Dr Ruairi Robertson
Lecturer in Microbiome Science
Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Gut microbiome, Microbiota, Environmental enteropathy, Gut physiology, Early-life
My research examines the influence between the early life gut microbiome and intestinal development, particularly in the context of undernutrition. I explore large microbiome datasets from mothers and infants to determine associations with child growth and infection. I have a particular interest in environmental enteric dysfunction (EED), a pathological intestinal condition that occurs in low-resource settings and is hypothesized to impact nutrient absorption and growth. I am interested in the potential to examine the interaction between the gut microbiome and intestinal function using organ-on-a-chip technologies by co-culturing bacteria of interest in organoid and organ-on-chip systemsPublications
Gough EK, Edens TJ, Carr L, Robertson RC, Mutasa K, Ntozini R, Chasekwa B, Geum HM, Baharmand I, Gill SK, Mutasa B, Mbuya MNN, Majo FD, Tavengwa N, Francis F, Tome J, Evans C, Kosek M, Prendergast AJ, Manges AR and Team SHINET (2024). Bifidobacterium longum and microbiome maturation modify a nutrient intervention for stunting in Zimbabwean infants. Elsevier EBioMedicine vol. 108,
Phiri TN, Weatherill JW, Monford-Sanchez E, Serrano-Contreras J-I, Melvin C, Kunaka M, Chisenga I, Ngalande P, Mweetwa MN, Besa E, Haider T, Mandal N, Thompson AJ, Edwards CA, Bourke CD, Robertson RC, Posma JM, Banda R, Mwiinga M, Kazhila L, Katsidzira L, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Amadi B, Garcia-Perez I, Maitland K, Marchesi JR, Morrison DJ, Frost G and Kelly P (2024). Novel gastrointestinal tools (GI Tools) for evaluating gut functional capacity in adults with environmental enteropathy in Zambia and Zimbabwe: A cross-sectional study protocol. F1000Research F1000Research vol. 13,
Gough EK, Edens TJ, Carr L, Robertson RC, Mutasa K, Ntozini R, Chasekwa B, Geum HM, Baharmand I, Gill SK, Mutasa B, Mbuya MN, Majo FD, Tavengwa ND, Francis F, Tome J, Evans C, Kosek M, Prendergast AJ and Manges AR (2024). Bifidobacterium longum Strains Modify a Nutrient Intervention for Stunting in Zimbabwean Infants. Elsevier Current Developments in Nutrition vol. 8,
Broad J, Robertson RC, Evans C, Perussolo J, Lum G, Piper JD, Loucaides E, Ziruma A, Chasekwa B, Ntozini R, Bourke CD and Prendergast AJ (2024). Maternal inflammatory and microbial drivers of low birthweight in low- and middle-income countries. Taylor & Francis Paediatrics and International Child Health vol. 44, (2) 79-93.
Bourke C and Robertson R (2023). Severe acute malnutrition promotes bacterial binding over pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion by circulating innate immune cells. American Association for the Advancement of Science Science Advances vol. 9, (44)
Phiri TN, Mutasa K, Rukobo S, Govha M, Mushayanembwa P, Mwakamui S, Haider T, Zyambo K, Dumbura C, Tome J, Runodamoto T, Chidamba L, Majo FD, Ngosa D, Chandwe K, Kapoma C, Mwapenya B, Mufukari W, Sturgeon JP, Robertson RC, Smuk M, Ntozini R, Nathoo K, Amadi B, Kelly P, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Prendergast AJ and Bourke CD (2023). Severe acute malnutrition promotes bacterial binding over proinflammatory cytokine secretion by circulating innate immune cells. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Advances vol. 9, (44) eadh2284-eadh2284.
Jones HJ, Bourke CD, Swann JR and Robertson RC (2023). Malnourished Microbes: Host–Microbiome Interactions in Child Undernutrition. Annual Reviews Annual Review of Nutrition vol. 43, (1) 327-353.
Sturgeon JP, Njunge JM, Bourke CD, Gonzales GB, Robertson RC, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Berkley JA, Kelly P and Prendergast AJ (2023). Inflammation: the driver of poor outcomes among children with severe acute malnutrition? Oxford University Press (OUP) Nutrition Reviews vol. 81, (12) 1636-1652.
Robertson RC, Edens TJ, Carr L, Mutasa K, Gough EK, Evans C, Geum HM, Baharmand I, Gill SK, Ntozini R, Smith LE, Chasekwa B, Majo FD, Tavengwa NV, Mutasa B, Francis F, Tome J, Stoltzfus RJ, Humphrey JH, Prendergast AJ and Manges AR (2023). The gut microbiome and early-life growth in a population with high prevalence of stunting. Springer Nature Nature Communications vol. 14, (1)
Smith LE, Chagwena DT, Bourke C, Robertson R, Fernando S, Tavengwa NV, Cairns J, Ndhlela T, Matumbu E, Brown T, Datta K, Mutasa B, Tengende A, Chidhanguro D, Langhaug L, Makanza M, Chasekwa B, Mutasa K, Swann J, Kelly P, Ntozini R and Prendergast A (2022). Child Health, Agriculture and Integrated Nutrition (CHAIN): protocol for a randomised controlled trial of improved infant and young child feeding in rural Zimbabwe. BMJ BMJ Open vol. 12, (12)
Francis F, Robertson RC, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Prendergast AJ and Manges AR (2022). Antibiotic use and resistance in children with severe acute malnutrition and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Elsevier International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents vol. 61, (1)
Gonzales GB, Bourke CD, Sturgeon JP, Njunge JM, Robertson RC, Kelly PM and Berkley JA (2022). Commentary: Mechanisms of kwashiorkor-associated immune suppression: Insights from human, mouse, and pig studies. Frontiers Frontiers in Immunology vol. 13,
Bourke C (2021). Recovery of children following hospitalization for complicated severe acute malnutrition in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Wiley Open Access Maternal and Child Nutrition
Robertson RC, Church JA, Edens TJ, Mutasa K, Geum HM, Baharmand I, Gill SK, Ntozini R, Chasekwa B, Carr L, Majo FD, Kirkpatrick BD, Lee B, Moulton LH, Humphrey JH, Prendergast AJ, Manges AR and Team TST (2021). The fecal microbiome and rotavirus vaccine immunogenicity in rural Zimbabwean infants. Elsevier Vaccine vol. 39, (38) 5391-5400.
Thompson A, Bourke C, Roberston R, Shivakumar N, Edwards C, Preston T, Holmes E, Kelly M, Frost G, Morrison D and On behalf of the HUNGer Consortium (2021). Understanding the role of the gut in undernutrition: what can technology tell us? BMJ Publishing Group Gut
Gough EK, Edens TJ, Geum HM, Baharmand I, Gill SK, Robertson RC, Mutasa K, Ntozini R, Smith LE, Chasekwa B, Majo FD, Tavengwa NV, Mutasa B, Francis F, Carr L, Tome J, Stoltzfus RJ, Moulton LH, Prendergast AJ, Humphrey JH, Manges AR and Team ST (2021). Maternal fecal microbiome predicts gestational age, birth weight and neonatal growth in rural Zimbabwe. Elsevier EBioMedicine vol. 68,
Althaus T, Chasekwa B, Robertson RC, Ntozini R, Greenland K, Humphrey JH and Prendergast AJ (2021). Associations between maternal obesity and infectious morbidity in Zimbabwean infants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Gharpure R, Mor SM, Viney M, Hodobo T, Lello J, Siwila J, Dube K, Robertson RC, Mutasa K, Berger CN, Hirai M, Brown T, Ntozini R, Evans C, Hoto P, Smith LE, Tavengwa NV, Joyeux M, Humphrey JH, Berendes D and Prendergast AJ (2021). A One Health Approach to Child Stunting: Evidence and Research Agenda. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene vol. 104, (5) 1620-1624.
Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Dumbura C, Amadi B, Ngosa D, Majo FD, Nathoo KJ, Mwakamui S, Mutasa K, Chasekwa B, Ntozini R, Kelly P, Prendergast AJ, Besa E, Claire DB, Chakara P, Chidamba L, Chidawanyika T, Chidhanguro T, Chifunda K, Chilala E, Chingaoma L, Chipunza M, Chulu N, Dandadzi A, Dumba T, Dune W, Gondwe T, Govha M, Gwanzura K and Humphrey HJ (2021). Risk factors for postdischarge mortality following hospitalization for severe acute malnutrition in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Elsevier American Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol. 113, (3) 665-674.
Nadimpalli ML, Bourke CD, Robertson RC, Delarocque-Astagneau E, Manges AR and Pickering AJ (2020). Can breastfeeding protect against antimicrobial resistance? Springer Nature BMC Medicine vol. 18, (1)
Robertson RC (2020). The Gut Microbiome in Child Malnutrition. Global Landscape of Nutrition Challenges in Infants and Children Karger Publishers
Prendergast AJ, Gharpure R, Mor S, Viney M, Dube K, Lello J, Berger C, Siwila J, Joyeux M, Hodobo T, Hurt L, Brown T, Hoto P, Tavengwa N, Mutasa K, Craddock S, Chasekwa B, Robertson RC, Evans C, Chidhanguro D, Mutasa B, Majo F, Smith LE, Hirai M, Ntozini R, Humphrey JH and Berendes D (2019). Putting the “A” into WaSH: a call for integrated management of water, animals, sanitation, and hygiene. Elsevier Lancet Planetary Health vol. 3, (8) e336-e337.
BOURKE CD, PRENDERGAST A and ROBERTSON R (2019). Health Outcomes, Pathogenesis and Epidemiology of Severe Acute Malnutrition (HOPE-SAM): rationale and methods of a longitudinal observational study. BMJ Journals BMJ Open
Robertson RC, Manges AR, Finlay BB and Prendergast AJ (2018). The Human Microbiome and Child Growth – First 1000 Days and Beyond. Elsevier Trends in Microbiology vol. 27, (2) 131-147.
Robertson RC, Kaliannan K, Strain CR, Ross RP, Stanton C and Kang JX (2018). Maternal omega-3 fatty acids regulate offspring obesity through persistent modulation of gut microbiota. Springer Nature Microbiome vol. 6, (1)
Robertson RC, Seira Oriach C, Murphy K, Moloney GM, Cryan JF, Dinan TG, Ross RP and Stanton C (2017). Deficiency of essential dietary n-3 PUFA disrupts the caecal microbiome and metabolome in mice. Br J Nutr vol. 118, (11) 959-970.
Robertson RC, Oriach CS, Murphy K, Moloney GM, Cryan JF, Dinan TG, Ross RP and Stanton C (2016). Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids critically regulate behaviour and gut microbiota development in adolescence and adulthood. Elsevier Brain Behavior and Immunity vol. 59, 21-37.
Oriach CS, Robertson RC, Stanton C, Cryan JF and Dinan TG (2016). Food for thought: The role of nutrition in the microbiota-gut–brain axis. Clinical Nutrition Experimental vol. 6, 25-38.
Pusceddu MM, Nolan YM, Green HF, Robertson RC, Stanton C, Kelly P, Cryan JF and Dinan TG (2015). The Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Reverses Corticosterone-Induced Changes in Cortical Neurons. Oxford University Press (OUP) The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology vol. 19, (6)
Ordovás JM, Robertson R and Cléirigh EN (2011). Gene–gene and gene–environment interactions defining lipid-related traits. Wolters Kluwer Current Opinion in Lipidology vol. 22, (2) 129-136.
Mechanisms underlying preterm birth in women with HIV in rural Zimbabwe
Andrew Prendergast, Ruairi Robertson, Melanie Smuk, Claire Bourke, Nikolaos Donos, Robert Allaker, Abish Stephen, Conrad Bessant, Stefaan Verbruggen and Tina Chowdhury
£1,142,315 MRC Medical Research Council (01-05-2024 - 30-04-2027)
Andrew Prendergast, Ruairi Robertson, Melanie Smuk, Claire Bourke, Nikolaos Donos, Robert Allaker, Abish Stephen, Conrad Bessant, Stefaan Verbruggen and Tina Chowdhury
£1,142,315 MRC Medical Research Council (01-05-2024 - 30-04-2027)
Novel tools for evaluating intestinal dysfunction in children and adults with malnutrition disorders
Maurice Kelly, Claire Bourke and Ruairi Robertson
£670,581 MRC Medical Research Council (20-09-2021 - 19-09-2026)
Maurice Kelly, Claire Bourke and Ruairi Robertson
£670,581 MRC Medical Research Council (20-09-2021 - 19-09-2026)
The impact of microbial and inflammatory exposures on birth outcomes in rural Zimbabwe
Andrew Prendergast, Claire Bourke, Ruairi Robertson, Robert Allaker and Nikolaos Donos
£535,070 MRC Medical Research Council (01-01-2021 - 31-12-2023)
Andrew Prendergast, Claire Bourke, Ruairi Robertson, Robert Allaker and Nikolaos Donos
£535,070 MRC Medical Research Council (01-01-2021 - 31-12-2023)
Child Health, Agriculture and Integrated Nutrition (CHAIN): a randomized trial to close the nutrient gap in rural Zimbabwe
Andrew Prendergast, Claire Bourke, Ruairi Robertson, Maurice Kelly, Kavita Datta and Timothy Brown
£154,009 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-04-2019 - 31-03-2021)
Andrew Prendergast, Claire Bourke, Ruairi Robertson, Maurice Kelly, Kavita Datta and Timothy Brown
£154,009 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-04-2019 - 31-03-2021)
META-SAM Metagenomics and Metabolomics of Severe Acute Malnutrition
Ruairi Robertson
£265,625 Wellcome Trust (01-09-2017 - 01-03-2022)
Ruairi Robertson
£265,625 Wellcome Trust (01-09-2017 - 01-03-2022)