Prof Martin Knight
BEng, MSc, PhDProfessor of Mechanobiology, Dean for Research
Co-Director of the Centre for Predictive in vitro Models
School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
organ-on-a-chip, arthritis, cancer, mechanobiology, cartilage, inflammation
Prof Martin Knight is a bioengineer developing and using organ-on-a-chip technology to study human health and disease and to streamline the drug development pipeline. Much of his work examines role of mechanobiology and how this can be incorporated into in vitro models to more accurately predict in vivo behaviour. This includes work on osteoarthritis, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, cancer and kidney disease. He has secured over £12M of recent research funding, primarily in the area of organ-on-a-chip, including £7M funding for an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Organ-on-a-chip technology. Prof Knight is the co-Director of the Queen Mary Centre for Predictive in vitro Models, and co-directed the UK Organ-on-a-chip Technologies Network. He is active in helping to shape policy around the implementation of organ-chip technology, working with industry and other key stake holders including UK Government.Publications
Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
Badar W, Inamdar SR, Fratzl P, Snow T, Terrill NJ, Knight MM and Gupta HS (2024). Nonlinear Stress‐Induced Transformations in Collagen Fibrillar Organization, Disorder and Strain Mechanisms in the Bone‐Cartilage Unit. Wiley Advanced Science e2407649-e2407649.
Allen O, Knight MM and Verbruggen SW (2024). Air Pollution and Osteoporosis. Springer Science and Business Media LLC Current Osteoporosis Reports
Liu Y, Okesola BO, de la Peña DO, Li W, Lin M, Trabulo S, Tatari M, Lawlor RT, Scarpa A, Wang W, Knight M, Loessner D, Heeschen C, Mata A and Pearce OMT (2024). A Self‐Assembled 3D Model Demonstrates How Stiffness Educates Tumor Cell Phenotypes and Therapy Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer. Wiley Advanced Healthcare Materials vol. 13, (17)
Verbruggen SW, Nolan J, Duffy MP, Pearce OMT, Jacobs CR and Knight MM (2023). A Novel Primary Cilium‐Mediated Mechanism Through which Osteocytes Regulate Metastatic Behavior of Both Breast and Prostate Cancer Cells. Wiley Advanced Science vol. 11, (2) 2305842-2305842.
Thompson CL, Hopkins T, Bevan C, Screen HRC, Wright KT and Knight MM (2023). Human vascularised synovium-on-a-chip: a mechanically stimulated, microfluidic model to investigate synovial inflammation and monocyte recruitment. IOP Publishing Biomedical Materials vol. 18, (6)
Nolan J, Pearce OMT, Screen HRC, Knight MM and Verbruggen SW (2023). Organ-on-a-Chip and Microfluidic Platforms for Oncology in the UK. MDPI Cancers vol. 15, (3)
Meng H, Thompson CL, Coveney CR, Wann AK and Knight MM (2022). Techniques for Visualization and Quantification of Primary Cilia in Chondrocytes. Cartilage Tissue Engineering Springer Nature
Meng H, Fu S, Ferreira MB, Hou Y, Pearce OM, Gavara N and Knight MM (2022). YAP activation inhibits inflammatory signalling and cartilage breakdown associated with reduced primary cilia expression. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 31, (5) 600-612.
Hayward M-K, Allen MD, Gomm JJ, Goulding I, Thompson CL, Knight MM, Marshall JF and Jones JL (2022). Mechanostimulation of breast myoepithelial cells induces functional changes associated with DCIS progression to invasion. Springer Nature npj Breast Cancer vol. 8, (1)
Badar W, Ali H, Brooker ON, Newham E, Snow T, Terrill NJ, Tozzi G, Fratzl P, Knight MM and Gupta HS (2022). Collagen pre-strain discontinuity at the bone—Cartilage interface. Public Library of Science (PLoS) PLOS ONE vol. 17, (9)
Heywood HK, Gardner L, Knight MM and Lee DA (2022). Oscillations of the circadian clock protein, BMAL-1, align to daily cycles of mechanical stimuli: a novel means to integrate biological time within predictive in vitro model systems. Springer Nature In vitro models 1-8.
Inamdar SR, Prévost S, Terrill NJ, Knight MM and Gupta HS (2021). Reversible changes in the 3D collagen fibril architecture during cyclic loading of healthy and degraded cartilage. Elsevier Acta Biomaterialia vol. 136, 314-326.
Verbruggen SW, Thompson CL, Duffy MP, Lunetto S, Nolan J, Pearce OMT, Jacobs CR and Knight MM (2021). Mechanical Stimulation Modulates Osteocyte Regulation of Cancer Cell Phenotype. MDPI Cancers vol. 13, (12)
Malacrida B, Nichols S, Maniati E, Jones R, Delanie-Smith R, Roozitalab R, Tyler EJ, Thomas M, Boot G, Mackerodt J, Lockley M, Knight MM, Balkwill FR and Pearce OMT (2021). A human multi-cellular model shows how platelets drive production of diseased extracellular matrix and tissue invasion. Elsevier iScience vol. 24, (6)
Delaine-Smith RM, Maniati E, Malacrida B, Nichols S, Roozitalab R, Jones RR, Lecker LSM, Pearce OMT, Knight MM and Balkwill FR (2021). Modelling TGFβR and Hh pathway regulation of prognostic matrisome molecules in ovarian cancer. Elsevier iScience vol. 24, (6)
Thompson C, Mcfie M, Chapple J, BEALES P and Knight M (2021). Polycystin-2 is required for chondrocyte mechanotransduction and traffics to the primary cilium in response to mechanical stimulation. MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wu H, Wang Z, Liu S, Meng H, Shelton JC, Thompson CL, Fu S and Knight MM (2021). Sub-toxic levels of cobalt ions impair mechanostranduction via HDAC6-depedent primary cilia shortening. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Thompson CL, Fu S, Heywood HK, Knight MM and Thorpe SD (2021). Corrigendum: Mechanical Stimulation: A Crucial Element of Organ-on-Chip Models. Frontiers Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology vol. 9,
Delaine-Smith R, Maniati E, Malacrida B, Nichols S, Roozitalab R, Jones R, Lecker L, Pearce O, Knight M and Balkwill F (2021). Modelling TGFβR and Hh pathway regulation of prognostic matrisome molecules in ovarian cancer., Editors: Balkwill F.
Fu S, Meng H, Inamdar S, Das B, Gupta H, Wang W, Thompson C and Knight M (2021). Activation of TRPV4 by mechanical, osmotic or pharmaceutical stimulation is anti-inflammatory blocking IL-1β mediated articular cartilage matrix destruction., Editors: Block JA. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Thompson CL, Fu S, Heywood HK, Knight MM and Thorpe SD (2020). Mechanical Stimulation: A Crucial Element of Organ-on-Chip Models. Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology vol. 8,
Zhang J, Guo Q, Li X, Li C, Wu K, Abrahams I, Yan H, Knight MM, Humphreys CJ and Su L (2020). Solution-Processed Epitaxial Growth of Arbitrary Surface Nanopatterns on Hybrid Perovskite Monocrystalline Thin Films. ACS nano vol. 14, (9) 11029-11039.
Torres-Pérez JV, Naeem H, Thompson CL, Knight MM and Novak P (2020). Nanoscale mapping reveals functional differences in ion channels populating the membrane of primary cilia. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry vol. 54, (1) 15-26.
Fu S, Meng H, Freer F, Kwon J, Shelton JC and Knight MM (2019). Sub-toxic levels of Co2+ are anti-inflammatory and protect cartilage from degradation caused by IL-1β. Elsevier Clinical Biomechanics vol. 79,
Walker RV, Keynton JL, Grimes DT, Sreekumar V, Williams DJ, Esapa C, Wu D, Knight MM and Norris DP (2019). Ciliary exclusion of Polycystin-2 promotes kidney cystogenesis in an autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease model. Springer Nature Nature Communications vol. 10, (1)
Inamdar SR, Barbieri E, Terrill NJ, Knight MM and Gupta HS (2019). Proteoglycan degradation mimics static compression by altering the natural gradients in fibrillar organisation in cartilage. Elsevier Acta Biomaterialia vol. 97, 437-450.
Delaine-Smith R, Wright N, Hanley C, Hanwell R, Bhome R, Bullock M, Drifka C, Eliceiri K, Thomas G, Knight M, Mirnezami A and Peake N (2019). Transglutaminase-2 Mediates the Biomechanical Properties of the Colorectal Cancer Tissue Microenvironment that Contribute to Disease Progression. MDPI AG Cancers
Fu S, Thompson CL, Ali A, Wang W, Chapple JP, Mitchison HM, Beales PL, Wann AKT and Knight MM (2019). Mechanical loading inhibits cartilage inflammatory signalling via an HDAC6 and IFT-dependent mechanism regulating primary cilia elongation. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 27, (7) 1064-1074.
Harris C, THORPE SD, Rushwan S, Wang W, THOMPSON C, Peacock J, KNIGHT M, Gooptu B and Greenough A (2019). An in vitro investigation of the inflammatory response to the strain amplitudes which occur during high frequency oscillation ventilation and conventional mechanical ventilation. Elsevier Journal of Biomechanics
O’Toole SM, Watson DS, Novoselova TV, Romano LEL, King PJ, Bradshaw TY, Thompson CL, Knight MM, Sharp TV, Barnes MR, Srirangalingam U, Drake WM and Chapple JP (2019). Oncometabolite induced primary cilia loss in pheochromocytoma. Endocrine-Related Cancer vol. 26, (1) 165-180.
Rowson DT, Shelton JC, Screen HRC and Knight MM (2018). Mechanical loading induces primary cilia disassembly in tendon cells via TGFβ and HDAC6. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 8, (1)
Xu J, Nyga A, Li W, Zhang X, Gavara N, Knight MM and Shelton JC (2018). Cobalt ions stimulate a fibrotic response through matrix remodelling, fibroblast contraction and release of pro-fibrotic signals from macrophages. European Cells and Materials vol. 36, 142-155.
Kenny FN, Drymoussi Z, Delaine-Smith R, Kao AP, Laly AC, Knight MM, Philpott MP and Connelly JT (2018). Tissue stiffening promotes keratinocyte proliferation through activation of epidermal growth factor signaling. Journal of Cell Science vol. 131, (10) 215780-215780.
Xu J, Yang J, Nyga A, Ehteramyan M, Moraga A, Wu Y, Zeng L, Knight MM and Shelton JC (2018). Cobalt (II) ions and nanoparticles induce macrophage retention by ROS-mediated down-regulation of RhoA expression. Acta Biomater vol. 72, 434-446.
Pearce OMT, Delaine-Smith R, Maniati E, Nichols S, Wang J, Böhm S, Rajeeve V, Ullah D, Chakravarty P, Jones RR, Montfort A, Dowe T, Gribben J, Jones JL, Kocher HM, Serody JS, Vincent BG, Connelly J, Brenton JD, Chelala C, Cutillas PR, Lockley M, Bessant C, Knight M and Balkwill FR (2017). Deconstruction of a metastatic tumor microenvironment reveals a common matrix response in human cancers. Cancer Discov
Thompson CL, Plant JC, Wann AK, Bishop CL, Novak P, Mitchison HM, Beales PL, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2017). Chondrocyte expansion is associated with loss of primary cilia and disrupted hedgehog signalling. Eur Cell Mater vol. 34, 128-141.
Inamdar SR, Knight DP, Terrill NJ, Karunaratne A, Cacho-Nerin F, Knight MM and Gupta HS (2017). The Secret Life of Collagen: Temporal Changes in Nanoscale Fibrillar Pre-Strain and Molecular Organization During Physiological Loading of Cartilage. ACS Nano
Zhang J, Dalbay MT, Luo X, Vrij E, Barbieri D, Moroni L, de Bruijn JD, van Blitterswijk CA, Chapple JP, Knight MM and Yuan H (2017). Topography of calcium phosphate ceramics regulates primary cilia length and TGF receptor recruitment associated with osteogenesis. Acta Biomater vol. 57, 487-497.
Gambassi S, Geminiani M, Thorpe SD, Bernardini G, Millucci L, Braconi D, Orlandini M, Thompson CL, Petricci E, Manetti F, Taddei M, Knight MM and Santucci A (2017). Smoothened‐antagonists reverse homogentisic acid‐induced alterations of Hedgehog signaling and primary cilium length in alkaptonuria. Wiley Journal of Cellular Physiology vol. 232, (11) 3103-3111.
THORPE SD, Gambassi S, Thompson CL, Chandrakumar C, Santucci A and Knight MM (2017). Reduced Primary Cilia Length and Altered Arl13b Expression Are Associated with Deregulated Chondrocyte Hedgehog Signalling in Alkaptonuria. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Journal of Cellular Physiology
Delaine-Smith RM, Burney S, Balkwill FR and Knight MM (2016). Experimental validation of a flat punch indentation methodology calibrated against unconfined compression tests for determination of soft tissue biomechanics. Elsevier Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 60, 401-415.
Sliogeryte K, Botto L, Lee DA and Knight MM (2016). Chondrocyte dedifferentiation increases cell stiffness by strengthening membrane-actin adhesion. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 24, (5) 912-920.
Rowson D, Knight MM and Screen HRC (2016). Zonal variation in primary cilia elongation correlates with localized biomechanical degradation in stress deprived tendon. J Orthop Res vol. 34, (12) 2146-2153.
KNIGHT MM, wang W, wang Z, wann A, thompson C and hassen A (2016). IFT88 influences chondrocyte actin organization and biomechanics. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Thompson CL, Wiles A, Poole CA and Knight MM (2016). Lithium chloride modulates chondrocyte primary cilia and inhibits Hedgehog signaling. FASEB Journal vol. 30, (2) 716-726.
Sliogeryte K, Thorpe SD, Wang Z, Thompson CL, Gavara N and Knight MM (2016). Differential effects of LifeAct-GFP and actin-GFP on cell mechanics assessed using micropipette aspiration. Elsevier Journal of Biomechanics vol. 49, (2) 310-317.
Knight M, Buchholz N and Bourdoumis A (2016). Physiology of urethral flow. Handbook of Urinary Stents: Basic Science and Clinical Applications Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing
Thompson CL, Patel R, Kelly T-AN, Wann AKT, Hung CT, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2015). Hedgehog signalling does not stimulate cartilage catabolism and is inhibited by Interleukin-1β. Arthritis Research & Therapy vol. 17, (1)
Tan AR, VandenBerg CD, Attur M, Abramson SB, Knight MM, Bulinski JC, Ateshian GA, Cook JL and Hung CT (2015). Cytokine preconditioning of engineered cartilage provides protection against interleukin-1 insult. Arthritis Res Ther vol. 17, 361-361.
Thompson CL, Poole CA and Knight MM (2015). Lithium chloride modulates chondrocyte primary cilia and inhibits Hedgehog signaling. Federation of American Society of Experimental Biology The FASEB Journal vol. 100, (4) A39-A40.
CHEN J, BADER DL, LEE DA and KNIGHT MM (2015). FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL DEFORMATION OF CHONDROCYTE TO 2D SUBSTRATE AND 3D SCAFFOLD. World Scientific Publishing Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol. 15, (05)
KNIGHT MM, Thompson CL, Yasmin H, Varone A, Wiles A and Poole CA (2015). Lithium chloride prevents interleukin- 1β induced cartilage degradation and loss of mechanical properties. Wiley: 12 months Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Dalbay MT, Thorpe SD, Connelly JT, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2015). Adipogenic Differentiation of hMSCs is Mediated by Recruitment of IGF‐1r Onto the Primary Cilium Associated With Cilia Elongation. Oxford University Press (OUP) Stem Cells vol. 33, (6) 1952-1961.
Sliogeryte K, Thorpe SD, Lee DA, Botto L and Knight MM (2014). Stem cell differentiation increases membrane-actin adhesion regulating cell blebability, migration and mechanics. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 4, (1)
Wang Z, Irianto J, Kazun S, Wang W and Knight MM (2014). The rate of hypo-osmotic challenge influences regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and mechanical properties of articular chondrocytes. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 23, (2) 289-299.
Rowson D, Knight M and Screen H (2014). 89 Primary Cilia In Tenocytes From The Inter-fascicular Matrix And The Fascicular Matrix. BMJ British Journal of Sports Medicine vol. 48, (Suppl 2) a58-a59.
Wann AKT, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2014). The primary cilium influences interleukin-1β-induced NFκB signalling by regulating IKK activity. Cell Signal vol. 26, (8) 1735-1742.
Irianto J, Lee DA and Knight MM (2014). Quantification of chromatin condensation level by image processing. Med Eng Phys vol. 36, (3) 412-417.
Thompson CL, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2014). Primary cilia disassembly down-regulates mechanosensitive hedgehog signalling: a feedback mechanism controlling ADAMTS-5 expression in chondrocytes. Osteoarthritis Cartilage vol. 22, (3) 490-498.
Irianto J, Ramaswamy G, Serra R and Knight MM (2014). Depletion of chondrocyte primary cilia reduces the compressive modulus of articular cartilage. J Biomech vol. 47, (2) 579-582.
Shaheen T, Edirisinghe T, Gabriel M, Bourdoumis A, Buchholz N and Knight M (2014). In vitro encrustation of a semi-permanent polymer-covered nitinol ureter stent: an artificial urine model. UROLITHIASIS vol. 42, (3) 203-207.
Hosny NA, Song M, Connelly JT, Ameer-Beg S, Knight MM and Wheeler AP (2013). Correction: Super-Resolution Imaging Strategies for Cell Biologists Using a Spinning Disk Microscope. Public Library of Science (PLoS) PLOS ONE vol. 8, (12)
McMurray RJ, Wann AKT, Thompson CL, Connelly JT and Knight MM (2013). Surface topography regulates wnt signaling through control of primary cilia structure in mesenchymal stem cells. Sci Rep vol. 3,
Wann AK, Thompson CL, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2013). Interleukin-1β sequesters hypoxia inducible factor 2α to the primary cilium. Cilia vol. 2, (1)
Shafat M, Rajakumar K, Syme H, Buchholz N and Knight MM (2013). Stent encrustation in feline and human artificial urine: does the low molecular weight composition account for the difference? Urolithiasis vol. 41, (6) 481-486.
Irianto J, Swift J, Martins RP, McPhail GD, Knight MM, Discher DE and Lee DA (2013). Osmotic challenge drives rapid and reversible chromatin condensation in chondrocytes. Biophys J vol. 104, (4) 759-769.
Hosny NA, Song M, Connelly JT, Ameer-Beg S, Knight MM and Wheeler AP (2013). Super-resolution imaging strategies for cell biologists using a spinning disk microscope. PLoS One vol. 8, (10)
Hernandez-Hernandez V, Pravincumar P, Diaz-Font A, May-Simera H, Jenkins D, Knight M and Beales PL (2013). Bardet-Biedl syndrome proteins control the cilia length through regulation of actin polymerization. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS vol. 22, (19) 3858-3868.
Hosny NA, Song M, Knight MM and Wheeler AP (2013). Super-resolution imaging strategies for Cell Biologists using a spinning disk microscope. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL vol. 24,
Prodromou NV, Thompson CL, Osborn DPS, Cogger KF, Ashworth R, Knight MM, Beales PL and Chapple JP (2012). Heat shock induces rapid resorption of primary cilia. The Company of Biologists Development vol. 139, (24) e2408-e2408.
Prodromou NV, Thompson CL, Osborn DPS, Cogger KF, Ashworth R, Knight MM, Beales PL and Chapple JP (2012). Heat shock induces rapid resorption of primary cilia. Journal of Cell Science vol. 125, (18) 4297-4305.
Thompson C, Prodromou N, Osborn D, Ashworth R, Knight M, Beales P and Chapple J (2012). Heat-shock induces rapid resorption of primary cilia. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1)
Thompson C, Chapple J and Knight M (2012). Mechanical strain disrupts primary cilia structure and modulates hedgehog signalling in adult chondrocytes. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1)
McMurray R and Knight M (2012). Topographical regulation of primary cilia orientation and length in mesenchymal stem cells. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1)
Wann A and Knight M (2012). A role for IFT88/the primary cilium in the inflammatory response to interleukin-1. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1)
Wann A, Zuo N, Haycraft C, Jensen C, Poole C, McGlashan S and Knight M (2012). The primary cilium conducts chondrocyte mechanotransduction. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1)
Hernandez V, Pravincumar P, Diaz-Font A, May-Simera H, Jenkins D, Knight M and Beales P (2012). Bardet-Biedl syndrome proteins control cilia length through regulation of actin polymerisation. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1)
Wheeler APS, Morad S, Buchholz N and Knight MM (2012). The Shape of the Urine Stream - From Biophysics to Diagnostics. PLoS ONE vol. 7, (10)
Chen J, Irianto J, Inamdar S, Pravincumar P, Lee DA, Bader DL and Knight MM (2012). Cell mechanics, structure, and function are regulated by the stiffness of the three-dimensional microenvironment. Biophys J vol. 103, (6) 1188-1197.
Pravincumar P, Bader DL and Knight MM (2012). Viscoelastic Cell Mechanics and Actin Remodelling Are Dependent on the Rate of Applied Pressure. PLoS ONE vol. 7, (9)
Wann AKT and Knight MM (2012). Primary cilia elongation in response to interleukin-1 mediates the inflammatory response. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences vol. 69, (17) 2967-2977.
Bonzani IC, Campbell JJ, Knight MM, Williams A, Lee DA, Bader DL and Stevens MM (2012). Dynamic compressive strain influences chondrogenic gene expression in human periosteal cells: a case study. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater vol. 11, 72-81.
Pravincumar P, Bader D and Knight M (2012). PRESSURE RATE SENSITIVE VISCOELASTIC CELL DEFORMATION INVOLVES ACTIN REMODELLING. Elsevier Journal of Biomechanics vol. 45,
Wann AKT, Zuo N, Haycraft CJ, Jensen CG, Poole CA, McGlashan SR and Knight MM (2012). Primary cilia mediate mechanotransduction through control of ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling in compressed chondrocytes. FASEB Journal vol. 26, (4) 1663-1671.
Gladman SJ, Huang W, Lim S-N, Dyall SC, Boddy S, Kang JX, Knight MM, Priestley JV and Michael-Titus AT (2012). Improved outcome after peripheral nerve injury in mice with increased levels of endogenous ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. J Neurosci vol. 32, (2) 563-571.
Hosny NA, Lee DA and Knight MM (2012). Single photon counting fluorescence lifetime detection of pericellular oxygen concentrations. J Biomed Opt vol. 17, (1)
Maeda E, Ye S, Wang W, Bader DL, Knight MM and Lee DA (2012). Gap junction permeability between tenocytes within tendon fascicles is suppressed by tensile loading. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology vol. 11, (3-4) 439-447.
Wann AKT, Thompson C and Knight MM (2012). The Role of the Primary Cilium in Chondrocyte Response to Mechanical Loading. Mechanically Gated Channels and their Regulation Springer Nature
McMurray R and Knight MM (2012). Topographical regulation of primary cilia orientation and length in mesenchymal stem cells. Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1) P34-P34.
Thompson CL, Prodromou NV, Osborn DP, Ashworth R, Knight MM, Beales PL and Chapple JP (2012). Heat-shock induces rapid resorption of primary cilia. Cilia vol. 1, (Suppl 1) P52-P52.
Gladman S, Lim S-N, Dyall S, Knight MM, Priestley JV and Michael-Titus AT (2011). Omega-3 fatty acids and acute neurological trauma: a perspective on clinical translation*. EDP Sciences Oléagineux Corps gras Lipides vol. 18, (6) 317-323.
Gabriel CEL, Nedilko T, Paulose PA, Bach C, Buchholz N and Knight MM (2011). E84 Can Shockwave lithotripsy remove encrustation from ureteric nitinol stents? Elsevier European Urology Open Science vol. 10, (7)
Edirisinghe TY, Knight MM, Buchholz N and Bach C (2011). E70 The influence of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy on tissue viability around metallic ureteral stents. Elsevier European Urology Open Science vol. 10, (7)
Shafat M, Nedilko T, Syme H, Buchholz N and Knight MM (2011). E189 Does the composition of feline urine prevent calcium oxalate encrustation of urethral stents? Elsevier European Urology Open Science vol. 10, (7) 517-518.
Nedilko T, Paulose PA, Buchholz N and Knight MM (2011). E75 Comparison of encrustation rates between ureteric metal stents and Double J stents. Elsevier European Urology Open Science vol. 10, (7)
Maeda E, Ye S, Wang W, Bader DL, Knight MM and Lee DA (2011). Gap junction permeability between tenocytes within tendon fascicles is suppressed by tensile loading. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 1-9.
Lee DA, Knight MM, Campbell JJ and Bader DL (2011). Stem cell mechanobiology. J Cell Biochem vol. 112, (1) 1-9.
Gladman SJ, Ward RE, Michael-Titus AT, Knight MM and Priestley JV (2010). The effect of mechanical strain or hypoxia on cell death in subpopulations of rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro. Neuroscience vol. 171, (2) 577-587.
Vaughan NM, Grainger J, Bader DL and Knight MM (2010). The potential of pulsed low intensity ultrasound to stimulate chondrocytes matrix synthesis in agarose and monolayer cultures. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing vol. 48, (12) 1215-1222.
Heywood HK, Knight MM and Lee DA (2010). Both superficial and deep zone articular chondrocyte subpopulations exhibit the crabtree effect but have different basal oxygen consumption rates. Journal of Cellular Physiology vol. 223, (3) 630-639.
Garcia M and Knight MM (2010). Cyclic loading opens hemichannels to release ATP as part of a chondrocyte mechanotransduction pathway. Journal of Orthopaedic Research vol. 28, (4) 510-515.
Ye S, Maeda E, Knight M, Lee D, Bader D and Wang W (2010). A compartment model to evaluate the permeability of gap junctions between tenocytes in tendon fascicles. FASEB JOURNAL vol. 24,
Bader DL and Knight MM (2010). Measuring the biomechanical properties of cartilage cells.
McGlashan SR, Knight MM, Chowdhury TT, Joshi P, Jensen CG, Kennedy S and Poole CA (2010). Mechanical loading modulates chondrocyte primary cilia incidence and length. Cell Biology International vol. 34, (5) 441-446.
Archer C, Ralphs J, Säämänen A-M, Arokoski JPA, Jurvelin JS, Kiviranta I, Hinz B, Hunziker EB, Bader DL, Knight MM, Dell’accio F, Vincent TL, Aigner T, Schmitz N, Söder S, McIlwraith CW, Hangody L, Kish G, Koreny T, Hangody LR, Módis L, Brittberg M, Sato M, Andriamanalijaona R, Li H, Elisseeff JH, Trice ME, Benjamin M, Kjær M and Magnusson SP (2010). Contributor contact details. Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials for the Repair of Connective Tissues Elsevier
Bader DL and Knight MM (2010). 4 Measuring the biomechanical properties of cartilage cells. Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials for the Repair of Connective Tissues Elsevier
Maeda E, Ye S, Knight M, Wang W, Bader D and Lee D (2010). 1P338 1J1450 Mechano-regulation of gap junction communications between tenocytes within isolated fascicles(Bioengineering,Oral Presentations,The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan). Biophysical Society of Japan Seibutsu Butsuri vol. 50, (supplement2)
Wann AKT, Mistry J, Blain EJ, Michael-Titus AT and Knight MM (2010). Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid reduce interleukin-1β-mediated cartilage degradation. Arthritis Res Ther vol. 12, (6)
Knight MM, Mcglashan SR, Garcia M, Jensen CG and Poole CA (2009). Articular chondrocytes express connexin 43 hemichannels and P2 receptors - A putative mechanoreceptor complex involving the primary cilium? Journal of Anatomy vol. 214, (2) 275-283.
Bader DL and Knight MM (2008). Biomechanical analysis of structural deformation in living cells. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing vol. 46, (10) 951-963.
Pingguan-Murphy B and Knight MM (2008). Mechanosensitive Purinergic Calcium Signalling in Articular Chondrocytes. Mechanosensitive Ion Channels Springer Nature
Campbell JJ, Blain EJ, Chowdhury TT and Knight MM (2007). Loading alters actin dynamics and up-regulates cofilin gene expression in chondrocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications vol. 361, (2) 329-334.
KNIGHT MM, Chowdhury TT, Campbell JJ and Blain EJ (2007). Loading alters actin dynamics and up-regulates cofilin gene expression in chondrocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications vol. 361, (21) 329-334.
Campbell JJ and Knight MM (2007). An improved confocal FRAP technique for the measurement of long-term actin dynamics in individual stress fibers. Microscopy Research and Technique vol. 70, (12) 1034-1040.
Chowdhury TT and Knight MM (2006). Purinergic pathway suppresses the release of NO and stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in chondrocyte/agarose constructs subjected to dynamic compression. Journal of Cellular Physiology vol. 209, (3) 845-853.
Pingguan-Murphy B, El-Azzeh M, Bader DL and Knight MM (2006). Cyclic compression of chondrocytes modulates a purinergic calcium signalling pathway in a strain rate- and frequency-dependent manner. Journal of Cellular Physiology vol. 209, (2) 389-397.
Hakimi O, Knight DP, Knight MM, Grahn MF and Vadgama P (2006). Ultrastructure of insect and spider cocoon silks. Biomacromolecules vol. 7, (10) 2901-2908.
Bomzon Z, Knight MM, Bader DL and Kimmel E (2006). Mitochondrial dynamics in chondrocytes and their connection to the mechanical properties of the cytoplasm. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering vol. 128, (5) 674-679.
Ohashi T, Hagiwara M, Bader DL and Knight MM (2006). Intracellular mechanics and mechanotransduction associated with chondrocyte deformation during pipette aspiration. Biorheology vol. 43, (3-4) 201-214.
Knight MM, Bomzon Z, Kimmel E, Sharma AM, Lee DA and Bader DL (2006). Chondrocyte deformation induces mitochondrial distortion and heterogeneous intracellular strain fields. BIOMECH MODEL MECHAN vol. 5, (2-3) 180-191.
Knight MM, Toyoda T, Lee DA and Bader DL (2006). Mechanical compression and hydrostatic pressure induce reversible changes in actin cytoskeletal organisation in chondrocytes in agarose. J Biomech vol. 39, (8) 1547-1551.
Bader DL, Lee DA and Knight MM (2006). Chondrocyte Deformation and Mechanotransduction in Cartilage Model Systems(International Workshop 2). Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME vol. 2005.18, 2-3.
Bomzon Z, Knight MM, Bader DL and Kimmel E (2006). Probing mechanical heterogeneity in chondrocytes using passive microtheology. Elsevier Journal of Biomechanics vol. 39,
Pingguan-Murphy B, Lee DA, Bader DL and Knight MM (2005). Activation of chondrocytes calcium signalling by dynamic compression is independent of number of cycles. Arch Biochem Biophys vol. 444, (1) 45-51.
Sawae Y, Shelton JC, Bader DL and Knight MM (2004). Confocal analysis of local and cellular strains in chondrocyte-agarose constructs subjected to mechanical shear. Ann Biomed Eng vol. 32, (6) 860-870.
Lee DA and Knight MM (2004). Mechanical loading of chondrocytes embedded in 3D constructs: in vitro methods for assessment of morphological and metabolic response to compressive strain. Methods Mol Med vol. 100, 307-324.
Holloway I, Kayser M, Lee DA, Bader DL, Bentley G and Knight MM (2004). Increased presence of cells with multiple elongated processes in osteoarthritic femoral head cartilage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage vol. 12, (1) 17-24.
Lee DA and Knight MM (2004). Mechanical Loading of Chondrocytes Embedded in 3D Constructs. Cartilage and Osteoarthritis Springer Nature
Knight MM, Roberts SR, Lee DA and Bader DL (2003). Live cell imaging using confocal microscopy induces intracellular calcium transients and cell death. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol vol. 284, (4) C1083-C1089.
Bader DL, SHELTON JC, Knight MM and Sawae Y (2003). Confocal Analysis of Local and Cellular Strains in Chondrocyte - Agarose Constructs Subjected to Shear. J Biochemical Engineering ASME
Knight MM, van de Breevaart Bravenboer J, Lee DA, van Osch GJVM, Weinans H and Bader DL (2002). Cell and nucleus deformation in compressed chondrocyte-alginate constructs: temporal changes and calculation of cell modulus. Biochim Biophys Acta vol. 1570, (1) 1-8.
Knight MM, Ross JM, Sherwin AF, Lee DA, Bader DL and Poole CA (2001). Chondrocyte deformation within mechanically and enzymatically extracted chondrons compressed in agarose. Biochim Biophys Acta vol. 1526, (2) 141-146.
Knight MM, Idowu BD, Lee DA and Bader DL (2001). Temporal changes in cytoskeletal organisation within isolated chondrocytes quantified using a novel image analysis technique. Med Biol Eng Comput vol. 39, (3) 397-404.
Roberts SR, Knight MM, Lee DA and Bader DL (2001). Mechanical compression influences intracellular Ca2+ signaling in chondrocytes seeded in agarose constructs. J Appl Physiol (1985) vol. 90, (4) 1385-1391.
Bouten CV, Knight MM, Lee DA and Bade DL (2001). Compressive deformation and damage of muscle cell subpopulations in a model system. Ann Biomed Eng vol. 29, (2) 153-163.
Idowu BD, Knight MM, Bader DL and Lee DA (2000). Confocal analysis of cytoskeletal organisation within isolated chondrocyte sub-populations cultured in agarose. Histochem J vol. 32, (3) 165-174.
Knight DP, KNIGHT MM and Vollrath F (2000). Beta transition and stress-induced phase separation in the spinning of spider dragline silk. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules vol. 27, (3) 205-210.
Lee DA, Knight MM, Bolton JF, Idowu BD, Kayser MV and Bader DL (2000). Chondrocyte deformation within compressed agarose constructs at the cellular and sub-cellular levels. J Biomech vol. 33, (1) 81-95.
Lee DA, Noguchi T, Knight MM, O'Donnell L, Bentley G and Bader DL (1998). Response of chondrocyte subpopulations cultured within unloaded and loaded agarose. J Orthop Res vol. 16, (6) 726-733.
Knight MM, Lee DA and Bader DL (1998). The influence of elaborated pericellular matrix on the deformation of isolated articular chondrocytes cultured in agarose. Biochim Biophys Acta vol. 1405, (1-3) 67-77.
Grants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
Organ-chip Facility: A world-class in vitro models facility for the UK community, reducing the barriers to adoption to drive animal replacement
Hazel Screen, Stefaan Verbruggen, Martin Knight, Julia Shelton, Timothy Hopkins and John Connelly
£573,537 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (07-10-2024 - 14-03-2025)
Hazel Screen, Stefaan Verbruggen, Martin Knight, Julia Shelton, Timothy Hopkins and John Connelly
£573,537 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (07-10-2024 - 14-03-2025)
APP13387: Micro-manufacturing of tissue patterned organ-chips for accelerated deployment of new medicines
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen, Julien Gautrot, Timothy Hopkins, John Connelly, Liisa Blowes and Xavier Griffin
£1,787,725 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027)
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen, Julien Gautrot, Timothy Hopkins, John Connelly, Liisa Blowes and Xavier Griffin
£1,787,725 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027)
(EPSRC CDT 2023) Next Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies
Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032)
Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032)
Development of an Organ-on-a-chip model of polycystic kidney disease using CRISPR modified human kid
Martin Knight and Cleo Bishop
£39,986 Kidney Research UK (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2025)
Martin Knight and Cleo Bishop
£39,986 Kidney Research UK (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2025)
Epithelial Exchange Surfaces – From organizing principles to novel culture models of the gatekeepers of the body - MSCA-2022-DN Martin Knight
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen, Wen Wang, Clare Thompson and Cleo Bishop
£260,676 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2027)
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen, Wen Wang, Clare Thompson and Cleo Bishop
£260,676 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2027)
Re-profiled BRC 2022-27 Final - Precision Musculoskeletal Care
John Whiteley, Costantino Pitzalis, Martin Knight, Greg Slabaugh and Xavier Griffin
£3,343,542 NIHR National Institute for Health Research (01-12-2022 - 30-11-2027)
John Whiteley, Costantino Pitzalis, Martin Knight, Greg Slabaugh and Xavier Griffin
£3,343,542 NIHR National Institute for Health Research (01-12-2022 - 30-11-2027)
Incorporating physical cues in organ-chip models
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£20,000 Emulate Inc. (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2026)
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£20,000 Emulate Inc. (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2026)
Human synovium-cartilage organ-chip for personalised surgical screening - Tim Hopkins - fellowship
Martin Knight
£311,203 AR-UK Versus Arthritis (01-04-2022 - 30-06-2026)
Martin Knight
£311,203 AR-UK Versus Arthritis (01-04-2022 - 30-06-2026)
Organ-on-a-chip Centre of Excellence
Martin Knight and Hazel Screen
£420,794 Emulate Inc. (20-08-2019 - 01-10-2029)
Martin Knight and Hazel Screen
£420,794 Emulate Inc. (20-08-2019 - 01-10-2029)
Production of a Human Growth Plate Organ-Chip Model of Skeletal Development
Martin Knight, Clare Thompson and Hazel Screen
£197,923 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-02-2023 - 31-07-2024)
Martin Knight, Clare Thompson and Hazel Screen
£197,923 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-02-2023 - 31-07-2024)
Highthroughput Light Sheet Microscopy: Imaging Across Scales
Viji Draviam Sastry, Caroline Brennan, Vidya Darbari, Jose Martin Duran, Ivan Kadurin, Isabel M Palacios, Richard Pickersgill, Sarah McClelland, Tyson Sharp and Martin Knight
£386,205 MRC Medical Research Council (01-10-2022 - 31-03-2023)
Viji Draviam Sastry, Caroline Brennan, Vidya Darbari, Jose Martin Duran, Ivan Kadurin, Isabel M Palacios, Richard Pickersgill, Sarah McClelland, Tyson Sharp and Martin Knight
£386,205 MRC Medical Research Council (01-10-2022 - 31-03-2023)
Correlating structural and proteomic techniques on cartilage
Himadri Gupta and Martin Knight
£18,515 MRC Medical Research Council (24-07-2022 - 28-02-2023)
Himadri Gupta and Martin Knight
£18,515 MRC Medical Research Council (24-07-2022 - 28-02-2023)
Emulate Organs-on-Chips Centre Technician
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen and Clare Thompson
£49,584 Emulate Inc. (01-01-2021 - 31-12-2023)
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen and Clare Thompson
£49,584 Emulate Inc. (01-01-2021 - 31-12-2023)
Organ-on-a-chip model of breast cancer bone metastases
Martin Knight and Oliver Pearce
£268,711 CR-UK Cancer Research UK (01-01-2021 - 30-06-2024)
Martin Knight and Oliver Pearce
£268,711 CR-UK Cancer Research UK (01-01-2021 - 30-06-2024)
MICA: Organ-on-a-chip models for safety testing of regenerative medicine products
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£473,325 MRC Medical Research Council (24-08-2020 - 24-05-2024)
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£473,325 MRC Medical Research Council (24-08-2020 - 24-05-2024)
EPSRC Core Equipment Call
Wen Wang, Martin Knight, Clive Parini and Isaac Abrahams
£125,000 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (13-02-2020 - 12-08-2021)
Wen Wang, Martin Knight, Clive Parini and Isaac Abrahams
£125,000 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (13-02-2020 - 12-08-2021)
Does the biological clock within cartilage align to diurnal patterns in activity?
David Lee, Hannah Heywood and Martin Knight
£9,954 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2019 - 31-10-2020)
David Lee, Hannah Heywood and Martin Knight
£9,954 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2019 - 31-10-2020)
Pharmaceutical modulation of cilia expression-Miss Jeha Kwon
Martin Knight
£3,000 Royal College of Surgeons (07-05-2019 - 07-11-2019)
Martin Knight
£3,000 Royal College of Surgeons (07-05-2019 - 07-11-2019)
Organ-on-a-chip technologies
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£479,339 MRC Medical Research Council (01-08-2018 - 30-09-2022)
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£479,339 MRC Medical Research Council (01-08-2018 - 30-09-2022)
The effect of cobalt ions on primary cilia in bone cells
Martin Knight and Frances Freer
£2,500 Royal College of Surgeons (01-05-2018 - 01-12-2018)
Martin Knight and Frances Freer
£2,500 Royal College of Surgeons (01-05-2018 - 01-12-2018)
META-DORM - Mechanobiology of METAstatic and DORMant cancer cells in bone marrow lesions
Martin Knight
£152,740 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-01-2018 - 29-06-2020)
Martin Knight
£152,740 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-01-2018 - 29-06-2020)
Collagen Fibrillar Network in Ageing Cartilage
Himadri Gupta and Martin Knight
£374,874 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2017 - 24-07-2023)
Himadri Gupta and Martin Knight
£374,874 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2017 - 24-07-2023)
Innovation Fund: High-throughput Library Screen
Martin Knight
£9,960 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-09-2016 - 31-08-2018)
Martin Knight
£9,960 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-09-2016 - 31-08-2018)
Osteoarthritis May Be Treated as an Environmental Ciliopathy
Martin Knight
£365,598 MRC Medical Research Council (01-09-2014 - 20-03-2020)
Martin Knight
£365,598 MRC Medical Research Council (01-09-2014 - 20-03-2020)