Dr Isabel M Palacios

Isabel M Palacios


School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


tissue architecture, cytoskeletons, human stem cells, drosophila, organoids


2D and 3D cell culture models (both human and insect cells) and human organoids


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Essential conserved neuronal motors kinesin-1 and kinesin-3 regulate Aβ42 toxicity in vivo
Palacios IM and Palacios De Castro MI
, Editors: biorxiv team . Biorxiv Journal 


Constriction imposed by basement membrane regulates developmental cell migration
López EM, Kabanova A, Winkel A, Franze K, Palacios IM and Martín-Bermudo MD
Plos Biology, Public Library of Science vol. 21 (6) 


The humble fruit fly is helping the African science community to thrive
Palacios I, Vicente-Crespo M and Martín-Bermudo MD
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, Springer Nature vol. 21 (10), 558-559.  
Integrins regulate epithelial cell shape by controlling the architecture and mechanical properties of basal actomyosin networks
Santa-Cruz Mateos C, Valencia-Expósito A, Palacios IM and Martín-Bermudo MD
Plos Genetics, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 16 (6), e1008717-e1008717.  
Optical flow analysis reveals that Kinesin-mediated advection impacts on the orientation of microtubules in the Drosophila oocyte.
Drechsler M, Lang LF, Al-Khatib L, Dirks H, Burger M, Schönlieb C-B and Palacios IM
Molecular Biology of The Cell, American Society For Cell Biology, mbcE1908044-mbcE1908044.  


YAP/Yorkie in the germline modulates the age-related decline of germline stem cells and niche cells
Francis D, Chanana B, Fernandez B, Gordon B, Mak T and Palacios IM
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 14 (4) 


Active diffusion and advection in Drosophila oocytes result from the interplay of actin and microtubules
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group vol. 8 
DrosAfrica: Building an African biomedical research community using Drosophila
Martín-Bermudo MD, Gebel L and Palacios IM
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, Elsevier Bv vol. 70, 58-64.  


α-Spectrin and integrins act together to regulate actomyosin and columnarization, and to maintain a monolayered follicular epithelium
Ng BF, Selvaraj GK, Santa-Cruz Mateos C, Grosheva I, Alvarez-Garcia I, Martín-Bermudo MD and Palacios IM
Journal of Cell Science, The Company of Biologists vol. 129 (9), e1.2-e1.2.  
α-Spectrin and integrins act together to regulate actomyosin and columnarization, and to maintain a monolayered follicular epithelium
Ng BF, Selvaraj GK, Santa-Cruz Mateos C, Grosheva I, Alvarez-Garcia I, Martín-Bermudo MD and Palacios IM
Development, The Company of Biologists vol. 143 (8), 1388-1399.  
Planar cell polarity: the Dachsous/Fat system contributes differently to the embryonic and larval stages of Drosophila
Saavedra P, Brittle A, Palacios IM, Strutt D, Casal J and Lawrence PA
Biology Open, The Company of Biologists vol. 5 (4), 397-408.  


Hop-on hop-off: Polysomes take a tour of the cell on endosomes
Palacios IM
Journal of Cell Biology, Rockefeller University Press vol. 204 (3), 287-289.  
Plasticity of both planar cell polarity and cell identity during the development of Drosophila
Saavedra P, Vincent J-P, Palacios IM, Lawrence PA and Casal J
Elife, Elife vol. 3 
Integrins regulate epithelial cell differentiation by modulating Notch activity
Gómez-Lamarca MJ, Cobreros-Reguera L, Ibáñez-Jiménez B, Palacios IM and Martín-Bermudo MD
Journal of Cell Science, The Company of Biologists vol. 127 (21), 4667-4678.  
The auto-inhibitory domain and ATP-independent microtubulebinding region of Kinesin heavy chain are major functional domains for transport in the Drosophila germline
Williams LS, Ganguly S, Loiseau P, Ng BF and Palacios IM
Journal of Cell Science, The Company of Biologists vol. 127 (1), e1-e1.  


How are spoken skills assessed in proficiency tests of general English as a Foreign Language? A preliminary survey
Roca-Varela ML and Palacios IM
International Journal of English Studies, Servicio De Publicaciones De La Universidad De Murcia vol. 13 (2), 53-68.  
The auto-inhibitory domain and ATP-independent microtubule-binding region of Kinesin heavy chain are major functional domains for transport in the Drosophila germline
Williams LS, Ganguly S, Loiseau P, Ng BF and Palacios IM
Development, The Company of Biologists vol. 141 (1), 176-186.  


Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay: from mechanistic insights to impacts on human health
Palacios IM
Briefings in Functional Genomics, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 12 (1), 25-36.  
Cytoplasmic streaming in Drosophila oocytes varies with kinesin activity and correlates with the microtubule cytoskeleton architecture
Ganguly S, Williams LS, Palacios IM and Goldstein RE
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 109 (38), 15109-15114.  


Drosophila Upf1 and Upf2 loss of function inhibits cell growth and causes animal death in a Upf3-independent manner
Avery P, Vicente-Crespo M, Francis D, Nashchekina O, Alonso CR and Palacios IM
Rna, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory vol. 17 (4), 624-638.  
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and development: shoot the messenger to survive?
Vicente-Crespo M and Palacios IM
Biochemical Society Transactions, Portland Press vol. 39 (1), 411-411.  


Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and development: shoot the messenger to survive?
Vicente-Crespo M and Palacios IM
Biochemical Society Transactions, Portland Press vol. 38 (6), 1500-1505.  
Drosophila PAT1 is required for Kinesin-1 to transport cargo and to maximize its motility
Loiseau P, Davies T, Williams LS, Mishima M and Palacios IM
Journal of Cell Science, The Company of Biologists vol. 123 (16), e1-e1.  


The Salvador-Warts-Hippo Pathway Is Required for Epithelial Proliferation and Axis Specification in Drosophila
Meignin C, Alvarez-Garcia I, Davis I and Palacios IM
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 17 (21), 1871-1878.  
How does an mRNA find its way? Intracellular localisation of transcripts
Palacios IM
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, Elsevier vol. 18 (2), 163-170.  


An eIF4AIII-containing complex required for mRNA localization and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
Palacios IM, Gatfield D, St Johnston D and Izaurralde E
Nature, Springer Nature vol. 427 (6976), 753-757.  


Barentsz, a New Component of the Staufen-Containing Ribonucleoprotein Particles in Mammalian Cells, Interacts with Staufen in an RNA-Dependent Manner
Macchi P, Kroening S, Palacios IM, Baldassa S, Grunewald B, Ambrosino C, Goetze B, Lupas A, St. Johnston D and Kiebler M
Journal of Neuroscience, Society For Neuroscience vol. 23 (13), 5778-5788.  


Kinesin light chain-independent function of the Kinesin heavy chain in cytoplasmic streaming and posterior localisation in theDrosophila oocyte
Palacios IM and St Johnston D
Development, The Company of Biologists vol. 129 (23), 5473-5485.  
Drosophila 14-3-3/PAR-5 Is an Essential Mediator of PAR-1 Function in Axis Formation
Benton R, Palacios IM and St Johnston D
Developmental Cell, Elsevier vol. 3 (5), 659-671.  
RNA Processing: Splicing and the Cytoplasmic Localisation of mRNA
Palacios IM
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 12 (2), r50-r52.  


GETTING THE MESSAGE ACROSS: The Intracellular Localization of mRNAs in Higher Eukaryotes
Palacios IM and Johnston DS
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, Annual Reviews vol. 17 (1), 569-614.  
Dimerization of the 3′UTR of bicoid mRNA involves a two-step mechanism11Edited by J. Doudna
Wagner C, Palacios I, Jaeger L, St Johnston D, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C and Brunel C
Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 313 (3), 511-524.  
Barentsz is essential for the posterior localization of oskar mRNA and colocalizes with it to the posterior pole
van Eeden FJM, Palacios IM, Petronczki M, Weston MJD and St Johnston D
Journal of Cell Biology, Rockefeller University Press vol. 154 (3), 511-524.  
RNA Intracellular Transport
Palacios I and Izaurralde E
In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Wiley 


Nuclear import of U snRNPs requires importin β
Palacios I, Hetzer M, Adam SA and Mattaj IW
The Embo Journal, Springer Nature vol. 16 (22), 6783-6792.  
Chapter 23 In Vitro Systems for the Reconstitution of snRNP and Protein Nuclear Import
Dingwall C and Palacios I
Methods in Cell Biology, Elsevier vol. 53, 517-543.  


RAN/TC4 mutants identify a common requirement for snRNP and protein import into the nucleus.
Palacios I, Weis K, Klebe C, Mattaj IW and Dingwall C
Journal of Cell Biology, Rockefeller University Press vol. 133 (3), 485-494.  
Mutational analysis identifies functional domains in the influenza A virus PB2 polymerase subunit
Perales B, de la Luna S, Palacios I and Ortín J
Journal of Virology, American Society For Microbiology vol. 70 (3), 1678-1686.  


Nuclear retention of RNA as a mechanism for localization.
Boelens WC, Palacios I and Mattaj IW
Rna vol. 1 (3), 273-283.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconHighthroughput Light Sheet Microscopy: Imaging Across Scales
Viji Draviam Sastry, Caroline Brennan, Vidya Darbari, Jose Martin Duran, Ivan Kadurin, Isabel M Palacios, Richard Pickersgill, Sarah McClelland, Tyson Sharp and Martin Knight
£386,205 MRC Medical Research Council
01-10-2022 - 31-03-2023
bullet iconA confocal microscope for multidisciplinary dynamic studies of complex biological systems
Conrad Mullineaux, Caroline Brennan, Alexandre De Mendoza Soler, Viji Draviam Sastry, Maurice Elphick, Christoph Engl, Isabel M Palacios, Matteo Palma, Marina Resmini, Alexander Ruban, Peter Thorpe, Angelika Stollewerk, Jose Martin Duran, Paulo Baptista Ribeiro, Susana Godinho, Richard Grose, Stephanie Kermorgant, Peter McCormick and Tyson Sharp
£390,834 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
01-08-2022 - 31-07-2023