Prof Richard Grose

Richard Grose

Professor of Cancer Cell Biology

Barts Cancer Institute
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
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Cellular crosstalk, 3D modelling, Breast Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Receptor tyrosine kinases, Fibroblast Growth Factors

Cancer Models


We work with both cell line-based and primary cell-based 2D and 3D model systems, studying cellular crosstalk and tumour-stromal interactions in solid tumours - with a focus on breast and pancreatic cancer. We are particularly interested in interactions between luminal, myoepithelial and immune cells in the progression of Ductal Carcinoma in situ in the breast - including understanding how these cells interact with the surrounding stroma, with a particular focus on proteolytic activity. In pancreatic cancer, we are studying cancer-stellate cell interactions. We have expertise in studying a number of cell surface receptors and currently have projects involving FGFRs, EGFR, HER2, Cannabinoid receptors, Purinergic signalling and the Ephrin-Eph receptor axis.