Prof Rob Krams

Rob Krams

Professor of Molecular Bioengineering

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


Cardiovascular Models


Interested in evaluating miRNA as a new treatment for atherosclerosis. We predict (bioinformatics) and test (high throughput) new miRNA in animal models of atherosclerosis


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Bourantas C, Torii R, Karabasov S and Krams R (2024). Editorial: Computational modelling of cardiovascular hemodynamics and machine learning. Frontiers  Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine  vol. 11,  
Savvopoulos F, Keeling MC, Carassiti D, Fogell NA, Patel MB, Naser J, Gavara N, de Silva R and Krams R (2024). Assessment of the nano-mechanical properties of healthy and atherosclerotic coronary arteries by atomic force microscopy. The Royal Society  Journal of The Royal Society Interface  vol. 21, (211)  


Bajaj R, Huang X, Alves-Kotzev N, Weyers J, Levine M, Garg M, Maung S, Bransby K, Torii R, Krams R, Garcia-Garcia HM, Raber L, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Zhang Q, Courtney B and Bourantas C (2023). TCT-613 Comparison of Histology-Trained Deep Learning Approach With Human Expert Analysts for Automated Plaque Component Classification in Hybrid Intravascular Ultrasound-Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Elsevier  Journal of the American College of Cardiology  vol. 82, (17) b246-b247.  
Morgan B, Murali AR, Preston G, Sima YA, Chamorro LM, Bourantas C, Torii R, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Jacob M, Karabasov S and Krams R (2023). A physics-based machine learning technique rapidly reconstructs the wall-shear stress and pressure fields in coronary arteries. Frontiers Media  Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine   
Fogell NAT, Patel M, Yang P, Ruis RM, Garcia DB, Naser J, Savvopoulos F, Davies Taylor C, Post AL, Pedrigi RM, de Silva R and Krams R (2023). Considering the Influence of Coronary Motion on Artery-Specific Biomechanics Using Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulation. Springer  Annals of Biomedical Engineering  vol. 51, (9) 1950-1964.  
Çap M, Torii R, Onuma Y, Krams R, Bennett MR, Stone PH, Serruys PW and Bourantas CV (2023). Editorial: Computational modeling for assessing coronary artery pathophysiology. Frontiers Media  Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine  vol. 10,  


Souilhol C, Ayllon BT, Li X, Diagbouga MR, Zhou Z, Canham L, Roddie H, Pirri D, Chambers EV, Dunning MJ, Ariaans M, Li J, Fang Y, Jørgensen HF, Simons M, Krams R, Waltenberger J, Fragiadaki M, Ridger V, De Val S, Francis SE, Chico TJA, Serbanovic-Canic J and Evans PC (2022). JAG1-NOTCH4 mechanosensing drives atherosclerosis. American Association for the Advancement of Science  Science Advances  vol. 8, (35)  
Bajaj R, Huang X, Alves N, Weyers J, Levine M, Garg M, Maung S, Bransby K, Torii R, Krams R, Garcia-Garcia H, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Zhang Q, Courtney B and Bourantas C (2022). TCT-254 Histology-Trained Deep Learning Methodology for Automated Coronary Plaque Component Classification in Combined Intravascular Ultrasound-Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Elsevier  Journal of the American College of Cardiology  vol. 80, (12)  


Herault S, Naser J, Carassiti D, Chooi KY, Nikolopoulou R, Font ML, Patel M, Pedrigi R and Krams R (2021). Mechanosensitive pathways are regulated by mechanosensitive miRNA clusters in endothelial cells. Springer (part of Springer Nature)  Biophysical Reviews  vol. 13, (5) 787-796.  
Naser J, Fogell N, Patel M, Yang P, Krams R, Wentzel JJ, Aben JP and De Silva R (2021). Moving shear stress towards the clinic: preclinical comparison of optical coherence tomography-based versus angiography-based time-averaged wall shear stress estimations. European Heart Journal  vol. 42, (Supplement_1)  
(2021). Correction: BS18 Profiling endothelial gene expression in coronary atherosclerotic plaques in a human-like D374Y-PCSK9 hyperlipidaemic porcine model. BMJ  Heart  vol. 107, (19) e10-e10.  
Patel M, Savvopoulos F, Berggren CC, Aslanidou L, Timmins LH, de Silva R, Pedrigi RM and Krams R (2021). Considerations for analysis of endothelial shear stress and strain in FSI models of atherosclerosis. Elsevier  Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 128,  


Post AL, Cernohorsky P, Pedrigi RM, Streekstra GJ, d’Hooghe JNS, Annema JT, Strackee SD, Krams R, van Leeuwen TG, de Bruin DM and Faber DJ (2020). 3D co-registration algorithm for catheter-based optical coherence tomography. Optica Publishing Group  Optics Continuum  vol. 3, (10)  
Bourantas CV, Zanchin T, Torii R, Serruys PW, Karagiannis A, Ramasamy A, Safi H, Coskun AU, Koning G, Onuma Y, Zanchin C, Krams R, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Mintz G, Windecker S, Lansky A, Maehara A, Stone PH, Raber L and Stone GW (2020). Shear Stress Estimated by Quantitative Coronary Angiography Predicts Plaques Prone to Progress and Cause Events. Elsevier  JACC Cardiovascular Imaging  vol. 13, (10) 2206-2219.  
Evans RJ, Lavin B, Phinikaridou A, Chooi KY, Mohri Z, Wong E, Boyle JJ, Krams R, Botnar R and Long NJ (2020). Targeted Molecular Iron Oxide Contrast Agents for Imaging Atherosclerotic Plaque. Ivyspring International Publisher  Nanotheranostics  vol. 4, (4) 184-194.  


Gijsen F, Katagiri Y, Barlis P, Bourantas C, Collet C, Coskun U, Daemen J, Dijkstra J, Edelman E, Evans P, van der Heiden K, Hose R, Koo B-K, Krams R, Marsden A, Migliavacca F, Onuma Y, Ooi A, Poon E, Samady H, Stone P, Takahashi K, Tang D, Thondapu V, Tenekecioglu E, Timmins L, Torii R, Wentzel J and Serruys P (2019). Expert recommendations on the assessment of wall shear stress in human coronary arteries: existing methodologies, technical considerations, and clinical applications. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal   
Baumbach A (2019). Reliable in Vivo Intravascular Imaging Plaque Characterisation: A Challenge Unmet. Elsevier  American Heart Journal   
Mohri Z, Del Rio Hernandez A and Krams R (2019). The emerging role of YAP/TAZ in mechanotransduction. J Thorac Dis  vol. 9, (5) E507-E509.  
Baeriswyl DC, Prionisti I, Peach T, Tsolkas G, Chooi KY, Vardakis J, Morel S, Diagbouga MR, Bijlenga P, Cuhlmann S, Evans P, Kwak BR, Ventikos Y and Krams R (2019). Disturbed flow induces a sustained, stochastic NF-κB activation which may support intracranial aneurysm growth in vivo. Sci Rep  vol. 9, (1) 4738-4738.  
Poulsen CB, Pedrigi RM, Pareek N, Kilic ID, Holm NR, Bentzon JF, Bøtker HE, Falk E, Krams R and de Silva R (2019). Plaque burden influences accurate classification of fibrous cap atheroma by in vivo optical coherence tomography in a porcine model of advanced coronary atherosclerosis. EuroIntervention  vol. 14, (10) 1129-1135.  


Abuammah A, Maimari N, Towhidi L, Frueh J, Chooi KY, Warboys C and Krams R (2018). New developments in mechanotransduction: Cross talk of the Wnt, TGF-β and Notch signalling pathways in reaction to shear stress. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering  vol. 5, 96-104.  


Seneviratne AN, Edsfeldt A, Cole JE, Kassiteridi C, Swart M, Park I, Green P, Khoyratty T, Saliba D, Goddard ME, Sansom SN, Goncalves I, Krams R, Udalova IA and Monaco C (2017). Interferon Regulatory Factor 5 Controls Necrotic Core Formation in Atherosclerotic Lesions by Impairing Efferocytosis. American Heart Association, Inc  Circulation  vol. 136, (12) 1140-1154.  
Denis J-F, Scheckenbach KEL, Pfenniger A, Meens MJ, Krams R, Miquerol L, Taffet S, Chanson M, Delmar M and Kwak BR (2017). Connexin40 controls endothelial activation by dampening NFκB activation. Impact Journals  Oncotarget  vol. 8, (31) 50972-50986.  


Serbanovic-Canic J, de Luca A, Warboys C, Ferreira PF, Luong LA, Hsiao S, Gauci I, Mahmoud M, Feng S, Souilhol C, Bowden N, Ashton J-P, Walczak H, Firmin D, Krams R, Mason JC, Haskard DO, Sherwin S, Ridger V, Chico TJA and Evans PC (2016). Zebrafish Model for Functional Screening of Flow-Responsive Genes. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc  Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol  vol. 37, (1) 130-143.  
Pedrigi RM, Papadimitriou KI, Kondiboyina A, Sidhu S, Chau J, Patel MB, Baeriswyl DC, Drakakis EM and Krams R (2016). Disturbed Cyclical Stretch of Endothelial Cells Promotes Nuclear Expression of the Pro-Atherogenic Transcription Factor NF-κB. Springer Nature  Ann Biomed Eng  vol. 45, (4) 898-909.  
Pedrigi RM, Mehta VV, Bovens SM, Mohri Z, Poulsen CB, Gsell W, Tremoleda JL, Towhidi L, de Silva R, Petretto E and Krams R (2016). Influence of shear stress magnitude and direction on atherosclerotic plaque composition. The Royal Society  Royal Society Open Science  vol. 3, (10)  
Kis Z, Rodin T, Zafar A, Lai Z, Freke G, Fleck O, Del Rio Hernandez A, Towhidi L, Pedrigi RM, Homma T and Krams R (2016). Development of a synthetic gene network to modulate gene expression by mechanical forces. Springer Nature  Sci Rep  vol. 6, 29643-29643.  
Denis J-F, Scheckenbach L, Pfenniger A, Meens M, Krams R, Miquerol L, Taffet S, Chanson M, Delmar M and Kwak B (2016). 0109 : Connexin40 controls endothelial activation by dampening NF B activation. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements  vol. 8, (3) 203-203.  
Towhidi L, Khodadadi D, Maimari N, Pedrigi RM, Ip H, Kis Z, Kwak BR, Petrova TW, Delorenzi M and Krams R (2016). Comparison between direct and reverse electroporation of cells in situ: a simulation study. Wiley  Physiological Reports  vol. 4, (6)  
Seneviratne AN, Cole JE, Goddard ME, Park I, Mohri Z, Sansom S, Udalova I, Krams R and Monaco C (2016). Corrigendum to “Low shear stress induces M1 macrophage polarization in murine thin-cap atherosclerotic plaques” [J Mol Cell Cardiol] 89B (2015) 168–172. Elsevier  Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 91,  
Maimari N, Pedrigi RM, Russo A, Broda K and Krams R (2016). Integration of flow studies for robust selection of mechanoresponsive genes. Thieme  Thrombosis and Haemostasis  vol. 115, (03) 474-483.  


Antonacci G, Pedrigi RM, Kondiboyina A, Mehta VV, de Silva R, Paterson C, Krams R and Török P (2015). Quantification of plaque stiffness by Brillouin microscopy in experimental thin cap fibroatheroma. The Royal Society  Journal of The Royal Society Interface  vol. 12, (112)  
Seneviratne AN, Cole JE, Goddard ME, Park I, Mohri Z, Sansom S, Udalova I, Krams R and Monaco C (2015). Low shear stress induces M1 macrophage polarization in murine thin-cap atherosclerotic plaques. Elsevier  Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 89, (Pt B) 168-172.  
Pfenniger A, Meens MJ, Pedrigi RM, Foglia B, Sutter E, Pelli G, Rochemont V, Petrova TV, Krams R and Kwak BR (2015). Shear stress-induced atherosclerotic plaque composition in ApoE−/− mice is modulated by connexin37. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 243, (1) 1-10.  
Pedrigi RM, Poulsen CB, Mehta VV, Ramsing Holm N, Pareek N, Post AL, Kilic ID, Banya WAS, Dall'Ara G, Mattesini A, Bjørklund MM, Andersen NP, Grøndal AK, Petretto E, Foin N, Davies JE, Di Mario C, Fog Bentzon J, Erik Bøtker H, Falk E, Krams R and de Silva R (2015). Inducing Persistent Flow Disturbances Accelerates Atherogenesis and Promotes Thin Cap Fibroatheroma Development in D374Y-PCSK9 Hypercholesterolemic Minipigs. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 132, (11) 1003-1012.  
Shamout FE, Pouliopoulos AN, Lee P, Bonaccorsi S, Towhidi L, Krams R and Choi JJ (2015). Enhancement of Non-Invasive Trans-Membrane Drug Delivery Using Ultrasound and Microbubbles During Physiologically Relevant Flow. Elsevier  Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology  vol. 41, (9) 2435-2448.  
Kis Z, Pereira HS, Homma T, Pedrigi RM and Krams R (2015). Mammalian synthetic biology: emerging medical applications. The Royal Society  Journal of The Royal Society Interface  vol. 12, (106)  
Dent MR, López-Duarte I, Dickson CJ, Geoghegan ND, Cooper JM, Gould IR, Krams R, Bull JA, Brooks NJ and Kuimova MK (2015). Imaging phase separation in model lipid membranes through the use of BODIPY based molecular rotors. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics  vol. 17, (28) 18393-18402.  


Mohri Z, Rowland EM, Clarke LA, De Luca A, Peiffer V, Krams R, Sherwin SJ and Weinberg PD (2014). Elevated Uptake of Plasma Macromolecules by Regions of Arterial Wall Predisposed to Plaque Instability in a Mouse Model. Public Library of Science (PLoS)  PLOS ONE  vol. 9, (12)  
Towhidi L, Maimari N, Kis Z, Khodadadi D and Krams R (2014). A novel high-throughput platform for siRNA transfection of primary mammalian cells. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 237, (2)  
Pereira G and Krams R (2014). Forecasting vulnerable plaque response to aemorheological flow. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 237, (2)  
Mehta VV, Pedrigi RM, Bovens SM, Tremoleda JL, Gsell W and Krams R (2014). Longitudinal predictive analysis of vulnerable plaques in a mouse model of atherosclerosis. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 237, (2)  
Maimari N, Towhidi L, Oh D, Broda K, Russo A and Krams R (2014). A novel integrated platform for gene network inference and validation: beyond the dream consortium. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 237, (2)  
Maimari N, Broda K, Kakas A, Russo A and Krams R (2014). Symbolic representation and inference of regulatory networks: uncovering mechanosensitive gene networks. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 237, (2)  
Kwak BR, Bäck M, Bochaton-Piallat M-L, Caligiuri G, Daemen MJAP, Davies PF, Hoefer IE, Holvoet P, Jo H, Krams R, Lehoux S, Monaco C, Steffens S, Virmani R, Weber C, Wentzel JJ and Evans PC (2014). Biomechanical factors in atherosclerosis: mechanisms and clinical implications†. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 35, (43) 3013-3020.  
Cuhlmann S, Gsell W, Van der Heiden K, Habib J, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Turkheimer F, Meens MJ, Kwak BR, Bird J, Davenport AP, Clark J, Haskard D, Krams R, Jones H and Evans PC (2014). In Vivo Mapping of Vascular Inflammation Using the Translocator Protein Tracer 18F-FEDAA1106. SAGE Publications  Molecular Imaging  vol. 13, (6)  
Cuhlmann S, Gsell W, Van der Heiden K, Habib J, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Turkheimer F, Meens MJ, Kwak BR, Bird J, Davenport AP, Clark J, Haskard D, Krams R, Jones H and Evans PC (2014). In Vivo Mapping of Vascular Inflammation Using the Translocator Protein Tracer 18F-FEDAA1106. Mol Imaging  vol. 13, (6)  
Pedrigi RM, de Silva R, Bovens SM, Mehta VV, Petretto E and Krams R (2014). Thin-Cap Fibroatheroma Rupture Is Associated With a Fine Interplay of Shear and Wall Stress. Wolters Kluwer  Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology  vol. 34, (10) 2224-2231.  
Maimari N, Broda K, Kakas A, Krams R and Russo A (2014). Symbolic Representation and Inference of Regulatory Network Structures. Logical Modeling of Biological Systems  Wiley   
Gerald C, Seneviratne A, Heraty KB, Monaco C, Burke MG, Krams R, Chang CC, Gilson P and Coppola G (2014). Intimal hyperplasia following implantation of helical-centreline and straight-centreline stents in common carotid arteries in healthy pigs: influence of intraluminal flow. The Royal Society  Journal of The Royal Society Interface  vol. 11, (92)  
Kis Z, Towhidi L, Ip H, Drakakis E, Bharath A and Krams R (2014). An In situ electroporation and flow device for mechanotransduction studies. Microarrays: Principles, Applications and Technologies  


Gerald C, Seneviratne A, Heraty KB, Monaco C, Burke MG, Krams R, Chang CC, Coppola G and Gilson P (2013). Intimal hyperplasia following implantation of helical-centreline and straight-centreline stents in common carotid arteries in healthy pigs: influence of intraluminal flow†. The Royal Society  Journal of The Royal Society Interface  vol. 10, (89)  
Ylä-Herttuala S, Bentzon JF, Daemen M, Falk E, Garcia-Garcia HM, Herrmann J, Hoefer I, Jauhiainen S, Jukema JW, Krams R, Kwak BR, Marx N, Naruszewicz M, Newby A, Pasterkamp G, Serruys PWJC, Waltenberger J, Weber C, Tokgözoglu L and Biology EWGOAAV (2013). Stabilization of atherosclerotic plaques: an update. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 34, (42) 3251-3258.  
Seneviratne AN, Cole JE, Goddard ME, Udalova I, Krams R and Monaco C (2013). M1 macrophages are an early feature of shear stress modulated vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 34, (suppl_1)  
Bovens SM, Foin N, O'Clery N, Van Der Heiden K, Cuhlmann S, Carlsen H, Barahona M, Evans PC and Krams R (2013). Shear stress and nitric oxide transport affect NFkB dynamics in endothelial cells. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 34, (suppl_1)  
Foin N, Sen S, Petraco R, Nijjer S, Torii R, Kousera C, Broyd C, Mehta V, Xu Y, Mayet J, Hughes A, Di Mario C, Krams R, Francis D and Davies J (2013). Method for Percutaneously Introducing, and Removing, Anatomical Stenosis of Predetermined Severity In Vivo: The “Stenotic Stent”. Springer Nature  Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research  vol. 6, (4) 640-648.  
Frueh J, Maimari N, Homma T, Bovens SM, Pedrigi RM, Towhidi L and Krams R (2013). Systems biology of the functional and dysfunctional endothelium. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 99, (2) 334-341.  
Harrison M, Smith E, Ross E, Krams R, Segers D, Buckley CD, Nash GB and Rainger GE (2013). The Role of Platelet-Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 in Atheroma Formation Varies Depending on the Site-Specific Hemodynamic Environment. Wolters Kluwer  Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology  vol. 33, (4) 694-701.  
Olivon VC, Fraga-Silva RA, Segers D, Demougeot C, de Oliveira AM, Savergnini SS, Berthelot A, de Crom R, Krams R, Stergiopulos N and da Silva RF (2013). Arginase inhibition prevents the low shear stress-induced development of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques in ApoE−/− mice. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 227, (2) 236-243.  


Shami A, Gustafsson R, Kalamajski S, Krams R, Segers D, Rauch U, Roos G, Nilsson J, Oldberg Å and Hultgårdh-Nilsson A (2012). Fibromodulin Deficiency Reduces Low-Density Lipoprotein Accumulation in Atherosclerotic Plaques in Apolipoprotein E–Null Mice. Wolters Kluwer  Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology  vol. 33, (2) 354-361.  
Pfenniger A, Wong C, Sutter E, Cuhlmann S, Dunoyer-Geindre S, Mach F, Horrevoets AJ, Evans PC, Krams R and Kwak BR (2012). Shear stress modulates the expression of the atheroprotective protein Cx37 in endothelial cells. Elsevier  Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 53, (2) 299-309.  
Frueh J, Maimari N, Lui Y, Kis Z, Mehta V, Pormehr N, Grant C, Chalkias E, Falck-Hansen M, Bovens S, Pedrigi R, Homma T, Coppola G and Krams R (2012). Systems and synthetic biology of the vessel wall. Wiley  FEBS Letters  vol. 586, (15) 2164-2170.  
van Bochove GS, Sanders HMHF, de Smet M, Keizer HM, Mulder WJM, Krams R, Strijkers GJ and Nicolay K (2012). Molecular MR Imaging of Collagen in Mouse Atherosclerosis by Using Paramagnetic CNA35 Micelles. Wiley  European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry  vol. 2012, (12) 2115-2125.  
Schlueter J, Brand T, Henderson DJ, Boczonadi V, Humbert P, Chaudhry B, Sedmera D, Svatunkova J, Kockova R, Sankova B, Lopez Sanchez C, Franco D, Aranega A, Garcia-Martinez V, Demina E, Miroshikova V, Denisenko A, Schwarzman A, Sanchez-Cabo F, Torroja C, Benguria A, Buchan R, Srivastava P, Martinez F, Barton P, Cook S, Dopazo A, Lara-Pezzi E and Rai H (2012). Poster session 1. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 93, (suppl_1) s9-s45.  
Nanka O, Krejci E, Pesevski Z, Sedmera D, Smart N, Rossdeutsch A, Dube KN, Riegler J, Price AN, Taylor A, Muthurangu V, Turner M, Lythgoe MF, Riley PR, Kryvorot S, Vladimirskaya T, Shved I, Schwarzl M, Seiler S, Huber S, Steendijk P, Maechler H, Truschnig-Wilders M, Pieske B, Post H, Caprio C, Baldini A, Chiavacci E, Dolfi L and Verduci L (2012). Poster session 3. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 93, (suppl_1) s92-s127.  
Kuhlmann MT, Cuhlmann S, Hoppe I, Krams R, Evans PC, Strijkers GJ, Nicolay K, Hermann S and Schäfers M (2012). Implantation of a carotid cuff for triggering shear-stress induced atherosclerosis in mice. MyJove  Journal of Visualized Experiments  (59)  
Kuhlmann MT, Cuhlmann S, Hoppe I, Krams R, Evans PC, Strijkers GJ, Nicolay K, Hermann S and Schäfers M (2012). Implantation of a Carotid Cuff for Triggering Shear-stress Induced Atherosclerosis in Mice. MyJove  Journal of Visualized Experiments  (59)  
Foin N, Torii R, Mortier P, De Beule M, Viceconte N, Chan PH, Davies JE, Xu XY, Krams R and Di Mario C (2012). Kissing Balloon or Sequential Dilation of the Side Branch and Main Vessel for Provisional Stenting of Bifurcations Lessons From Micro-Computed Tomography and Computational Simulations. Elsevier  JACC Cardiovascular Interventions  vol. 5, (1) 47-56.  


Foin N, Secco GG, Ghilencea L, Krams R and Di Mario C (2011). Final proximal post-dilatation is necessary after kissing balloon in bifurcation stenting. Europa Digital & Publishing  EuroIntervention  vol. 7, (5) 597-604.  
Foin N, Viceconte N, Chan PH, Lindsay AC, Krams R and Di Mario C (2011). Jailed side branches. Wolters Kluwer  Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine  vol. 12, (8) 581-582.  
De Crom R, Leenen P, Nicolay K and Krams R (2011). Shear stress is a major determinant for getting a heart attack. Hart Bulletin  vol. 42, (3) 67-70.  
Cuhlmann S, Van der Heiden K, Saliba D, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Zakkar M, Chaudhury H, Luong LA, Mason JC, Udalova I, Gsell W, Jones H, Haskard DO, Krams R and Evans PC (2011). Disturbed Blood Flow Induces RelA Expression via c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase 1. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation Research  vol. 108, (8) 950-959.  
Zakkar M, Luong LA, Chaudhury H, Ruud O, Punjabi PP, Anderson JR, Mullholand JW, Clements AT, Krams R, Foin N, Athanasiou T, Leen ELS, Mason JC, Haskard DO and Evans PC (2011). Dexamethasone Arterializes Venous Endothelial Cells by Inducing Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatase-1. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 123, (5) 524-532.  
Gsell W, Cuhlmann S, Van der Heiden K, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Clark J, Bird J, Jones H, Krams R and Evans PC (2011). 18FEDAA is a more specific probe than 18FDG for imaging vascular inflammation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING  vol. 38, S210-S210.  
Ylä-Herttuala S, Bentzon JF, Daemen M, Falk E, Garcia-Garcia HM, Herrmann J, Hoefer I, Jukema JW, Krams R, Kwak BR, Marx N, Naruszewicz M, Newby A, Pasterkamp G, Serruys PWJC, Waltenberger J, Weber C and Tokgözoglu L (2011). Stabilisation of atherosclerotic plaques. Thieme  Thrombosis and Haemostasis  vol. 106, (01) 1-19.  
Segers D, Lipton JA, Leenen PJM, Cheng C, Tempel D, Pasterkamp G, Moll FL, de Crom R and Krams R (2011). Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability Is Affected by the Chemokine CXCL10 in Both Mice and Humans. Hindawi  International Journal of Inflammation  vol. 2011, (1)  


Halliday I, Atherton M, Care CM, Collins MW, Evans D, Evans PC, Hose DR, Khir AW, König CS, Krams R, Lawford PV, Lishchuk SV, Pontrelli G, Ridger V, Spencer TJ, Ventikos Y, Walker DC and Watton PN (2010). Multi-scale interaction of particulate flow and the artery wall. Elsevier  Medical Engineering & Physics  vol. 33, (7) 840-848.  
van Bochove GS, Paulis LEM, Segers D, Mulder WJM, Krams R, Nicolay K and Strijkers GJ (2010). Contrast enhancement by differently sized paramagnetic MRI contrast agents in mice with two phenotypes of atherosclerotic plaque. Wiley  Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging  vol. 6, (1) 35-45.  
Debernardi N, Roijers RB, Krams R, De Crom R, Mutsaers PHA and Van Der Vusse GJ (2010). Microcalcifications in atherosclerotic lesion of apolipoprotein E‐deficient mouse. Wiley  International Journal of Experimental Pathology  vol. 91, (6) 485-494.  
Cuhlmann S, van der Heiden K, Zakkar M, Chaudhury H, Luong LA, Mason J, Haskard DO, Carlsen H, Krams R and Evans PC (2010). YIA4 C Jun N-terminal kinase promotes endothelial activation at atherosclerosis-susceptible sites by enhancing expression of NF-κB transcription factors. BMJ  Heart  vol. 96, (17)  
Plata AM, Sherwin SJ and Krams R (2010). Endothelial Nitric Oxide Production and Transport in Flow Chambers: The Importance of Convection. Springer Nature  Annals of Biomedical Engineering  vol. 38, (9) 2805-2816.  
Helderman F, Manoch IJ, Breeuwer M, Kose U, Boersma H, van Sambeek MRHM, Pattynama PMT, Schouten O, Poldermans D, Wisselink W, van der Steen AFW and Krams R (2010). Predicting Patient-Specific Expansion of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Elsevier  European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery  vol. 40, (1) 47-53.  
van Bochove GS, Straathof R, Krams R, Nicolay K and Strijkers GJ (2010). MRI-determined carotid artery flow velocities and wall shear stress in a mouse model of vulnerable and stable atherosclerotic plaque. Springer Nature  Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine  vol. 23, (2) 77-84.  
Friedman MH, Krams R and Chandran KB (2010). Flow Interactions with Cells and Tissues: Cardiovascular Flows and Fluid–Structure Interactions. Springer Nature  Annals of Biomedical Engineering  vol. 38, (3) 1178-1187.  
Chaudhury H, Zakkar M, Boyle J, Cuhlmann S, van der Heiden K, Luong LA, Davis J, Platt A, Mason JC, Krams R, Haskard DO, Clark AR and Evans PC (2010). c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Primes Endothelial Cells at Atheroprone Sites for Apoptosis. Wolters Kluwer  Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology  vol. 30, (3) 546-553.  
Krams R, Cuhlmann S, Foin N and Evans P (2010). Shear stress, inflammation and Atherosclerosis. Springer Nature  Artery Research  vol. 4, (2) 41-46.  


Zakkar M, Van der Heiden K, Luong LA, Chaudhury H, Cuhlmann S, Hamdulay SS, Krams R, Edirisinghe I, Rahman I, Carlsen H, Haskard DO, Mason JC and Evans PC (2009). Activation of Nrf2 in Endothelial Cells Protects Arteries From Exhibiting a Proinflammatory State. Wolters Kluwer  Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology  vol. 29, (11) 1851-1857.  
Cheng C, Tempel D, van Haperen R, van Damme L, Algür M, Krams R and de Crom R (2009). Activation of MMP8 and MMP13 by angiotensin II correlates to severe intra-plaque hemorrhages and collagen breakdown in atherosclerotic lesions with a vulnerable phenotype. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 204, (1) 26-33.  


Susa D, van de Engel S, van Damme LCA, Roest HP, Krams R, IJzermans JNM and de Bruin RWF (2008). Donor pre-treatment with tacrolimus reduces transplant vasculopathy. Elsevier  Pharmacological Research  vol. 59, (4) 273-278.  
Segers D, Weinberg P and Krams R (2008). Atherosclerosis: cell biology and lipoproteins - shear stress and inflammation in plaque formation: new evidence. Wolters Kluwer  Current Opinion in Lipidology  vol. 19, (6) 627-628.  
Segers D, Cheng C, Crom RD, Kirschbaum SWM, Oostlander AE, Helderman F, Wamel AV, Slager CJ, Serruys PW, Steen AFWVD and Krams R (2008). Monocyte Adhesion in Atherosclerosis: A Biomechanical Approach. Bentham Science Publishers  Vascular Disease Prevention  vol. 2, (1) 227-235.  
Krams R, Breeuwer M and van de Vosse F (2008). Personalised imaging and biomechanical modelling of large vessels. Springer Nature  Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing  vol. 46, (11) 1057-1058.  
Segers D, Garcia-Garcia HM, Cheng C, de Crom R, Krams R, Wentzel JJ, van der Steen AFW, Serruys PW, Leenen PJM and Laman JD (2008). A primer on the immune system in the pathogenesis and treatment of atherosclerosis. Europa Digital & Publishing  EuroIntervention  vol. 4, (3) 378-390.  
Robbers‐Visser D, Helderman F, Strengers JL, van Osch‐Gevers L, Kapusta L, Pattynama PM, Bogers AJ, Krams R and Helbing WA (2008). Pulmonary artery size and function after Fontan operation at a young age. Wiley  Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging  vol. 28, (5) 1101-1107.  
Robbers-Visser D, Helderman F, Strengers JL, van Osch-Gevers L, Kapusta L, Pattynama PM, Bogers AJ, Krams R and Helbing WA (2008). 1057 Pulmonary artery size and function after Fontan operation at young age: assessment with phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging. Elsevier  Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance  vol. 10,  
Breeuwer M, de Putter S, Kose U, Speelman L, Visser K, Gerritsen F, Hoogeveen R, Krams R, van den Bosch H, Buth J, Gunther T, Wolters B, van Dam E and van de Vosse F (2008). Towards patient-specific risk assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Springer Nature  Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing  vol. 46, (11) 1085-1095.  
de Crom R, Cheng C, Helderman F and Krams R (2008). Large variations in absolute wall shear stress levels within one species and between species. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 204, (1) 16-17.  
Zakkar M, Chaudhury H, Sandvik G, Enesa K, Luong LA, Cuhlmann S, Mason JC, Krams R, Clark AR, Haskard DO and Evans PC (2008). Increased Endothelial Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatase-1 Expression Suppresses Proinflammatory Activation at Sites That Are Resistant to Atherosclerosis. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation Research  vol. 103, (7) 726-732.  
Ridger V, Krams R, Carpi A and Evans PC (2008). Hemodynamic parameters regulating vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis: A brief update. Elsevier  Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy  vol. 62, (8) 536-540.  
de Bruin RWF, Susa D, van den Engel S, van Damme LA, Roest HP, Krams R and Jzermans JNMI (2008). DONOR PRE-TREATMENT WITH TACROLIMUS EDUCES TRANSPLANT VASCULOPATHY. Wolters Kluwer  Transplantation  vol. 86, (2S)  
da Silva RF, Olivon VC, Segers D, de Crom R, Krams R and Stergiopulos N (2008). REGULATION OF ARGINASE IN RESPONSE SHEAR STRESS: NEW POTENTIAL THERAPEUTIC TARGET ATHEROSCLEROSIS? Elsevier  Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 41,  
Helderman F, Manoch IJ, Breeuwer M, Kose U, Schouten O, van Sambeek MRM, Poldermans D, Pattynama PTM, Wisselink W, van der Steen AFW and Krams R (2008). A numerical model to predict abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion based on local wall stress and stiffness. Springer Nature  Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing  vol. 46, (11)  
Foin N, Evans P and Krams R (2008). Atherosclerosis: cell biology and lipoproteins – new developments in imaging of inflammation of the vulnerable plaque. Wolters Kluwer  Current Opinion in Lipidology  vol. 19, (1) 98-100.  
da Silva RF, Olivon VC, Segers D, de Crom R, Krams R and Stergiopulos N (2008). P1.57 Modulation of Arginase in Response to Wall Shear Stress. Springer Nature  Artery Research  vol. 2, (3) 105-106.  


Cheng C, Tempel D, Oostlander A, Helderman F, Gijsen F, Wentzel J, van Haperen R, Haitsma DB, Serruys PW, van der Steen AFW, de Crom R and Krams R (2007). Rapamycin modulates the eNOS vs. shear stress relationship. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 78, (1) 123-129.  
Segers D, de Crom R, Leenen P, Pasterkamp G and Krams R (2007). Abstract 879: The Chemokine CXCL10 Is Involved In The Development Of Atherosclerotic Plaque Vulnerability. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 116, (suppl_16)  
Helderman F, Segers D, de Crom R, Hierck BP, Poelmann RE, Evans PC and Krams R (2007). Effect of shear stress on vascular inflammation and plaque development. Wolters Kluwer  Current Opinion in Lipidology  vol. 18, (5) 527-533.  
Goertz DE, Frijlink ME, Tempel D, Bhagwandas V, Gisolf A, Krams R, de Jong N and van der Steen AFW (2007). Subharmonic Contrast Intravascular Ultrasound for Vasa Vasorum Imaging. Elsevier  Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology  vol. 33, (12) 1859-1872.  
Van der Heiden K, Hierck BP, Krams R, de Crom R, Cheng C, Baiker M, Pourquie MJBM, Alkemade FE, DeRuiter MC, Groot ACG-D and Poelmann RE (2007). Endothelial primary cilia in areas of disturbed flow are at the base of atherosclerosis. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 196, (2) 542-550.  
Wentzel J, Gijsen F, Krams R, de Crom R, Cheng C, Groen H, van der Giessen A and van der Steen A (2007). Shear stress and the vulnerable plaque. The Vulnerable Plaque, Second Edition  Taylor & Francis   
Kofflard MJ, Michels M, Krams R, Kliffen M, Geleijnse ML, Cate FJT and Serruys PW (2007). Coronary flow reserve in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: relation with microvascular dysfunction and pathophysiological characteristics. Springer Nature  Netherlands Heart Journal  vol. 15, (6) 209-215.  
Jackson CL, Bennett MR, Biessen EAL, Johnson JL and Krams R (2007). Assessment of Unstable Atherosclerosis in Mice. Wolters Kluwer  Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology  vol. 27, (4) 714-720.  
Cheng C, Tempel D, van Haperen R, de Boer HC, Segers D, Huisman M, van Zonneveld AJ, Leenen PJM, van der Steen A, Serruys PW, de Crom R and Krams R (2007). Shear stress–induced changes in atherosclerotic plaque composition are modulated by chemokines. American Society for Clinical Investigation  Journal of Clinical Investigation  vol. 117, (3) 616-626.  
Goertz DE, Frijlink ME, Krams R, de Jong N and van der Steen AFW (2007). Vasa vasorum and molecular imaging of atherosclerotic plaques using nonlinear contrast intravascular ultrasound. Springer Nature  Netherlands Heart Journal  vol. 15, (2) 77-80.  
Segers D, Helderman F, Cheng C, van Damme LCA, Tempel D, Boersma E, Serruys PW, de Crom R, van der Steen AFW, Holvoet P and Krams R (2007). Gelatinolytic Activity in Atherosclerotic Plaques Is Highly Localized and Is Associated With Both Macrophages and Smooth Muscle Cells In Vivo. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 115, (5) 609-616.  
Da Silva RF, Gambillara V, Krams R and Stergiopulos N (2007). Modulation of arginases by different patterns of shear stress: new signaling pathway in atherogenesis? Taylor & Francis  Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering  vol. 10, (sup1) 77-78.  
da Silva RF, Gambillara V, Cheng C, Segers D, de Crom R, Krams R and Stergiopulos N (2007). P.096 Role of Arginase Pathway in Response to Shear Stress: New Potential Therapeutic Targets for Atherosclerosis? Springer Nature  Artery Research  vol. 1, (2) 74-75.  
Thury A, Wentzel JJ, Gijsen FJH, Schuurbiers JCH, Krams R, de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (2007). The Influence of Shear Stress on Restenosis. Essentials of Restenosis  Springer Nature   


Cheng C, Helderman F, Tempel D, Segers D, Hierck B, Poelmann R, van Tol A, Duncker DJ, Robbers-Visser D, Ursem NTC, van Haperen R, Wentzel JJ, Gijsen F, van der Steen AFW, de Crom R and Krams R (2006). Large variations in absolute wall shear stress levels within one species and between species. Elsevier  Atherosclerosis  vol. 195, (2) 225-235.  
Cheng C, Tempel D, van der Baan A, Krams R, Daemen MJAP, van Haperen R, Grosveld F and de Crom R (2006). Response to Letter Regarding Article, “Atherosclerotic Lesion Size and Vulnerability Are Determined by Patterns of Fluid Shear Stress”. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 114, (22)  
Frijlink ME, Goertz DE, Vos HJ, Tesselaar E, Blacquière G, Gisolf A, Krams R and van der Steen AFW (2006). Harmonic intravascular ultrasound imaging with a dual-frequency catheter. Elsevier  Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology  vol. 32, (11) 1649-1654.  
Frijlink ME, Goertz DE, van Damme LCA, Krams R and van der Steen AFW (2006). Intravascular ultrasound tissue harmonic imaging in vivo. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)  IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control  vol. 53, (10) 1844-1852.  
Cheng C, Tempel D, van Damme L, van Haperen R, Krams R and de Crom R (2006). Angiotensin II induces severe intra-plaque hemorrhages in lesions with a vulnerable plaque phenotype. Elsevier  Vascular Pharmacology  vol. 45, (3) e91-e92.  
Cheng C, Tempel D, van Damme L, van Haperen R, Krams R and de Crom R (2006). Patterns of fluid shear stress determine atherosclerotic lesion size and vulnerability. Elsevier  Vascular Pharmacology  vol. 45, (3)  
Goertz DE, Frijlink ME, Tempel D, van Damme LCA, Krams R, Schaar JA, Cate FJT, Serruys PW, de Jong N and van der Steen AFW (2006). Contrast Harmonic Intravascular Ultrasound. Wolters Kluwer  Investigative Radiology  vol. 41, (8) 631-638.  
Krams R, Cheng C, Helderman F, Verheye S, van Damme LCA, Mousavi Gourabi B, Tempel D, Segers D, de Feyter P, Pasterkamp G, De Klein D, de Crom R, van der Steen AFW and Serruys PW (2006). Shear stress is associated with markers of plaque vulnerability and MMP-9 activity. EuroIntervention  vol. 2, (2) 250-256.  
Cheng C, Tempel D, van Haperen R, van der Baan A, Grosveld F, Daemen MJAP, Krams R and de Crom R (2006). Atherosclerotic Lesion Size and Vulnerability Are Determined by Patterns of Fluid Shear Stress. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 113, (23) 2744-2753.  
Nette RW, Ie EHY, Vletter WB, Krams R, Weimar W and Zietse R (2006). Norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction results in decreased blood volume in dialysis patients. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation  vol. 21, (5) 1305-1311.  
Cheng C, Tempel D, van Haperen R, van der Baan A, Grosveld F, Daemen MJAP, Krams R and de Crom R (2006). Atherosclerotic lesion size and vulnerability are determined by patterns of fluid shear stress. CIRCULATION  vol. 113, (23) 2744-2753.  
Krams R, Schaar J, Helderman F, Cheng C, Gourabi BM, van Damme LCA, Segers D, Regar E, Slager CJ, de Feyter PJ, van der Steen AFW and Serruys PW (2006). Visualization of the Vulnerable Plaque. Cardiovascular Research  Springer Nature   
Helderman F, Schouten O, Manoch I, Buffart H, van der Steen AFW and Krams R (2006). Numerical model for predicting dilatation of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA). Elsevier  Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 39,  
Krams R (2006). Shear stress and atherosclerosis. Elsevier  Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 39,  


Davies PF, Spaan JA and Krams R (2005). Shear Stress Biology of the Endothelium. Springer Nature  Annals of Biomedical Engineering  vol. 33, (12) 1714-1718.  
Krams R, Verheye S, van Damme LCA, Tempel D, Mousavi Gourabi B, Boersma E, Kockx MM, Knaapen MWM, Strijder C, van Langenhove G, Pasterkamp G, van der Steen AFW and Serruys PW (2005). In vivo temperature heterogeneity is associated with plaque regions of increased MMP-9 activity. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 26, (20) 2200-2205.  
Ie EHY, Krams R, Vletter WB, Nette RW, Weimar W and Zietse R (2005). Myocardial contractility does not determine the haemodynamic response during dialysis. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation  vol. 20, (11) 2465-2471.  
Cheng C, van Haperen R, de Waard M, van Damme LCA, Tempel D, Hanemaaijer L, van Cappellen GWA, Bos J, Slager CJ, Duncker DJ, van der Steen AFW, de Crom R and Krams R (2005). Shear stress affects the intracellular distribution of eNOS: direct demonstration by a novel in vivo technique. American Society of Hematology  Blood  vol. 106, (12) 3691-3698.  
Segers D, Cheng C, Crom RD, Kirschbaum SWM, Oostlander AE, Helderman F, Wamel AV, Slager CJ, Serruys PW, Steen AFWVD and Krams R (2005). Monocyte Adhesion in Atherosclerosis: A Biomechanical Approach. Bentham Science Publishers  Vascular Disease Prevention  vol. 2, (3) 227-235.  
Krams R, Bambi G, Guidi F, Helderman F, van der Steen AFW and Tortoli P (2005). Effect of vessel curvature on Doppler derived velocity profiles and fluid flow. Elsevier  Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology  vol. 31, (5) 663-671.  
Wentzel JJ, Krams R and Slager CJ (2005). Letter Regarding Article by Korshunov and Berk, “Strain-Dependent Vascular Remodeling: The ‘Glagov Phenomenon’ Is Genetically Determined”. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 111, (9) e119-e119.  
Schaar* JA, de Korte* CL, Mastik F, van Damme LCA, Krams R, Serruys PW and van der Steen AFW (2005). Three-Dimensional Palpography of Human Coronary Arteries. Springer Nature  Herz  vol. 30, (2) 125-133.  


Wentzel JJ, Gijsen FJH, Schuurbiers JCH, Krams R, Serruys PW, De Feyter PJ and Slager CJ (2004). Geometry guided data averaging enables the interpretation of shear stress related plaque development in human coronary arteries. Elsevier  Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 38, (7) 1551-1555.  
Krams R, Cate FJT, Carlier SG, van der Steen AFW and Serruys PW (2004). Diastolic coronary vascular reserve: a new index to detect changes in the coronary microcirculation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Elsevier  Journal of the American College of Cardiology  vol. 43, (4) 670-677.  
Verheye S, De Meyer GRY, Krams R, Kockx MM, Van Damme LCA, Mousavi Gourabi B, Knaapen MWM, Van Langenhove G and Serruys PW (2004). Intravascular thermography: Immediate functional and morphological vascular findings. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 25, (2) 158-165.  
Cheng C, de Crom R, van Haperen R, Helderman F, Gourabi BM, van Damme LCA, Kirschbaum SW, Slager CJ, van der Steen AFW and Krams R (2004). The role of shear stress in atherosclerosis. Springer Nature  Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics  vol. 41, (2) 279-294.  
van Ooijen PMA, Irwan R, Slager CJ, Wentzel JJ, Schuurbiers JCH, Oomen JAF, Gijsen FJH, Krams R, van der Giessen WJ, Serruys PW and de Feyter PJ (2004). Multi-Dimensional Computed Coronary Visualization. Coronary Radiology  Springer Nature   


van Haperen R, Cheng C, Mees BME, van Deel E, de Waard M, van Damme LCA, van Gent T, van Aken T, Krams R, Duncker DJ and de Crom R (2003). Functional Expression of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Fused to Green Fluorescent Protein in Transgenic Mice. Elsevier  American Journal Of Pathology  vol. 163, (4) 1677-1686.  
Diamantopoulos L, Liu X, De Scheerder I, Krams R, Li S, Van Cleemput J, Desmet W and Serruys PW (2003). The effect of reduced blood-flow on the coronary wall temperature. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 24, (19) 1788-1795.  
de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW, Nieman K, Mollet N, Cademartiri F, van Geuns RJ, Slager C, van der Steen AFW, Krams R, Schaar JA, Wielopolski P, Pattynama PMT, Arampatzis A, van der Lugt A, Regar E, Ligthart J and Smits P (2003). Imaging of coronary atherosclerosis and identification of the vulnerable plaque. Netherlands Heart Journal  vol. 11, (9) 347-358.  
Wentzel JJ, Janssen E, Vos J, Schuurbiers JCH, Krams R, Serruys PW, de Feyter PJ and Slager CJ (2003). Extension of Increased Atherosclerotic Wall Thickness Into High Shear Stress Regions Is Associated With Loss of Compensatory Remodeling. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 108, (1) 17-23.  
Carlier SG, van Damme LCA, Blommerde CP, Wentzel JJ, van Langehove G, Verheye S, Kockx MM, Knaapen MWM, Cheng C, Gijsen F, Duncker DJ, Stergiopulos N, Slager CJ, Serruys PW and Krams R (2003). Augmentation of Wall Shear Stress Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia After Stent Implantation. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 107, (21) 2741-2746.  
Wentzel JJ, Gijsen FJH, Stergiopulos N, Serruys PW, Slager CJ and Krams R (2003). Shear stress, vascular remodeling and neointimal formation. Elsevier  Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 36, (5) 681-688.  
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Schaar JA, van der Steen AFW, Arampatzis CA, Krams R, Slager CJ, ten Have AG, van de Poll SW, Gijsen FJ, Wentzel JJ, de Feyter PJ and Serruys PW (2003). Diagnosis of vulnerable plaques in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Vascular Ultrasound  Springer Nature   
Wentzel JJ, Cheng C, de Crom R, Stergiopulos N, Serruys PW, Slager CJ and Krams R (2003). Shear stress and the IVUS derived vessel wall thickness. Vascular Ultrasound  Springer Nature   
Slager CJ, Wentzel JJ, Schuurbiers JCH, Oomen JAF, Gijsen FJH, Krams R, van der Giessen WJ, Serruys PW and de Feyter PJ (2003). Coronary 3-D angiography, 3-D ultrasound and their fusion. Vascular Ultrasound  Springer Nature   


Thury A, van Langenhove G, Carlier SG, Albertal M, Kozuma K, Regar E, Sianos G, Wentzel JJ, Krams R, Slager CJ, Piek JJ, Serruys PW and Investigators D (2002). High shear stress after successful balloon angioplasty is associated with restenosis and target lesion revascularization. Elsevier  American Heart Journal  vol. 144, (1) 136-143.  
Thury A, Wentzel JJ, Vinke RVH, Gijsen FJH, Schuurbiers JCH, Krams R, de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (2002). Focal In-Stent Restenosis Near Step-Up. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 105, (23) 185e-1187.  
Trines SAIP, Smits CAG, van der Moer J, Slager CJ, Verdouw PD and Krams R (2002). Calcium Sensitizer EMD 57033, But Not the β 1 -Adrenoreceptor Agonist Dobutamine, Increases Mechanical Efficiency in Stunned Myocardium. Wolters Kluwer  Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology  vol. 39, (1) 61-72.  
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Thury A, Wentzel JJ, Schuurbiers JCH, Ligthart JMR, Krams R, de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (2001). Prominent Role of Tensile Stress in Propagation of a Dissection After Coronary Stenting. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 104, (11) e53-e54.  
Willemsen MJJMF, Duncker DJ, Krams R, Dijkman MA, Lamberts RR, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (2001). Decrease in coronary vascular volume in systole augments cardiac contraction. American Physiological Society  AJP Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 281, (2) h731-h737.  
Wentzel JJ, Kloet J, Andhyiswara I, Oomen JAF, Schuurbiers JCH, de Smet BJGL, Post MJ, de Kleijn D, Pasterkamp G, Borst C, Slager CJ and Krams R (2001). Shear-Stress and Wall-Stress Regulation of Vascular Remodeling After Balloon Angioplasty. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 104, (1) 91-96.  
Trines SAIP, Slager CJ, Onderwater TAM, Lamers JMJ, Verdouw PD and Krams R (2001). Oxygen wastage of stunned myocardium in vivo is due to an increased oxygen cost of contractility and a decreased myofibrillar efficiency. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 51, (1) 122-130.  
Wentzel JJ, Krams R, Schuurbiers JCH, Oomen JA, Kloet J, van der Giessen WJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (2001). Relationship Between Neointimal Thickness and Shear Stress After Wallstent Implantation in Human Coronary Arteries. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 103, (13) 1740-1745.  
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Wentzel JJ, Whelan DM, van der Giessen WJ, van Beusekom HMM, Andhyiswara I, Serruys PW, Slager CJ and Krams R (2000). Coronary stent implantation changes 3-D vessel geometry and 3-D shear stress distribution. Elsevier  Journal of Biomechanics  vol. 33, (10) 1287-1295.  
de Zeeuw S, Trines SAIP, Krams R, Duncker DJ and Verdouw PD (2000). In vivo evidence that EMD 57033 restores myocardial responsiveness to intracoronary Ca2+ in stunned myocardium. Elsevier  European Journal of Pharmacology  vol. 403, (1-2) 99-109.  
Trines SAIP, Slager CJ, Van der Moer J, Verdouw PD and Krams R (2000). Efficiency of energy transfer, but not external work, is maximized in stunned myocardium. American Physiological Society  AJP Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 279, (3) h1264-h1273.  
Slager CJ, Wentzel JJ, Schuurbiers JCH, Oomen JAF, Kloet J, Krams R, von Birgelen C, van der Giessen WJ, Serruys PW and de Feyter PJ (2000). True 3-Dimensional Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries in Patients by Fusion of Angiography and IVUS (ANGUS) and Its Quantitative Validation. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 102, (5) 511-516.  
Van Langenhove G, Wentzel JJ, Krams R, Slager CJ, Hamburger JN and Serruys PW (2000). Helical Velocity Patterns in a Human Coronary Artery. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 102, (3) e22-e24.  
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Bom N, de Korte CL, Wentzel JJ, Krams R, Carlier SG, van der Steen AWF, Slager CJ and Roelandt JRTC (2000). Quantification of plaque volume, shear stress on the endothelium, and mechanical properties of the arterial wall with intravascular ultrasound imaging. Springer Nature  Clinical Research in Cardiology  vol. 89, (Suppl 2) s105-s111.  
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Osterop APRM, Kofflard MJM, Sandkuijl LA, Cate FJT, Krams R, Schalekamp MADH and Danser AHJ (1998). AT1 Receptor A/C1166 Polymorphism Contributes to Cardiac Hypertrophy in Subjects With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Wolters Kluwer  Hypertension  vol. 32, (5) 825-830.  
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Osterop APRM, Kofflard MJM, Sandkuijl LA, Ten Cate FJ, Krams R, Schalekamp MADH and Danser AHJ (1998). AT1 receptor A/C1166 polymorphism contributes to cardiac hypertrophy in subjects with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Hypertension  vol. 32, (5) 825-830.  


Dongsheng FA, Kie Soei LO, Stubenitsky R, Boersma E, Duncker DJ, Verdouw PD and Krams ROB (1997). Contribution of asynchrony and nonuniformity to mechanical interaction in normal and stunned myocardium. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 42, (5)  
Fan D, Soei LK, Stubenitsky R, Boersma E, Duncker DJ, Verdouw PD and Krams R (1997). Contribution of asynchrony and nonuniformity to mechanical interaction in normal and stunned myocardium. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 273, (5) h2146-h2154.  
Krams R, Wentzel JJ, Oomen JAF, Vinke R, Schuurbiers JCH, de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (1997). Evaluation of Endothelial Shear Stress and 3D Geometry as Factors Determining the Development of Atherosclerosis and Remodeling in Human Coronary Arteries in Vivo. Wolters Kluwer  Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology  vol. 17, (10) 2061-2065.  
van Blankenstein JH, Slager CJ, Soei LK, Boersma H, Stijnen T, Schuurbiers JCH, Krams R, Lachmann B and Verdouw PD (1997). Cardiac depression after experimental air embolism in pigs: role of addition of a surface-active agent1. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 34, (3) 473-482.  
Slager CJ, Wentzel JJ, Oomen JA, Schuurbiers JC, Krams R, von Birgelen C, Tjon A, Serruys PW and de Feyter PJ (1997). True reconstruction of vessel geometry from combined X-ray angiographic and intracoronary ultrasound data. Seminars in interventional cardiology  vol. 2, (1) 43-47.  
van der Steen AFW, Rijsterborgh H, Lancée CT, Mastik F, Krams R, Verdouw PD, Roelandt JRTC and Bom N (1997). Influence of data processing on cyclic variation of integrated backscatter and wall thickness in stunned porcine myocardium. Elsevier  Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology  vol. 23, (3) 405-414.  
Fan D, Soei LK, Stubenitsky R, Boersma E, Duncker DJ, Verdouw PD and Krams R (1997). Contribution of asynchrony and nonuniformity to mechanical interaction in normal and stunned myocardium. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 273, (5 42-5)  


Bezstarosti K, Soei LK, Krams R, Cate FJT, Verdouw PD and Lamers JMJ (1996). The effect of a thiadiazinone derived Ca2+ sensitizer on the responsiveness of Mg2+-ATPase to Ca2+ in myofibrils isolated from stunned and nonstunned porcine and human myocardium. Elsevier  Biochemical Pharmacology  vol. 51, (9) 1211-1220.  
Rijsterborgh H, van der Steen AFW, Krams R, Mastik F, Lancee CT, Verdouw PD, Roelandt JRTC and Bom N (1996). The relationship between myocardial integrated backscatter, perfusion pressure and wall thickness during isovolumic contraction: An isolated pig heart study. Elsevier  Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology  vol. 22, (1) 43-52.  


Di Mario C, Gil R, Krams R, De Feyter PJ and Serruys W (1995). New invasive techniques of assessment of the physiological significance of coronary stenoses in humans. Oxford University Press (OUP)  European Heart Journal  vol. 16, (suppl_I) 104-114.  
Wilson RA, Di Mario C, Krams R, Loe Kie Soei , Wenguang L, Laird AC, The SHK, Gussenhoven E, Verdouw P and Roelandt JRTC (1995). In Vivo Measurement of Regional Large Artery Compliance by Intravascular Ultrasound Under Pentobarbital Anesthesia. SAGE Publications  Angiology  vol. 46, (6) 481-488.  
Fan D (1995). Mechanical efficiency of stunned myocardium is modulated by increased afterload dependency. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 29, (3) 428-437.  
Slager CJ, Laban M, von Birgelen C, Krams R, Oomen JAF, Boer AD, Wenguang L, de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW and Roelandt JRTC (1995). 734-6 ANGUS: A New Approach to Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Geometry and Orientation of Coronary Lumen and Plaque by Combined Use of Coronary Angiography and IVUS. Elsevier  Journal of the American College of Cardiology  vol. 25, (2)  


Krams R, Janssen M, Van der Lee C, Van Meegen J, De Jong JW, Slager CJ and Verdouw PD (1994). Loss of elastic recoil in postischemic myocardium induces rightward shift of the systolic pressure-volume relationship. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 267, (4) h1557-h1564.  
Di Mario C, Krams R, Gil R and Serruys PW (1994). Slope of the instantaneous hyperemic diastolic coronary flow velocity-pressure relation. A new index for assessment of the physiological significance of coronary stenosis in humans. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 90, (3) 1215-1224.  
Fan D, Soei LK, Sassen LM, Krams R and Verdouw PD (1994). Mechanical efficiency of stunned myocardium is modulated by increased afterload dependency. Cardiovascular Research  vol. 28, (9) 428-437.  
Soei LK, Sassen LM, Fan DS, van Veen T, Krams R and Verdouw PD (1994). Myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitization predominantly enhances function and mechanical efficiency of stunned myocardium. Wolters Kluwer  Circulation  vol. 90, (2) 959-969.  
FAN D, SOEI LK, SASSEN LMA, KRAMS R, HENDRIK E and VERDOUW PD (1994). On the Reversal of Myocardial Stunning: A Role for Ca2+‐Sensitizers. Wiley  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences  vol. 723, (1) 364-367.  
Fan D, Kie Soei L, Sassen LMA, Krams R, Hendrik E and Verdouw PD (1994). On the Reversal of Myocardial Stunning: A Role for Ca2+-Sensitizers. Ann N Y Acad Sci  vol. 723, (1) 364-367.  
Krams R, Janssen M, Van der Lee C, Van Meegen J, De Jong JW, Slager CJ and Verdouw PD (1994). Loss of elastic recoil in postischemic myocardium induces rightward shift of the systolic pressure-volume relationship. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 267, (4 36-4)  
Fan D, Sassen LMA, Trines SAIP, Soei LK, Krams R and Verdouw PD (1994). Increasing the Ca++ sensitivity reverses the increased afterload dependency of external work and the efficiency of energy conversion of stunned myocardium. Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology  vol. 5, (2) 63-72.  
Di Mario C, Krams R, Gil R, Meneveau N and Serruys PW (1994). The instantaneous hyperemic pressure-flow relationship in conscious humans. Progress in quantitative coronary arteriography  Springer Nature   


Krams R, Soei LK, McFalls EO, Prins EAW, Sassen LM and Verdouw PD (1993). End-systolic pressure length relations of stunned right and left ventricles after inotropic stimulation. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 265, (6) h2099-h2109.  
Koning MMG, Krams R, Xiao CS, van Meegen JR, Bezstarosti K, Lamers JMJ and Verdouw PD (1993). Intracoronary trimetazidine does not improve recovery of regional function in a porcine model of repeated ischemia. Springer Nature  Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy  vol. 7, (5) 801-807.  
Duncker DJ, Sassen LMA, Bartels GL, van Meegen JR, McFalls EO, Krams R, Bezstarosti K, Lamers JMJ and Verdouw PD (1993). L-Propionylcarnitine Does Not Affect Myocardial Metabolic or Functional Response to Chronotropic and Inotropic Stimulation After Repetitive Ischemia in Anesthetized Pigs. Wolters Kluwer  Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology  vol. 22, (3) 488-498.  
Krams R, Duncker DJ, McFalls EO, Hogendoorn A and Verdouw PD (1993). Dobutamine restores the reduced efficiency of energy transfer from total mechanical work to external mechanical work in stunned porcine myocardium. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 27, (5) 740-747.  
McFalls EO, Duncker DJ, Sassen LM, Krams R, Man in't Veld AJ, Ruffolo RR and Verdouw PD (1993). Altered coronary flow reserve in the hypertrophied heart: implications for therapy. Journal of Human Hypertension  vol. 7 Suppl 1, s29-s36.  
Krams R, Duncker DJ, McFalls EO, Hogendoorn A and Verdouw PD (1993). Dobutamine restores the reduced efficiency of energy transfer from total mechanical work to external mechanical work in stunned porcine myocardium. Cardiovascular Research  vol. 27, (5) 740-747.  
Krams R, Loe Kie Soei , McFalls EO, Prins EAW, Sassen LMA and Verdouw PD (1993). End-systolic pressure length relations of stunned right and left ventricles after inotropic stimulation. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 265, (6 34-6)  
De Jong JW, Huizer T, Janssen M, Krams R, Tavenier M and Verdouw PD (1993). High-energy phosphates and their catabolites. Ischemia-reperfusion in cardiac surgery  Springer Nature   


McFalls EO, Duncker DJ, Krams R, Sassen LM, Hoogendoorn A and Verdouw PD (1992). Recruitment of myocardial work and metabolism in regionally stunned porcine myocardium. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 263, (6) h1724-h1731.  
Sassen LMA, Duncker DJ, Hogendoorn A, McFalls EO, Krams R, Bezstarosti K, Lamers JMJ and Verdouw PD (1992). L-propionylcarnitine and myocardial performance in stunned porcine myocardium. Springer Nature  Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry  vol. 116, (1-2) 147-153.  
Duncker DJ, McFalls EO, Krams R and Verdouw PD (1992). Pressure-maximal coronary flow relationship in regionally stunned porcine myocardium. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 262, (6) h1744-h1751.  
Verdouw PD, Krams R, McFalls EO, Duncker DJ, Hogendoorn A and Kie Soei L (1992). Amiodarone increases ATP and decreases NaK ATPase activity and protein content of cultured rat heart myocytes. Elsevier  Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 24,  
Verdouw PD, Krams R, McFalls EO, Duncker DJ, Hogendoorn A and Soei LK (1992). Inotropic stimulation restores efficiency of energy transfer from pressure-segment length area to external mechanical work in stunned porcine myocardium. Elsevier  Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 24,  
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Duncker DJ, McFalls EO, Krams R and Verdouw PD (1992). Pressure-maximal coronary flow relationship in regionally stunned porcine myocardium. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 262, (6 31-6)  
Sassen LMA, Duncker DJ, Hogendoorn A, McFalls EO, Krams R, Bezstarosti K, Lamers JMJ and Verdouw PD (1992). L-propionylcarnitine and myocardial performance in stunned porcine myocardium. Lipid Metabolism in the Healthy and Disease Heart  Springer Nature   


McFalls EO, Duncker DJ, Krams R, Ward H, Gornick C and Verdouw PD (1991). Endothelium dependent vasodilatation following brief ischaemia and reperfusion in anaesthetised swine. Oxford University Press (OUP)  Cardiovascular Research  vol. 25, (8) 659-665.  
Krams R, Duncker DJ, McFalls EO and Verdouw PD (1991). Changes in oxygen-pressure volume area's (O2-PVA) studied after brief periods of ischemia. Elsevier  Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 23,  
Krams R, Duncker DJ, McFalls EO and Verdouw PD (1991). Elastic recoil: A sensitive measure of loss of function during brief periods of ischemia and reperfusion. Elsevier  Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology  vol. 23,  
Krams R, McFalls E, van der Giessen WJ, Serruys PW, Verdoun PD and Roelandt J (1991). Does intravenous milrinone have a direct effect on diastolic function? Am Heart J  vol. 121, (6 Pt 2) 1951-1955.  
Mcfalls EO, Duncker DJ, Krams R, Ward H, Gornick C and Verdouw PD (1991). Endothelium dependent vasodilatation following brief ischaemia and reperfusion in anaesthetised swine. Cardiovascular Research  vol. 25, (8) 659-665.  


Resar J, Livingston JZ, Halperin HR, Sipkema P, Krams R and Yin FC (1990). Effect of wall stretch on coronary hemodynamics in isolated canine interventricular septum. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 259, (6) h1869-h1880.  
Westerhof N, Sipkema P and Krams R (1990). Myocardial modulation of coronary circulation Reply). American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 259, (6 28-6)  
Krams R, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (1990). Coronary oscillatory flow amplitude is more affected by perfusion pressure than ventricular pressure. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 258, (6) h1889-h1898.  
Resar J, Livingston JZ, Halperin HR, Sipkema P, Krams R and Yin FCP (1990). Effect of wall stretch on coronary hemodynamics in isolated canine interventricular septum. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 259, (6 28-6)  
Krams R, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (1990). Coronary oscillatory flow amplitude is more affected by perfusion pressure than ventricular pressure. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 258, (6 27-6)  


Krams R, Sipkema P, Zegers J and Westerhof N (1989). Contractility is the main determinant of coronary systolic flow impediment. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology  vol. 257, (6)  
Krams R, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (1989). Varying elastance concept may explain coronary systolic flow impediment. American Physiological Society  American Journal of Physiology  vol. 257, (5) h1471-h1479.  
Krams R, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (1989). Varying elastance concept may explain coronary systolic flow impediment. Am J Physiol  vol. 257, (5 Pt 2) H1471-H1479.  
Krams R, van Haelst ACTA, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (1989). Can coronary systolic-diastolic flow differences be predicted by left ventricular pressure or time-varying intramyocardial elastance? Springer Nature  Basic Research in Cardiology  vol. 84, (2) 149-159.  


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solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconG1F1Application of a new high throughput platform for validation of mechanosensitive miRNA
Rob Krams and Gleb Sukhorukov
£117,986 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-09-2023 - 31-08-2026)

bullet iconInorganic nitrate treatment reduces inflammation in humans: assessment of mechanisms
Amrita Ahluwalia, Rob Krams, Federica Marelli-Berg and Jacqueline Cooper
£206,297 BHF British Heart Foundation (19-08-2019 - 18-02-2022)
bullet iconBiomechanical determinants of advanced coronary atherosclerotic plaque formation in transgenic hyperlipidaemic minipigs
Rob Krams
£167,563 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-11-2018 - 31-01-2021)
bullet iconDisturbed shear stress and strain act synergistically to promote the pro-atherogenic endothelial cell phenotype responsible for TCFA - GRANT TRANSFER
Rob Krams
£46,226 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-02-2018 - 16-08-2018)
bullet iconAliah Mohammed Ahmad Abuammah - Studentship
Rob Krams
£28,000 UKSACB Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in London (22-01-2018 - 12-01-2019)