Prof Susana Godinho

Susana Godinho

Principal Investigator

FMD/Barts Cancer Instiute
Queen Mary University of London


cancer biology, cytoskeleton, cell migration and invasion, microenviroment, centrosome, cell


Our lab is interested in 3D culture models that better recapitulate different aspects of cell physiology relevant to study cancer. These include 3D spheroid co-culture, 2D micropatterning. We have a strong expertise in confocal imaging to take the most out of in vitro model system. We are particularly interested in models that incorporate different cellular components of the tumour microenvironment to study complex cell-cell interactions and invasion.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Fu H, Vuononvirta J, Fanti S, Bonacina F, D’Amati A, Wang G, Poobalasingam T, Fankhaenel M, Lucchesi D, Coleby R, Tarussio D, Thorens B, Hearnden RJ, Longhi M, Grevitt P, Madeeha S, Egle S, Godinho S, Bombardieri M, Smith D, Cooper D, Asif I, Rathmell JC, Schaefer S, Morales V, Bianchi K, Norata GD and Marelli-Berg F (2023). The Glucose Transporter 2 regulates CD8+ T cell function via environment sensing., Editors: Figliuolo ML. Nature Research  Nature Metabolism   
Monteiro P, Yeon B, Wallis SS and Godinho SA (2023). Centrosome amplification fine tunes tubulin acetylation to differentially control intracellular organization. Springer Nature  The EMBO Journal  vol. 42, (16)  
Hayat A, Carter EP, King HW, Ors A, Doe A, Teijeiro SA, Charrot S, Godinho S, Cutillas P, Mohammed H, Grose RP and Ficz G (2023). Low HER2 enables dedifferentiation and transformation of normal breast epithelial cells via chromatin opening. The Company of Biologists  Disease Models & Mechanisms  vol. 16, (2)  


Donker L and Godinho SA (2022). Too close for comfort? Endomembranes promote missegregation by enclosing lost chromosomes. Rockefeller University Press  Journal of Cell Biology  vol. 221, (6)  


Adams SD, Csere J, D’angelo G, Carter EP, Romao M, Arnandis T, Dodel M, Kocher HM, Grose R, Raposo G, Mardakheh F and Godinho SA (2021). Centrosome amplification mediates small extracellular vesicle secretion via lysosome disruption. Elsevier  Current Biology  vol. 31, (7) 1403-1416.e7.  


Adams SD, Csere J, D’angelo G, Carter EP, Arnandis T, Dodel M, Kocher H, Grose R, Raposo G, Mardakheh F and Godinho SA (2020). Centrosome amplification mediates small extracellular vesicles secretion via lysosome disruption. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory   
Wilcz‐Villega E, Carter E, Ironside A, Xu R, Mataloni I, Holdsworth J, Jones W, Moreno Béjar R, Uhlik L, Bentham RB, Godinho SA, Dalli J, Grose R, Szabadkai G, Jones L, Hodivala‐Dilke K and Bianchi K (2020). Macrophages induce malignant traits in mammary epithelium via IKKε/TBK1 kinases and the serine biosynthesis pathway. Springer Nature  EMBO Molecular Medicine  vol. 12, (2)  


Marat A (2019). Early Career Advisory Board: Q&A on career and publishing. Rockefeller University Press  Journal of Cell Biology  vol. 218, (9) 2815-2818.  
(2019). Early Career Advisory Board. Rockefeller University Press  Journal of Cell Biology  vol. 218, (9) 2813-2814.  
Godinho SA (2019). The principles of spindle bipolarity. Springer Nature  Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology  vol. 20, (6) 325-325.  


Arnandis T, Monteiro P, Adams SD, Bridgeman VL, Rajeeve V, Gadaleta E, Marzec J, Chelala C, Malanchi I, Cutillas PR and Godinho SA (2018). Oxidative Stress in Cells with Extra Centrosomes Drives Non-Cell-Autonomous Invasion. Elsevier  Developmental Cell  vol. 47, (4) 409-424.e9.  
Monteiro P and Godinho SA (2018). Structural Centrosomal Abnormalities Push Cells toward Invasion. Elsevier  Developmental Cell  vol. 45, (3) 286-288.  
Marteil G, Guerrero A, Vieira AF, de Almeida BP, Machado P, Mendonça S, Mesquita M, Villarreal B, Fonseca I, Francia ME, Dores K, Martins NP, Jana SC, Tranfield EM, Barbosa-Morais NL, Paredes J, Pellman D, Godinho SA and Bettencourt-Dias M (2018). Over-elongation of centrioles in cancer promotes centriole amplification and chromosome missegregation. Springer Nature  Nature Communications  vol. 9, (1)  
(2018). Cell scientist to watch – Susana Godinho. The Company of Biologists  Journal of Cell Science  vol. 131, (4)  


Rhys AD, Monteiro P, Smith C, Vaghela M, Arnandis T, Kato T, Leitinger B, Sahai E, McAinsh A, Charras G and Godinho SA (2017). Loss of E-cadherin provides tolerance to centrosome amplification in epithelial cancer cells. Rockefeller University Press  J Cell Biol  vol. 217, (1) 195-209.  
Rhys AD and Godinho SA (2017). Dividing with Extra Centrosomes: A Double Edged Sword for Cancer Cells. SpringerLink  Adv Exp Med Biol  vol. 1002, 47-67.  
Godinho S (2017). Centrosomes: PIDDosome Joins the Counting Game. Elsevier  Current Biology  vol. 27, (6) r237-r239.  


Gibbons JG, Branco AT, Godinho SA, Yu S and Lemos B (2015). Concerted copy number variation balances ribosomal DNA dosage in human and mouse genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  vol. 112, (8) 2485-2490.  
Arnandis T and Godinho SA (2015). Chapter 3 Studying centrosome function using three-dimensional cell cultures. Elsevier  Methods in Cell Biology  vol. 129, 37-50.  


Godinho SA (2014). Centrosome amplification and cancer: Branching out. Taylor & Francis  Molecular & Cellular Oncology  vol. 2, (1)  
Godinho SA and Pellman D (2014). Causes and consequences of centrosome abnormalities in cancer. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci  vol. 369, (1650)  
Godinho SA, Picone R, Burute M, Dagher R, Su Y, Leung CT, Polyak K, Brugge JS, Théry M and Pellman D (2014). Oncogene-like induction of cellular invasion from centrosome amplification. Nature  vol. 510, (7503) 167-171.  


Calado DP, Sasaki Y, Godinho SA, Pellerin A, Köchert K, Sleckman BP, de Alborán IM, Janz M, Rodig S and Rajewsky K (2012). The cell-cycle regulator c-Myc is essential for the formation and maintenance of germinal centers. Nat Immunol  vol. 13, (11) 1092-1100.  


Bettencourt-Dias M, Hildebrandt F, Pellman D, Woods G and Godinho SA (2011). Centrosomes and cilia in human disease. Trends Genet  vol. 27, (8) 307-315.  


Parmar K, Vinciguerra P, Godinho S, Hamilton A, Pellman D and D'Andrea AD (2010). Cytokinesis Failure In Fanconi Anemia Pathway Deficient Hematopoietic Cells. American Society of Hematology  Blood  vol. 116, (21)  
Vinciguerra P, Godinho SA, Parmar K, Pellman D and D'Andrea AD (2010). Cytokinesis failure occurs in Fanconi anemia pathway-deficient murine and human bone marrow hematopoietic cells. J Clin Invest  vol. 120, (11) 3834-3842.  


Vinciguerra P, Godinho S, Parmar K, Pellman D and D'Andrea A (2009). Cytokinesis Failure in Fanconi Anemia Pathway Deficient Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cells. American Society of Hematology  Blood  vol. 114, (22)  
Ganem NJ, Godinho SA and Pellman D (2009). A mechanism linking extra centrosomes to chromosomal instability. Nature  vol. 460, (7252) 278-282.  
Godinho SA, Kwon M and Pellman D (2009). Centrosomes and cancer: how cancer cells divide with too many centrosomes. Cancer Metastasis Rev  vol. 28, (1-2) 85-98.  


Kwon M, Godinho SA, Chandhok NS, Ganem NJ, Azioune A, Thery M and Pellman D (2008). Mechanisms to suppress multipolar divisions in cancer cells with extra centrosomes. Genes Dev  vol. 22, (16) 2189-2203.  
Godinho S and Tavares AA (2008). A role for Drosophila Polo protein in chromosome resolution and segregation during mitosis. Cell Cycle  vol. 7, (16) 2529-2534.  


Schüller U, Zhao Q, Godinho SA, Heine VM, Medema RH, Pellman D and Rowitch DH (2007). Forkhead transcription factor FoxM1 regulates mitotic entry and prevents spindle defects in cerebellar granule neuron precursors. Mol Cell Biol  vol. 27, (23) 8259-8270.  


Pearson J, Godinho SA, Tavares A and Glover DM (2006). Heterologous expression of mammalian Plk1 in Drosophila reveals divergence from Polo during late mitosis. Exp Cell Res  vol. 312, (6) 770-781.  
Alves PS, Godinho SA and Tavares AA (2006). The Drosophila orthologue of xPlkk1 is not essential for Polo activation and is necessary for proper contractile ring formation. Exp Cell Res  vol. 312, (3) 308-321.