Dr Ines Sequeira
Senior Lecturer / Group Leader
Queen Mary University of London
Organoids, single cell and spatial omics, skin models, oral mucosa, fibroblasts, cancer models
My research focusses on the role of fibroblasts in wound healing and regeneration, with particular interest on the outstanding scarless behaviour of the oral mucosa. To study these diverse functions we have generated oral mucosal organoids and organoids co-culture, as well as classic 3D skin and oral mucosal models. My lab has also strong expertise and nterest in single-cell and spatial omics techniques, to unravel new pathways and molecules to then test in vitro.Publications
Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
Gelmetti M, Tomas I, Ragazzini R, Cautela M, Campinoti S, Torre M, Watt FM, Bonfanti P, Pennington D and Sequeira I (2024). 010 Keratin 76 expression in Thymic Epithelial Cells is Necessary for Skin T cell Tolerance. Elsevier Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 144, (12)
Moon J-S, Ho C-C, Park J-H, Park K, Shin B-Y, Lee S-H, Sequeira I, Mun CH, Shin J-S, Kim J-H, Kim BS, Noh J-W, Lee E-S, Son JY, Kim Y, lee Y, Cho H, So S, Park J, Choi E, Oh J-W, Lee S-W, Morio T, Watt FM, Seong RH and Lee S-K (2023). Lrig1-expression confers suppressive function to CD4+ cells and is essential for averting autoimmunity via the Smad2/3/Foxp3 axis. Springer Nature Nature Communications vol. 14, (1)
Annusver K, Pereira D, Fernandex D, Robert B, Nicolas J, Kasper M and Sequeira I (2023). 1390 Active hair growth is fuelled by conveyor-belt like differentiation of germinative layer cells. Elsevier Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 143, (5)
Kumar R, Ibrahim R, Cheikh BB, Bailey E, Cottom H, Braubach O, Graham T, Wang J and Sequeira I (2023). Abstract 5629: Spatial genomics and proteomics enable multimodal analyses of oral SCC clonal heterogeneity and interactions with tumor microenvironment. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Cancer Research vol. 83, (7_Supplement) 5629-5629.
Pereira DG, Kirk T, Mavros A, Rognoni E, O’Toole EA, Kasper M and Sequeira I (2022). 603 Dissecting the role of fibroblasts in homeostasis and wound healing of the oral mucosa. Elsevier Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 142, (12)
Trotzier C, Sequeira I, Auxenfans C and Mojallal AA (2022). Fat Graft Retention: Adipose Tissue, Adipose-Derived Stem Cells, and Aging. Wolters Kluwer Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery vol. 151, (3) 420e-431e.
Caetano AJ, Caetano A, Sharpe P, Volponi AA, Yianni V, Bush M, McKay LK, Wallet S, Shazib MA, Kimple A, Byrd KM, Easter Q, Weaver T, Sequeira I, Kumar R, Pereira D, Macken J, Fortune F, Efremova M, Teichmann S, Kretzschmar K, Todres E, Boffelli D, Hagood JS, Klein O, Boucher R, Lwin S, Pranzatelli T, Beachy P and Lu WJ (2022). A Roadmap for the Human Oral and Craniofacial Cell Atlas. SAGE Publications Journal of Dental Research vol. 101, (11) 1274-1288.
Zucchi H, Pageon H, Asselineau D, Ghibaudo M, Sequeira I and Girardeau-Hubert S (2022). Assessing the Role of Carbonyl Adducts, Particularly Malondialdehyde Adducts, in the Development of Dermis Yellowing Occurring during Skin Photoaging. MDPI Life vol. 12, (3)
Bassler MC, Stefanakis M, Sequeira I, Ostertag E, Wagner A, Bartsch JW, Roeßler M, Mandic R, Reddmann EF, Lorenz A, Rebner K and Brecht M (2021). Comparison of Whiskbroom and Pushbroom darkfield elastic light scattering spectroscopic imaging for head and neck cancer identification in a mouse model. Springer Nature Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry vol. 413, (30) 7363-7383.
Pereira D and Sequeira I (2021). A Scarless Healing Tale: Comparing Homeostasis and Wound Healing of Oral Mucosa With Skin and Oesophagus. Frontiers Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology vol. 9,
Huang N, Pérez P, Kato T, Mikami Y, Okuda K, Gilmore RC, Conde CD, Gasmi B, Stein S, Beach M, Pelayo E, Maldonado JO, Lafont BA, Jang S-I, Nasir N, Padilla RJ, Murrah VA, Maile R, Lovell W, Wallet SM, Bowman NM, Meinig SL, Wolfgang MC, Choudhury SN, Novotny M, Aevermann BD, Scheuermann RH, Cannon G, Anderson CW and Lee RE (2021). SARS-CoV-2 infection of the oral cavity and saliva. Springer Nature Nature Medicine vol. 27, (5) 892-903.
Sequeira I, Rashid M, Tomás IM, Williams MJ, Graham TA, Adams DJ, Vigilante A and Watt FM (2020). Genomic landscape and clonal architecture of mouse oral squamous cell carcinomas dictate tumour ecology. Springer Nature Nature Communications vol. 11, (1)
Joost S, Annusver K, Jacob T, Sun X, Dalessandri T, Sivan U, Sequeira I, Sandberg R and Kasper M (2020). The Molecular Anatomy of Mouse Skin during Hair Growth and Rest. Elsevier BV Cell Stem Cell vol. 26, (3) 441-457.e7.
Byrd KM, Piehl NC, Patel JH, Huh WJ, Sequeira I, Lough KJ, Wagner BL, Marangoni P, Watt FM, Klein OD, Coffey RJ and Williams SE (2019). Heterogeneity within Stratified Epithelial Stem Cell Populations Maintains the Oral Mucosa in Response to Physiological Stress. Elsevier BV Cell Stem Cell vol. 25, (6) 814-829.e6.
Girardeau-Hubert S, Deneuville C, Pageon H, Abed K, Tacheau C, Cavusoglu N, donovan R, Bernard D, Asselineau D and Sequeira I (2019). 233 Epidermal differentiation and proliferation heterogeneity in skin color types. Elsevier Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 139, (9)
Sequeira I and Watt FM (2019). The role of keratins in modulating carcinogenesis via communication with cells of the immune system. Shared Science Publishers OG Cell Stress vol. 3, (4) 136-138.
Sequeira I, Neves JF, Carrero D, Peng Q, Palasz N, Liakath-Ali K, Lord GM, Morgan PR, Lombardi G and Watt FM (2018). Immunomodulatory role of Keratin 76 in oral and gastric cancer. Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications vol. 9, (1)
Liakath‐Ali K, Vancollie VE, Sequeira I, Lelliott CJ and Watt FM (2018). Myosin 10 is involved in murine pigmentation. Wiley Experimental Dermatology vol. 28, (4) 391-394.
Liakath-Ali K, Mills EW, Sequeira I, Lichtenberger BM, Pisco AO, Sipilä KH, Mishra A, Yoshikawa H, Wu CC-C, Ly T, Lamond AI, Adham IM, Green R and Watt FM (2018). An evolutionarily conserved ribosome-rescue pathway maintains epidermal homeostasis. Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature vol. 556, (7701) 376-380.
Telerman SB, Rognoni E, Sequeira I, Pisco AO, Lichtenberger BM, Culley OJ, Viswanathan P, Driskell RR and Watt FM (2017). Dermal Blimp1 Acts Downstream of Epidermal TGFβ and Wnt/β-Catenin to Regulate Hair Follicle Formation and Growth. Elsevier BV Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 137, (11) 2270-2281.
Weber C, Telerman SB, Reimer AS, Sequeira I, Liakath-Ali K, Arwert EN and Watt FM (2016). Macrophage Infiltration and Alternative Activation during Wound Healing Promote MEK1-Induced Skin Carcinogenesis. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Cancer Research vol. 76, (4) 805-817.
Sequeira I and Nicolas J-F (2012). Redefining the structure of the hair follicle by 3D clonal analysis. The Company of Biologists Development vol. 139, (20) 3741-3751.
Della Gaspera B, Armand A, Sequeira I, Chesneau A, Mazabraud A, Lécolle S, Charbonnier F and Chanoine C (2012). Myogenic waves and myogenic programs during Xenopus embryonic myogenesis. Wiley Developmental Dynamics vol. 241, (5) 995-1007.
Legué E, Sequeira I and Nicolas J-F (2010). Hair follicle renewal: authentic morphogenesis that depends on a complex progression of stem cell lineages. The Company of Biologists Development vol. 137, (4) 569-577.
della Gaspera B, Armand A-S, Sequeira I, Lecolle S, Gallien CL, Charbonnier F and Chanoine C (2009). The Xenopus MEF2 gene family: Evidence of a role for XMEF2C in larval tendon development. Elsevier Developmental Biology vol. 328, (2) 392-402.
Della Gaspera B, Sequeira I, Charbonnier F, Becker C, Shi D and Chanoine C (2005). Spatio‐temporal expression of MRF4 transcripts and protein during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis. Wiley Developmental Dynamics vol. 235, (2) 524-529.