Dr Muy-Teck Teh

Muy-Teck Teh

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Oral Immunobiology & Regenerative Medicine, Institute
Queen Mary University of London
ResearcherID ORCID Google Scholar LinkedIn X


cancer spheroids, 3D in vitro culture model, chemoresistance, high-throughput 3D drug screening, transcriptome pattern recognition, mRNA biomarkers

Cancer Models


We are developing a high-throughput 3D cancer spheroid drug screening method to identify drugs that could counteract chemoresistance and identify transcriptome biomarker for predicting drug-gene interaction.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive <em>in vitro</em> Models


A single cysteine residue in vimentin regulates long non-coding RNA XIST to suppress epithelial-mesenchymal transition and stemness in breast cancer
Usman S, Waseem A, Teh MT, Tummala H, Ghaloum F and Yeudall WA
Elife, Elife Sciences Publications vol. 623301 
Artificial Intelligence in Head and Neck Cancer: Innovations, Applications, and Future Directions
Pham T, Teh M-T, Chatzopoulou D, Holmes S and Coulthard P
Current Oncology, Mdpi vol. 31 (9), 5255-5290.  
Site-Directed Mutagenesis to Mutate Multiple Residues in a Single Reaction
Usman S, Bushaala A, Teh MT and Waseem A
Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Nature vol. 2849, 123-133.  
Preparation and Use of shRNA for Knocking Down Specific Genes
Jamal A, Usman S, Teh M-T and Waseem A
Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Nature vol. 2849, 55-72.  


Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Identifies Desmoglein-3 as a Potential Oncogene in Oral Cancer Cells
Wan H, Teh M-T, Mastroianni G and Ahmad US
Cells, Mdpi vol. 12 (23) 
Identification of multidrug chemoresistant genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells
Teh M-T
Molecular Cancer, Biomed Central 
Efficacy of three antimicrobial mouthwashes in reducing SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the saliva of hospitalized patients: a randomized controlled pilot study
Perussolo J, Teh M-T, Gkranias N, Tiberi S, Petrie A, Cutino-Moguel M-T and Donos N
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 


Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Vimentin-Induced Disruption of Cell–Cell Associations Augments Breast Cancer Cell Migration
Waseem A
Cells, Mdpi 
Impact of N-Terminal Tags on De Novo Vimentin Intermediate Filament Assembly
Usman S, Aldehlawi H, Nguyen TKN, Teh M-T and Waseem A
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Mdpi vol. 23 (11), 6349-6349.  
Molecular Signatures of Tumour and Its Microenvironment for Precise Quantitative Diagnosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An International Multi-Cohort Diagnostic Validation Study
Teh M-T
Cancers, Mdpi Ag 
Behavioral and Gene Regulatory Responses to Developmental Drug Exposures in Zebrafish
Mech AM, Merteroglu M, Sealy IM, Teh M-T, White RJ, Havelange W, Brennan CH and Busch-Nentwich EM
Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers vol. 12 


Expression profile of SARS‐CoV‐2 cellular entry proteins in normal oral mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma
Sapkota D, Sharma S, Søland TM, Braz‐Silva PH and Teh M
Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, Wiley 
Vimentin Is at the Heart of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Mediated Metastasis
Usman S
, Editors: Philip Gregory . Cancers, Mdpi vol. 13 (19), 4985-4985.  
Conservation of mechanisms regulating emotional-like responses on spontaneous nicotine withdrawal in zebrafish and mammals
Ponzoni L, Melzi G, Marabini L, Martini A, Petrillo G, Teh M-T, Torres-Perez JV, Morara S, Gotti C, Braida D, Brennan CH and Sala M
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier vol. 111 
Major Molecular Signaling Pathways in Oral Cancer Associated With Therapeutic Resistance
Usman S, Jamal A, Teh M-T and Waseem A
Frontiers in Oral Health vol. 1, 603160-603160.  


Increased Response to 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Reward and Altered Gene Expression in Zebrafish During Short- and Long-Term Nicotine Withdrawal
Ponzoni L, Teh MT, Torres-Perez JV, Brennan CH, Braida D and Sala M
Molecular Neurobiology, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) 
RASSF1A inhibits PDGFB-driven malignant phenotypes of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells in a YAP1-dependent manner
Teh M-T
Cell Death and Disease, Nature Publishing Group 
Identification of Slit3 as a locus affecting nicotine preference in zebrafish and human smoking behaviour
Garcia Gonzalez J, Brock A, Parker M, Riley R, Joliffe D, SUDWARTS A, Teh M-T, Busch-Nentwich E, Stemple D, Martineau A, Kaprio J, Kuan V, Walton R and Brennan C
Elife, Elife Sciences Publications Ltd 
Serum lipids, retinoic acid and phenol red differentially regulate expression of keratins K1, K10 and K2 in cultured keratinocytes
Aldehlawi H, Usman S, Lalli A, Ahmad F, WILLIAMS G, Teh M-T and Waseem A
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 10 (4829) 
A Novel Diagnostic Tool for Cancer Detection
Teh M-T
Scientia, Science Diffusion 


Evidence for the Desmosomal Cadherin Desmoglein-3 in Regulating YAP and Phospho-YAP in Keratinocyte Responses to Mechanical Forces
Uttagomol J, Ahmad US, Rehman A, Huang Y, Laly AC, Kang A, Soetaert J, Chance R, Teh M-T, Connelly JT and Wan H
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Mdpi vol. 20 (24) 
The transcription factor FOXM1 regulates the balance between proliferation and aberrant differentiation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Teh M-T
Journal of Pathology, Wiley 
qMIDS: A Digital Diagnostic Test for Oral Cancer
Yeung J-YS, Hutchison I, Waseem A and Teh M-T
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery vol. 57 (10), e86-e87.  
The desmosomal cadherin desmoglein-3 acts as a keratinocyte anti-stress protein via suppression of p53
Rehman A, Cai Y, Hünefeld C, Jedličková H, Huang Y, Teck Teh M, Sharif Ahmad U, Uttagomol J, Wang Y, Kang A, Warnes G, Harwood C, Bergamaschi D, Kenneth Parkinson E, Röcken M and Wan H
Cell Death & Disease, Springer Nature vol. 10 (10) 
Clinical correlation of opposing molecular signatures in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Teh M-T
Bmc Cancer, Biomed Central 
The monoclonal antibody EPR1614Y against the stem cell biomarker keratin K15 lacks specificity and reacts with other keratins
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 9 


Transcriptome reprogramming by cancer exosomes: identification of novel molecular targets in matrix and immune modulation
Molecular Cancer, Biomed Central 


GLI2 Is a Regulator of β-Catenin and Is Associated with Loss of E-Cadherin, Cell Invasiveness, and Long-Term Epidermal Regeneration
Pantazi E, Gemenetzidis E, Teh M-T, Reddy SV, Warnes G, Evagora C, Trigiante G and Philpott MP
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Elsevier vol. 137 (8), 1719-1730.  


Integrin α11 is overexpressed by tumour stroma of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and correlates positively with alpha smooth muscle actin expression.
Parajuli H, Teh MT, Abrahamsen S, Christoffersen I, Neppelberg E, Lybak S, Osman T, Johannessen AC, Gullberg D, Skarstein K and Costea DE
J Oral Pathol Med 
Independent Evaluation of a FOXM1-based Quantitative Malignancy Diagnostic System (qMIDS) on Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas
TEH M and Wan HONG
Oncotarget, Impact Journals vol. 7 (34), 54555-54563.  
Oral Cancer Biomarkers: Is it a Meaningless Game?
, Editors: TEH M. Dentistry Open Journal, Openventio vol. 3 (1), e1-e3.  


Developmental role of acetylcholinesterase in impulse control in zebrafish
Parker MO, Brock AJ, Sudwarts A, Teh M-T, Combe FJ and Brennan CH
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Frontiers vol. 9 
S100A16 promotes differentiation and contributes to a less aggressive tumor phenotype in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Sapkota D, Bruland O, Parajuli H, Osman TA, Teh M-T, Johannessen AC and Costea DE
Bmc Cancer, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 
Is Salivary Exosome the Answer to Early Detection of Oral Cancer?
Dentistry Open Journal, Openventio Publishers vol. 2 (2), e3-e4.  
Can Challenges of Oral Cancer Diagnosis be Resolved?
Teh M-T
Dental Health Current Research, Omics International vol. 01 (01) 


The utility of zebrafish to study the mechanisms by which ethanol affects social behavior and anxiety during early brain development
Parker MO, Annan LV, Kanellopoulos AH, Brock AJ, Combe FJ, Baiamonte M, Teh MT and Brennan CH
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry vol. 55, 94-100.  
Moderate alcohol exposure during early brain development increases stimulus‐response habits in adulthood
Parker MO, Evans AM-D, Brock AJ, Combe FJ, Teh M-T and Brennan CH
Addiction Biology, Wiley vol. 21 (1), 49-60.  
Changes in Abundance of Oral Microbiota Associated with Oral Cancer
Schmidt BL, Kuczynski J, Bhattacharya A, Huey B, Corby PM, Queiroz ELS, Nightingale K, Kerr AR, DeLacure MD, Veeramachaneni R, Olshen AB and Albertson DG
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 9 (6) 
The utility of zebrafish to study the mechanisms by which ethanol affects social behavior and anxiety during early brain development
Parker MO, Annan LV, Kanellopoulos AH, Brock AJ, Combe FJ, Baiamonte M, Teh M-T and Brennan CH
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier vol. 55, 94-100.  
GLI2 induces genomic instability in human keratinocytes by inhibiting apoptosis.
Pantazi E, Gemenetzidis E, Trigiante G, Warnes G, Shan L, Mao X, Ikram M, Teh M-T, Lu Y-J and Philpott MP
Cell Death Dis vol. 5 (1) 


Identification of FOXM1-induced epigenetic markers for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
Hwang S, Mahadevan S, Qadir F, Hutchison IL, Costea DE, Neppelberg E, Liavaag PG, Waseem A and Teh M-T
Cancer vol. 119 (24), 4249-4258.  
Keratin K15 as a Biomarker of Epidermal Stem Cells
Bose A, Teh M-T, Mackenzie IC and Waseem A
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Mdpi vol. 14 (10), 19385-19398.  
Exploiting FOXM1-orchestrated molecular network for early squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis and prognosis.
Teh M-T, Hutchison IL, Costea DE, Neppelberg E, Liavaag PG, Purdie K, Harwood C, Wan H, Odell EW, Hackshaw A and Waseem A
Int J Cancer vol. 132 (9), 2095-2106.  


Cells brainwashed by FOXM1: do they have potential as biomarkers of cancer?
Teh M-T
Biomark Med vol. 6 (4), 499-501.  
Increased secretion of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 1 and 2 (TIMPs ‐1 and ‐2) in fibroblasts are early indictors of oral sub‐mucous fibrosis and ageing
Pitiyage GN, Lim KP, Gemenitzidis E, Teh M, Waseem A, Prime SS, Tilakaratne WM, Fortune F and Parkinson EK
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Wiley vol. 41 (6), 454-462.  
FOXM1 induces a global methylation signature that mimics the cancer epigenome in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Teh M-T, Gemenetzidis E, Patel D, Tariq R, Nadir A, Bahta AW, Waseem A and Hutchison IL
Plos One vol. 7 (3) 
Two mechanisms regulate keratin K15 expression in keratinocytes: role of PKC/AP-1 and FOXM1 mediated signalling.
Bose A, Teh M-T, Hutchison IL, Wan H, Leigh IM and Waseem A
Plos One vol. 7 (6) 
FOXM1 coming of age: time for translation into clinical benefits?
Teh M-T
Front Oncol vol. 2 


Chapter 14: Initiation of Human Tumourigenesis: Upregulation of FOXM1 Transcription Factor.
In Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells,Volume 3, Springer Verlag, Editors: Hayat MA. 149-154.  
Initiation of Human Tumourigenesis: Upregulation of FOXM1 Transcription Factor
Teh M-T
In Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells,Volume 3, Springer Nature 149-154.  
Correction: Induction of Human Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Expansion by FOXM1

Cancer Research, American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) vol. 71 (1), 290-290.  
A molecular study of desmosomes identifies a desmoglein isoform switch in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Teh M-T, Parkinson EK, Thurlow JK, Liu F, Fortune F and Wan H
J Oral Pathol Med vol. 40 (1), 67-76.  


Induction of Human Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Expansion by FOXM1
Gemenetzidis E, Costea DE, Parkinson EK, Waseem A, Wan H and Teh MT
Cancer Research, American Association For Cancer Research vol. 22 (70), 9515-9526.  
Downstream targets of FOXM1: CEP55 and HELLS are cancer progression markers of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Waseem A, Ali M, Odell EW, Fortune F and Teh M-T
Oral Oncol vol. 46 (7), 536-542.  
EPS8 upregulates FOXM1 expression, enhancing cell growth and motility
Wang HX, Teh MT, Ji YM, Patel V, Firouzabadian S, Patel AA, Gutkind JS and Yeudall WA
Carcinogenesis vol. 31 (6), 1132-1141.  
Upregulation of FOXM1 induces genomic instability in human epidermal keratinocytes.
Teh M-T, Gemenetzidis E, Chaplin T, Young BD and Philpott MP
Mol Cancer vol. 9 
Induction of Human Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Expansion by FOXM1
Gemenetzidis E, Elena-Costea D, Parkinson EK, Waseem A, Wan H and Teh MT
Cancer Research, American Association For Cancer Research. vol. 70 (22), 9515-9526.  
Desmoglein 3, via an interaction with E-cadherin, is associated with activation of Src.
Tsang SM, Liu L, Teh M-T, Wheeler A, Grose R, Hart IR, Garrod DR, Fortune F and Wan H
Plos One, Plosone vol. 5 (12) 


FOXM1 upregulation is an early event in human squamous cell carcinoma and it is enhanced by nicotine during malignant transformation.
Gemenetzidis E, Bose A, Riaz AM, Chaplin T, Young BD, Ali M, Sugden D, Thurlow JK, Cheong S-C, Teo S-H, Wan H, Waseem A, Parkinson EK, Fortune F and Teh M-T
Plos One vol. 4 (3) 


Fingerprinting genomic instability in oral submucous fibrosis.
Teh MT, Tilakaratne WM, Chaplin T, Young BD, Ariyawardana A, Pitiyage G, Lalli A, Stewart JE, Hagi-Pavli E, Cruchley A, Waseem A and Fortune F
J Oral Pathol Med vol. 37 (7), 430-436.  
Upregulation of HIF-1 alpha in malignant transformation of oral submucous fibrosis
Tilakaratne WM, Iqbal Z, Teh MT, Ariyawardana A, Pitiyage G, Cruchley A, Stewart JE, Hagi-Pavli E, Lalli A, Waseem A, Parkinson EK and Fortune F
J Oral Pathol Med vol. 37 (6), 372-377.  
An altered keratinocyte phenotype in oral submucous fibrosis: correlation of keratin K17 expression with disease severity
Lalli A, Tilakaratne WM, Ariyawardana A, Fitchett C, Leigh IM, Hagi-Pavli E, Cruchley AT, Parkinson EK, Teh MT, Fortune F and Waseem A
J Oral Pathol Med vol. 37 (4), 211-220.  


Allelic imbalances and microdeletions affecting the PTPRD gene in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas detected using single nucleotide polymorphism microarray analysis.
Purdie KJ, Lambert SR, Teh M-T, Chaplin T, Molloy G, Raghavan M, Kelsell DP, Leigh IM, Harwood CA, Proby CM and Young BD
Genes Chromosomes Cancer vol. 46 (7), 661-669.  
7-Substituted-melatonin and 7-substituted-1-methylmelatonin analogues: Effect of substituents on potency and binding affinity
Faust R, Garratt PJ, Perez MAT, Piccio VJD, Madsen C, Stenstrom A, Frolund B, Davidson K, Teh MT and Sugden D
Bioorgan Med Chem vol. 15 (13), 4543-4551.  
P245 Up regulation of HIF-1a in the progression and malignant transformation of oral submucous fibrosis
Tilakaratne W, Iqbal Z, Teh MT, Ariyawardana A, Pitiyage G, Cruchley A, Hagi-Pavli E, Lalli A, Waseem A, Parkinson K and Fortune F
Oral Oncology Supplement, Elsevier vol. 2 (1), 204-205.  
Erratum: Role for WNT16B in human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation (Journal of Cell Science vol. 120 (330-339))
Teh MT, Blaydon D, Ghali LR, Briggs V, Edmunds S, Pantazi E, Barnes MR, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and Philpott MP
Journal of Cell Science vol. 120 (5) 
Role for WNT16B in human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation (vol 120, pg 330, 2007)
Teh MT, Blaydon D, Ghali LR, Briggs V, Edmunds S, Pantazi E, Barnes MR, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and Philpott MP
J Cell Sci vol. 120 (5), 917-917.  
Role for WNT16B in human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation.
Teh M-T, Blaydon D, Ghali LR, Briggs V, Edmunds S, Pantazi E, Barnes MR, Leigh IM, Kelsell DP and Philpott MP
J Cell Sci vol. 120 (Pt 2), 330-339.  


The gene encoding R-spondin 4 (RSPO4), a secreted protein implicated in Wnt signaling, is mutated in inherited anonychia.
Blaydon DC, Ishii Y, O'Toole EA, Unsworth HC, Teh M-T, Rüschendorf F, Sinclair C, Hopsu-Havu VK, Tidman N, Moss C, Watson R, de Berker D, Wajid M, Christiano AM and Kelsell DP
Nat Genet vol. 38 (11), 1245-1247.  
Mapping the melatonin receptor. 7. Subtype selective ligands based on beta-substituted N-acyl-5-methoxytryptamines and beta-substituted N-acyl-5-methoxy-1-methyltryptamines
Tsotinis A, Vlachou M, Papahatjis DP, Calogeropoulou T, Nikas SP, Garratt PJ, Piccio V, Vonhoff S, Davidson K, Teh MT and Sugden D
J Med Chem vol. 49 (12), 3509-3519.  


Genomewide single nucleotide polymorphism microarray mapping in basal cell carcinomas unveils uniparental disomy as a key somatic event.
Teh M-T, Blaydon D, Chaplin T, Foot NJ, Skoulakis S, Raghavan M, Harwood CA, Proby CM, Philpott MP, Young BD and Kelsell DP
Cancer Res vol. 65 (19), 8597-8603.  
Mutations in ABCA12 underlie the severe congenital skin disease harlequin ichthyosis.
Kelsell DP, Norgett EE, Unsworth H, Teh M-T, Cullup T, Mein CA, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, Dale BA, Tadini G, Fleckman P, Stephens KG, Sybert VP, Mallory SB, North BV, Witt DR, Sprecher E, Taylor AEM, Ilchyshyn A, Kennedy CT, Goodyear H, Moss C, Paige D, Harper JI, Young BD, Leigh IM, Eady RAJ and O'Toole EA
Am J Hum Genet vol. 76 (5), 794-803.  


Melatonin, melatonin receptors and melanophores: a moving story.
Sugden D, Davidson K, Hough KA and Teh M-T
Pigment Cell Res vol. 17 (5), 454-460.  
Binding affinity and biological activity of oxygen and sulfur isosteres at melatonin receptors as a function of their hydrogen bonding capability
Davies DJ, Faust R, Garratt PJ, Marivingt-Mounir C, Davidson K, Teh MT and Sugden D
Bioorg Chem vol. 32 (1), 1-12.  


FOXM1 is a downstream target of Gli1 in basal cell carcinomas.
Teh M-T, Wong S-T, Neill GW, Ghali LR, Philpott MP and Quinn AG
Cancer Res vol. 62 (16), 4773-4780.  
FOXM1 is a downstream target of Gli1 in basal cell carcinomas.
Philpott MP, NEILL GW, Leigh IM, Quinn AG, Ghali LR, Wong ST and Teh MT
Cancer Res. vol. 62 (16), 4773-4780.  
Desensitization of pigment granule aggregation in Xenopus leavis melanophores: melatonin degradation rather than receptor down-regulation is responsible.
Teh M-T and Sugden D
J Neurochem vol. 81 (4), 719-727.  


An endogenous 5-HT7 receptor mediates pigment granule dispersion in Xenopus laevis melanophores
Teh MT and Sugden D
Brit J Pharmacol vol. 132 (8), 1799-1808.  


Cellular and Molecular Studies on Pigment-Granule Translocation in Xenopus Melanophores
Teh MT
, Editors: Sugden DD. 
Mapping the melatonin receptor. 6. Melatonin agonists and antagonists derived from 6H-isoindolo[2,1-a]indoles, 5,6-dihydroindolo[2,1-a]isoquinolines, and 6,7-dihydro-5H-benzo[c]azepino[2,1-a]indoles
Faust R, Garratt PJ, Jones R, Yeh LK, Tsotinis A, Panoussopoulou M, Calogeropoulou T, Teh MT and Sugden D
J Med Chem vol. 43 (6), 1050-1061.  


Synthesis and studies of irreversible melatonin receptor ligands.
Li PK, Sugden D, Teh MT, Chu GH and Witt-Enderby PA
Abstr Pap Am Chem S vol. 218, U962-U962.  
The putative melatonin receptor antagonist GR128107 is a partial agonist on Xenopus laevis melanophores
Teh MT and Sugden D
Brit J Pharmacol vol. 126 (5), 1237-1245.  


GR128107 is a partial melatonin receptor agonist on Xenopus laevis melanophores
Teh MT and Sugden D
Brit J Pharmacol vol. 125, U39-U39.  
Comparison of the structure-activity relationships of melatonin receptor agonists and antagonists: Lengthening the N-acyl side-chain has differing effects on potency on Xenopus melanophores
Teh MT and Sugden D
N-S Arch Pharmacol vol. 358 (5), 522-528.  
Mapping the melatonin receptor. 5. Melatonin agonists and antagonists derived from tetrahydrocyclopent[b]indoles, tetrahydrocarbazoles and hexahydrocyclohept[b]indoles
Davies DJ, Garratt PJ, Tocher DA, Vonhoff S, Davies J, Teh MT and Sugden D
J Med Chem vol. 41 (4), 451-467.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
solid heart iconThe molecular mechanisms underlying the tumour-determined immune cell infiltrate in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Adrian Biddle and Muy-Teck Teh
£298,338 MCSBHT Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital Trust
01-09-2021 - 31-01-2026

bullet iconUsing novel AI tools to improve the diagnostic accuracy of qMIDS- oral cancer early diagnostic tool
Muy-Teck Teh
£22,313 Curenetics Limited
08-05-2023 - 07-05-2024
bullet iconqMIDS head and neck tumour identification technology
Muy-Teck Teh
£59,978 Guizhou Medical University (GMU)
01-05-2019 - 30-04-2024