Dr Marc Fernandez-Yague

Marc Fernandez-Yague

Lecturer in Chemistry

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Biomaterials, Mechanobiology, Regenerative Medicine, Bioelectricty, Immunoengineering, Cell-Matrix interactions

Underpinning Bioengineering, Cancer Models, Infectious Disease and Inflammation Models, Musculoskeletal Models, Skin Models


Designing immunomodulatory therapies requires a precise understanding of immune cell formation and activation in various immune organs. Traditional in vivo approaches are difficult to control, and in vitro models often lack physiological relevance. My lab develops immune organoid models using synthetic materials that mimic immune tissues' structure and function, enabling the investigation of immune function/dysfunction at the cell, tissue, and organ levels. Lymph Organoid: We generate antibody-secreting cells from young and aged patients to elucidate the role of epigenetic modifiers (EZH2, DNMT3A, HDAC) in immune responses in tissue repair diseases. Immunity-Reprogramming Models: We explore molecular technologies to modulate Treg cell function and differentiation against biomaterials for treating tissue repair diseases.


Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Holland EN, Fernández-Yagüe MA, Zhou DW, O'Neill EB, Woodfolk AU, Mora-Boza A, Fu J, Schlaepfer DD and García AJ (2024). FAK, vinculin, and talin control mechanosensitive YAP nuclear localization. Elsevier  Biomaterials  vol. 308, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2024.122542


Fernandez-Yague MA, Trotier A, Demir S, Abbah SA, Larrañaga A, Thirumaran A, Stapleton A, Tofail SAM, Palma M, Kilcoyne M, Pandit A and Biggs MJ (2022). A Self‐Powered Piezo‐Bioelectric Device Regulates Tendon Repair‐Associated Signaling Pathways through Modulation of Mechanosensitive Ion Channels. Wiley  Advanced Materials  vol. 34, (14) 10.1002/adma.202201543


Fernandez‐Yague MA, Trotier A, Demir S, Abbah SA, Larrañaga A, Thirumaran A, Stapleton A, Tofail SAM, Palma M, Kilcoyne M, Pandit A and Biggs MJ (2021). A Self‐Powered Piezo‐Bioelectric Device Regulates Tendon Repair‐Associated Signaling Pathways through Modulation of Mechanosensitive Ion Channels. Wiley  Advanced Materials  vol. 33, (40) 10.1002/adma.202008788


Vallejo-Giraldo C, Krukiewicz K, Calaresu I, Zhu J, Palma M, Fernandez-Yague M, McDowell B, Peixoto N, Farid N, O'Connor G, Ballerini L, Pandit A and Biggs MJP (2018). Attenuated Glial Reactivity on Topographically Functionalized Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene):P-Toluene Sulfonate (PEDOT:PTS) Neuroelectrodes Fabricated by Microimprint Lithography. Small  vol. 14, (28) e1800863-e1800863. 10.1002/smll.201800863