MIMETAS is a global leader in human tissue and disease modeling, using its organ-on-a-chip technology to develop physiologically relevant 3D in vitro models without the need of expensive equipment. The OrganoPlate® platform enables high-throughput screening and therapy co-development, available as off-the-shelf products and services.
MIMETAS’ OrganoPlate® platform
The OrganoPlate® platform is a microfluidic 3D tissue culture plate, supporting 40 to 96 tissue models on a single 384-well microtiter plate. Using the PhaseGuide™ technology, cells can be patterned in or against an ECM, allowing the formation of (barrier) tissue models in a 3D environment. The microfluidic chips are made of 2 or 3 distinct compartments without the interference of artificial membranes. This setup enables cells to interact and migrate freely between the channels in co-culture conditions.
Continuous media perfusion through the microfluidic channels can be achieved using the OrganoFlow® in a pump and tubing free manner. The gravity driven perfusion maintains flow in the tissue models, mimicking blood flow and enables the exchange of nutrients, oxygen and metabolites with minimal setup required.
Using the standard 384-well format, the OrganoPlate® is compatible with standard laboratory equipment including high content imagers and robotic liquid handling equipment. This culture platform supports a range of on- and off-plate assays, including high resolution 3D imaging, fluorescent barrier leakage, transport assays and Trans-Epithelial Electrical Resistance (TEER) measurements. Due to its PDMS-free materials, the OrganoPlate is ideal for compounds exposure.

OrganoFlow system

Ready-to-use tissue models
MIMETAS’ OrganoReady® models, are ready-to-use, robust, tissue models developed in the OrganoPlate platform. The optimized models are manufactured by our experienced scientist, and delivered, live, to your laboratory including all reagents and necessary medium. The OrganoReady solution enables the use of 3D human tissue models without the need for cell and ECM handling, and utilizing optimized protocols. Supported OrganoReady models include, the Intestine (Caco-2 or Adult Stem Cell-derived organoids), Vasculature (Blood Vessel or Angiogenesis), BBB and pre-seeded Collagen, explore them here: https://www.mimetas.com/en/organoready/
With several robust, ready-to-use organ models and optimized protocols, the OrganoPlate platform offers a versatile solution for various in vitro tissue culture applications. Explore our collection of over 100 publications for further inspiration.
Getting Started
Get started with the OrganoPlate technology through the OrganoStart™ packages or join one of our workshops. MIMETAS provides various starter packages, which are all-in-one solutions allowing first-time users of the platform to efficiently start using 3D human tissue models. The OrganoStart package includes OrganoPlate or OrganoReady models, OrganoFlow for the introduction of perfusion flow, access to our E-learning module for in-depth training and consultancy hours with MIMETAS’ experts for personalized support.
In addition, MIMETAS provides monthly OrganoStart Workshops for researchers to learn about 3D tissue culture modeling and the use of the OrganoPlate platform. The workshop delivers both theory and hands-on practice in one of our laboratories provided by our experts.
For further information or quote request, please contact MIMETAS through: Support@mimetas.com or their website: https://www.mimetas.com/en/request-a-quote/
See the links below to the different OrganoPlate types and instruments: