Dr Liliane Fossati-Jimack
Senior Scientific Officer
The William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Synovial tissue explant in vitro culturePublications
Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
Rolas L, Stein M, Barkaway A, Reglero-Real N, Sciacca E, Yaseen M, Wang H, Vazquez-Martinez L, Golding M, Blacksell IA, Giblin MJ, Jaworska E, Bishop CL, Voisin M-B, Gaston-Massuet C, Fossati-Jimack L, Pitzalis C, Cooper D, Nightingale TD, Lopez-Otin C, Lewis MJ and Nourshargh S (2024). Senescent endothelial cells promote pathogenic neutrophil trafficking in inflamed tissues. Springer Nature EMBO Reports vol. 25, (9) 3842-3869.
Corsiero E, Caliste M, Jagemann L, Fossati-Jimack L, Goldmann K, Cubuk C, Ghirardi GM, Prediletto E, Rivellese F, Alessandri C, Hopkinson M, Javaheri B, Pitsillides AA, Lewis MJ, Pitzalis C and Bombardieri M (2024). Autoimmunity to stromal-derived autoantigens in rheumatoid ectopic germinal centers exacerbates arthritis and affects clinical response. American Society for Clinical Investigation Journal of Clinical Investigation vol. 134, (12)
Pontarini E, Sciacca E, Chowdhury F, Grigoriadou S, Rivellese F, Murray‐Brown WJ, Lucchesi D, Fossati‐Jimack L, Nerviani A, Jaworska E, Ghirardi GM, Giacomassi C, Emery P, Ng WF, Sutcliffe N, Everett C, Fernandez C, Tappuni A, Seror R, Mariette X, Porcher R, Cavallaro G, Pulvirenti A, Verstappen GM, de Wolff L, Arends S, Bootsma H, Lewis MJ, Pitzalis C and Bowman SJ (2024). Serum and Tissue Biomarkers Associated With Composite of Relevant Endpoints for Sjögren Syndrome (CRESS) and Sjögren Tool for Assessing Response (STAR) to B Cell–Targeted Therapy in the Trial of Anti–B Cell Therapy in Patients With Primary Sjögren Syndrome (TRACTISS). Wiley Arthritis & Rheumatology vol. 76, (5) 763-776.
Çubuk C, Lau R, Cutillas P, Rajeeve V, John CR, Surace AEA, Hands R, Fossati-Jimack L, Lewis MJ and Pitzalis C (2024). Phosphoproteomic profiling of early rheumatoid arthritis synovium reveals active signalling pathways and differentiates inflammatory pathotypes. Springer Nature Arthritis Research & Therapy vol. 26, (1)
Boutet M-A, Nerviani A, Fossati-Jimack L, Hands-Greenwood R, Ahmed M, Rivellese F and Pitzalis C (2023). Comparative analysis of late-stage rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis reveals shared histopathological features. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 32, (2) 166-176.
Ghirardi GM, Nerviani A, Fossati-Jimack L, Pontarini E, Italiani P, Pratesi F, Abdelmoaty S, Högerkorp C and Pitzalis C (2023). AB0067 MODE OF ACTION AND TARGET INVESTIGATION OF THE NEW ANTI-RHEUMATIC DRUG RABEXIMOD. BMJ
Shikh MEME, Sayed RE, Aly NAR, Prediletto E, Hands R, Fossati-Jimack L, Bombardieri M, Lewis MJ and Pitzalis C (2022). Follicular dendritic cell differentiation is associated with distinct synovial pathotype signatures in rheumatoid arthritis. Frontiers Frontiers in Medicine vol. 9,
Humby F, Durez P, Buch MH, Lewis MJ, Bombardieri M, John C, Rizvi H, Warren L, Peel J, Fossati-Jimack L, Hands RE, Giorli G, Rivellese F, Cañete JD, Taylor PC, Sasieni P, Fonseca JE, Choy E and Pitzalis C (2022). Rituximab versus tocilizumab and B-cell status in TNF-alpha inadequate-responder rheumatoid arthritis patients:the R4-RA RCT. National Institute for Health and Care Research Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation vol. 9, (7) 1-58.
Cooles FAH, Tarn J, Lendrem DW, Naamane N, Lin CM, Millar B, Maney NJ, Anderson AE, Thalayasingam N, Diboll J, Bondet V, Duffy D, Barnes MR, Smith GR, Ng S, Watson D, Henkin R, Cope AP, Reynard LN, Pratt AG, Isaacs JD, Hughes-Morley A, Walker A, Cuza A, Gallagher-Syed A, Anderson A, Haynes A, Filer A and Long A (2022). Interferon-α-mediated therapeutic resistance in early rheumatoid arthritis implicates epigenetic reprogramming. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 81, (9) 1214-1223.
Elshikh M, El Sayed R, Aly N, Prediletto E, Hands R, Fossati-Jimack L, Bombardieri M, Lewis M and Pitzalis C (2022). POS0431 PDGF-BB, TNF-α, AND LT-β REGULATE FOLLICULAR DENDRITIC CELL DEVELOPMENT IN THE RHEUMATOID SYNOVIUM. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 81, (Suppl 1) 470.1-47470.
Surace A, Sciacca E, Goldmann K, Rivellese F, Cubuk C, Giorli G, Fossati-Jimack L, Ahmed M, Prediletto E, Bombardieri M, Lewis M and Pitzalis C (2022). OP0077 SYNOVIAL RNA-SEQ ANALYSIS OF THE R4RA TRIAL IDENTIFIES SIGNATURES OF TREATMENT RESISTANCE AND REFRACTORY STATE IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 81, (Suppl 1) 52.2-5253.
Rivellese F, Cubuk C, Surace A, Goldmann K, Sciacca E, Giorli G, Nerviani A, Fossati-Jimack L, Thorborn G, Bombardieri M, Barnes M, Lewis M and Pitzalis C (2022). OP0085 CELL LINEAGE-SPECIFIC TRANSCRIPT DECONVOLUTION OF SYNOVIAL BIOPSIES FROM THE R4RA TRIAL IDENTIFIES CELL POPULATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH RESPONSE TO RITUXIMAB AND TOCILIZUMAB. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 81, (Suppl 1) 56.2-5657.
Rivellese F, Surace AEA, Goldmann K, Sciacca E, Çubuk C, Giorli G, John CR, Nerviani A, Fossati-Jimack L, Thorborn G, Ahmed M, Prediletto E, Church SE, Hudson BM, Warren SE, McKeigue PM, Humby F, Bombardieri M, Barnes MR, Lewis MJ and Pitzalis C (2022). Rituximab versus tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis: synovial biopsy-based biomarker analysis of the phase 4 R4RA randomized trial. Springer Nature Nature Medicine vol. 28, (6) 1256-1268.
Isaacs JD, Brockbank S, Pedersen AW, Hilkens C, Anderson A, Stocks P, Lendrem D, Tarn J, Smith GR, Allen B, Casement J, Diboll J, Harry R, Cooles FAH, Cope AP, Simpson G, Toward R, Noble H, Parke A, Wu , Clarke F, Scott D, Scott IC, Galloway J, Lempp H, Ibrahim F, Schwank S, Molyneux G, Lazarov T and Geissmann F (2022). RA-MAP, molecular immunological landscapes in early rheumatoid arthritis and healthy vaccine recipients. Springer Nature Scientific Data vol. 9, (1)
Pontarini E, Chowdhury F, Sciacca E, Grigoriadou S, Rivellese F, Lucchesi D, Goldmann K, Fossati-Jimack L, Emery P, Ng WF, Sutcliffe N, Everett C, Fernandez C, Tappuni A, Lewis M, Pitzalis C, Bowman SJ and Bombardieri M (2021). OP0136 RITUXIMAB PREVENTS THE PROGRESSION OF B-CELL DRIVEN INFLAMMATORY INFILTRATE IN THE MINOR SALIVARY GLANDS OF PRIMARY SJOGREN’S SYNDROME BY DOWNREGULATING IMMUNOLOGICAL PATHWAYS KEY IN ECTOPIC GERMINAL CENTRE ORGANIZATION: RESULTS FROM THE TRACTISS TRIAL. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 80, (Suppl 1) 79-80.
Pontarini E, Sciacca E, Grigoriadou S, Rivellese F, Lucchesi D, Fossati-Jimack L, Coleby R, Chowdhury F, Calcaterra F, Tappuni A, Lewis MJ, Fabris M, Quartuccio L, Della Bella S, Bowman S, Pitzalis C, Mavilio D, De Vita S and Bombardieri M (2021). NKp30 Receptor Upregulation in Salivary Glands of Sjögren’s Syndrome Characterizes Ectopic Lymphoid Structures and Is Restricted by Rituximab Treatment. Frontiers Frontiers in Immunology vol. 12,
Rivellese F, Pontarini E, Fossati-Jimack L, Moura RA, Romão VC, Fonseca JE, Nerviani A, Cubuk C, Goldmann K, Bombardieri M, Lewis M and Pitzalis C (2021). OP0011 INTEGRATION OF FLOW AND DIGITAL CYTOMETRY IN EARLY TREATMENT-NAÏVE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS IDENTIFIES DISTINCT IMMUNOPHENOTYPES IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD AND DISEASE TISSUE. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 80, (Suppl 1) 7.2-7.7.
Ferrari M, Onuoha SC, Fossati-Jimack L, Nerviani A, Alves PL, Pagani S, Deantonio C, Colombo F, Santoro C, Sblattero D and Pitzalis C (2021). Novel Bispecific Antibody for Synovial-Specific Target Delivery of Anti-TNF Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Frontiers in Immunology vol. 12,
Humby F, Durez P, Buch MH, Lewis MJ, Rizvi H, Rivellese F, Nerviani A, Giorli G, Mahto A, Montecucco C, Lauwerys B, Ng N, Ho P, Bombardieri M, Romão VC, Verschueren P, Kelly S, Sainaghi PP, Gendi N, Dasgupta B, Cauli A, Reynolds P, Cañete JD, Moots R, Taylor PC, Edwards CJ, Isaacs J, Sasieni P, Choy E and Pitzalis C (2021). Rituximab versus tocilizumab in anti-TNF inadequate responder patients with rheumatoid arthritis (R4RA): 16-week outcomes of a stratified, biopsy-driven, multicentre, open-label, phase 4 randomised controlled trial. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 397, (10271) 305-317.
Pontarini E, Murray-Brown WJ, Croia C, Lucchesi D, Conway J, Rivellese F, Fossati-Jimack L, Astorri E, Prediletto E, Corsiero E, Delvecchio FR, Coleby R, Gelbhardt E, Bono A, Baldini C, Puxeddu I, Ruscitti P, Giacomelli R, Barone F, Fisher B, Bowman SJ, Colafrancesco S, Priori R, Sutcliffe N, Challacombe S, Carlesso G, Tappuni A, Pitzalis C and Bombardieri M (2020). Unique expansion of IL-21+ Tfh and Tph cells under control of ICOS identifies Sjögren’s syndrome with ectopic germinal centres and MALT lymphoma. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 79, (12) 1588-1599.
Jackson WD, Gulino A, Fossati-Jimack L, Seoane RC, Tian K, Best K, Köhl J, Belmonte B, Strid J and Botto M (2020). C3 Drives Inflammatory Skin Carcinogenesis Independently of C5. Elsevier Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 141, (Immunobiology 209 7 ) 404-414.e6.
Rivellese F, Humby F, Bugatti S, Fossati-Jimack L, Rizvi H, Lucchesi D, Lliso-Ribera G, Nerviani A, Hands R, Giorli G, Frias B, Thornborn G, Jaworska E, John C, Goldmann K, Lewis M, Manzo A, Bombardieri M, Pitzalis C, investigators P and investigators R (2020). P233 B cell-rich synovitis in early and established rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology vol. 59, (Supplement_2)
Rivellese F, Humby F, Bugatti S, Fossati-Jimack L, Rizvi H, Lucchesi D, Lliso-Ribera G, Nerviani A, Hands RE, Giorli G, Frias B, Thorborn G, Jaworska E, John C, Goldmann K, Lewis MJ, Manzo A, Bombardieri M, Pitzalis C and PEAC- R4RA investigators (2020). B cell synovitis and clinical phenotypes in rheumatoid arthritis: relationship to disease stages and drug exposure. Wiley Arthritis and Rheumatology
El Shikh MEM, El Sayed R, Nerviani A, Goldmann K, John CR, Hands R, Fossati-Jimack L, Lewis MJ and Pitzalis C (2019). Extracellular traps and PAD4 released by macrophages induce citrullination and auto-antibody production in autoimmune arthritis. Elsevier BV Journal of Autoimmunity
Pontarini E, Lucchesi D, Fossati-Jimack L, Coleby R, Tentorio P, Croia C, Bombardieri M and Mavilio D (2018). NK cell recruitment in salivary glands provides early viral control but is dispensable for tertiary lymphoid structure formation. Oxford University Press (OUP) Journal of Leukocyte Biology vol. 105, (3) 589-602.
Cope AP, Barnes MR, Belson A, Binks M, Brockbank S, Bonachela-Capdevila F, Carini C, Fisher BA, Goodyear CS, Emery P, Ehrenstein MR, Gozzard N, Harris R, Hollis S, Keidel S, Levesque M, Lindholm C, McDermott MF, McInnes IB, Mela CM, Parker G, Read S, Pedersen AW, Ponchel F, Porter D, Rao R, Rowe A, Schulz-Knappe P, Sleeman MA and Symmons D (2018). The RA-MAP Consortium: a working model for academia-industry collaboration. Nat Rev Rheumatol vol. 14, (1) 53-60.
Rivellese F, Mauro D, Nerviani A, Pagani S, Fossati-Jimack L, Messemaker T, Kurreeman FAS, Toes REM, Ramming A, Rauber S, Schett G, Jones GW, Jones SA, Rossi FW, de Paulis A, Marone G, Shikh MEME, Humby F and Pitzalis C (2018). Mast cells in early rheumatoid arthritis associate with disease severity and support B cell autoantibody production. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 77, (12)
Barbour TD, Ling GS, Ruseva MM, Fossati-Jimack L, Cook HT, Botto M and Pickering MC (2016). Complement receptor 3 mediates renal protection in experimental C3 glomerulopathy. Elsevier Kidney International vol. 89, (4) 823-832.
Saja MF, Baudino L, Jackson WD, Cook HT, Malik TH, Fossati-Jimack L, Ruseva M, Pickering MC, Woollard KJ and Botto M (2015). Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins Modulate the Distribution and Extravasation of Ly6C/Gr1low Monocytes. Elsevier Cell Reports vol. 12, (11) 1802-1815.
Fossati-Jimack L, Ling GS, Baudino L, Szajna M, Manivannan K, Zhao JC, Midgley R, Chai J-G, Simpson E, Botto M and Scott D (2014). Intranasal peptide‐induced tolerance and linked suppression: consequences of complement deficiency. Wiley Immunology vol. 144, (1) 149-157.
Banda NK, Mehta G, Chao Y, Wang G, Inturi S, Fossati-Jimack L, Botto M, Wu L, Moghimi SM and Simberg D (2014). Mechanisms of complement activation by dextran-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoworms in mouse versus human serum. Springer Nature Particle and Fibre Toxicology vol. 11, (1)
Sattler S, Ling G-S, Xu D, Hussaarts L, Romaine A, Zhao H, Fossati-Jimack L, Malik T, Cook HT, Botto M, Lau Y-L, Smits HH, Liew FY and Huang F-P (2014). IL-10-producing regulatory B cells induced by IL-33 (BregIL-33) effectively attenuate mucosal inflammatory responses in the gut. Elsevier Journal of Autoimmunity vol. 50, (100) 107-122.
Baudino L, Sardini A, Ruseva MM, Fossati-Jimack L, Cook HT, Scott D, Simpson E and Botto M (2014). C3 opsonization regulates endocytic handling of apoptotic cells resulting in enhanced T-cell responses to cargo-derived antigens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 111, (4) 1503-1508.
Ling GS, Bennett J, Woollard KJ, Szajna M, Fossati-Jimack L, Taylor PR, Scott D, Franzoso G, Cook HT and Botto M (2014). Integrin CD11b positively regulates TLR4-induced signalling pathways in dendritic cells but not in macrophages. Springer Nature Nature Communications vol. 5, (1)
Fossati-Jimack L, Ling GS, Cortini A, Szajna M, Malik TH, McDonald JU, Pickering MC, Cook HT, Taylor PR and Botto M (2013). Phagocytosis Is the Main CR3-Mediated Function Affected by the Lupus-Associated Variant of CD11b in Human Myeloid Cells. Public Library of Science (PLoS) PLOS ONE vol. 8, (2)
Lewis MJ, Malik TH, Fossati‐Jimack L, Carassiti D, Cook HT, Haskard DO and Botto M (2012). Distinct roles for complement in glomerulonephritis and atherosclerosis revealed in mice with a combination of lupus and hyperlipidemia. Wiley Arthritis & Rheumatism vol. 64, (8) 2707-2718.
Tarzi RM, Sharp PEH, McDaid JP, Fossati-Jimack L, Herbert PE, Pusey CD, Cook HT and Warrens AN (2011). Mice with defective Fas ligand are protected from crescentic glomerulonephritis. Elsevier Kidney International vol. 81, (2) 170-178.
McDonald JU, Cortini A, Rosas M, Fossati‐Jimack L, Ling GS, Lewis KJ, Dewitt S, Liddiard K, Brown GD, Jones SA, Hallett MB, Botto M and Taylor PR (2011). In vivo functional analysis and genetic modification of in vitro‐derived mouse neutrophils. Wiley The FASEB Journal vol. 25, (6) 1972-1982.
Carlucci F, Fossati-Jimack L, Dumitriu IE, Heidari Y, Walport MJ, Szajna M, Baruah P, Garden OA, Cook HT and Botto M (2010). Identification and Characterization of a Lupus Suppressor 129 Locus on Chromosome 3. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 184, (11) 6256-6265.
Santiago-Raber M-L, Amano H, Amano E, Fossati-Jimack L, Swee LK, Rolink A and Izui S (2010). Evidence that Yaa-induced loss of marginal zone B cells is a result of dendritic cell-mediated enhanced activation. Elsevier Journal of Autoimmunity vol. 34, (4) 349-355.
Heidari Y, Fossati-Jimack L, Carlucci F, Walport MJ, Cook HT and Botto M (2008). A lupus-susceptibility C57BL/6 locus on chromosome 3 (Sle18) contributes to autoantibody production in 129 mice. Springer Nature Genes & Immunity vol. 10, (1) 47-55.
Baudino L, Yoshinobu K, Morito N, Kikuchi S, Fossati-Jimack L, Morley BJ, Vyse TJ, Hirose S, Jørgensen TN, Tucker RM, Roark CL, Kotzin BL, Evans LH and Izui S (2008). Dissection of Genetic Mechanisms Governing the Expression of Serum Retroviral gp70 Implicated in Murine Lupus Nephritis. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 181, (4) 2846-2854.
Fossati L, Merino J and Izui S (2008). CD4+ T cells play a major role for IgM and IgG anti-DNA production in mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii. Oxford University Press (OUP) Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 79, (2) 291-296.
Fossati‐Jimack L, Cortes‐Hernandez J, Norsworthy PJ, Cook HT, Walport MJ and Botto M (2008). Regulation of B cell tolerance by 129‐derived chromosome 1 loci in C57BL/6 mice. Wiley Arthritis & Rheumatism vol. 58, (7) 2131-2141.
Fossati-Jimack L, Cortes-Hernandez J, Norsworthy PJ, Walport MJ, Cook HT and Botto M (2007). C1q deficiency promotes the production of transgenic-derived IgM and IgG3 autoantibodies in anti-DNA knock-in transgenic mice. Elsevier Molecular Immunology vol. 45, (3) 787-795.
Baudino L, Fossati-Jimack L, Chevalley C, Martinez-Soria E, Shulman MJ and Izui S (2007). IgM and IgA anti-erythrocyte autoantibodies induce anemia in a mouse model through multivalency-dependent hemagglutination but not through complement activation. American Society of Hematology Blood vol. 109, (12) 5355-5362.
Carlucci F, Cortes-Hernandez J, Fossati-Jimack L, Bygrave AE, Walport MJ, Vyse TJ, Cook HT and Botto M (2007). Genetic Dissection of Spontaneous Autoimmunity Driven by 129-Derived Chromosome 1 Loci When Expressed on C57BL/6 Mice. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 178, (4) 2352-2360.
Kikuchi S, Santiago-Raber M-L, Amano H, Amano E, Fossati-Jimack L, Moll T, Kotzin BL and Izui S (2006). Contribution of NZB Autoimmunity 2 to Y-Linked Autoimmune Acceleration-Induced Monocytosis in Association with Murine Systemic Lupus. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 176, (5) 3240-3247.
Trendelenburg M, Fossati-Jimack L, Cortes-Hernandez J, Turnberg D, Lewis M, Izui S, Cook HT and Botto M (2005). The Role of Complement in Cryoglobulin-Induced Immune Complex Glomerulonephritis. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 175, (10) 6909-6914.
Amano H, Amano E, Santiago‐Raber M, Moll T, Martinez‐Soria E, Fossati‐Jimack L, Iwamoto M, Rozzo SJ, Kotzin BL and Izui S (2005). Selective expansion of a monocyte subset expressing the CD11c dendritic cell marker in the Yaa model of systemic lupus erythematosus. Wiley Arthritis & Rheumatism vol. 52, (9) 2790-2798.
Tas SW, Quartier P, Botto M and Fossati-Jimack L (2005). Macrophages from patients with SLE and rheumatoid arthritis have defective adhesion in vitro, while only SLE macrophages have impaired uptake of apoptotic cells. Elsevier Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases vol. 65, (2)
Kikuchi S, Amano H, Amano E, Fossati-Jimack L, Santiago-Raber M-L, Moll T, Ida A, Kotzin BL and Izui S (2005). Identification of 2 major loci linked to autoimmune hemolytic anemia in NZB mice. American Society of Hematology Blood vol. 106, (4) 1323-1329.
Kikuchi S, Fossati-Jimack L, Moll T, Amano H, Amano E, Ida A, Ibnou-Zekri N, Laporte C, Santiago-Raber M-L, Rozzo SJ, Kotzin BL and Izui S (2005). Differential Role of Three Major New Zealand Black-Derived Loci Linked with Yaa-Induced Murine Lupus Nephritis. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 174, (2) 1111-1117.
Cortes‐Hernandez J, Fossati‐Jimack L, Petry F, Loos M, Izui S, Walport MJ, Cook HT and Botto M (2004). Restoration of C1q levels by bone marrow transplantation attenuates autoimmune disease associated with C1q deficiency in mice. Wiley European Journal of Immunology vol. 34, (12) 3713-3722.
Haywood MEK, Rogers NJ, Rose SJ, Boyle J, McDermott A, Rankin JM, Thiruudaian V, Lewis MR, Fossati-Jimack L, Izui S, Walport MJ and Morley BJ (2004). Dissection of BXSB Lupus Phenotype Using Mice Congenic for Chromosome 1 Demonstrates That Separate Intervals Direct Different Aspects of Disease. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 173, (7) 4277-4285.
Trendelenburg M, Manderson AP, Fossati‐Jimack L, Walport MJ and Botto M (2004). Monocytosis and accelerated activation of lymphocytes in C1q‐deficient autoimmune‐prone mice. Wiley Immunology vol. 113, (1) 80-88.
LEE NJ, RIGBY RJ, GILL H, BOYLE JJ, FOSSATI-JIMACK L, MORLEY BJ and VYSE TJ (2004). Multiple loci are linked with anti-red blood cell antibody production in NZB mice−comparison with other phenotypes implies complex modes of action. Oxford University Press (OUP) Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 138, (1) 39-46.
Kuroki A, Moll T, López‐Hoyos M, Fossati‐Jimack L, Ibnou‐Zekri N, Kikuchi S, Merino J, Merino R and Izui S (2004). Enforced Bcl‐2 expression in B lymphocytes induces rheumatoid factor and anti‐DNA production, but the Yaa mutation promotes only anti‐DNA production. Wiley European Journal of Immunology vol. 34, (4) 1077-1084.
Norsworthy PJ, Fossati-Jimack L, Cortes-Hernandez J, Taylor PR, Bygrave AE, Thompson RD, Nourshargh S, Walport MJ and Botto M (2004). Murine CD93 (C1qRp) contributes to the removal of apoptotic cells in vivo but is not required for C1q-mediated enhancement of phagocytosis. J Immunol vol. 172, (6) 3406-3414.
Lajaunias F, Ida A, Kikuchi S, Fossati‐Jimack L, Martinez‐Soria E, Moll T, Law C and Izui S (2003). Differential control of CD22 ligand expression on B and T lymphocytes, and enhanced expression in murine systemic lupus. Wiley Arthritis & Rheumatism vol. 48, (6) 1612-1621.
Tarzi RM, Davies KA, Robson MG, Fossati-Jimack L, Saito T, Walport MJ and Cook HT (2002). Nephrotoxic nephritis is mediated by Fcγ receptors on circulating leukocytes and not intrinsic renal cells. Elsevier Kidney International vol. 62, (6) 2087-2096.
CORTES-HERNANDEZ J, FOSSATI-JIMACK L, CARUGATI A, POTTER PK, WALPORT MJ, COOK HT and BOTTO M (2002). Murine glomerular mesangial cell uptake of apoptotic cells is inefficient and involves serum-mediated but complement-independent mechanisms. Oxford University Press (OUP) Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 130, (3) 459-466.
Kikuchi S, Pastore Y, Fossati-Jimack L, Kuroki A, Yoshida H, Fulpius T, Araki K, Takahashi S, Lemoine R, Reininger L and Izui S (2002). A Transgenic Mouse Model of Autoimmune Glomerulonephritis and Necrotizing Arteritis Associated with Cryoglobulinemia. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 169, (8) 4644-4650.
Kuroki A, Kuroda Y, Kikuchi S, Lajaunias F, Fulpius T, Pastore Y, Fossati-Jimack L, Reininger L, Toda T, Nakata M, Kojima N, Mizuochi T and Izui S (2002). Level of galactosylation determines cryoglobulin activity of murine IgG3 monoclonal rheumatoid factor. American Society of Hematology Blood vol. 99, (8) 2922-2928.
da Silveira SA, Kikuchi S, Fossati-Jimack L, Moll T, Saito T, Verbeek JS, Botto M, Walport MJ, Carroll M and Izui S (2002). Complement Activation Selectively Potentiates the Pathogenicity of the IgG2b and IgG3 Isotypes of a High Affinity Anti-Erythrocyte Autoantibody. Rockefeller University Press Journal of Experimental Medicine vol. 195, (6) 665-672.
Mitchell DA, Pickering MC, Warren J, Fossati-Jimack L, Cortes-Hernandez J, Cook HT, Botto M and Walport MJ (2002). C1q Deficiency and Autoimmunity: The Effects of Genetic Background on Disease Expression. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 168, (5) 2538-2543.
Fossati-Jimack L, da Silveira SA, Moll T, Kina T, Kuypers FA, Oldenborg P-A, Reininger L and Izui S (2002). Selective Increase of Autoimmune Epitope Expression on Aged Erythrocytes in Mice: Implications in Anti-erythrocyte Autoimmune Responses. Elsevier Journal of Autoimmunity vol. 18, (1) 17-25.
Izui S, Fossati-Jimack L, Azeredo da Silveira S and Moll T (2001). Isotype-dependent pathogenicity of autoantibodies: analysis in experimental autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Springer Nature Seminars in Immunopathology vol. 23, (4) 433-445.
Mizuochi T, Pastore Y, Shikata K, Kuroki A, Kikuchi S, Fulpius T, Nakata M, Fossati-Jimack L, Reininger L, Matsushita M, Fujita T and Izui S (2001). Role of galactosylation in the renal pathogenicity of murine immunoglobulin G3 monoclonal cryoglobulins. American Society of Hematology Blood vol. 97, (11) 3537-3543.
Chicheportiche Y, Fossati-Jimack L, Moll S, Ibnou-Zekri N and Izui S (2000). Down-Regulated Expression of TWEAK mRNA in Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Pathologies. Elsevier Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications vol. 279, (1) 162-165.
Fossati-Jimack L, Ioan-Facsinay A, Reininger L, Chicheportiche Y, Watanabe N, Saito T, Hofhuis FMA, Gessner JE, Schiller C, Schmidt RE, Honjo T, Verbeek JS and Izui S (2000). Markedly Different Pathogenicity of Four Immunoglobulin G Isotype-Switch Variants of an Antierythrocyte Autoantibody Is Based on Their Capacity to Interact in Vivo with the Low-Affinity Fcγ Receptor III. Rockefeller University Press Journal of Experimental Medicine vol. 191, (8) 1293-1302.
Hügin AW, Fossati-Jimack L and Izui S (2000). The Autoimmune Accelerating Yaa Mutation Does Not Accelerate Murine AIDS. Elsevier Cellular Immunology vol. 200, (2) 76-80.
Izui S, Ibnou-Zekri N, Fossati-jimack L and Iwamoto M (2000). Lessons from BXSB and Related Mouse Models. Taylor & Francis International Reviews of Immunology vol. 19, (4-5) 447-472.
Fossati-Jimack L, Reininger L, Chicheportiche Y, Clynes R, Ravetch JV, Honjo T and Izui S (1999). High Pathogenic Potential of Low-Affinity Autoantibodies in Experimental Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. Rockefeller University Press Journal of Experimental Medicine vol. 190, (11) 1689-1696.
Ibnou-Zekri N, Iwamoto M, Fossati L, McConahey PJ and Izui S (1997). Role of the major histocompatibility complex class II Ea gene in lupus susceptibility in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 94, (26) 14654-14659.
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Collaboration Agreement - Data - Material Access - BMS R4RA /PEAC /STRAP COMBINED
Costantino Pitzalis and Liliane Fossati-Jimack
£870,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2026)
Costantino Pitzalis and Liliane Fossati-Jimack
£870,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2026)