a role for this protease inhibitor in cell-cell adhesion. Am J Hum Genet  vol. 89, (4) 564-571.  
Matos TD, Simões-Teixeira H, Caria H, Cascão R, Rosa H, O′Neill A, Dias Ó, Andrea ME, Kelsell DP and Fialho G (2011). Assessing Noncoding Sequence Variants of GJB2 for Hearing Loss Association. Hindawi  Genetics Research International  vol. 2011, (1)  
Pyati UJ, Gjini E, Carbonneau S, Lee JS, Guo F, Jette CA, Kelsell DP and Look AT (2011). p63 Mediates an Apoptotic Response to Pharmacological and Disease-Related ER Stress in the Developing Epidermis. DEV CELL  vol. 21, (3) 492-505.  
Scott CA and Kelsell DP (2011). Key functions for gap junctions in skin and hearing. Biochem J  vol. 438, (2) 245-254.  
Kelsell DP and Byrne C (2011). SNPing at the Epidermal Barrier. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 131, (8) 1593-1595.  
Rajpopat S, Moss C, Mellerio J, Vahlquist A, Gånemo A, Hellstrom-Pigg M, Ilchyshyn A, Burrows N, Lestringant G, Taylor A, Kennedy C, Paige D, Harper J, Glover M, Fleckman P, Everman D, Fouani M, Kayserili H, Purvis D, Hobson E, Chu C, Mein C, Kelsell D and O'Toole E (2011). Harlequin ichthyosis: a review of clinical and molecular findings in 45 cases. Arch Dermatol  vol. 147, (6) 681-686.  
O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2011). Collodion Baby. Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology  Wiley   
O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2011). Harlequin Ichthyosis. Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology  Wiley   
Scott CA, Tattersall D, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2011). Connexins in epidermal homeostasis and skin disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes   
Scott CA, O'Toole EA, Mohungoo MJ, Messenger A and Kelsell DP (2011). Novel and recurrent connexin 30.3 and connexin 31 mutations associated with erythrokeratoderma variabilis. Clin Exp Dermatol  vol. 36, (1) 88-90.  


Cabral RM, Wan H, Cole CL, Abrams DJ, Kelsell DP and South AP (2010). Identification and characterization of DSPIa, a novel isoform of human desmoplakin. CELL TISSUE RES  vol. 341, (1) 121-129.  
Cabral RM, Liu L, Hogan C, Dopping-Hepenstal PJC, Winik BC, Asial RA, Dobson R, Mein CA, Baselaga PA, Mellerio JE, Nanda A, Boente MDC, Kelsell DP, McGrath JA and South AP (2010). Homozygous mutations in the 5' region of the JUP gene result in cutaneous disease but normal heart development in children. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 130, (6) 1543-1550.  
Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2010). Inherited skin disease. Oxford Textbook of Medicine  Oxford University Press (OUP)   
Rajpopat S, Kelsell D and O'Toole E (2010). Harlequin ichthyosis: a review of 50 cases and update of ABCA12 mutation analysis. BMJ  Archives of Disease in Childhood  vol. 95, (Suppl 1) a14-a14.  


Tattersall D, Scott CA, Gray C, Zicha D and Kelsell DP (2009). EKV mutant connexin 31 associated cell death is mediated by ER stress. Hum Mol Genet  vol. 18, (24) 4734-4745.  
Sinclair C, O'Toole EA, Paige D, El Bashir H, Robinson J, Dobson R, Lench N, Stevens HP, Hitman GA, Booy R, Mein CA and Kelsell DP (2009). Filaggrin mutations are associated with ichthyosis vulgaris in the Bangladeshi population. Br J Dermatol  vol. 160, (5) 1113-1115.  
Thomas AC, Tattersall D, Norgett EE, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2009). Premature terminal differentiation and a reduction in specific proteases associated with loss of ABCA12 in Harlequin ichthyosis. Am J Pathol  vol. 174, (3) 970-978.  
Aasen T and Kelsell DP (2009). Connexins in Skin Biology. Connexins  Springer Nature   
Court DS and Kelsell DP (2009). 5 Human genetics. Medical Sciences  Elsevier   


Ellis PE, Cano SD, Fear M, Kelsell DP, Ghali L, Crow JC, Perrett CW and MacLean AB (2008). Reduced E-cadherin expression correlates with disease progression in Paget's disease of the vulva but not Paget's disease of the breast. Mod Pathol  vol. 21, (10) 1192-1199.  
Matos TD, Caria H, Simoes-Teixeira H, Aasen T, Dias O, Andrea M, Kelsell DP and Fialho G (2008). A novel M163L mutation in connexin 26 causing cell death and associated with autosomal dominant hearing loss. HEARING RES  vol. 240, (1-2) 87-92.  
Ishii Y, Wajid M, Bazzi H, Fantauzzo KA, Barber AG, Blaydon DC, Nam J-S, Yoon JK, Kelsell DP and Christiano AM (2008). Mutations in R-spondin 4 (RSPO4) underlie inherited anonychia. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 128, (4) 867-870.  
Thomas AC, Sinclair C, Mahmud N, Cullup T, Mellerio JE, Harper J, Dale BA, Turc-Carel C, Hohl D, McGrath JA, Vahlquist A, Hellstrom-Pigg M, Ganemo A, Metcalfe K, Mein CA, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2008). Novel and recurring ABCA12 mutations associated with harlequin ichthyosis: implications for prenatal diagnosis. Br J Dermatol  vol. 158, (3) 611-613.  


Matos TD, Caria H, Simões-Teixeira H, Aasen T, Nickel R, Jagger DJ, O'Neill A, Kelsell DP and Fialho G (2007). A novel hearing-loss-related mutation occurring in the GJB2 basal promoter. J Med Genet  vol. 44, (11) 721-725.  
Man YKS, Trolove C, Tattersall D, Thomas AC, Papakonstantinopoulou A, Patel D, Scott C, Chong J, Jagger DJ, O'Toole EA, Navsaria H, Curtis MA and Kelsell DP (2007). A deafness-associated mutant human connexin 26 improves the epithelial barrier in vitro. J Membr Biol  vol. 218, (1-3) 29-37.  
Purdie KJ, Lambert SR, Teh M-T, Chaplin T, Molloy G, Raghavan M, Kelsell DP, Leigh IM, Harwood CA, Proby CM and Young BD (2007). Allelic imbalances and microdeletions affecting the PTPRD gene in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas detected using single nucleotide polymorphism microarray analysis. Genes Chromosomes Cancer  vol. 46, (7) 661-669.  
Kelsell DP, HARWOOD CA, Leigh IM, Proby CM, Purdie KJ, Teh MT, Lambert SR, Young BD, Raghavan M, Molloy G and Chaplin T (2007). Allelic imbalances and microdeletions affecting the PTPRD gene in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas detected using single nucleotide polymorphism microarray analysis. Genes Chromosomes Cancer  vol. 46, 661-669.  
Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Bitoun E, Chevrant-Breton J, Man SYK, Bodemer C, Prins C, Antille C, Saurat J-H, Atherton D, Harper JI, Kelsell DP and Hovnanian A (2007). Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome: disease expression and spectrum of connexin 26 (GJB2) mutations in 14 patients. Br J Dermatol  vol. 156, (5) 1015-1019.  
Blaydon DC, Philpott MP and Kelsell DP (2007). R-spondins in cutaneous biology: Nails and cancer. Cell Cycle  vol. 6, (8) 895-897.  
Blaydon DC, Philpott MP and Kelsell DP (2007). R-spondins in cutaneous biology: nails and cancer. Cell Cycle  vol. 6, (8) 895-897.  
Kelsell DP, Blaydon D and Mein CA (2007). Identifying Mutations in Single Gene Disorders. 
Teh MT, Blaydon D, Ghali LR, Briggs V, Edmunds S, Pantazi E, Barnes MR, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and Philpott MP (2007). Erratum: Role for WNT16B in human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation (Journal of Cell Science vol. 120 (330-339)). Journal of Cell Science  vol. 120, (5)  
Teh MT, Blaydon D, Ghali LR, Briggs V, Edmunds S, Pantazi E, Barnes MR, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and Philpott MP (2007). Role for WNT16B in human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation (vol 120, pg 330, 2007). J CELL SCI  vol. 120, (5) 917-917.  
Unsworth HC, Aasen T, McElwaine S and Kelsell DP (2007). Tissue-specific effects of wild-type and mutant connexin 31: a role in neurite outgrowth. Hum Mol Genet  vol. 16, (2) 165-172.  
Teh M-T, Blaydon D, Ghali LR, Briggs V, Edmunds S, Pantazi E, Barnes MR, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and Philpott MP (2007). Role for WNT16B in human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. J Cell Sci  vol. 120, (Pt 2) 330-339.  


Thomas AC, Cullup T, Norgett EE, Hill T, Barton S, Dale BA, Sprecher E, Sheridan E, Taylor AE, Wilroy RS, DeLozier C, Burrows N, Goodyear H, Fleckman P, Stephens KG, Mehta L, Watson RM, Graham R, Wolf R, Slavotinek A, Martin M, Bourn D, Mein CA, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2006). ABCA12 is the major harlequin ichthyosis gene. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 126, (11) 2408-2413.  
Blaydon DC, Ishii Y, O'Toole EA, Unsworth HC, Teh M-T, Rüschendorf F, Sinclair C, Hopsu-Havu VK, Tidman N, Moss C, Watson R, de Berker D, Wajid M, Christiano AM and Kelsell DP (2006). The gene encoding R-spondin 4 (RSPO4), a secreted protein implicated in Wnt signaling, is mutated in inherited anonychia. Nat Genet  vol. 38, (11) 1245-1247.  
Rajpar SF, Cullup T, Kelsell DP and Moss C (2006). A novel ABCA12 mutation underlying a case of Harlequin ichthyosis. Br J Dermatol  vol. 155, (1) 204-206.  
Norgett EE, Lucke TW, Bowers B, Munro CS, Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2006). Early death from cardiomyopathy in a family with autosomal dominant striate palmoplantar keratoderma and woolly hair associated with a novel insertion mutation in desmoplakin. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 126, (7) 1651-1654.  
(2006). Séance conjointe entre la Société Française de Dermatologie Pédiatrique, la Société Française de Dermatologie et la British Society of Paediatric Dermatology. Elsevier  Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie  vol. 133, (6-7)  
Mak RKH, Paige D, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and O’toole EA (2006). Two siblings with harlequin ichthyosis, clinical and molecular findings. Elsevier  Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie  vol. 133, (6-7)  
Abrams CK, Freidin MM, Verselis VK, Bargiello TA, Kelsell DP, Richard G, Bennett MVL and Bukauskas FF (2006). Properties of human connexin 31, which is implicated in hereditary dermatological disease and deafness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  vol. 103, (13) 5213-5218.  
Uzumcu A, Norgett EE, Dindar A, Uyguner O, Nisli K, Kayserili H, Sahin SE, Dupont E, Severs NJ, Leigh IM, Yuksel-Apak M, Kelsell DP and Wollnik B (2006). Loss of desmoplakin isoform I causes early onset cardiomyopathy and heart failure in a Naxos-like syndrome. J Med Genet  vol. 43, (2)  


Common JEA, O'Toole EA, Leigh IM, Thomas A, Griffiths WAD, Venning V, Grabczynska S, Peris Z, Kansky A and Kelsell DP (2005). Clinical and genetic heterogeneity of erythrokeratoderma variabilis. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 125, (5) 920-927.  
Common JEA, Bitner-Glindzicz M, O'Toole EA, Barnes MR, Jenkins L, Forge A and Kelsell DP (2005). Specific loss of connexin 26 expression in ductal sweat gland epithelium associated with the deletion mutation del(GJB6-D13S1830). Clin Exp Dermatol  vol. 30, (6) 688-693.  
Alam NA, Olpin S, Rowan A, Kelsell D, Leigh IM, Tomlinson IPM and Weaver T (2005). Missense mutations in fumarate hydratase in multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer. J Mol Diagn  vol. 7, (4) 437-443.  
Teh M-T, Blaydon D, Chaplin T, Foot NJ, Skoulakis S, Raghavan M, Harwood CA, Proby CM, Philpott MP, Young BD and Kelsell DP (2005). Genomewide single nucleotide polymorphism microarray mapping in basal cell carcinomas unveils uniparental disomy as a key somatic event. Cancer Res  vol. 65, (19) 8597-8603.  
Philpott MP, KELSELL DP, Harwood C, Proby C, Blaydon D, Teh M-T, Foot NJ, Skoulakis S, Chaplin T and Young BD (2005). Genome-wide SNP Microarray Mapping in Basal Cell Carcinomas Unveils Uniparental Disomy as a Key Somatic Event. Cancer Research  vol. 65, 8597-8603.  
Kelsell DP, Norgett EE, Unsworth H, Teh M-T, Cullup T, Mein CA, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, Dale BA, Tadini G, Fleckman P, Stephens KG, Sybert VP, Mallory SB, North BV, Witt DR, Sprecher E, Taylor AEM, Ilchyshyn A, Kennedy CT, Goodyear H, Moss C, Paige D, Harper JI, Young BD, Leigh IM, Eady RAJ and O'Toole EA (2005). Mutations in ABCA12 underlie the severe congenital skin disease harlequin ichthyosis. Am J Hum Genet  vol. 76, (5) 794-803.  
Di W-L, Gu Y, Common JEA, Aasen T, O'Toole EA, Kelsell DP and Zicha D (2005). Connexin interaction patterns in keratinocytes revealed morphologically and by FRET analysis. J Cell Sci  vol. 118, (Pt 7) 1505-1514.  
Alam NA, Barclay E, Rowan AJ, Tyrer JP, Calonje E, Manek S, Kelsell D, Leigh I, Olpin S and Tomlinson IPM (2005). Clinical features of multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomatosis: an underdiagnosed tumor syndrome. Arch Dermatol  vol. 141, (2) 199-206.  


Kelsell DP (2004). Connexin mutations in human disease. Exp Dermatol  vol. 13, (10) 661-662.  
Gu Y, Di WL, Kelsell DP and Zicha D (2004). Quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurement with acceptor photobleaching and spectral unmixing. J Microsc  vol. 215, (Pt 2) 162-173.  
Common JEA, Di W-L, Davies D and Kelsell DP (2004). Further evidence for heterozygote advantage of GJB2 deafness mutations: a link with cell survival. J Med Genet  vol. 41, (7) 573-575.  
Norgett EE, Wolf F, Balme B, Leigh IM, Perrot H, Kelsell DP and Haftek M (2004). Hereditary 'white nails': a genetic and structural study. Br J Dermatol  vol. 151, (1) 65-72.  
Brown VL, Harwood CA, Crook T, Cronin JG, Kelsell DP and Proby CM (2004). p16INK4a and p14ARF tumor suppressor genes are commonly inactivated in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 122, (5) 1284-1292.  
Skerrett IM, Di W-L, Kasperek EM, Kelsell DP and Nicholson BJ (2004). Aberrant gating, but a normal expression pattern, underlies the recessive phenotype of the deafness mutant Connexin26M34T. FASEB J  vol. 18, (7) 860-862.  
Langan JE, Cole CG, Huckle EJ, Byrne S, McRonald FE, Rowbottom L, Ellis A, Shaw JM, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP, Dunham I, Field JK and Risk JM (2004). Novel microsatellite markers and single nucleotide polymorphisms refine the tylosis with oesophageal cancer (TOC) minimal region on 17q25 to 42.5 kb: sequencing does not identify the causative gene. Hum Genet  vol. 114, (6) 534-540.  
Skerrett IM, Di WL, Kasperek EM, Kelsell DP and Nicholson BJ (2004). Aberrant gating, but a normal expression pattern, underlies the recessive phenotype of the deafness mutant Connexin26M34T. The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology  vol. 18, (7) 860-862.  


Alam NA, Gorman P, Jaeger EEM, Kelsell D, Leigh IM, Ratnavel R, Murdoch ME, Houlston RS, Aaltonen LA, Roylance RR and Tomlinson IPM (2003). Germline deletions of EXO1 do not cause colorectal tumors and lesions which are null for EXO1 do not have microsatellite instability. Cancer Genet Cytogenet  vol. 147, (2) 121-127.  
Hatsell SJ, Stevens H, Jackson AP, Kelsell DP and Zvulunov A (2003). An autosomal recessive exfoliative ichthyosis with linkage to chromosome 12q13. Br J Dermatol  vol. 149, (1) 174-180.  
Common J, Di W-L, Davies D, Galvin H, Leigh I, O'Toole E and Kelsell D (2003). Cellular Mechanisms of Mutant Connexins in Skin Disease and Hearing Loss. Taylor & Francis  Cell Communication & Adhesion  vol. 10, (4) 347-351.  
Alam NA, Rowan AJ, Wortham NC, Pollard PJ, Mitchell M, Tyrer JP, Barclay E, Calonje E, Manek S, Adams SJ, Bowers PW, Burrows NP, Charles-Holmes R, Cook LJ, Daly BM, Ford GP, Fuller LC, Hadfield-Jones SE, Hardwick N, Highet AS, Keefe M, MacDonald-Hull SP, Potts EDA, Crone M, Wilkinson S, Camacho-Martinez F, Jablonska S, Ratnavel R, MacDonald A and Mann RJ (2003). Genetic and functional analyses of FH mutations in multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomatosis, hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cancer, and fumarate hydratase deficiency. Hum Mol Genet  vol. 12, (11) 1241-1252.  
Edmunds SC, Cree IA, Dí Nícolantonío F, Hungerford JL, Hurren JS and Kelsell DP (2003). Absence of BRAF gene mutations in uveal melanomas in contrast to cutaneous melanomas. Br J Cancer  vol. 88, (9) 1403-1405.  


Huen AC, Park JK, Godsel LM, Chen X, Bannon LJ, Amargo EV, Hudson TY, Mongui AK, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP, Gumbiner BM and Green KG (2002). Intermediate filament-membrane attachments function synergistically with actin-dependent contacts to regulate intercellular adhesive strength. The Rockefeller University Press  Journal of Cell Biology.  vol. 159, (6) 1005-1017.  
Edmunds SC and Kelsell DP (2002). Double jeopardy: Ras and CDK4 co-expression in skin cancer. Trends Mol Med  vol. 8, (12)  
Common JEA, Becker D, Di W-L, Leigh IM, O'Toole EA and Kelsell DP (2002). Functional studies of human skin disease- and deafness-associated connexin 30 mutations. Biochem Biophys Res Commun  vol. 298, (5) 651-656.  
Risk JM, Evans KE, Jones J, Langan JE, Rowbottom L, McRonald FE, Mills HS, Ellis A, Shaw JM, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and Field JK (2002). Characterization of a 500 kb region on 17q25 and the exclusion of candidate genes as the familial Tylosis Oesophageal Cancer (TOC) locus. Oncogene  vol. 21, (41) 6395-6402.  
Edmunds SC, Kelsell DP, Hungerford JL and Cree IA (2002). Mutational analysis of selected genes in the TGFbeta, Wnt, pRb, and p53 pathways in primary uveal melanoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci  vol. 43, (9) 2845-2851.  
Brown VL, Harwood CA, Crook T, Kelsell DP and Proby CM (2002). Mechanisms of inactivation of p16(INK4a) & p14(ARF) in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 119, (3) 752-752.  
Di WL, Monypenny J, Common JEA, Kennedy CTC, Holland KA, Rugg EL, Leigh IM, Zicha D and Kelsell DP (2002). Defective trafficking and cell death are characteristic of skin disease-associated connexin 31 mutations in keratinocytes. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 119, (3) 745-745.  
Di W-L, Monypenny J, Common JEA, Kennedy CTC, Holland KA, Leigh IM, Rugg EL, Zicha D and Kelsell DP (2002). Defective trafficking and cell death is characteristic of skin disease-associated connexin 31 mutations. Hum Mol Genet  vol. 11, (17) 2005-2014.  
KELSELL DP, Leigh IM, Rugg EL, Holland KA, Monypenny J, Di WL, Zicha DI, Kennedy CTC and Common JEA (2002). Defective trafficking and cell death is characteristic of skin disease-associated Connexin 31 mutations. Human Molecular Genetics.  vol. 11, (17) 2005-2014.  
Brown VL, Proby CM, Barnes DM and Kelsell DP (2002). Lack of mutations within ST7 gene in tumour-derived cell lines and primary epithelial tumours. Br J Cancer  vol. 87, (2) 208-211.  
Rugg EL, Common JEA, Wilgoss A, Stevens HP, Buchan J, Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2002). Diagnosis and confirmation of epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma by the identification of mutations in keratin 9 using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. Br J Dermatol  vol. 146, (6) 952-957.  
Gottfried I, Landau M, Glaser F, Di W-L, Ophir J, Mevorah B, Ben-Tal N, Kelsell DP and Avraham KB (2002). A mutation in GJB3 is associated with recessive erythrokeratodermia variabilis (EKV) and leads to defective trafficking of the connexin 31 protein. Hum Mol Genet  vol. 11, (11) 1311-1316.  
Kelsell DP, Di W, Common JEA, Holland KA, Rugg EL and Leigh IM (2002). Functional analyses of connexin mutations in keratinocytes (vol 117, pg 775, 2001). J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 118, (4) 741-741.  
(2002). Errata. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 118, (4) 741-742.  
Tomlinson IPM, Alam NA, Rowan AJ, Barclay E, Jaeger EEM, Kelsell D, Leigh I, Gorman P, Lamlum H, Rahman S, Roylance RR, Olpin S, Bevan S, Barker K, Hearle N, Houlston RS, Kiuru M, Lehtonen R, Karhu A, Vilkki S, Laiho P, Eklund C, Vierimaa O, Aittomäki K, Hietala M, Sistonen P, Paetau A, Salovaara R, Herva R and Launonen V (2002). Germline mutations in FH predispose to dominantly inherited uterine fibroids, skin leiomyomata and papillary renal cell cancer. Nat Genet  vol. 30, (4) 406-410.  
KELSELL DP, Avraham KB, Ophir J, Glaser F, Gottfried I, Mevorah B, Ben-Tal N, Landau M and Di WL (2002). A mutation in GJB3 is associated with recessive erythrokeratodermia variabilis (EKV) and leads to defective tracking of the connexin 31 protein. Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 11, (11) 1311-1316.  
Norgett EE and Kelsell DP (2002). SPINK5: both rare and common skin disease. Trends Mol Med  vol. 8, (1)  


Fletcher ST, Fentem JH, Basketter DA, Kelsell DP, Philpott M and Baker VA (2001). Microarray and proteomic analysis of early gene regulation following exposure to skin irritants. TOXICOLOGY  vol. 168, (1) 101-102.  
Di WL, Rugg EL, Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2001). Multiple epidermal connexins are expressed in different keratinocyte subpopulations including connexin 31. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 117, (4) 958-964.  
Neill GW and Kelsell DP (2001). Spotting prostate cancer. Trends Mol Med  vol. 7, (10)  
Rugg EL, Wilgoss A, Stevens HP, Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2001). The identification of mutations in keratin 9 using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 117, (3) 779-779.  
Kelsell DP, Di W, Common JEA, Rugg EL and Leigh IM (2001). Functional analyses of connexin mutations in keratinocytes. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 117, (3) 775-775.  
O'Toole EA, Di WL, Common J, Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2001). Heterogeneity of genetic mutations in erythrokeratodermas. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 117, (3) 797-797.  
Fletcher S, Baker V, Fentem J, Basketter D and Kelsell D (2001). Microarray analysis of gene expression following exposure to skin irritants. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 117, (2) 528-528.  
Rickard S, Kelsell DP, Sirimana T, Rajput K, MacArdle B and Bitner-Glindzicz M (2001). Recurrent mutations in the deafness gene GJB2 (connexin 26) in British Asian families. J Med Genet  vol. 38, (8) 530-533.  
Griffith AJ (2001). Genetic analysis of the connexin-26 M34T variant. BMJ  Journal of Medical Genetics  vol. 38, (7)  
Fear MW and Kelsell DP (2001). The two-hybrid cancer suicide pill. Elsevier  Trends in Molecular Medicine  vol. 7, (5)  
Alam NA, Bevan S, Churchman M, Barclay E, Barker K, Jaeger EE, Nelson HM, Healy E, Pembroke AC, Friedmann PS, Dalziel K, Calonje E, Anderson J, August PJ, Davies MG, Felix R, Munro CS, Murdoch M, Rendall J, Kennedy S, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP, Tomlinson IP and Houlston RS (2001). Localization of a gene (MCUL1) for multiple cutaneous leiomyomata and uterine fibroids to chromosome 1q42.3-q43. Am J Hum Genet  vol. 68, (5) 1264-1269.  
Hatsell SJ, Eady RA, Wennerstrand L, Dopping-Hepenstal P, Leigh IM, Munro C and Kelsell DP (2001). Novel splice site mutation in keratin 1 underlies mild epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma in three kindreds. J Invest Dermatol  vol. 116, (4) 606-609.  
Kelsell DP, Di WL and Houseman MJ (2001). Connexin mutations in skin disease and hearing loss. Am J Hum Genet  vol. 68, (3) 559-568.  
Fear MW, Hatsell SJ, Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2001). Whats new in genodermatoses? Keio J Med  vol. 50, (1) 35-38.  
Hunt DM, Rickman L, Whittock NV, Eady RA, Simrak D, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, Stevens HP, Armstrong DK, Hennies HC, Küster W, Hughes AE, Arnemann J, Leigh IM, McGrath JA, Kelsell DP and Buxton RS (2001). Spectrum of dominant mutations in the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein 1, causing the skin disease striate palmoplantar keratoderma. Eur J Hum Genet  vol. 9, (3) 197-203.  
Isaacs A, Davies K, Hunter A, Nolan P, Vizor L, Peters J, Gale D, Kelsell D, Latham I, Chase J, Fisher E, Bouzyk M, Potter A, Masih M, Walsh F, Sims M, Doncaster K, Parsons C, Martin J, Brown S, Rastan S, Spurr N and Gray I (2001). Identification Of Two New Pmp22 Mouse Mutants Using Large‐Scale Mutagenesis And A Novel Rapid Mapping Strategy. Wiley  Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System  vol. 6, (1) 65-65.  
Di WL, Common JEA and Kelsell DP (2001). Connexin 26 expression and mutation analysis in epidermal disease. Cell Communication and Adhesion  vol. 8, (4-6) 415-418.  
Kelsell DP, Dunlop J and Hodgins MB (2001). Human diseases: clues to cracking the connexin code? Trends Cell Biol  vol. 11, (1) 2-6.  
Kelsell D (2001). R32W variant in Connexin 31: mutation or polymorphism for deafness and skin disease? Reply. EUR J HUM GENET  vol. 9, (1) 70-70.  
López-Bigas N, Rabionet R, Arbonés ML and Estivill X (2001). R32W variant in Connexin 31: mutation or polymorphism for deafness and skin disease? Eur J Hum Genet  vol. 9, (1)  
Di WL, Common JE and Kelsell DP (2001). Connexin 26 expression and mutation analysis in epidermal disease. Cell Commun Adhes  vol. 8, (4-6) 415-418.  
Davies D, KELSELL DP, Common JEA and Wei-Li D (2001). Further evidence for heterozygote advantage of GJB2 deafness mutations: a link with cell survival. Journal of Medical Genetics.  vol. 41, 573-575.  
Houseman MJ, Ellis LA, Pagnamenta A, Di WL, Rickard S, Osborn AH, Dahl HH, Taylor GR, Bitner-Glindzicz M, Reardon W, Mueller RF and Kelsell DP (2001). Genetic analysis of the connexin-26 M34T variant: identification of genotype M34T/M34T segregating with mild-moderate non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss. J Med Genet  vol. 38, (1) 20-25.  


Kelsell DP, Norgett EE, Hatsell SJ, Common JEA, Cabezas JCR, Stevens HP, Carvajal-Huerta L and Leigh IM (2000). Recessive mutation in desmoplakin disrupts desmoplakin/intermediate filament interactions and causes dilated cardiomyopathy, woolly hair and keratoderma. J INVEST DERMATOL  vol. 115, (6) 1170-1170.  
Ishida-Yamamoto A, Kelsell D, Common J, Houseman MJ, Hashimoto M, Shibaki H, Asano K, Takahashi H, Hashimoto Y, Senshu T, Leigh IM and Iizuka H (2000). A case of erythrokeratoderma variabilis without mutations in connexin 31. BRIT J DERMATOL  vol. 143, (6) 1283-1287.  
Di WL, Common JEA and Kelsell DP (2000). Connexin 26 expression and mutation analysis in epidermal disease. Cell Adhesion and Communication  vol. 8, (4-6) 415-418.  
Fear MW, Kelsell DP, Spurr NK and Barnes MR (2000). Wnt-16a, a Novel Wnt-16 Isoform, Which Shows Differential Expression in Adult Human Tissues. Elsevier  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  vol. 278, (3) 814-820.  
Norgett EE, Hatsell SJ, Carvajal-Huerta L, Cabezas J-CR, Common J, Purkis PE, Whittock N, Leigh IM, Stevens HP and Kelsell DP (2000). Recessive mutation in desmoplakin disrupts desmoplakin–intermediate filament interactions and causes dilated cardiomyopathy, woolly hair and keratoderma. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 9, (18) 2761-2766.  
Lamartine J, Munhoz Essenfelder G, Kibar Z, Lanneluc I, Callouet E, Laoudj D, Lemaître G, Hand C, Hayflick SJ, Zonana J, Antonarakis S, Radhakrishna U, Kelsell DP, Christianson AL, Pitaval A, Der Kaloustian V, Fraser C, Blanchet-Bardon C, Rouleau GA and Waksman G (2000). Mutations in GJB6 cause hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Springer Nature  Nature Genetics  vol. 26, (2) 142-144.  
Kelsell DP (2000). Genetic basis of psoriasis. Elsevier  Trends in Molecular Medicine  vol. 6, (8)  
Isaacs AM, Davies KE, Hunter AJ, Nolan PM, Vizor L, Peters J, Gale DG, Kelsell DP, Latham ID, Chase JM, Fisher EM, Bouzyk MM, Potter A, Masih M, Walsh FS, Sims MA, Doncaster KE, Parsons CA, Martin J, Brown SD, Rastan S, Spurr NK and Gray IC (2000). Identification of two new Pmp22 mouse mutants using large-scale mutagenesis and a novel rapid mapping strategy. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 9, (12) 1865-1871.  
Hatsell SJ and Kelsell DP (2000). The diffuse palmoplantar keratodermas. Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica et Adriatica  vol. 9, (2) 47-55.  
Kelsell DP, Wilgoss AL, Richard G, Stevens HP, Munro CS and Leigh IM (2000). Erratum: Connexin mutations associated with palmoplantar keratoderma and profound deafness in a single family. Springer Nature  European Journal of Human Genetics  vol. 8, (6) 468-468.  
Kibar Z, Dubé M-P, Powell J, McCuaïg C, Hayflick SJ, Zonana J, Hovnanian A, Radhakrishna U, Antonarakis SE, Benohanian A, Sheeran AD, Stephan ML, Gosselin R, Kelsell DP, Christianson AL, Fraser FC, Der Kaloustian VM and Rouleau GA (2000). Clouston hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED): genetic homogeneity, presence of a founder effect in the French Canadian population and fine genetic mapping. Springer Nature  European Journal of Human Genetics  vol. 8, (5) 372-380.  
Kelsell DP (2000). CIMPle cancer genetic profiles. Elsevier  Trends in Molecular Medicine  vol. 6, (4)  
Chavanas S, Garner C, Bodemer C, Ali M, Teillac DH, Wilkinson J, Bonafé J-L, Paradisi M, Kelsell DP, Ansai S-I, Mitsuhashi Y, Larrègue M, Leigh IM, Harper JI, Taïeb A, de Prost Y, Cardon LR and Hovnanian A (2000). Localization of the Netherton Syndrome Gene to Chromosome 5q32, by Linkage Analysis and Homozygosity Mapping. Elsevier  American Journal of Human Genetics  vol. 66, (3) 914-921.  
Kelsell DP, Wilgoss AL, Richard G, Stevens HP, Munro CS and Leigh IM (2000). Connexin mutations associated with palmoplantar keratoderma and profound deafness in a single family. Springer Nature  European Journal of Human Genetics  vol. 8, (2) 141-144.  
Talas U, Dunlop J, Khalaf S, Leigh IM and Kelsell DP (2000). Human Elastase 1: Evidence for Expression in the Skin and the Identification of a Frequent Frameshift Polymorphism. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 114, (1) 165-170.  
Hanby AM, Kelsell DP, Potts HW, Gillett CE, Bishop DT, Spurr NK and Barnes DM (2000). Association between loss of heterozygosity of BRCA1 and BRCA2 and morphological attributes of sporadic breast cancer. Wiley  International Journal of Cancer  vol. 88, (2) 204-208.  


Wilgoss A, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP, Barnes MR, Dopping-Hepenstal P, Eady RAJ, Walter JM and Kennedy CTC (1999). Identification of a Novel Mutation R42P in the Gap Junction Protein β-3 Associated with Autosomal Dominant Erythrokeratoderma Variabilis. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 113, (6) 1119-1122.  
Kelsell DP, Stevens HP, Purkis PE, Talas U, Rustin MHA and Leigh IM (1999). Fine genetic mapping of diffuse non‐epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma to chromosome 12q11‐q13: exclusion of the mapped type II keratins. Wiley  Experimental Dermatology  vol. 8, (5) 388-391.  
Risk JM, Ruhrberg C, Hennies H-C, Mills HS, Di Colandrea T, Evans KE, Ellis A, Watt FM, Bishop DT, Spurr NK, Stevens HP, Leigh IM, Reis A, Kelsell DP and Field JK (1999). Envoplakin, a Possible Candidate Gene for Focal NEPPK/Esophageal Cancer (TOC): The Integration of Genetic and Physical Maps of the TOC Region on 17q25. Elsevier  Genomics  vol. 59, (2) 234-242.  
Rickman L, Šimrak D, Stevens HP, Hunt DM, King IA, Bryant SP, Eady RAJ, Leigh IM, Arnemann J, Magee AI, Kelsell DP and Buxton RS (1999). N-Terminal Deletion in a Desmosomal Cadherin Causes the Autosomal Dominant Skin Disease Striate Palmoplantar Keratoderma. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 8, (6) 971-976.  
Stevens HP, Choon SE, Hennies HC and Kelsell DP (1999). Evidence for a single genetic locus in Clouston's hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 140, (5) 963-964.  
Kelsell DP and Stevens HP (1999). The palmoplantar keratodermas: much more than palms and soles. Elsevier  Trends in Molecular Medicine  vol. 5, (3) 107-113.  


White TW, Deans MR, Kelsell DP and Paul DL (1998). Connexin mutations in deafness. Springer Nature  Nature  vol. 394, (6694) 630-631.  
Hu E, Zhu Y, Fredrickson T, Barnes M, Kelsell D, Beeley L and Brooks D (1998). Tissue Restricted Expression of Two Human Frzbs in Preadipocytes and Pancreas Volume 247, Number 2 (1998), pages 287–293. Elsevier  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  vol. 248, (3) 940-943.  
Hu E, Zhu Y, Fredrickson T, Barnes M, Kelsell D, Beeley L and Brooks D (1998). Tissue Restricted Expression of Two Human Frzbs in Preadipocytes and Pancreas. Elsevier  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  vol. 247, (2) 287-293.  
Phelan CM, Borg A, Cuny M, Crichton DN, Baldersson T, Andersen TI, Caligo MA, Lidereau R, Lindblom A, Seitz S, Kelsell D, Hamann U, Rio P, Thorlacius S, Papp J, Olah E, Ponder B, Bignon YJ, Scherneck S, Barkardottir R, Borresen-Dale AL, Eyfjörd J, Theillet C, Thompson AM and Larsson C (1998). Consortium study on 1280 breast carcinomas: allelic loss on chromosome 17 targets subregions associated with family history and clinical parameters. Cancer Research  vol. 58, (5) 1004-1012.  
Lench NJ, Markham AF, Mueller RF, Kelsell DP, Smith RJ, Willems PJ, Schatteman I, Capon H, Van De Heyning PJ and Van Camp G (1998). A Moroccan family with autosomal recessive sensorineural hearing loss caused by a mutation in the gap junction protein gene connexin 26 (GJB2). BMJ  Journal of Medical Genetics  vol. 35, (2)  


Kelsell DP, Dunlop J, Stevens HP, Lench NJ, Liang JN, Parry G, Mueller RF and Leigh IM (1997). Connexin 26 mutations in hereditary non-syndromic sensorineural deafness. Springer Nature  Nature  vol. 387, (6628) 80-83.  
Xu C, Chambers JA, Nicolai H, Brown MA, Hujeirat Y, Mohammed S, Hodgson S, Kelsell DP, Spurr NK, Bishop DT and Solomon E (1997). Mutations and alternative splicing of the BRCA1 gene in UK breast/ovarian cancer families. Wiley  Genes Chromosomes and Cancer  vol. 18, (2) 102-110.  
Kelsell DP and Spurr NK (1997). Gene mapping using somatic cell hybrids. 


Kelsell DP and Spurr NK (1996). Gene Mapping Using Somatic Cell Hybrids. Gene Isolation and Mapping Protocols  Springer Nature   
Smith FJD, Eady RAJ, Leigh IM, McMillan JR, Rugg EL, Kelsell DP, Bryant SP, Spurr NK, Geddes JF, Kirtschig G, Milana G, de Bono AG, Owaribe K, Wiche G, Pulkkinen L, Uitto J, McLean WHI and Lane EB (1996). Plectin deficiency results in muscular dystrophy with epidermolysis bullosa. Springer Nature  Nature Genetics  vol. 13, (4) 450-457.  
Kelsell DP, Spurr NK, Barnes DM, Gusterson B and Bishop DT (1996). Combined loss of BRCA1/BRCA2 in grade 3 breast carcinomas. Elsevier  The Lancet  vol. 347, (9014) 1554-1555.  
Kelsell DP, Risk JM, Leigh IM, Stevens HP, Ellis A, Hennies HC, Reis A, Weissenbach J, Bishop DT, Spurr NK and Field JK (1996). Close Mapping of the Focal Non-Epidermolytic Palmoplantar Keratoderma (PPK) Locus Associated with Oesophageal Cancer ( TOC ). Oxford University Press (OUP)  Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 5, (6) 857-860.  
Stevens HP, Kelsell DP, Bryant SP, Bishop DT, Spurr NK, Weissenbach J, Marger D, Marger RS and Leigh IM (1996). Linkage of an American Pedigree With Palmoplantar Keratoderma and Malignancy (Palmoplantar Ectodermal Dysplasia Type III) to 17q24: Literature Survey and Proposed Updated Classification of the Keratodermas. American Medical Association (AMA)  JAMA Dermatology  vol. 132, (6) 640-651.  
Stevens HP, Kelsell DP, Bryant SP, Bishop DT, Dawber RPR, Spurr NK and Leigh IM (1996). Linkage of Monilethrix to the Trichocyte and Epithelial Keratin Gene Cluster on 12q11-q13. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 106, (4) 795-797.  
STEVENS HP, KELSKLL DP, LEIGH IM, OSTLERE LS, MACDERMOT KD and RUSTIN MHA (1996). Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma and malignancy in a four-generation family. Oxford University Press (OUP)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 134, (4) 720-726.  
Neuhausen SL, Mazoyer S, Friedman L, Stratton M, Offit K, Caligo A, Tomlinson G, Cannon-Albright L, Bishop T, Kelsell D, Solomon E, Weber B, Couch F, Struewing J, Tonin P, Durocher F, Narod S, Skolnick MH, Lenoir G, Serova O, Ponder B, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Easton D, King MC and Goldgar DE (1996). Haplotype and phenotype analysis of six recurrent BRCA1 mutations in 61 families: results of an international study. American Journal of Human Genetics  vol. 58, (2) 271-280.  
Wooster R, Bignell G, Lancaster J, Swift S, Seal S, Mangion J, Collins N, Gregory S, Gumbs C, Michlem G, Barfoot R, Hamoudi R, Patel S, Rice C, Biggs P, Hashim Y, Smith A, Connor F, Arason A, Gudmundsson J, Ficenec D, Kelsell D, Ford D, Tonin P, Bishop DT, Spurr NK, Ponder BAJ, Eeles R, Peto J and Devilee P (1996). Identification of the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2. Springer Nature  Nature  vol. 379, (6567) 749-749.  
Szumlanski C, Otterness D, Her C, Lee D, Brandriff B, Kelsell D, Spurr N, Lennard L, Wieben E and Weinshilboum R (1996). Thiopurine Methyltransferase Pharmacogenetics: Human Gene Cloning and Characterization of a Common Polymorphism. Mary Ann Liebert  DNA and Cell Biology  vol. 15, (1) 17-30.  


Wooster R, Bignell G, Lancaster J, Swift S, Seal S, Mangion J, Collins N, Gregory S, Gumbs C, Micklem G, Barfoot R, Hamoudi R, Patel S, Rices C, Biggs P, Hashim Y, Smith A, Connor F, Arason A, Gudmundsson J, Ficenec D, Kelsell D, Ford D, Tonin P, Timothy Bishop D, Spurr NK, Ponder BAJ, Eeles R, Peto J and Devilee P (1995). Identification of the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2. Springer Nature  Nature  vol. 378, (6559) 789-792.  
Cornelis RS, Neuhausen SL, Johansson O, Arason A, Kelsell D, Ponder BAJ, Tonin P, Hamann U, Lindblom A, Lalle P, Longy M, Olàh E, Scherneck S, Bignon Y, Sobol H, Chang‐Claude J, Larsson C, Spurr N, Borg A, Barkardottir RB, Narod S and Devilee P (1995). High allele loss rates at I7q I2‐q2I in breast and ovarian tumors from BRCAI‐linked families. Wiley  Genes Chromosomes and Cancer  vol. 13, (3) 203-210.  
KELSELL DP, ROOKE L, WARNE D, BOUZYK M, CULLIN L, COX S, WEST L, POVEY S and SPURR NK (1995). Development of a panel of monochromosomal somatic cell hybrids for rapid gene mapping. Wiley  Annals of Human Genetics  vol. 59, (2) 233-241.  
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Shamsher MK, Navsaria HA, Stevens HP, Ratnavel RC, Purkis PE, Keisell DP, McLean WHI, Cook LJ, Griffiths WAD, Gschmeissner S, Spurr N and Leigh IM (1995). Novel mutations in keratin 16 gene underly focal non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (NEPPK) in two families. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Human Molecular Genetics  vol. 4, (10) 1875-1881.  


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Walsh FS, Barton CH, Putt W, Moore SE, Kelsell D, Spurr N and Goodfellow PN (1990). N‐Cadherin Gene Maps to Human Chromosome 18 and Is Not Linked to the E‐Cadherin Gene. Wiley  Journal of Neurochemistry  vol. 55, (3) 805-812.  
Kelsell DP, Wolf CR and Spurr NK (1990). An Xmnl RFLP detected with a probe for the CYP2E gene locus on chromosome 10. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Nucleic Acids Research  vol. 18, (10) 3111-3111.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconSwitching of iRhom2 hyperactivity in development of squamous oesophageal cancer
Diana Blaydon and David Kelsell
£143,251 Worldwide Cancer Research (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2025)
bullet iconTargeting epigenetic gene regulation in epidermolysis bullosa simplex
John Connelly, Julien Gautrot and David Kelsell
£199,751 Action Medical Research (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2026)
bullet iconTowards an in vitro model for studying Pachyonychia Congenita
Diana Blaydon and David Kelsell
£144,581 Pachyonychia Congenita Project (01-01-2023 - 31-12-2025)
bullet iconA Centre of Excellence for Squamous Cancer
Paul Coulthard, David Kelsell, Catherine Harwood, Adrian Biddle, Jun Wang and Tracy Connelly
£2,675,828 Barts and the London Charity (01-04-2021 - 31-01-2028)
bullet iconThe Rising Stars Program
Mauro Perretti and David Kelsell
£6,137,969 Barts and the London Charity (01-01-2019 - 31-12-2025)

bullet iconExploring morphological and transcriptomic changes occurring in a murine model of desmoplakin-associated cardiocutaneous disease
David Kelsell
£6,755 Barts and the London Charity (01-10-2024 - 31-12-2024)
bullet iconDissecting the molecular mechanisms associated with impaired barrier integrity in the oesophageal ep
Diana Blaydon and David Kelsell
£41,085 Barts and the London Charity (08-11-2021 - 08-05-2023)
bullet iconThe APPLE Study – A Cross-sectional Observational Study Examining the influence of Diet and Fasting on Psoriasis
David Kelsell
£85,500 Psoriasis Association (01-10-2021 - 30-09-2024)
bullet iconDissecting palmoplantar skin/keratinocytes as a model of stress – a role for AQP5.
Diana Blaydon and David Kelsell
£85,000 British Skin Foundation (BSF) (01-04-2019 - 31-12-2022)
bullet iconiRhom2 and the keratinocyte stress response in health and disease
David Kelsell and Andrew Tinker
£559,364 MRC Medical Research Council (01-04-2019 - 31-08-2023)
bullet iconiRhom2 as a key regulator of epidermal proliferation and inflammation in psoriasis
David Kelsell
£90,000 British Skin Foundation (BSF) (05-02-2018 - 28-02-2023)
bullet iconIRHOM/ADAM17 in oesophageal squamous cell cancer
David Kelsell
£84,200 EU European Commission - Other (01-08-2017 - 31-12-2018)
bullet iconIRHOM/ADAM17 in oesophageal squamous cell cancer
David Kelsell
£1,155,624 CR-UK Cancer Research UK (01-05-2015 - 28-02-2021)
bullet iconIRHOM/ADAM17 in oesophageal squamous cell cancer
David Kelsell
£67,360 EU European Commission - Other (01-05-2015 - 31-12-2018)
bullet iconUnravelling the molecular and mechanistic complexity of ARVC via the skin
David Kelsell
£1,053,917 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-08-2014 - 31-07-2019)