Dr Kieran Bates

Kieran Bates

Lecturer in Microbiome Science

Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
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Microbiome, Glycobiology, Ecology & Evolution, Experimental Biology, Fungal Pathogens, Skin

Infectious Disease and Inflammation Models, Skin Models


I am interested in understanding how microbial communities assemble, persist and influence the health of their hosts. My research combines theory with wild and experimental systems to investigate microbial function through to eco-evolutionary dynamics. My group is especially interested in the role of host mucosal and epithelial glycans as both ligands for microbial colonisation and nutrient sources.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Spiro S, Pereira M, Bates KA, Jaunmuktane Z, Everest DJ, Stidworthy MF, Denk D, Núñez A, Wrigglesworth E, Theodoulou A, Barbon A, Nye E, Liu Y, Smith AL and Fiddaman S (2024). Incidence and characterization of polyglucosan bodies in the cerebella of montserrat orioles (Icterus oberi). SAGE Publications  Veterinary Pathology   
Thumsová B, González-Miras E, Rubio Á, Granados I, Bates KA and Bosch J (2024). Author Correction: Chemical disinfection as a simple and reliable method to control the amphibian chytrid fungus at breeding points of endangered amphibians. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 14, (1)  
Thumsová B, González-Miras E, Rubio Á, Granados I, Bates KA and Bosch J (2024). Chemical disinfection as a simple and reliable method to control the amphibian chytrid fungus at breeding points of endangered amphibians. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 14, (1)  


Hanski E, Khanyari M, Li J, Bates KA, Zuther S, Maiden MCJ, Kock R and Knowles SCL (2023). Gut microbiota of the critically endangered Saiga antelope across two wild populations in a year without mass mortality. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 13, (1)  


Bates KA, Friesen J, Loyau A, Butler H, Vredenburg VT, Laufer J, Chatzinotas A and Schmeller DS (2022). Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors Shape the Skin Bacterial Communities of a Semi-Arid Amphibian Species. Springer Nature  Microbial Ecology  vol. 86, (2) 1393-1404.  
Li J, Bates KA, Hoang KL, Hector TE, Knowles SCL and King KC (2022). Experimental temperatures shape host microbiome diversity and composition. Wiley  Global Change Biology  vol. 29, (1) 41-56.  
Schmeller DS, Urbach D, Bates K, Catalan J, Cogălniceanu D, Fisher MC, Friesen J, Füreder L, Gaube V, Haver M, Jacobsen D, Le Roux G, Lin Y-P, Loyau A, Machate O, Mayer A, Palomo I, Plutzar C, Sentenac H, Sommaruga R, Tiberti R and Ripple WJ (2022). Scientists' warning of threats to mountains. Elsevier  The Science of The Total Environment  vol. 853,  
Wu-Chuang A, Bates KA, Obregon D, Estrada-Peña A, King KC and Cabezas-Cruz A (2022). Rapid evolution of a novel protective symbiont into keystone taxon in Caenorhabditis elegans microbiota. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 12, (1)  
Bates KA, Higgins C, Neiman M and King KC (2022). Turning the tide on sex and the microbiota in aquatic animals. Springer Nature  Hydrobiologia  vol. 850, (17) 3823-3835.  
Bates KA, Sommer U, Hopkins KP, Shelton JMG, Wierzbicki C, Sergeant C, Tapley B, Michaels CJ, Schmeller DS, Loyau A, Bosch J, Viant MR, Harrison XA, Garner TWJ and Fisher MC (2022). Microbiome function predicts amphibian chytridiomycosis disease dynamics. Springer Nature  Microbiome  vol. 10, (1)  


Bates KA, Bolton JS and King KC (2021). A globally ubiquitous symbiont can drive experimental host evolution. Wiley  Molecular Ecology  vol. 30, (15) 3882-3892.  


Bates KA, Shelton JMG, Mercier VL, Hopkins KP, Harrison XA, Petrovan SO and Fisher MC (2019). Captivity and Infection by the Fungal Pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans Perturb the Amphibian Skin Microbiome. Frontiers  Frontiers in Microbiology  vol. 10,  


Fisher MC, Ghosh P, Shelton JMG, Bates K, Brookes L, Wierzbicki C, Rosa GM, Farrer RA, Aanensen DM, Alvarado-Rybak M, Bataille A, Berger L, Böll S, Bosch J, Clare FC, A. Courtois E, Crottini A, Cunningham AA, Doherty-Bone TM, Gebresenbet F, Gower DJ, Höglund J, James TY, Jenkinson TS, Kosch TA, Lambertini C, Laurila A, Lin C-F, Loyau A and Martel A (2018). Development and worldwide use of non-lethal, and minimal population-level impact, protocols for the isolation of amphibian chytrid fungi. Springer Nature  Scientific Reports  vol. 8, (1)  
O'Hanlon SJ, Rieux A, Farrer RA, Rosa GM, Waldman B, Bataille A, Kosch TA, Murray KA, Brankovics B, Fumagalli M, Martin MD, Wales N, Alvarado-Rybak M, Bates KA, Berger L, Böll S, Brookes L, Clare F, Courtois EA, Cunningham AA, Doherty-Bone TM, Ghosh P, Gower DJ, Hintz WE, Höglund J, Jenkinson TS, Lin C-F, Laurila A, Loyau A and Martel A (2018). Recent Asian origin of chytrid fungi causing global amphibian declines. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)  Science  vol. 360, (6389) 621-627.  
Bates KA, Clare FC, O’Hanlon S, Bosch J, Brookes L, Hopkins K, McLaughlin EJ, Daniel O, Garner TWJ, Fisher MC and Harrison XA (2018). Amphibian chytridiomycosis outbreak dynamics are linked with host skin bacterial community structure. Springer Nature  Nature Communications  vol. 9, (1)  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconUnderstanding how the amphibian skin glycome shapes microbiome and susceptibility to fungal pathogens
Kieran Bates
£448,144 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027)